Avatar of The Savant
  • Last Seen: 0-24 hrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 538 ( / day)
  • VMs: 1


Recent Statuses

8 days ago
Current And when I say "your" - I really mean any of the politicians in the world.
8 days ago
You can thank your politics for making almost any topic political then, Xandrya along with the idiot followers thinking a lot of topics are not political and something else when they are not.
3 mos ago
Don't forget that the doctor also ignores everything you told them as well so they don't do anything more than the shots and tests they already preplanned.
3 mos ago
1x1s are my favorite way to paragraph role-play but they are definitely not for everyone (same with group). It's all perspective.
3 mos ago
I have ad block on my laptop but not on my phone. The ads on mobile are outrageous 😂


Salutations~ I am The Savant.

I have been role-playing for over a decade, and I am in my early to mid-twenties. I enjoy reading and writing a lot. The two most current books that I have finished and highly recommend are "The Darkening" by Sunya Mara and "Immortal Longings" by Chloe Gong. Those are the genres that I love to participate in most during my writing, though I am not limited to those. I enjoy all forms of concepts from ancient times to current day issues from fantasy to advanced technology. Fantasy species. Anything that catches my inspirational eye.

If you are ever interested in chatting or possibly setting up a role-play with me through DMs one-on-ones, message me. I promise I do not bite ~ hard. I prefer to role-play with people my age or older because I enjoy graphic descriptions and writings of adult themes. Not everyone appreciates those details which I understand and can respect: Inform me of what you want from me. Boundaries are key with writing partners and I love being able to stay within the boundaries and keep partners for a long time.

I have recently decided to start writing my book with one of my past character and group role-play inspirations that failed, recently, on this site. I have also had odd ideas of writing a book with another person through our role-plays, though I have never had anyone be interested in actually attempting it so I ask people very rarely. If you would be interested in such a crazy idea, chat with me. I would love to discuss this.

Other than that, I am a substitute teacher throughout the week, so I tend to be distracted from morning hours to mid-afternoon but I tend to check my phone and reply when I can. I am an active person even if my public appearance on the site does not live up to that statement. I stay at DMs, usually.

Thank you for reading my biography and getting to know about me. Come get acquainted with me.

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Visitor Messages

Returner 10 mos ago
Awesome Avie my dude! Thanks for visiting my profile! ^_^
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