Avatar of Ahe Gao


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current An Example: The only country I'm loyal to is the nation of Impreg.
6 yrs ago
So should we gather for virgin sacrifice and devil worshiping tonight?
1 like
6 yrs ago
So should we gather for paint thinner and meth tonight?
1 like
6 yrs ago
We must seize the memes of production, comrades.
6 yrs ago
Your son calls me "Mommy" too.


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Most Recent Posts

Devoured by rabid hamsters
A freak flower arranging accident.
Granted, but the only colour your hair chooses is Opaque Couche. If you're having trouble visualising that colour, just picture month old mop bucket water.

I wish I had an instinctive, fluent understand of every spoken and written language in existence.
@Otaku95 Weak joke.

What's the difference between Chickpea and Garbanzo Bean?

You wouldn't pay $100 to have a Garbanzo Bean on your face.
What is 6.9?

Something fun ruined by a period.
Come on guys, this is weak sauce.

Why are there no pregnant Barbie Dolls?

Because Ken came in another box.
How do you circumcise a Lannister?

Kick his sister in the jaw.
I thought it'd be fun to share your best inappropriate jokes. Only one per post though. Can't have some joke whore hogging all the good ones.

I'll go first with a classic:

What did Cinderella say when she got to the ball?
In dead 6 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Interest Checks
Just a reminder that I typically won't respond to requests made here. Send me a pm if you wanna RP. Also bump.
In dead 6 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Interest Checks
Bump of Resurrections

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