Avatar of 0Zeroes
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: leon1lite
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 76 (0.02 / day)
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    1. 0Zeroes 10 yrs ago


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Hello guyz! I'm an avid animu fanboy and I'm #1 weeaboo! I'm proud to be an Otaku and I hope we get along in future RPs!

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We are, but I made an earlier post saying it was on Omega and some confusion was made. Then Didact thought we were on Omega so then I assumed everyone thought we were on Omega so no, we're on Omega.
"Yarsin actually operates on Illium, he's a Salarian contact that Ghost had. I don't actually know much about him, but we barely consulted him, only when our main contacts didn't have the info we needed. His prices were high and he acted twitchy or shady. I wouldn't trust him with much but we know zero of the other contacts. His end goal is probably money, don't know what he does with it. Just that his fares are abnormally high, if he is linked to them. That would explain a hell of a lot. We meet at this building in Illium and we'll go with Kali's plan, but, how are we going to get to Illium.?"

Micheal thought that Kali's plan sounded good, he worried that Yarsin would be a trap or that something might mess the fuck up. "Whatever, if anything happens we're prepared for it." Micheal stopped talking and waited for a response.
"Kill me huh, not going to happen." It was clear that Alexa decided Micheal was of little to no use and that he should be killed when she was done the mission. Micheal shook it off, Alexa thought she was better than me in all scenarios and that she could kill him by blinking her eyes, "Typical Merc." Micheal noticed that Kali was the first to pull her contacts, This isn't information on a no name fugitive hiding from Aria, no, this was an organization that nobody has ever heard of, and has more power each than Aria. MIcheal felt that this was a little over his head, he forgot about it and focused on the new intel in front of him.

Not surprisingly, there wasn't much to look at, mostly just what the Client told us. If someone like him didn't tell me this, Micheal would've dismissed this as a myth, but there wasn't many things of not in this information. But one thing that did catch his attention was the list of people who had, or was suspected to have, relations (no matter how faint) to the Puppetmasters. "Here, there's a list of contacts that have ties to the Puppetmasters. Wait, I know one of these people, the Salarian named Yarsin Pizora. He's one of my contacts and we can go to our meeting place. We'll find him there and extract some info from him. Sound good?"
".............Shit." Micheal had been pushed into a corner, he couldn't do anything or say anything but what they want. No diversions or misdirection, this is where he'll have to come clean. Micheal had thought that he would have to wait at least until the mission was almost over before he had to reveal anything about himself, and even then he wouldn't reveal much. He sighed one last time before working up the courage to get this out in one shot. "My name is Micheal Linn, it's true that when my parents died in the C-Sec bombing, I went to Omega to try to do more good than I thought, C-Sec could ever do. After two years of vigilantism, I managed to almost get myself killed trying to join up with Archangel before Ghost came calling. He saved my life and took me under his wing for 5 years. After cleansing corruption and crime on Illium for 5 years, the pigs finally manned up and sent a kill-team for us. They killed Ghost and I've been "him" every since." Micheal didn't lie once in that entire speech, hell, he might have been more truthful to himself than he has been to himself.
(Just trying out the line thing)

"Don't bother asking me anything about Ghost, he didn't tell me anything, I know only a little more than you guys. Why I should be on your team? That's something I can answer better, I'm trained in recon, marksmanship, hunting, martial arts, basically in the hunter's craft. I can use tech, but one thing stands out from you guys, stealth. None of you can use this ability nor do you have training in utilizing it. Satisfied?" Micheal was pretty calm about this, more than he should actually. He was feeling more annoyed than worried right now, he'd made sure he inputted something he can do that they can't. He kept staring a them, waiting for their response.
Alright, the Puppetmasters are their OWN organization, they work to profit themselves. They are competitive against people like Aria and work to take profit away from them and into their pocket. The Client actually used to be one of them, but something happened and the rest of the group cut him off. He is seeking revenge and using as many resources as possible to take them out. Aria wouldn't mind taking out some competition now that she's realized these Puppetmasters exist. They don't make the criminal world tick, they just take a slice of profit from everything.

I didn't to tell you this because, plot development, but since you needed to know, yeah. You don't know the Client is an ex-Puppetmaster and that he just wants to take over the criminal game again.
Perfect, post your cs and I'll review it.
If you don't like the mission, we could change it. I'm the most creative of people, and this is my first RP afterall.
"Great, this guy knows anything and everything about me. If I do anything that might slightly tick him off, he'll probably take a walk down memory lane: Tour de Micheal Linn." Micheal began to think, it wasn't difficult to find out about his past, hell, he didn't even try to cover his tracks until he started running with Ghost. But one thing really started to scare Micheal, what if he knew about his mentor? Even veterans like Kali and Alexa knew nothing about him and maybe even Aria knows nothing about him. But this guy does. "Remember why you're here, you're doing this to help people." Micheal decided that it would be best if he just shut his mouth and not cross the Client in anyway, Alexa and Kali can do all the talking they want, Micheal will just stay in the background.
~The Client

"Not the talkative bunch are you? I'm going to go ahead and ask why you guys aren't talking, it's not professional and just rude. If you guys don't talk I might have to go ahead and say things like how Ghost is just a shadow of his mentor, the actual Ghost, and how his parents died in the C-Sec bombing of 2175. But that's just unprofessional isn't it? Since we don't have a full team, don't actually do anything that will be noticeable, just some pre-work while I hunt down other candidates. Your mission is to completely wipe out a very secretive organization of puppetmasters. They don't have a name so we'll just call them the Puppetmasters, these people have ties to every single illegal activity out there. Slavery, illegal weapons trade, corrupting officials, you name it. There are 4 people in the Puppetmasters, each with their own personal army. I need to get information on all of them and take out each of them and their armies. Before you start actively bringing them down, you would need a full team. I will find more candidates for your team while you, renowned mercs, do some recon. I have put an account with a large amount of funds to aid you in your endeavors, if I need to contact you, I will do so. Until then, goodbye." The Client walked off into the shadows and disappeared, not leaving a single trace of his presence.
"Oh shit, openly defying Aria and is she..... flirting with Alexa? What the actual fuck has this meeting come to?." Micheal was confused, little more than confused. What the hell were they doing? Micheal had no idea, he tried his very hardest to stay in his position and keep his mouth shut. Micheal noticed that Alexa was caught off guard and that Kali was using this to her advantage. He decided not to get involved, he had already given up so much information as it is, no use giving up more. What he had found interesting was that Alexa was giving information herself, telling both of us that she had been abused as a child and used by the Eclipse, "Those fucking scum." He had already found that he was gaining alot from this conversation and decided to keep this course of action. "I'm in a better position right now, I guess I'll jus-"
(We don't have a full team right now, but I've decided to start with a pre-mission. It'll probably be a couple of full-turns long and I'll be the Client. The reason I'm not making him an NPC is that he kinda leads how the RP goes. I'm open to suggestions on how the Client acts but right now, I'm sticking with a more arrogant. Illusive-Man type guy.)

Micheal's thoughts were cut short when a man appeared inside the warehouse. His body above his chest was hidden with the shadow of crates and containers. "I am the Client, your employer. But it seems that our esteemed fourth mercenary (ShadowD) isn't going to show. All of you were invited here for a reason, and that reason was that all of you are elite. Don't try to come any closer, or you will be shot at and forfeit your reward. Micheal Linn, Alexa Pearce, and Dorea Y'varti, all of you veterans in your field and have proved your worth many times already. Now, I know everyone of your dirty little secrets, and you know none of mine. Don't bother asking your contacts or Aria about who I am, you won't find anything. Now.......... onto business."
Micheal slowly gauged their reactions, they wanted more information, anything that could give well, anything. Kali is more interested in Aria's Fist currently, but I sense that Alexa (WE DO NOT KNOW SHE IS ALEXA YET, Calling her Alexa for sake of ease) definitely wants to find out as much as she can about me. Micheal wanted let them talk, hopefully he could find some more information about these two women. He tried to act as unnoticeable as possible made sure he could hear the conversations these two will have. Unfortunately, neither of them have an openness or middle ground to him, they might even distrust him. They've both had years of experience in this exact field, Micheal couldn't read them. "I don't even know if they notice what I'm doing or not, but the best scenario is that Kali's eagerness to find out who Alexa is will score me a free pass."

Micheal thought that if any other mercenaries came, he could shift their attention away from him and onto the newcomer. [i]"This is starting to seem like a bad idea, there is a 90% chance that the "Client" isn't going to go through on his promise. Maybe he should just slip away now and go find a more productive way to do his work.
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