Avatar of Red7VII
  • Last Seen: 10 mos ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 865 (0.41 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Red7VII 2 yrs ago
    2. ███████ 4 yrs ago
    3. ██████ 5 yrs ago
    4. ██████ 5 yrs ago
    5. ██████ 6 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
When Miley Cyrus is naked and licks a hammer it's "art" and "music"... but when I do it, I'm "wasted" and "have to leave Home Depot".
4 yrs ago
My grandfather had the heart of a lion and a lifetime ban from the Central Park Zoo. Rest in peace you strange, strange man.
4 yrs ago
My girlfriend is always stealing my t-shirts and sweaters... But if I take one of her dresses, suddenly "we need to talk".
5 yrs ago
My ex girlfriend had this really weird fetish. She used to like to dress up like herself, and act like a fucking bitch all the time.
5 yrs ago
“I have 3 kids and no money, why I can’t I have no kids and 3 money.” -Homer Simpson


I love writing when I have the time and motivation for it. My posting frequency is generally one or two times a week on average. Supernatural, Horror and Fantasy are usually the genres I hang around most, but I'm not afraid to experiment with something new. I've made a lot great friends here, many of whom I met when creating the Red Hood universe, and am always looking forward to making more.

I tend to be a little raunchy and crude at times but if you can handle that, you'll have a heck of an RP buddy in me!

The Red Hoods: Rebirth
The Red Hoods: Initiates
The Red Hoods: Genesis
Red Dead Reckoning
X-Men: Avalon Rising
X-Men: The New Era
Cold Front: Tacitum
Crime & Devilry
Welcome to Ashton
The Fates' School for Gifted Monsters
TWD: Hell On Earth
Haven for the Inhuman
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Drake: Inextinguishable
The Energy Storm
Frontier of the Damned
Land of the Giants
The Haunted House
World War M


Magnificent Bastards: The Many Faces of RedXIII

Most Recent Posts

I think plenty of people would be interested in that concept, but you may attract more players if you flesh out the idea a bit more. What sort of plotline do you envision? What type of setting? Is this going to be on a celestial plane, is it on earth, is it modern times, the future, the past?

You've got an intriguing baseline. Develop it a bit and pitch the details. Good luck!
I don't mind writing out 1 or 2 villains for you all to battle against for an "episode" or two if you can find other people to write your protagonists.
You have my interest.

I've got my eye on Pride or Lust, but I'm pretty flexible. Is someone else has a solid idea for one of those, I don't mind choosing the other or something different altogether.

In any case, cool concept for an RP. I look forward to seeing it come to life.

I can't fully commit, yet (at the mercy of my work schedule), but if I can make this happen, I'd like to reserve Vance and possibly see him fully fleshed out. Will know soon whether or not I can carve out enough consistent time.

The join status says "Apply". If that is accurate, you may see me CS proposal by tomorrow. Regardless, I'm loving the web you all are weaving. It's been an entertaining read thus far. Well done!

Location: NYC, Cerberus HQ | Interaction: Open

The glow of the computer screen danced upon the curves and crevices of his face. Of Max's face. He stared blankly at a revolving assortment of images and words, absorbing the information like a sponge. His supernatural garb was back in its metal case mere feet away from where he currently sat. With his elbows resting on the table, hands clasped around themselves in a manner that almost looked as if he were praying, Max sat in silence in his work uniform at the center of his dimly lit office that sat thirteen stories up in a building just outside of the heart of New York.

After The Hood had brought those world-be victims down to safety, it was time for him to change tactics. Hood was strong, powerful even, but only when compared to normal humans. Against these mutants and government sanctioned super powered maniacs, The Hood could only accurately describe himself as a small fish in a great sea. While he was deficient in godly might, he was confident he could make up for it in tactical expertise.

Earlier, The Hood had made his way back to his parked vehicle just outside the dock, figuratively tip-toeing under the noses of sentinel and MRD agents alike as he employed various measures of stealth to traverse the distance without incident. Is was only when he was back safely in his car that he dared to remove his cloak and boots, becoming Max Robbins once more. From there, his next moves were clear; Retreat and regroup.

His stomach had churned at the mention of calamity at the Oscorp building and it took everything in him not to throw on the cloak once more and charge into the fray, but that would be a fool's errand. Instead, he kept his wits about him. He needed to do more research if he was planning to inject himself into this ongoing hostility.

"He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight."

Video footage continued to play on Max's computer screen. Overhead shots of various mutant terroristic incidents (as they were labelled in the media) displayed some familiar faces and showcased some of the powers they possessed. With each demonstration, Max made a mental note. That one seems to be able to shoot blasts from their eyes. That other one healed from nearly being decapitated in what seemed like mere seconds...

He continued taking it all in silently as the images shifted from mutant to Ultimates. He looked for even the most minute tells, anything that could indicate a weakness or irritant. His first-hand experience told him all he needed to know about Venom and his particular limitations. As he continued compiling his mental notes, he began pondering on how he could exploit those vulnerabilities. What upgrades and alterations could he make to force gods to falter?

"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles."

Suddenly the phone upon Max's desk chirped to life. The display screen illuminated the name 'Derek Eastwind'. Max took hold of the mouse just long enough to pause the digital footage on the computer before pressing a button on the phone.

"Derek." His tone was solemn, matter of fact.

"Mr. Robbins, sorry to bother. We've got a problem," announced the deep, raspy voice on the other end of line. Max's heart sank just a bit. No one officially knew he was The Hood, not even the people he employed. If 'we have a problem,' then it was a Max problem. Just icing on the cake of chaos that was already entangling his super hero alter ego.

"Speak on it," Max demanded stoically.

"It's Mr. Li, sir." The Roxxon millionaire that Max had escorted to work just that morning.

"What about him?" Emotion was slowly creeping out of Max's throat. Mr. Li was one of Cerberus' whale accounts. Max made his life a priority and would even personally dedicate his own time to making sure Mr. Li was untouchable.

"I'm sure you heard about that battle royale," Derek began to explain, referring to the afternoon's super powered spectacle. "Well Murphy received Mr. Li after his meeting this morning was was taking him back to his penthouse. Murphy's GPS showed steady movement for the majority of the travel duration, but then the signal went dark."

"Where did it go dark?"

"The GPS stopped transmitting in Midtown."

"Manhattan." The word seethed out from Max's teeth as he skin began to flush with warmth.

"Yes, sir. Right around-"

"-where the Ultimates took on the Phoenix Order," Max finished, his voice increasingly louder with each word. "FUCK!" He grabbed hold of the phone and threw it against the wall, letting the dark plastic shatter into fragments. He could feel the tempo of his heartbeat racing. Was his most prized client still alive? Did those super powered homicidal maniacs just turn him into another casualty? Max forced himself to breath slower as he leaned over his desk in defeat. It was all just too much...

No. His eyebrows raised as an epiphany began settling in. You're not defeated. You're just getting started.

With his breathing back under control, he pulled his chair out for himself and sat back down before hitting the play button on the footage again. Hopefully Mr. Li was still alive, but running back out into the storm right now would be a fruitless effort. It was time to prepare. If the tyrannical 'heroes' and the chaotic mutants insisted on having their war at the expense of everyone else, then it was high time Max got off the sideline.

“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
-Sun Tzu

Location: The Docks | Interaction: @Chulance

Max, or rather The Hood, exhaled. Immediately light began to reflect off of his skin and clothing as his visibility returned. The vigilante found himself standing at the backside of an MRD operative, the sound of blasts, shouts and commotion ringing out in the background. It was the Ultimates and the MRD versus a rag tag group of mutants, some of whom were firing out in self defense. Unfair odds, for sure. When in doubt, he thought, protect the underdog. While Hood was a capable combatant, he could hardly categorize himself as a heavy hitter when compared to the likes of his super powered counterparts. That in mind, he decided being loud and eye-catching would be bad for his health.

Stealthily holstering his guns, he then sprung out at the operative, employing a choke hold and letting the weight of his own body drag the man down to the ground as the suffocation soon begat unconsciousness. Hurriedly, he pulled the limp body further out of sight behind the cover of the vehicle. As he poked his head out, he took in the scene of the hulking ebon alien sending the young mutant flying through the window of a warehouse.

He's going to need help, Hood concluded silently, though whether or not he was the right guy to provide it was tougher to determine. Venom's brutality and eagerness to kill was more than offputting. As famous and adored as these Ultimates were, Hood was witnessing very little that justified such admiration. There was no doubt in Hood's mind that Venom was a murderous bully. Perhaps all the Ultimates were when the cameras were off...

Regardless, he needed to act now and he really didn't need to get shot in the process. Hood took in a big breath and said farewell to the visible spectrum as he sprinted toward the rumbling warehouse. As he ran, two plasma rifles flew overhead, greatly outpacing his own speed as they floated into the warehouse and began to open fire.

Well, maybe he doesn't need the help, he thought, slightly elated that the mutant was starting to hold his own a little better. The notion came too soon, however, as the warehouse quickly caved in on the two adversaries. Hood stopped in his tracks and caught his breath. One of the resistance fighters showed up to his left and began firing at the alien as he emerged from the rubble.

"Are you fucking stup-" but before Hood could finish chastising the shooter, he looked on in horror as the young man was pulled in and devoured. Hood's jaw dropped, his entire body paralyzed. The two in front of him continued to focus on eachother, letting loose hell while Hood continued to be frozen in utter shock. How in the fuck could anyone look at this thing and think its a hero?

Hood's mind finally snapped back to the issue at hand once the fight had gone aerial. He looked on from below as the mutant sent venom down like a comet into the street in close proximity to pedestrians.

"Shit! HEY... uh... 'NOT-VENOM'" he shouted at them as he sprinted towards the site of the collision, trying to get the mutant's attention. "There's people! You're going to hurt som-" Just then, the mutant had used two hover vehicles as weapons in a pincered slam that immediately resulted in an explosion. "FUCK!"

Hood dove for the nearest group of onlookers, grabbed the edges of his cloak and extended his hands skyward like a bird stretching their wings. The mystical Norn stone embedded within immediately reacted, imbuing his cloak with rigid durability as rogue metal debris bounced off of it, missing the gathered few that was around him.

"Shit. Are you alright?" Hood's forehead was covered in beads of sweat, panic painted upon his face. The young men and women slowly got out of their protective positions to give Hood somber looks and affirmations that none were seriously injured.

Hood let his cloak fall at ease as he looked around. He saved a group of five onlookers from injury and mutilation. For that, he felt accomplished, but it was a fleeting feeling as he looked around the rest of the street. Scattered along the sidewalks were people on the ground bleeding, cries of shock and woe, desperate calls for help... He saved five, but he failed so many more...

Quickly his opinion was changing. Venom was quick to earn his ire, but Hood was realizing that the mutant was just as reckless, just as violent and haphazardous about the sanctity of innocent life. They both needed to be stopped.

Hood's fists tightened into balls as he watched the mayhem ensue further down the street. The two idiots barreled into a moving SUV before taking it apart with a family inside. I've got to get there, he concluded intensely. Weaving through moving traffic was an obstacle that would only cost him time. Time that the family was running out of. He looked down at his boots for just a moment and then put them to work.

As if climbing an invisible staircase, the boots of levitation allowed Hood to ascend thin air just high enough to be over the head of any vehicular roofs. Once elevated enough, he took off in a straight sprint toward the SUV that was now wobbling in recoil from the impact of its collision with the super powered morons. As soon as Hood got within arms reach, he grabbed the arms of two of the occupants, forcefully pulling them out of the untamed vehicle and slinging them over each of his shoulders as he continued to sprint to keep pace. Reaching in once more, he grabbed the remaining occupants and held them up, stopping in his tracks as he stood on open air. The vehicle finally succumbed to gravity and flipped, screeching down the street on its side. Solemnly, Hood carried the four people over to the nearest sidewalk and set them down one-by-one.

His hearing began to muffle as his anger intensified. He couldn't hear the words the man was saying, but surely it was something about dismay for his car. He couldn't really hear the screams of horror and excitement for the people around him, but he knew they were happening. It was like his head was underwater. His eyes moved like lasers as his gaze craned over. Those metaphorical lasers quickly fixated on Venom and the mutant once more.

They were skyward now and then they chaotically collided into an office building. Hood felt something inside him itching to crawl out. Something caged within clawing at the walls. His veins started feeling hot and his eyes began to illuminate...

He dashed out through the sky, his cloak flapping behind him as he ran on an endless supply of invisible platforms until he reached the gaping hole in the office building. More screams... more mayhem... Hood bore witness to the mutant expelling fire wildly, the flames engulfing Venom and the innocent workers alike. One of the workers suddenly, violently, took flight and crashed mercilessly and brutally into a metal bell, serving as its organic gong. That wasn't a power that Venom possessed. That was the mutant using someone's life like a toy.

Just as Hood was about to pull out his guns and intervene, he felt a hand on his shoulder followed by a blood curdling screech. As he turned, he found himself face to face with a woman flailing in the flames that were consuming her. The smell of melted skin filled Hood's nostrils. Her eye sockets were drooping and her scalp was completely charred. Boils rapidly grew and popped in clusters on her cheeks. It was enough to knock Hood's psyche completely off balance. With a swoop of his arm, he brought the woman in under his cloak to extinguish the flame and slowly brought her down to the ground to let her lay. Even though the fire was out, the sickening sizzle remained. She was breathing, thank goodness, but he wasn't sure sure she'd ultimately be happy that he saved her life. She was destined for a lifetime of deformity and pain, physical and psychological.

As he looked up, Hood quickly realized he lost sight of the two homicidal maniacs. It wasn't long after that he could feel the building begin to rumble as if an earthquake had begun. Panic swept the office floor as people began screaming about the building coming down. There were too many of them... he couldn't save them all...

Tears began to well up in his eyes as he ran toward the destructive opening of the office windows, quickly grabbing two people by the waist and slinging them over his shoulders. He then did a low sweep, grabbing the burn victim off the ground and securing her in his grasp. And finally, just as someone was running across him in a disorganized frenzy, he grabbed them by the belt with his last free hand and took them in tow, too. With each step toward the opening, he could feel that the ground was no longer solid. He couldn't afford to look back, but he had to imagine that he was only just ahead of the ever-expanding crumble that would eventually take the entire structure down.

With one last leap, he and his four passengers went airborne. After a small drop, the boots found their footing in the air and Hood's descent was halted. Slowly, begrudgingly, he turned to watch as the rest of the building fell in a cacophony of screams. All those souls lost for the sake of two gods' egos. Hood was disgusted. As he slowly made his way down from the sky, he couldn't help but feel like it was a descent into hell.
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