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Markul looked at the group with interest for there were many different people here, the Warforged was of especial interest to Markul, and though the discussion of the the knight was somewhat disquieting, he knew that even those who were often marked for ill could bring great good. He knew of quite a few instances where those who most would have called evil were given a chance to good and had taken it. The knight returned from his walk, and then requested for an introduction from everyone. Markul stood and nodded, "I am Markul Ferrn," he said loud enough so all could here, "if you wish you may call me Mark, it makes little difference to me. I am a wizard who specializes in evocation." he sat back down. A little brusque perhaps, but it needn't be anything else.
Ildrun seated herself next to Roze, taking careful note of the names of those in the party that were currently in the camp. She would probably forget most of them later, but she would try to remember a few. She started to go over them in her head, _Roze, Nikolaus... Dreet-Na is the Argonian, Valerion is creepy, and Rawlith is the Kahjiit._ Ildrun looked down at Leo as Roze introduced him, then he turned to Ildrun with a smile and said, **"Leonidas Conmecticus - but you can me Leo. It's funny - I was just thinking how this group needed more girls. And two more have appeared. Lucky me, huh?"** ending with chuckle. Ildrun raised an eyebrow and turned back towards Roze, who was looking at the prisoner and stating how she probably wasn't interested in Leo, with Leo replying it was probably an accident. Ildrun shook her head, Leo was an interesting character, and obviously a bit full of himself. She nodded as Roze recommended to simply ignore him. Ildrun thought a second, "Only five women, and four when we get to Kynsegrove." she shrugged, it was better than being the only woman in a group of men, then turned to look at the captive, "I wonder who she is, and why she didn't simply talk to us instead of attacking and running." she said ponderously.
Markul smiled, people were arriving fast, and he liked company. Traveling wasn't very fun. He turned his attention to Korick to answer to his request, "I'm a wizard, evocation is my specialty but I dabble in other schools. What I know is that there is something quite strange going on out here, something about a town and fiends." he looked out to the moors, "I can't imagine a town being out here though, with all the dangers lurking out here. A mystery to be solved for sure."
Ildrun looked on with interest as the Argonian, Kahjiit and two Men walked into the camp. One of the Men had a female Elf over his shoulder, Ildrun hazard a guess that she was the assailant, and the Khajiit and other Man were carrying a dead Elk. The Argonian greeted her briefly, but was obviously concerned more with the assailant so Ildrun simply nodded back. She was curious about the assailant also. She nodded to Roze and positioned herself to see the assailant more clearly, though she still stood near Roze so the could converse further. She looked at the Elf closely, she was more pale than most Elves Ildrun had seen, not that she had seen many, and her hair was white. _I suppose it isn't so odd,_ Ildrun thought, _It makes sense for Elves to to vary in appearance. Most races do._ She wondered why she had attacked to get away from them, it seemed to Ildrun that talking her way out would have been more prudent, she wanted to ask her why she did not take that course of action. Though undoubtedly there would be many who would want to ask questions, and she was sure that anyone who questioned the Elf would want to know the answer also, and she was still waiting for Roze to reply to her.
Markul shrugged, "He caught something that's going around but it isn't serious, just gave him a small cough. Other than that he seems to be doing well." Markul looked at Vis, wondering why he was wearing a scarf. It didn't feel cold enough to Markul to be wearing a scarf. But then again, maybe he just liked wearing scarves. After all, everyone has different tastes.
"Hail," Markul responded, glad that the Halfling had signaled to the bear what seemed to be a sign to relax, "I come from Luruar and one named Aluntel Brightmere told me that mysterious things were afoot here. It piqued my curiosity and so I resolved to come here, and he said to look for someone waiting at Gerrick's dock, I assume that is you." he held out his hand, "Markul Ferrn, though you may call me Mark if you wish, many do."
Markul looked down at his map, he was sure that he was close to Gerrick's dock and even if he got lost all he need do was walk around the edge of the lake to get there. He rolled up the map and continued walking, sure that he would see the dock soon. Sure enough an old, rotting pier came into sight. Markul stopped when he saw a massive bear standing near, but he also saw the small individual on the pier and the bear seemed to be perfectly calm. Still, it paid to be cautious, so he moved forward carefully, keeping an eye on the bear. Hopefully this was the person he was to meet with and not a trap laid by those who would do ill.
Ildrun nodded to the Breton that had come before her and asked if she wished to join them, "If you are the Dovahfeyn as I hope, then I would like to join you. I left Whiterun to join with the Dovahfeyn at High Hrothgar, but I was informed at Ivarstead that they had already left and they were going this way, so I set out after them at once." she shivered at the cold. Though she did not want to seem intruding she dearly wanted to warm herself by the fire, "Shall we sit now and talk further by the fire?" she asked hopefully. She hoped that she seemed trustworthy, though she wouldn't blame anyone for being too cautious after an attack even if the assailant wasn't trying to do serious harm, she would be cautious too.
Name: Markul Ferrn Age: 25 Race: Half-Orc Class: Wizard Abilities: Markul Ferrn is good with magic, especially evocation. He is fairly fit but is by no means a fighter. He is also very literate. Alignment: Lawful Good Appearance: Markul Ferrn stands at 6' and weighs 164 lbs. He has dark skin, dark-red eyes and dark-brown hair worn in a low ponytail. His nose is somewhat broad and like most Half-Orcs (if not all) his two bottom canine teeth jut out a little. When traveling he wears dark robes of green and brown and wears boots. In more formal situations he dons blue robes fringed with white and wears matching blue shoes. Personality: Markul Ferrn is a fairly level-headed Half-Orc. He leans to a more Human disposition than Orcish disposition, and though he still holds strength in high regard he recognizes strength comes in many different forms. He enjoys a wide range of things from reading to wrestling. He gives strangers some degree of respect, though not nearly as much as if they earn it. He tends to be well spoken until he has had too much to drink. He does not like those who misuse their power and/or strength and is likely to step in if he feels someone is being mistreated. Inventory: Wizard robes, traveling robes, wizard-kit, traveling pack, dagger History: Markul Ferrn was born in Many-Arrows. He grew up being constantly picked on and beaten by other Orcs as he was somewhat weaker and therefore an excellent target. He left at a young age and was taken in by a Human family that lived near Silverymoon. This was the Ferrn family, of whom Markul Ferrn took his last name as he considers them his true family. Markul was an asset to the Ferrns, still being stronger than most Humans and being able to do much work. The kindess shown by the Ferrns made Markul much less prone to acts to prove his physical prowess and eventually he began to show interest in things more related to the mind. The Ferrns encouraged this interest and taught Markul how to read and write. Soon Markul became interested in magic and the Ferrns helped him find a willing teacher. So he learned of magic and eventually felt it was time to set out to learn more about the world.
Ildrun drew her sword as a magelight was cast from near the rocks at the Imperial walking towards the rocks, and an arrow flying towards the Argonian soon after. She immediately looked behind herself to make sure there weren't any other assailants trying to surround the camp, a few moments later she was satisfied that there was only the one near the rocks. She turned back to the scene to see that the Argonian had been hit by the arrow and was tending to his wounds. The Imperial didn't seem to have any serious wounds, though Ildrun was sure that he was having a hard time seeing. Ildrun, waited tensely for a few moments, waiting to see if there would be any more attacks. When nothing happened sh sighed in relief and sheathed her sword, it seemed that the group had merely startled someone and they would not be attacked by a large group. *Good*, she thought, *I would rather get warm by the fire and sleep than fight this night*. She stepped forward carefully and made sure to seem as non-threatening as possible, she didn't want to be mistaken for an assailant, and simply said, “Hello, I am Ildrun. I was hoping that I might share your fire this night, if that's all right.”
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