Loksfjoer is a Contest Moderator.
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Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current Remaking my Pokémon Trainer RP setup, almost done!
6 mos ago
NaNoWriMo winner \o/
7 mos ago
Time to vote! There are a few days left for the voting period of the latest writing competition. Please take a moment to read the entries and vote for your favourite.
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9 mos ago
Last day of voting. Get them in while you can!
9 mos ago
We have some good entries for the writing competition; votes and/or feedback are appreciated. Check the link in the sidebar!
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Hello everyone. I'm Dutch, a mother of a 8-year old boy and I love both rp-ing and writing. Since May 2020 I'm one of the contests mods.

I started with writing Dutch stories in 2002, I was already 19 at that time. I joined a writing competition and that got me started. Soon I started to write down all the stories my over-active imagination came up with. I had my first forum rp experience in 2003 on a Dutch fantasy forum. While I continued to write, I stopped rp-ing when the particular rp and forum slowly died. In 2011 my love for rp's rekindled when I joined a site with a forum and I started to RP solely in English since that is the language of the site. This is also when I wrote my first story in English.

I've got a few 1x1 rp's going on this site and a couple more on another site. I've always been a fan of writing competitions and I joined a lot several of the ones that were hosted on this website. Now I get to host them myself and really enjoy that too.

When you come here to check if I'm online, know that even when I show as online I might not be able to respond to RP's. I open this site so that when I have time I can spend some time here, but I don't always end up with the time to do so.

If I haven't replied in a while, feel free to poke me. I don't ghost on purpose, sometimes I just forgetful and if I read your reply and accidentally closed the tab I might forget I was supposed to reply T_T

Most Recent Posts

@Loksfjoer Approved! My only slight concern is that a character who is a loner tends to have trouble interacting with other characters. As long as you feel that won't be an issue, then I don't have an issue.

I've used this character in other RP's. He likes his solitude, but mingles when needed. He isn't shy and speaks his mind, so there will be opportunities for interaction. I'll add that he speaks his mind as I forgot to include that. And make a mention that when he's in town, he does visit public places like taverns.
I was planning on playing a dwarf, or maybe a human. This Redcap got me intrigued though.
Important! For this round I have upped the word count. Instead of 500-5000 I have the word count listed as 1000-7500.

Banner created by Celxstiial

RPGC #39 – Two Worlds

We all know about the world we live on, we've known it for our entire lives. There is only one world. Until, one day, a doorway opens.

Write a story about either a human going to another world (different planet, alternative universe, the underworld, ...), or an inhabitant of the other realm visiting earth. You can write from the human perspective, or from the perspective of whatever resides on your other world.

Core rules:
  • At all times follow the Fundamental Rules of the Guild and the Moderation Policy for Forum Contests.
  • After reading the above this should be obvious: no plagiarism and respect copyright laws.
  • The story you submit must be written by you and specifically for this contest. This also means no AI generated stories.
  • This is a place for original fiction, no fanfiction allowed.
  • Don't exceed PEGI 16 with your writing; no 18+ themes and fade to black if applicable.
  • Don’t forget to subscribe to this thread. You will receive updates on the contest and on the number of entries, and reminders about the deadline here. I will not PM them.
  • The winner of this contest will be honoured in our Trophy Case.

Contest rules:
  • In this contest you'll need to write about someone from one realm going into another and how they experience the strange new world. Don't forget to add a bit of worldbuilding!
  • There will be a minimum word count of 1000 and a maximum of 7500
  • Please PM @Loksfjoer your entry and give it as title RPGC#39 - (Your Title).
  • Your entry can be anonymous or carry your name. Let me know what you want in the PM. If you don't specify, your entry will be posted anonymously, but you may always claim your story during or after the voting round.
    Even for anonymous entries, the name of the writer will be added to the entry in the Hall of Fame.
  • The deadline is May 7th, 9:00 CET, which is 7:00 server time (both times are in a.m.)

Number of entries so far: 0
Howdy folks! I just dropped the newest chunk of lore. From here on, I will be checking to see if I have enough players. Once I have 3+ players, I will make an OOC post for this rp. If you are interested, either respond to this comment or give it a reaction of some sort.

It's been a while since I did a dragon RP. I'm interested.
Fenna stood with her spear in the hand, the end resting on the ground. Zigmund had fallen and Adam went in for the kill. She had never before witnessed an execution, but this was satisfying. The man who had caused them so much pain was going to die. Suddenly there was an explosion and Fenna was thrown away, like the others who had surrounded Zigmund. She came down on the ground hard and groaned, but was quick to get back on her feet.

"Oh no..." their enemy stood once more. The rain... had it something to do with the rain? She looked down at her spear, the ice was already used up in their first attempt to defeat Zigmund. While the elemental damage she had partly absorbed from Zigmunds earlier attack was gone, she still remembered how it felt, much like the fire damage from before. Maybe? She tried to focus on it to infuse her spear again, but that failed. Her eyes darted over the field and while Clive and Barracker dealt with Zigmund, she rushed to MacKensie.

Fire or ice? Water puts fire out, ice freezes water, but Zigmund has ice abilities as well. The thoughts rushed through her mind as she joined her fellow ranger. "I don't know if this works," she said as she put her hand the bolts she could see. She closed her eyes and concentrated for a moment on the feeling of ice magic and transferred some of it onto twelve of the bolts. "I don't know if this will hurt him more or not, try it with one bolt. If it doesn't work, keep them for later."

After that she turned to the battlefield once more. It had not turned in their favour. Zigmund looked around until his attention was on her and there it remained. "Okay then..." she muttered. When it came to special abilities there wasn't much she could do right now, but she could keep Zigmund occupied for as long as she could. "Challenge accepted."

Her eyes moved to a tree behind Zigmund, she couldn't see Sil but she knew the falcon was there. Wait for the right moment she thought, hoping Sil would understand. While Fenna wasn't sure if Sil's talons and beak could do much damage to this water ninja, the falcon was fast and a well-placed distraction could be the difference between life and death.

With her spear ready she rushed towards Zigmund, focussing on his movements. She knew he was fast and that he could disappear and re-appear with ease, but she had battled him before and she knew his movements better this time. And if he'd try some elemental magic on her, she knew that while there was a limit as to how often she could absorb it, she hadn't reached it yet.
As Mike remained in the library, Benjamin went towards his room, planning his time. Five minutes to quickly change, fifteen minutes of running, five minutes to change back, five minutes to get to the tearoom. It was doable. Or, he could just change and run outside, ending at the tearoom. Mike would find it, they didn't have to go together. With a nod he closed the deal for himself and walked towards his room.

Lily took her phone when she heard the the message enter and grinned when she saw the text. She texted back to give approval for the abduction. After that dialed a number and brought the phone to her ear. "Prepare a cell, we will have a guest today."

Mike was clicking through the intranet of the computer to try and gather as much data as he could about where Gaia and Steph could have been taken to. Until he noticed the time, he logged off and since Ben wasn't back yet he texted him to let him know he'd head over already. He left the library and moments later he was outside, walking towards the tearoom.
As Fenna attacked, roots appeared around her boots and she glanced only briefly towards Adam to determine they came from him. Just a moment later sharp and cold pain erupted on areas of her body that had been rained on, mostly around her head, shoulders and arms. It wasn't enough to stop her attack, but blood trickled down her face where the skin on her skull was pierced. Luckily the wounds weren't deep, and the cold pain seeped into her body. After the fire attack of their last battle she recognised the feeling as it travelled towards her hands and the spear seemed to frost over. First fire damage, now cold damage.

Fenna wiped the blood from her face, the water ninja had lost his interest in her, but she had not lost her interest in him. She was about to move when she realised Barracker was not where he was before. She found him and hesitated for a moment, but before she could made a decision the sound of an approaching horse caught her and everyone else's attention.
"Clive!" she exclaimed.

When Barracker was seemingly safe - he managed to walk towards the temple by himself - and James shouting the order to attack, Fenna rushed forward, only slowing down when the shockwave of steam hit her. As the water ninja hit MacKensie to the ground she prepared to strike him with the spear, but he was faster than her and suddenly went for Adam. She turned to try and keep up with Zigmund as Sil came down, but the sudden appearance of the bear startled her.
"It's okay, stay back," Fenna told the falcon, who complied and flew up to circle above the battlefield once more.

With the bear attack and the two warriors attacking Zigmund, Fenna couldn't get a good opening to get an attack in, but that didn't matter. She was patient. With her spear ready she waited for an opportunity to strike.
I'll try to get my post in soon. If not today it will surely be added tomorrow.
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