Avatar of Malevocholy


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6 mos ago
Current "Weird hill to die on, but at least you're dead."
1 like
8 mos ago
@Vampiretwilight - Condolences.


User has no bio, yet.

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<Snipped quote by Malevocholy>

I'm glad you're okay too.
*Holds the pose for a few seconds and then lets go*

*Shrugs and continues to my room*
<Snipped quote by Malevocholy>

Wait wait wait—
*Hurries over to the sound of your footsteps and gives you a hug*
Older sister privilege.

*Tenses somewhat*
<Snipped quote by Techspert>

*Crosses my arms*
Not a chance.

<Snipped quote by Malevocholy>

Your luck's gonna run out eventually.

<Snipped quote by Malevocholy>

And she's probably asking you because she cares.

<Snipped quote by Legend>

*Just smiles*

*Mutters something and starts towards my room*
<Snipped quote by Malevocholy>

*Exits my own room quietly*
I think, Nox, that Stella's trying to say that she was worried about you.

<Snipped quote by Malevocholy>

Do you even care?

Quite a bit.
<Snipped quote by Malevocholy>

Here's the thing: As a member of the Cloud family, you can't just go out without a plan. You'veta be ready in case everything gets bad.

*Stares at you, unimpressed*
<Snipped quote by Malevocholy>

Sometimes you make me want to do just that.

*Doesn't say anything*
<Snipped quote by Malevocholy>

Lesser detectives than me could figure it out. What's your plan if they just go after you?

<Snipped quote by Malevocholy>

You know mom and dad have a lot of enemies out there. What are you going to do if they end up going after you?

Everyone knows who I am.
<Snipped quote by Malevocholy>

Did mom or dad know where you were?

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