Avatar of Little Italy
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    1. Little Italy 9 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
I stopped to get food on my way to get food and I think that says a lot about me as a person.
6 yrs ago
The longer Sebastian Stan's hair gets, the more I am attracted to him.
6 yrs ago
Do dogs think in woofs or barks
6 yrs ago
How come I have no problem spending $30 at the Cheesecake Factory, but for anything else I'm like "It's $5 ARE YOU INSANE do I look like I'm made of MONEY"
6 yrs ago
Opened the kitchen drawer to get a spatula and found a whoopee cushion instead and if that doesn't sum up my 2017 idk what does


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Yeah there's a lot of ambiguous shit I don't mind filling in ourselves tbh
Yeah I'll be honest, I didn't even look up the actual dialogue and just went off of what I remember from doing the quest XDDDD
Elle had a feeling that what awaited them tomorrow would be more than interesting. Terrifying is the word she would use. It seemed the Greybeards were a peaceful sort, but maybe they were threatened by her existence and sought to destroy or capture her. Or she could just be paranoid and they just wanted to understand and help her. She would find out tomorrow, no use worrying abut it tonight. She was grateful for her brief outing, even if she had almost gotten them both poisoned via the trap she had set off. She decided to focus on that instead, and the contents of the journal she had found.The night was cool and crisp compared to the dank chill of the barrow, but she much preferred the warmth of the inn. Thankfully the return to their lodging was uneventful, and she retired to her room after bidding Nil goodnight in return.

Sleep didn't evade her for long this time. If she had any dreams, she didn't remember them, and the next thing she knew, sun was filtering through the window onto her face, its warmth and light causing her to stir. Her eyelids fluttered open as she sat up and stretched, sitting still for a moment as she gathered the motivation to get out of the bed and don her armor. With a soft sigh, she got to her feet and went about getting ready for the long trek up the mountain, a knot of nerves starting to form in her stomach once more. While she knew at least some of her questions would be answered, she was afraid that it would open more doors to the unknown, and almost dreaded what was in store. Was she really cut out for this? Would the Greybeards be disappointed that, out of all the warriors in Tamriel, she was the one who held the power to slay dragons? After all, they were probably expecting some tough warrior with a fighting background, which she was most definitely not.

Similar thoughts swirled around her head as she went out into the inn, making straight for the innkeeper, Wilhelm, who stood behind the counter. "Excuse me," she hailed him, setting the journal she had discovered the night before upon the counter, "My companion and I recovered this from the nearby barrow, belonged to a fellow named Wyndelius. You wouldn't happen to know of him?" she asked.

He looked surprised, picking up the leather-bound pages and leafing through to the last page. "Wyndelius, you say? Aye, he headed out to the barrow long ago. If you're bringing me this... I assume he's dead then?" he asked, to which he received a solemn nod from Elle. "A damn shame, that. Well, thank you for bringing me the journal. I guess that place wasn't haunted after all. I suppose it's only fitting I give you this," he turned around and unlocked a safe before facing her again, a dragon claw in his hand, much like the golden one that activated the door in Bleak Falls Barrow. This one appeared to be made of sapphire, judging by the brilliant blue stones adorning it.

Elle picked it up tentatively and smiled, "Thank you, glad we could help," she said, though she got a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. If what was behind that door was anything like the first one, she wasn't sure that she was ready to open it just yet, not until she had a better grasp of the situation. She decided to keep the key to herself for now, storing it in her pack with the rest of her things. She would tell Nil about it later, maybe they could go back to the barrow once they were done up on High Hrothgar.


"I ᴄᴀᴍᴇ, I sᴀᴡ, I ʜᴀᴅ ɴᴏ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴀs ʜᴀᴘᴘᴇɴɪɴɢ."

Elle flipped back through the journal to see if there was any documentation of the recipe, and shook her head. "I'm afraid not," she replied, glancing up, "But, I bet the potion in this," she moved over to the table and picked up a tall flask, purple and turquoise in color, "Is the stuff that made him appear spectral," she guessed, uncorking the top to peer inside. She had no plans on actually drinking it, now didn't seem like a good time. But Nil was right, it may come in handy some day. One never knows when the need might arise to scare the pants off someone. She replaced the cap and offered it to him, having spied another one on the shelf; one for each of them.

"Seeing as we don't have the claw to open that puzzle door," she said, tucking the journal in her belt and picking up the second glass philter, "There's not much else to be done here, so we might as well go back and at least try to get some sleep. Ten thousand steps is a long trek." Compared to their other adventures, this midnight outing was very tame, and had helped take edge off of her anxiety about the future. Maybe she might be able to get some rest now. She needed it, no doubt. Something told her she wouldn't be able to rest easy again for a long time.
Let's just do one more lil collab to make things easy cause this next bit is gonna be all dialogue anyway
Honestly tho. Whatever you wanna do man. I think technically it's my turn to post, so we could do one more little collab to set them on their way to Primm? Or we could just collab the whole frickle frackin RP.
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