Avatar of Khryptid


Recent Statuses

5 mos ago
Current Exotic Butters sounds like a good drag name honestly.
5 mos ago
I'm back, hope everyone had a good new year!
6 mos ago
hey all, i'm gonna be on a mental health hiatus. sorry for the short notice. hope everyone's doing well.
7 mos ago
wearing a very long shirt and shorts is always so awkward. I feel like i have to convince people i'm wearing pants and not just free-balling bare-leggied.
8 mos ago
kids, don't do drugs. they're really expensive.


hey there, i'm khryptid. i'm 24 and use they/them pronouns. i've been roleplaying for fifteen years.

i have a constant itch for angsty romance; enemies to lovers, slow burns, conflicting interests, forbidden love, etc etc. If it's not complicated, i'm not interested.

you can always message me and check my interest checks if you're interested in plotting something!

Most Recent Posts

if you’re looking for deep plots with romance elements let me know!! welcome to the guild!! :-)
hey!! what roles are you looking for romance-wise? do you have a preference?
bumpity bump, i have a spot or two open!
Hey there!

My name's Khryptid, I've been on the guild for a minute, I think 8 or so years? I've been rping for 15 years and counting.

I like roleplaying conflicting romances; star-crossed lovers, enemies-to-lovers, slow burn, forbidden lovers, etc. If it's not angsty I'm not interested.

I'm putting out feelers for an extra writing partner or two since I've been seriously itching to plot stuff out.

I'm looking for someone to fill a masc/male role in the romance roleplay. If that's you, please message me or comment on this post! I'm open to alot of different suggestions, eras, themes, etc.

Thanks for reading!
bumpie bump! :)
welcome to the guild!
bumping again!
bump. still looking!

I sent you a message, sorry for taking so long!!
bumping tentatively! have a spot open! :)
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