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In ArcRift 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In support of true heroism

A slightly winded cleric rushed forward towards the building area, his body fueled by both a sense of duty and protection, and pure unadulterated spite towards the bastard who tried to burn everyone... The barriers trailing right behind him, following with his concrete cracking run. As he arrived to the epicenter of the battle, it was all too clear everyone was attacking the asshat known as firefly with everything they had... Hershel grit his teeth for a moment, hands clenching into fists as he stared into the distant wailing onto the flying bastard...

It wasn't his kind of fight, unfortunately. Letting a long and frustrated sigh escape his lips, eyes fluttering closed... the duke would bide his time for now despite spite. Instead, the man opted to extend his hands, open palms once again, and maneuver his barriers close to him in preparation for any collateral that could come down to the area.

And for better or worse, the cleric wouldn't be made to wait all too long. The pyromaniac's equipment kept being hit and damaged, prompting an action of either panic or defiance: To throw as many high explosives down as he could muster into the street, threatening the enterity of their rescues once again.

Without wasting even a further instant as others made isolated explosives detonate ahead of time instead of chain, the cleric sprinted away again towards the first aid camp entrance intending to protect the rest of the street, for it was quite obvious that every instant would count. By this point, the magical black-ish shield walls had compressed into two small blocks to each side of the cleric for ease of movement.

Yet just as he had done so, a familiar face faced forward towards the danger, a man in a spandex who seemed quite cold and business-like on dealing with superman beforel, who now moved at an incredible speed, captured by the cleric's hazel's almost in slow motion: To web every single bomb he could get his hands on, like a true spider setting up their webbing, catching everything it intends.

It was a conjecture as the man started to climb up, but Hershel knew from educated guesses and experience what the idea would be. Without missing a beat, his magical bag opened at his will and two different long spears with steel shafts would be pulled out from it as the red and blue hero reached the apex of their path... Hershel's position abruptly shifted, the metal tube from the weapon being firmly grasped while the other kept the remaining of the pair ready for some form of use.

A single message would be swiftly transmitted to the hero now starting to fall from the sky:

"Catch onto what I am throwing, pay attention" Delivered at a speed spoken language can't compare as from a javelin-throwning position, the spear took off breaking the air, approaching to intercept the hero's trajectory without threatening to impale... but if they didn't react, their chance to latch onto it would be missed.

And just as the spear took off, so did Hershel and his barriers behind him, his position adjusting from throw to sprinting towards the crumbling building, second spear gripped in hand and hazel's shining once again in the magical blue of his power, exerting control over the magic he already carried from before.

Then from the sprint, a jump, dust and wind following his sudden motion as his momentum carried him to the side of the building in an arc through the air. Crash

His weapon and foot dug into the concrete of the structure for an instant, before the cleric put all his strenght into his arm, and swung himself upwards without hesitation, stabbing the spear from the wall at the right time and running up the side of the building until his momentum would run out...

tick, tick, tick, TICK. But the bombs's timer would wait for nobody, and Hershel knew this. His following magical barriers extended outwards, positioning themselves under the cluster of explosives procured by the hero in spandex before locking onto each other, forming the shape of a cone with an upwards opening, funneling the bulk of explosive power upwards.

And just as the explosives were about to blow, Hershel stabbed his spear onto the side of the building once again, locking himself in place and his concentration onto the disaster containment... the bastard was NOT going to one-up them, and someone's heroism would not be undermined.

Interacting with: @SomeMekBoy@Thatguyinastore
In ArcRift 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

From the pan and into the fire of spite.

The process of healing would go on as usual while events unfolded. Newcomers arrived at the outside perimeter of the area, the weird puppet seems to have been fixed up quickly by the purple cat, who just happened to meet a new friend... all while a sequence of patients kept being fixed while the cleric waited for their conversation to progress.

Eventually, Ultron would restart the flow of their meeting by confirming that they had run out of sources of fresh info, prompting the duke to frown while bandaging someone's arm which had had the clotting powder applied to a wound, keeping it naturally closed, cleaned and now covered.

"Tch... at least exposing that we are being lied to should smoothen the process of having the group work for a better cause"With a click of the tongue, his tone remained serious if also slightly annoyed at the turn of events, ultimately sighing in resignation at the end of his sentence.

The arrival of someone relating to 'space' and 'marine' together caused the man to focus his attention in their direction, mostly in curiosity at first, but completely stopping the start of his next treatment upon spotting they seemed to be readying a weapon... this could spell trouble if ill-handled, and Negan with the old man weren't the epitome of tactful. Yet things couldn't remain uninterrupted for even a second as an obviously condescending blue man strut into the scene, calling everyone weaklings...

This in itself didn't matter all too much to the cleric on a personal level, but this individual spelled trouble by the fact that they seemed... unhinged. Even his slight and automatic empathetic read would give him some modicum of information on people he met if the emotion was strong enough, but this one, it was akin to trying to listen to dozens of different parallel voices at the same time, a fact that only happened when a person's mind was an absolute mess from the start.

Hershel was already standing up, somewhat tensed by this point and getting ready to act while keeping an eye in the direction of the possible trouble in silence... his nerves only eased somewhat at the appearance of a familiar man, someone who called themselves Lucifer. Maybe it was one that remembered, maybe it wasn't, didn't matter, the cleric appreciated their presence, especially as despite being willing to verbally throw down with the blue shit-talker, he also advocated for peace.

Yet, irreversibly the cleric would remain on edge for now, even as he crouched down to attend to another individual, alert to his surroundings and noises and visuals that could be related as an attack of sorts... from either the inside or the outside due to that armored individual originally threatening to blast them... in the middle of this tense scene, one of the pained civilians accidentally dropped the glass vial which contained a mix of water and sleeping powder onto the floor.

And every single concern on camp Avad held at that moment vanished within the time it took for the glass to clank against the concrete under the fabric... the earth-shaking boom rocking the entirety of the first-aid camp, the clanking of supplies and people screaming in confusion and falling over resounding like a cacophony of chaos.

Hershel, unsurprisingly, dug his heels and remained standing, turning his body right after the shaking subsided in the explosion's direction, cold, alert, and narrowed eyes scouring every single bit of the scene down the street. A manic man flying through the air, torching cars with a crimson streak coming from their weapon, laughing like a true unhinged man while doing so.

And they approached, and kept approaching in their direction, in the direction of many injured and scared people who got caught up in this whole mess and lie... This instant, it was as if everything had slowed down in front of Hershel's eyes. The fluttering rushing flames coming from the weapon, the panicked people trying to run away from the man, right into a funnel that could be blown up. The thundering booms in front, the abundant thumping of shoes on concrete behind...

A wave of rising, flaming anger was sparked within the duke, observing how a ruthless individual was attempting to undo all their work so far... whoever it was [I]didn't matter[/].

Hazel eyes started shining in a fierce and unwavering blue light, alongside the pendant handing down Hershel's nets, starting to flow alongside his cloak as if there was wind blowing. The tip of his fingers, and a bracelet hidden under his sleeve started glowing as well, like an electric circuit coming alive in brilliant blue.

For a moment, all this flowing 'power' funneled towards a stone and circuit in the man's bracelet, detonating into the surroundings behind him with great power, reaching anyone awake who was a civilian.

"Stay put if you want to stay alive" A mental message, delivered with chilling authority and cold anger behind it. A seemingly counterproductive order coming from the voice that would be recognized as the head of the first aid team by anyone that had spent time in camp for more than a couple of minutes.

And as the attacker's flames inched closer, more and more magical power started flowing through his body, the circuit of magic coming alive once again after being spent. As the scorching heat started to be close enough to be felt by the cleric, the man staying in front of the scrambling civilians, his 10 fingers started moving like inked pens on parchments, inscribing a variety of characters and glyphs into the air, voice rising and speaking at an incredibly high speed from the magical duke in a seemingly foreign and odd language, understood only to him.

"Oh magical power that aids us in our struggles, heed my call and materialize, not as a wall of blades, but as the staunch shield wall made from the metal of eternal winter, obey my wishes, and protect at my will, TRUE SHIELD!"

His cold and severe voice boomed into the surroundings, as from both hands materialized two sets of magical black-ish blue kite-shields, interlocked to perfection like plate armor with each other, over the two civilian holding areas where the man's open palms were pointed right as the pyromaniac had started to sweep.

His body starting to elicit a cold sweat, moved, shifting the barriers under his control to intercept the barriers that could directly torch innocent people as they executed their strafe-run, the height of it making it impossible to tell at first what was exactly happening (barely hovering over two meters in height). The magic material itself seemed to greedily swallow the flames that came in contact with it after letting them flow for a moment on its surface. These two true shields would follow the attack of the man, focusing on shielding the people who had all been told to stay put by Hershel, straining as they grew further from the man...

The eventual moment of truth would arrive as his blue-shining hazels locked onto the car barricade of his own making, the shields abruptly shifting to staying in front of both areas, hoping to minimize the explosions and flying shrapnel as much as possible, but the shockwaves themselves would probably still harm the people closest to them... nothing much he could do about that.

A stone-cold sense of anger fuelled his endeavor as his body strained, the shields complaining and cracking under the intense detonations' strain which sent shrapnel and fire in all directions, but holding just like the duke's steel will, only being dispelled after the flying mad pyromaniac had shifted to going up to the crumbling buildings, Hershel's posture slightly breaking as a long sigh escaped the man's lips.

His cold and furious eyes stared at the scene that devolved in front of every single group: the merciless and cruel incineration of what seemed to be a peculiar individual. All this did cement a single fact inside the duke's mind, one that manifested from his own lips the moment his breathing had become steady again.

"I will make that bastard pay, FOR DARING TO ATTACK THIS PLACE" A truly uncharacteristic, raspy, and furious shout escaped the usually composed Hershel, booming into his surroundings as his heels dug into the concrete.

"Anyone not caring to fight, lead the civilians away. Anyone else..." A speech addressed to anyone left within the camp with power was paused for a moment, eyes locking onto the ongoing struggle.

"Sink that bastard with everything you got" The tone of gelid fury once again rung out as Hershel sped away, breaking the concrete as his sprint was directed towards the combat area engaging the pyromaniac, his barriers redeploying as he did so to cover any further attack.

Shouting to: @Thatguyinastore@ProfSpacecakes@Attesa@ClownTown@Yamperzzz@Lmpkio@MorgueofCrowz@SkipTheKip
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Priorities reminded, annoyance dispelt.

By this point, the cleric had tried to put his mind to helping civilians again instead of reprimanding and reigning in troublesome people... only to listen to a certain purple cat ranting in the background right after being told off. 'Just bear with it Hershel, they will do more help than hurt being around...' As he had been trying to calm himself mentally while aligning broken bones together, he felt the nearby presence of the levitating one prodding at him with enthusiasm.

"...haaaa..." A small, defeated sigh escaped his lips as he waved at the purple cat after giving them a thumbs up with a bloody hand... medical work in emergencies gets bloody. And without getting even another second to focus on his work again, a certain puppet man would bust through the entrance loudly, demanding attention from him specifically right as he was bandaging the injury on a patient's leg and splinting it...

He remained silent as a result, finishing up the treatment of the civilian before moving onto what to do next. He had been quite well aware that his intimidation of the older man bearing a gun had worked, and as such was not paying any mind, even as he heard in the background the almost failed fiddling with the weapon... not his business, not his concern. A true missfire was a concern, but at this rate they would probably leave on their own.

Before he could act to help the weird puppet though, the purple cat had him covered... good, it was good that it was actively helping around, it made the cleric's opinion of them better. Right after, Ultron shared very interesting matters relating to the city's affairs, and how suspiciously everything aligned... which reminded him of the topic they had been addressing before the sudden and rude interruptions.

Seeing as the original trio had been left to their own devices (And after watching with a smirk at the retired hero putting the old bastard in his place), he joined their conversation after taking out the two watches from his pocket bag.

"Ultron, here... please do check if they are alright and the like." Giving a slightly coy smile during the window of time allowed to him, Hershel then turned towards the retired hero, trusting that Ultron would be quickly able to neutralize any possible eavesdropping.

"You... I never caught your name. Well, regardless, I am also interested in knowing if there was any extracted info already... beyond that." The cleric snapped his fingers, his hands becoming fully clean once again, cupping his chin right after while looking towards the floor.

"I am willing to gander that we are being used for a power grab, Lex Luthor attempting to make people hate superman before asserting control over what they used to protect... a power grab executed by depriving information and paying people to smear them or control them somehow... what a dirty fellow." Scowling for a moment before sighing, he turned back to the lanky man and the robot.

"What are we going to do about the rest of people? Beyond the watches, I also bear mediums of communication capable of contacting others mentally, but its slightly limited in the amount of words used. My partner will probably easily back us up in trying to undermine Lex's intentions, but I can't say for sure for everyone in the group... and that may be a liability." The duke frowned before shaking his head.

"I guess it will come down to our own negotiation and leadership abilities to keep that under control, eh?" Ultimately, all Hershel could do was smile wryly towards the tall blond man before letting a sigh escape his lips. Crossing his arms for a second, he silently moved towards the closest nearby patient, keeping his ears peered for any further piece of conversation coming his way.

Interacting with: @Attesa @ProfSpacecakes @ClownTown
Around area: @Yamperzzz @Thatguyinastore @darkred @Lmpkio
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Tacit understanding, harmful stupidity.

Considering the new group had gone out of their way to reach the safe area for civilians, that they would be able to offer some form of help towards himself and the retired hero, some kind of support or even just extra safety towards the area itself. Specially so after interrupting the one opportunity their little group had found to air their suspicions and concerns about Lex.

This is why he had been so brief and business-like with them, and why he had been quite willing to go back to work. The odd-looking speaking animal was... fine enough. It started by being quite cooperative enough, even if a little weird. He wanted to respond to their inquiry as soon as he had listened to what Ultron had to say... smirking ever so slightly at the suggestion to 'fix' their watches.

Yet the purple quadruped with forked tails decided to butt-in at their own leisure, possibly risking their talk being leaked. Hershel felt his annoyance rising by the second, at the very least easy to contain for now.

But the whole dam broke the moment he had glimped past the floating cat-like being, seeing an older man aim a gun at an innocent person. Letting gently go of the person's limb he was treating, the entirety of the duke's body and muscles tensing up in an instant, preparing to sprint with all his strength towards the imbecile attempting to maliciously murder someone innocent.

Only by virtue of the bullet being stopped by an influx of power he had sensed beforehand, had he not gone further than turning around and standing up. But by this point, enough was enough. The retired hero snapped first, helping the cleric temper his nerves, sighing a long time before his eyes locked onto the gun-wielding buffoon who had attempted murder before returning to the other two.

"Stole the words right out of my mouth there... You, the forked-tails one. If you promise to behave and use normal supplies in the crate while here, you can keep helping, but otherwise get away from injured" A cold anger permeated his words, only slightly aimed at the purple one he talked towards. Turning his sight towards where the stinking booze had been poured, Hershel snapped his fingers, the wounds of the poor invidual cleaned in an instant before turning towards the biggest offender of the day... slowly walking towards them with a cold, slightly cruel smile.

"And you. Try to attempt murder on innocent bystanders again, and I'll make it so you receive the harm back tenthfold" He sounded the angriest he had been so far since they arrived to this world, staring daggers at the confused older man, his foot digging into the fabric under them, and into the concrete harshly, cracking noises spreading around him.

Another long sigh escaped his lips before turning towards Negan with a more neutral expression.

"And you, I think you would be far more fitting going off to fight... thanks for dumping people here at least. Just don't dump weird drinks onto people... instead, bash any poor bastard's head that may try to damage this place." A serious and business-like tone reigned his voice when talking to the bat-wielding maniac and trying to get them to cooperate the best he knew... the gun idiot was a lost cause, but there was still possibilities with the other two... as much as he wanted to click his tongue.

Turning away, he went back to the patient he had left mid-treatment in fixing their injuries, thankfully they were lower urgency.

In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

To uncover malice, unexpected help.

Hand extended, words spoken and coy expression still showing, the cleric was quite ready to enact their little plan to talk in safety. And yet right after he had been handed the tall man's watch and pocketed it into his bag, a somewhat odd yet familiar metallic shell shape and voice would turn up unexpectedly...

The cleric initially flinched at the first few words from what he quickly recognized as a part of Ultron, smirking at his assertion of skill by procuring these shells in the first place on their own... Offering help in aid was quite useful after all. Yet before the conversation could proceed in that direction, the retired hero pushed the topic back onto where they had started: Superman's behaviour

His expression went serious and slightly cold for a moment before speaking up.

"I also hold heavy suspicions, but they were not all related to superman." The man paused for a moment before shooting one look towards Ultron and the retired hero, then turning back to his next patient. "The forceful conscription, the selective feeding of information... the lack of background on the man himself" By this point the man had gone back to surgery and fixing people up while talking, smoothly doing both without even stuttering or stopping.

"I suspect Lex Luthor is attempting to use us for a power-grab of sorts, and is pulling some strings... I don't have the most bases for this, but I got some experience with... being used for a squashing of threats and asserting control." As his hands moved skillfully, putting someone's bone back together before splinting, his tone tourned sour, and for the first time today, legitimately resentful before the duke let a sigh escape his lips.

"Any extra information that could obtained would be appreciated... Ultron, was it? There's also a couple crates with first aid supplies... thank you for your help." The unconscious civilian now had their leg bangaged and held in place by medical equipment, the broken bones in all likelihood healing properly given enough time.

Hershel turned with a serious expression towards the pair talking to him.

"The business owner will probably try to keep an eye on us, will also probably try to get us to do his dirty work... we should be careful. The man's expression shifted now to a smirk while snapping his fingers, his bloody hands becoming suddenly clean.

"Lets us command this mission to find the truth and turn the tables on the manipulative individual... we fight under our own terms, and only for reasons that we consider right... they can be self-serving when overall harmless, but we mustn't let ourselves be used for dubious means."

Just right about wghen the Hershel had finished his speech (meant only for the ears of the hero and Ultron) did a new group of individuals probably still wearing their Lex corp watches arrive. His eyes narrowed for a single moment, the rest of his expression having turned serious the moment he felt someone approach, before speaking up.

"Ah yes, good! We needed more hands on board... I would recommend keeping stainable accessories off any limbs that will be touching people, and if you have magical means, reserve them for more serious injuries... I made the safe area, and the name is Hershel Avad" The cleric waved at himself, then shot the retired hero a slightly coy look, remembering how they still hadn't caught his name.

"Short introductions for everyone, then lets get to work. For anyone interested, there's a crate of my personal first-aid supplies near the wall... for civilian use only unless you really need to treat your own injuries." His voice this time was directed towards everyone before moving onto the patient right besides, preparing to treat them swiftly.

Interactions: @ProfSpacecakes@ClownTown (for the first part of the post) @Attesa@Yamperzzz@Thatguyinastore (recent arrivals)
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Ongoing disaster, uncertainty brewing.

As the safe zone was established, it was already starting to get flooded by rescued and injured civilians galore, with a decent amount of people from their group going out of their way to funnel them in. Needless to say, this would keep the cleric with a background in battlefield medicine busy as he could be alongside the other heroic leader in the squad. Hershel was capable of surgery, putting bones back together and binding them like so, sterilizing on the go and a few other things, making as quick of work as possible for any more serious injury with the least amount of magic possible, reserving that for anyone who had a fatal injury of sorts.

A snap of the fingers was all he needed to magically clean his own hands, another one for the tools he was about to use on people from needles to splints fine knives used as scalpels. At hand he also had two odd and shiny powders in hermetic jars, one similar to the color of blood clots with an odd silvery-shine to it and the other which was very much a bright emerald-green.

The first one, when placed over an open bleeding wound would accelerate the clotting process immensely while the other when ingested, would lead to falling asleep within a minute. They were reserved for the most severe cases in which his medicine skills wouldn't make it in time.

As the pair of Duke and retired hero did all they possibly could to save the affected civilians, the clock ticked for the strike teams as they got further embroiled in the conflict. Eventually, as the safe area was forced to grow in size due to the volume of affected, Hershel would be spoken to by the biggest helper he has had in this first aid endeavor in private while treating patients together...

Hershel had raised an eyebrow at first in curiosity, stopping the treatment of a lesser severity individual while carefully listening... noticing where their gaze had moved towards for a moment: The Lex-provided watches. Keeping a serious expression regardless of having caught up to the implications, he would only show a smirk upon listening to the other's conjecture, deciding to do something somewhat unexpected.

"You are overthinking this and instead of worrying too much, you should be focused on the civilian safety... for which, these watches are a cleanliness liability, ugh" His tone was annoyed and disgruntled, but his expression was a complete contrast, showing a slight smirk and winking towards the retired hero, the disconnect being obviously jarring for anyone watching who didn't catch onto the intentions.

"Here, hand yours over as well since I saw you stitching people, I'll keep it safe for now" Unhooking his own watch from his wrist with a bloody hand placing it within what seemed to be an odd magical bag... he offered his hand towards the retired hero, retaining the same coy expression from before completely unlikely his tone.

"I don't want blood from others getting stuck and spreading due to that thing, come on." Hurrying the other with another wink and an annoyed and rushed tone, their meeting would be a stealthy one with a proper reason for it regardless of possible eavesdropping.

Interaction: @ProfSpacecakes
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Disaster, time to jump to action!

The situation kept on moving, with the retired hero adding to his own input... Hershel had a high opinion of the veteran by this point. The registering continued, Ultron seemed to grow more cooperative, and their teams kept on swelling with numbers one by one.

Their situation was progressing steadily on the organizational matter, only aided by the further bits of information given by Lex, the matter on kryptonite also noted down on the few sheets of paper the cleric had been using so far before their uncertain peace was suddenly broken by an earth-shaking explosion rocking the entire building. Hershel flinched for a moment before gripping onto the counter, slightly denting it at the abrupt reaction from the ruler. Once the movement had stopped, the duke quickly pocketed his supplies before they were abruptly pushed out by the guards, running a variety of scenarios in his head as to what he could do and what the other people involved can do.

Once outside, some people were hesitating, others already took flight, and the one in their spider-inspired suit started taking swift action and giving orders. The cleric took one deep breath while his eyes fluttered closed, a sigh escaping his lips before his view locked onto the crumbling building, then his watch.

Dialing an emergency call to everyone who possess one of the gadgets, his voice boomed with stern seriousness.

"Follow the already mentioned guidelines, those that can fight go fight through the exterior of the building breaking walls or jumping or whatever you can to approach areas that could be cut-off by the crumbling, those that are able to, go and rescue as many and leave them a safe distance away from the crumbling building. I'll be securing a safe site some couple dozen meters away to do first aid and healing, bring injured people to me and anyone that specializes in such matters, come to me, Hershel out!" Closing the call from his watch, he stepped strongly on the ground, denting it slightly while calculating the safe distance once the whole piece of concrete collapsed.

Once finding an open street area without too many cars, the cleric would flex his muscles after sharing his location through the watch and lifted up some of the empty vehicles one by one from the bottom, placing them as the base of improvised barricades facing towards the disaster site, leaving one two-people wide opening between the vehicles in the middle. Thickening this line with more cars and anything he could find within his bag, next up the duke placed thick pieces of long fabric in the areas behind the improvised walls, cushioning for anyone fainted. Wiping the sweat off his brow, he placed some first aid supplies in his person (bandages, pure alcohol, some basic splints) within a pair of crates, everything he could muster which could be used to treat a small battallion.

@ anyone in the disaster site, there is now a place to lead rescues and injured towards
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

An intriguing (if annoyingly phrased) discourse.

His previous organization job continued, though this time with more smiles as he got yet another individual fitting of a non-strike category alongside more active combatants, quite the good news. There was even the amusing little business man from before, acting all enthusiastic about the cleric assuming leadership... A wry smile formed on his lips while momentarily scratching his cheek... he didn't quite know what to do with them, but they would figure that out with time.

It was then that the 'group faction' found their first hurdle. Right after a certain individual seemingly made of metal spoke up in disdain against their meisures, dislike and conceitment quite clear for everyone to see. A light scoff escaped the cleric as Otto made their future contributions clear after directly addressing Ultron by stating about previous defeats... probably a connection of some kind of the same world.

The man who had the demeanor of an experienced mercenary showed downright hostility and distrust without even knowing the one called Ultron. It was now time to interject, otherwise matters will decline inevitably at this rate.

Right after the man who had previously subdued a dog finished his part and the cleric had finished registering matters, a weary sigh escaped his lips and once again the pencil was put down. Standing up again and locking eyes onto the man made of metal, his eyes showed seriousness, but no hostility.

"That's the important part... you are not obligated. Technically, nobody here is. But we are chosing to do so due to facing an overwhelming opponent in a situation where we lack just about any kind of preparation... you yourself just mentioned, despite having a lot of potential, you are handicapped by a lack of production facilities which..." A methodical pause before showing a confident smirk and raising one finger at the robot.

"Is something that can be arranged, can't it? Specially smoothened by assistance in exchange of future assistance." Holding his position for a moment while staring Ultron down, his eyes locked soon enough onto the man speaking foreign words between his english.

"And as much as I would like to consider your complaint, a dire situation requires dire measures, does it not? And to place distrust with each other right away will only bring trouble and discourse... a lack of unity in fighting is the undoing of any fighting force. A... fighter, will probably know that quite well" A serious and stern tone, but one that wasn't condescending, instead more so slightly fed up was spoken towards the newest addition of the strike team.

"...haaaa. And all sterness aside, going back home or obtaining benefits, there's plenty of reason for working for this mission initially, or am I wrong?" A slightly tired sigh escaped his lips before engaging back into business mode, a polite smile returning to his face just as the pencil did to his hand.

Interacting with: @ClownTown@QizPizza
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

One can never escape paperwork.

This was a fact that only dawned on the blue-cloaked man after the fact, after his speech: That he had positioned himself to be the one administrating and listing everyone's categories... By that point, he had also realized how much it would bother him to not have the matters on paper and organized if they were going to be the leadership figures anyways... an obnoxious, pervasive itch of annoyance born from habit and experience dealing with messy paperwork and organization.

By the time the first individual had started their introductions, he could only sigh in defeat at none other than himself, smoothly went around the counter and pulled all the necessary tools to start noting down information in the format of of a name (if not, a short description of features), categorization and if there was any further power detail. The scribbling of his pencil rung out as his eyes sharp and serious as he filed the paperwork.

And as the compilinh went on, many seemed to opt to sound somewhat dramatic and omitted to mention their names... No matter, with descriptions, it was doable (Adding the ocassional known name). With a wealth of individuals joining strike, they would not be lacking in firepower at the very least... but their brains and planning department seemed to suffer somewhat.

The man did receive a specific inquiry directed to his person in the form of concern from a girl... all he could muster as his pencil stopped was a slight and confident smile, and a thumbs up towards the red-hooded individual.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. As much as I would like to complain now, I am very proficient relating to administrative work and leadership... thanks for the concern, but focus instead on working with everyone" A gentle and bigger was directed at her person before the cleric returned to his work, eyes turning serious and sharp again.

Even despite the vagueness, Hershel would mostly be able to gauge people's intentions and assign them to the right group, one by one as they also physically grouped together in different spots. Some highlights would include Lucifer who covered flight, the purple-skinned man who packed a powerful rifle of some kind alongside supposed interrogation skills, Sougo's sheer number of 'abilities' yet remaining to be covered, and the sudden call that would inform him of the presence of detectives joining info...

There was also an outlier with no group and others that were very straight-forward, but what had the man most satisfied was the addition of the bulky man (who seemed to bear some kind of temporary form) into tactical alongside someone of stealthy nature volunteering as well. Their bases were getting better covered by the second.

When it came to the suggestion of the 'retired hero', he could only nod seriously and add respond with his own assignation.

"That's a wise idea in case one's abilities are limited by some kind of restraint... And you seem like a reliable leader, and as such, a good addition." He smiled somewhat warmly to the now skinny man before turning back to his paper.

"As for me, I will remain in tactics. As you have seen, I bear a good ability to manage information and organization... but I also possess a good deal of strenght, tools, weapons and most importantly... I can heal others. Even the body and consciousness going cold isn't going to stop me if I can at least get access to the body. But that's better managed when emergencies come around, instead of wasted on some spur-of-the-moment decision." Shaking his head after finishing filling his info, he turned towards the rest of the crow, straightening his back, a surprising confident smirk on his face.

"Our line-up is looking abundant so far, and depending on the individual prowess... our prospects could even be good!" A thumbs up was raised as to accompany his point before returning his hand to the pencil, getting ready to write any new additions.

Interacting with: @Thatguyinastore @BoltBeam @ProfSpacecakes and @ anyone paying attention to him.
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Satisfactory answers, less than ideal troubles.

As he stood back and waited, a woman, who he didn't recognize from the original group which had been trapped in the cage made herself known and present to everyone, specially by specifically making use of his previous points (even if it was in a more informal manner).

He nodded amicably to the woman, soon enough returning to the conversation at hand while feeling slightly nervous at the defensiveness of his partner. There was more messes in-between, including a silly, familiar face he was glad to see up to his amusing shenanigans and accidental innuendos.

Regardless, the conversation was able to move back into business at Lex's behest as he just about satisfiedevery single inquiry that had been done from visuals to explanations... yet, the cleric remained somewhat wary, but would attempt to cooperate from here onwards at least a bit. Expression remaining unreadable, he split from his support of the wall, more willing to engage with the business at hand from the display of transparency (If still not trusting the intentions of Luthor just yet).

First, someone tried to take leadership of affairs with a solid (if basic) plan, only to his nekomata to assert her independance and displaying her flawless shapeshifting to accentuate the point of her uselfulness... the cleric could only smile wryly, scratching his cheek for a moment before letting a sigh escape his lips.

This feeling of wryness would only intensify as the eccentricly-dressed woman teased Berit over her possessiveness... The duke knew what he would need to do later, but that came after addressing the plans first. Following up was a buff man who supported the initial plan from their fellow eccentricly-dressed men (What is up with so many skin-tight suits...).

"I do have a suggestion, and that is to further separate the categories into smaller groups that are meant to compliment lacking shortcomings between members, or emphasize affinities. To lead a big group of people or even three without further sub-divisions will get messy quickly, and though I have the experience, asserting yourself to be a group leader without knowing its members is a fool's errand... and not everyone will have the same level of energy and cooperation." He looked towards his partner for a moment, a pleading look which implied a request of cooperation before turning back to a more confident expression.

"Above that, as demonstrated by Berit here and her flawless shapeshifting, the tactical side specifically will need sub-divisions to be effective and make full use of available skills." His body language and hand-gestures showed resolve and confidence, punctuating specific and relevant words as he spoke, from waving to pointing to fluid motions, etc.

"We should also do two more things" Finally starting to leave his corner of the window and walking towards the middle of the room with two fingers raised, he stared at the rest of the crowd with confidence.

"First, we need to reserve the watch usages for emergencies, if we are being limited to three usages, the last thing one should do with a device akin to teleportation and 'summoning' all at once is waste it." His first finger lowered, only leaving his index raised.

"We'll need to define the implications of the categories and commit to paper or some registered way as to what each person can do, and organize the teams accordingly... to do lesser will be messy, and if we are doing something akin to bounty-hunting someone powerful, the last thing we should do is be sloppy." Finally, a slightly tired sigh escaped the duke's lips before looking around the crowd, moving towards the counter and leaning with his back against it in a relaxed manner.

"Any further suggestions or complaint about my own?" Politeness returned to his tone after the speech was finished, a small and nice smile on the man's lips as he waited in silence.

Interactions: @Thatguyinastore@ProfSpacecakes@SomeMekBoy@Starmaker @ anyone else in the room who cares to respond to him

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