Avatar of AlidaMaria
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  • Old Guild Username: Musicfan4ever
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    1. AlidaMaria 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
"I'm free", she said, bewildered. As she sprouted her wings. "You are", he answered, smiling. While hiding all the strings.
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Also, @Jin of Mana and @EurmalEye since I'm a little bit too much into maps, I added one to my IC post as reference material on how I envisioned what our little party looks like.

(I'm aware I misspelled Trygve's name, a thousand apologies xD)
Feel free to make any suggestions, tactical placement of mercenaries isn't exactly my forte.
@AlidaMaria Personally I would prefer early autumn that way we still have time for a last minute raid if people would like to do that and we have time to focus on environmental challenges (creatures, fortification, gathering supplies for the winter) to help build character interactions and relations ships. And Winter comes a little faster which can be a lot of fun survival wise. I tend to be pretty mean to my own characters haha, but if anyone else has different desires I'd love to hear them! I am pretty flexible about this

Thanks, to me that sounds perfect! Also, if I made any assumptions about Tryg that aren't exactly on point, don't hestitate to let me know, I'll gladly change things ^_^

It had been a few days since the early autumn rains had stopped pouring down on them, but the ground was still muddy and from time to time one of the carts owned by merchant or traveller would get stuck in the mud. The steady rhythm of horseshoes on the soggy forest ground usually served to calm Ingrid’s nerves. Today however, it wouldn’t.

Ever since they had left the mountains of Mjors behind and entered the deep forests surrounding the peaks, it had felt as if something was lurking at them, always watching from the trees’ tall shadows. Huddled in her cloak, Ingrid eyed the forest on her left, alert for any signs of danger. She gently petted Ari’s neck, whispering reassuring words in his ear to make sure her own tenseness wouldn’t disquiet the horse.

Their newfound employees did little to sooth Ingrid’s worries. Eight of their fellow travellers hardly knew the pointy end of a knife from the hilt, and even though there were three other mercenaries hired to protect the small caravan, the only ones she would trust in a fight were Trygve and Thorbrand. The gigantic Trygve had joined their band only six months prior but had proven his worth several times with that massive Warhammer of his. Ingrid knew she could count on him to have her back in a dire situation and to a certain extent, she trusted the man. But the only one she considered her friend, the one she would follow into the Frost Lands if he deemed it necessary, was Thorbrand.

Ingrid looked up, spotting him at the head of the company, just as he was telling a joke to light the mood. No doubt the others had shared the uneasy feeling of being watched for the past few days, and Thor being the leader he was, attempted to not let it dampen their spirits. Ingrid couldn’t help but smile slightly, hidden under her cap. After growing up together and sharing ten years of travelling, battling and the losses of one friend after another, Thor had become like an older brother to her, and she felt a sense of pride whenever he performed his small acts of leadership.

Still, Ingrid felt caged by the woods surrounding them and longed to see the sky again. The mountains hadn’t been near that bad. Cold, treacherous and filled with creatures she would be glad to only encounter in her dreams from now on, but still she had been able to see the sky and stars at night, something she missed dearly these days. Even the sea, which she had never learned to love, would be a welcome sight after this place that seemed to swallow her whole…

Ari’s soft neighing pulled her from her pondering, making Ingrid quietly curse herself for spacing out on a job. The birds had grown awfully quiet and she felt Ari tense beneath her. She held him back for a few steps, until she came to ride close to Trygve, who was positioned near the rear of their band.

Tryg”, she mumbled, obviously upset. “I don’t know what it is, but there’s something dangerous close by, watching us. I’ll inform Thor, be prepared for anything.” She knew the tall man would most likely already be alert as always, but it calmed her to share her suspicions. At his silent confirmation she turned away, uneasily clutching her bow and drawing an arrow, letting the reigns rest on Ari’s manes. She would be much more comfortable holding her daggers, but it was quite possibly a direbeast eyeing them, in which case it would be far too late to defend, let alone attack when it came within her reach. Under the whispered sound of a quick prayer to Vidarr to bless her eyes in this damned forest of his and Magni to give her strength, she spurred Ari on to inform Thor.
@Scribble Naught No problemo! As Eurmal said, you're very welcome and to me you seem more than capable enough a writer, based on your CS! ^_^

Also, a general question for everyone; Does anyone have any suggestions regarding what type of season it'll be in this time of the roleplay?
I was personally thinking somewhere between summer and autumn (since Jin's post stated it would become winter in the foreseeable future).
If I'm not mistaken, the raiding season is spring/summer though, so if anyone would prefer that, I'd love a discussion ;)
<Snipped quote by EurmalEye>

This character is accepted! Feels good to have another companion in Thor's/Ingrid's party.

Agreed! Awesome ^_^

Also, I'm looking forward to learning a thing or two about Scandinavian lore from you guys!
Hey guys, to all of you:

I'm very, very, very sorry but I don't think I'll be able to handle being (a GM) in the RP any longer.
Due to personal stuff and schoolwork piling up, I simply can't give this RP the time it deserves... I'm sure you'll do just fine without me, since the plot is quite good and you lot are just fine writers. If anyone wants to take over the Da-Hyunin, feel free to do just so (Athan has all the lore, or just shoot me a pm if you're interested). I might check in on the IC from time to time to see how you lot are doing, so I expect awesome posts (jk, jk, no pressure xD).

@athanshadow If you want to make use of Marcus, feel free to do so!

All luck and fun to you all!
LiverisGood said
Around the 13th I should be able to post. I have finals to study. Sorry.

That's quite alright, good luck with studying! I'll be celebrating our local *cough*older*cough* version of Santa Claus& Christmas over the weekend so I won't be online 'till monday, but thanks to the inspiration the map gave me, I'll be working on my post so I hope to get it up when I get back online ^_^

Rofl how does one live without a mouse? ;'D Your computer struggles seem to get harder and more intense by the day Ellri.
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