Avatar of Amaralyn
  • Last Seen: 12 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Amaralyn
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 224 (0.06 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Amaralyn 10 yrs ago


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Will be absent for the next year or so.
9 yrs ago
Dropped from the heavens, they call me a dreamer ♫♪
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Hey there~ I go by the name of Amaralyn.
I mostly linger here during my summer break. I live in a CET (or GMT+1) zone, so it is likely I won't be able to post during the same time as most of you. Also, as is stated in my signature, my first language is not English. I do my best to make sure everything I write is proper English (especially when it comes to proverbs and things like that) but may you ever encounter an error in a post (or this bio for that matter), however small it may be, then please notify me via a PM.

As for roleplaying, my favorite genre is slice-of-life, though I am also up for some mystery and horror aspects and don't mind fantasy and fighting to a certain extend, especially if it's an original concept. I for example am fine with RPs that center around high school students with magical powers, but don't like RPs set in Medieval times with orcs and elfs and the likes. I'm also really not into sci-fi/mecha stuff, nor in RPs which are set in apocalyptic situations. I've never really tried one-on-one RPs, but if you're looking for a partner and have a plot in mind which you consider I might like, then feel free to hit me up.

All of that aside, I look forward to roleplaying with you. :)

Amaralyn: name derived from the Greek word αμαρυσσω: to sparkle, to glisten

Most Recent Posts

As much as I like this roleplay group so far, if I'm expected to write posts as long as the ones that have been written so far, I'll have to take my leave. I simply don't have the time to; they would take me a full week to complete.
Loving all the relationships so far! I'm having a bit of family hassle at the moment, but hopefully I can find some time tomorrow or the day after to write down my ideas.
Still here, working on a character. Just have a bit of family hassle going on, but hopefully I can get the CS done tomorrow evening.
As a heads up, I'll be adding another female to the cast.
I loved Firewatch and would be interested in seeing how this goes.

"I may not look like it, but I’m actually a scientist."
A mad scientist.

- Nathan Campbell

Nathan Alan Campbell




College Student: PhD in Biology
Part-time barista: works at Mundo

"If this isn’t the best thing ever, then I don’t know what is."

Probably a comment about food.

In-Depth Appearance
Nathan is of an average height of 5’10” but of a somewhat sturdier built which is mostly due to his love for food. A playful, sometimes even mischievous glimmering can almost always be found in his greenish eyes. His messy hair is of a warm brown shade, his short beard untamed and fluffy alike his hairdo. His carefree attitude continues to show itself in Nathan’s wardrobe, especially considering the pieces which he chooses to cover his upper body with. He can often be found wearing shirts with ridiculous prints ranging from dinosaurs to doughnuts, interspersed by quotes referring to his interests. On days which require a somewhat more formal attire he likes to wear dress shirts, preferably checkered and with his sleeves rolled up. As for the rest, he will almost always slip on a simple jeans and a pair of sneakers to complete his outfit.

Habits and Quirks
  • Pays quite some attention to his food (e.g. always wants something sweet and something savoury for breakfast). Food can also have a big influence on his mood (e.g. he can get really cranky if he has a bad cappuccino, but at the same time his day can be made when he has a nice meal).
  • Taking in (wounded) animals into his apartment which he then treats and/or studies
  • Making others laugh by making a fool out of himself (e.g. singing and dancing in a not so charming manner, striking feminine poses, pulling funny faces)
  • Has a weak spot for cute things; this includes toys, plushies, animals, and girls (no matter fictional or real)
  • Making references to different types of media (tv shows, movies, games, books)

  • Food / Cooking
  • Animals; birds in particular
  • The exact sciences; biology and physics have his interest in particular, though he finds astronomy and mathematics intriguing as well
  • Watching Discovery Channel and cooking shows such as Master Chef
  • Going outdoors
  • Technology

  • Not being taken seriously
  • Olives
  • Chewing gum
  • Strong perfume

Biggest Fear
Nathan fears that, when he will look back at the course of his life in the future, he will find himself having accomplished absolutely nothing. As the oldest of the two children he feels that he should be a role model to his younger brother, but his indecisive nature interferes with this ideal. Nathan is unsure about what path he wants to take in life, which is part of the reason why he is taking a short break from his research and has started to work as a barista.

The first impression that most people will get of Nathan is that of a carefree goofball or overgrown kid. Although his chaotic appearance may give rise to the idea that he may need a helping hand in his life, the opposite is true; Nathan can take care of himself very well and actually enjoys helping and tending to others. He takes pleasure in pleasing others by means of serving them a nice meal or by making them laugh. This nurturing side of him does not limit itself to humans, but makes him look out for animals as well, even going as far as to shelter them in his apartment, which, unlike his clothing and hair, is kept organized.
Nathan has decided to put this characteristic combined with his love for food in practice by working as a barista in one of the cafes. Even though he may be charismatic enough to make small talk with the customers, he is not exactly a social butterfly. He still sometimes feels awkward and uncertain when going up to someone, especially if said person is a cute girl. He can completely loose his cool and get lost in his words while trying to strike up a conversation.

If people would give more meaning to his quirky apparel they would notice that the pictures on his shirts depict not merely a free spirited soul, but also one who takes interest in the exact sciences. While Nathan may seem like a ditz at first, he actually has excellent analytic abilities. When it really comes down to it, he can come up with very good ideas as well as clever solutions to problems. Were it not for his impulsiveness and indecisiveness, he might actually become a very good scientist.

"If you were a dinosaur, you would be a finosaurus."

Nathan’s attempt at flirting.

Nathan was born as the first child to a middle class family, his father a professor in Modern History and his mother originally a vet, but she quit her job to look after her new born son. Not long before Nathan’s second birthday, his mother gave birth to his brother Jeremy. The boys turned out to get along very well and could often be found playing together or horsing around. Although eventually they took interest in different subjects, Nathan preferring to spend his days in nature alike his mother and Jeremy being more socially oriented alike his father, the two grew very attached to each other and spend a great deal of their first years together.

While the first decade of their lives was rather peaceful for the two children, albeit it that their mother seemed to have periods in which she wasn’t her usual cheery self, things got more grim when she started having breakdown frequently. She decided to go see a psychiatrist who, after Evelyn had visited her a number of times, stated that she had some sort of depression and diagnosed her with postpartum depression. She began taking medication, which did help to lift her spirit, but did not save the bond between her and her husband. They started to have fights more and more, until finally Evelyn decided she needed to take a break from family life and moved into a small apartment on her own. The event left Nathan, who had grown rather close to his mother, devastated. It also affected the relationship between him and his father, a stern man but who meant all the best for his sons. A few years after his mother’s departure Nathan cut the contact between him and his father short by moving out at the age of 16; he simply was not able to take any more of the rather tense atmosphere which was left in his parental home. Nathan’s mother financially supported her son’s decision, and the two started to see each other every other week.

After his move, Nathan found himself getting mature rapidly, as he needed to learn to fend for himself quickly. Despite all the turmoil at home, his grades were still sound and when he graduated from secondary school they even were this good that it allowed him to attend university. Picking a subject was not hard for him: animals had always had his interest and so he chose to study Biology. With his head more at peace and his heart more at ease, Nathan gradually regained his old self who loves to be around people and likes to joke around. Now, two years after he has obtained his master’s degree, he has found a job as a PhD student as well a part-time barista. He has been living in one of the apartment of Eden Gardens ever since he moved here two years ago for his PhD, and has gotten to know its surroundings quite well.

Recently, Nathan has gotten in touch again with his younger brother Jeremy. Although the first few times the two met were somewhat awkward and stiff, now they have restored their friendship and continue to visit each other on a biweekly basis. Their meeting has left Nathan thinking back on his life: is the path he is walking right now the one he wants to take? Isn’t he letting life’s opportunities slip right through his hands?

Relationship Information
Relationship Status: Single
Partner: N/A
Father: Christopher (Chris) Campbell
Mother: Evelyn Hart
Siblings: Jeremy Campbell, 26
Pet/s: Varies as he takes shelter of (wounded) animals. A cat named Erwin and a couple of pigeons belong to his regular pets.
Other: Gets along very well with his brother Jeremy, who he visits regularly and vice versa. Visits or calls his mother once a month. Has no contact with his father.
Has not yet had a girlfriend and feels slightly self-conscious about this.

Theme Song

Spirit Animal: Lizard

"I may not look like it, but I’m actually a scientist."
A mad scientist.

- Nathan Campbell

Nathan Alan Campbell




College Student: PhD in Biology
Part-time barista: works at Mundo

"If this isn’t the best thing ever, then I don’t know what is."

Probably a comment about food.

In-Depth Appearance
Nathan is of an average height of 5’10” but of a somewhat sturdier built which is mostly due to his love for food. A playful, sometimes even mischievous glimmering can almost always be found in his greenish eyes. His messy hair is of a warm brown shade, his short beard untamed and fluffy alike his hairdo. His carefree attitude continues to show itself in Nathan’s wardrobe, especially considering the pieces which he chooses to cover his upper body with. He can often be found wearing shirts with ridiculous prints ranging from dinosaurs to doughnuts, interspersed by quotes referring to his interests. On days which require a somewhat more formal attire he likes to wear dress shirts, preferably checkered and with his sleeves rolled up. As for the rest, he will almost always slip on a simple jeans and a pair of sneakers to complete his outfit.

Habits and Quirks
  • Pays quite some attention to his food (e.g. always wants something sweet and something savoury for breakfast). Food can also have a big influence on his mood (e.g. he can get really cranky if he has a bad cappuccino, but at the same time his day can be made when he has a nice meal).
  • Taking in (wounded) animals into his apartment which he then treats and/or studies
  • Making others laugh by making a fool out of himself (e.g. singing and dancing in a not so charming manner, striking feminine poses, pulling funny faces)
  • Has a weak spot for cute things; this includes toys, plushies, animals, and girls (no matter fictional or real)
  • Making references to different types of media (tv shows, movies, games, books)

  • Food / Cooking
  • Animals; birds in particular
  • The exact sciences; biology and physics have his interest in particular, though he finds astronomy and mathematics intriguing as well
  • Watching Discovery Channel and cooking shows such as Master Chef
  • Going outdoors
  • Technology

  • Not being taken seriously
  • Olives
  • Chewing gum
  • Strong perfume

Biggest Fear
Nathan fears that, when he will look back at the course of his life in the future, he will find himself having accomplished absolutely nothing. As the oldest of the two children he feels that he should be a role model to his younger brother, but his indecisive nature interferes with this ideal. Nathan is unsure about what path he wants to take in life, which is part of the reason why he is taking a short break from his research and has started to work as a barista.

The first impression that most people will get of Nathan is that of a carefree goofball or overgrown kid. Although his chaotic appearance may give rise to the idea that he may need a helping hand in his life, the opposite is true; Nathan can take care of himself very well and actually enjoys helping and tending to others. He takes pleasure in pleasing others by means of serving them a nice meal or by making them laugh. This nurturing side of him does not limit itself to humans, but makes him look out for animals as well, even going as far as to shelter them in his apartment, which, unlike his clothing and hair, is kept organized.
Nathan has decided to put this characteristic combined with his love for food in practice by working as a barista in one of the cafes. Even though he may be charismatic enough to make small talk with the customers, he is not exactly a social butterfly. He still sometimes feels awkward and uncertain when going up to someone, especially if said person is a cute girl. He can completely loose his cool and get lost in his words while trying to strike up a conversation.

If people would give more meaning to his quirky apparel they would notice that the pictures on his shirts depict not merely a free spirited soul, but also one who takes interest in the exact sciences. While Nathan may seem like a ditz at first, he actually has excellent analytic abilities. When it really comes down to it, he can come up with very good ideas as well as clever solutions to problems. Were it not for his impatience and indecisiveness, he might actually become a very good scientist.

"If you were a dinosaur, you would be a finosaurus."

Nathan’s attempt at flirting.

Nathan was born as the first child to a middle class family, his father a professor in Modern History and his mother originally a vet, but she quit her job to look after her new born son. Not long before Nathan’s second birthday, his mother gave birth to his brother Jeremy. The boys turned out to get along very well and could often be found playing together or horsing around. Although eventually they took interest in different subjects, Nathan preferring to spend his days in nature alike his mother and Jeremy being more socially oriented alike his father, the two grew very attached to each other and spend a great deal of their first years together.

While the first decade of their lives was rather peaceful for the two children, albeit it that their mother seemed to have periods in which she wasn’t her usual cheery self, things got more grim when she started having breakdown frequently. She decided to go see a psychiatrist who, after Evelyn had visited her a number of times, stated that she had some sort of depression and diagnosed her with postpartum depression. She began taking medication, which did help to lift her spirit, but did not save the bond between her and her husband. They started to have fights more and more, until finally Evelyn decided she needed to take a break from family life and moved into a small apartment on her own. The event left Nathan, who had grown rather close to his mother, devastated. It also affected the relationship between him and his father, a stern man but who meant all the best for his sons. A few years after his mother’s departure Nathan cut the contact between him and his father short by moving out at the age of 16; he simply was not able to take any more of the rather tense atmosphere which was left in his parental home. Nathan’s mother financially supported her son’s decision, and the two started to see each other every other week.

After his move, Nathan found himself getting mature rapidly, as he needed to learn to fend for himself quickly. Despite all the turmoil at home, his grades were still sound and when he graduated from secondary school they even were this good that it allowed him to attend university. Picking a subject was not hard for him: animals had always had his interest and so he chose to study Biology. With his head more at peace and his heart more at ease, Nathan gradually regained his old self who loves to be around people and likes to joke around. Now, two years after he has obtained his master’s degree, he has found a job as a PhD student as well a part-time barista. He has been living in one of the apartment of Eden Gardens ever since he moved here two years ago for his PhD, and has gotten to know its surroundings quite well.

Recently, Nathan has gotten in touch again with his younger brother Jeremy. Although the first few times the two met were somewhat awkward and stiff, now they have restored their friendship and continue to visit each other on a biweekly basis. Their meeting has left Nathan thinking back on his life: is the path he is walking right now the one he wants to take? Isn’t he letting life’s opportunities slip right through his hands?

Relationship Information
Relationship Status: Single
Partner: N/A
Father: Christopher (Chris) Campbell
Mother: Evelyn Hart
Siblings: Jeremy Campbell, 26
Pet/s: Varies as he takes shelter of (wounded) animals. A male cat named Erwin and a couple of pigeons belong to his regular pets.
Other: Gets along very well with his brother Jeremy, who he visits regularly and vice versa. Visits or calls his mother once a month. Has no contact with his father.
Has not yet had a girlfriend and feels slightly self-conscious about this.

Theme Song

Spirit Animal: Lizard
Still interested and hopefully will have a character up by Friday. Probably going to set for a badger character.
Real life always comes first. It's also the main reason I haven't finished my character yet. :p
I hope to be done by tomorrow evening though.
Exactly the type of roleplay I was looking for! :) Hopefully I can have a character up some time soon.
Sounds interesting! I've been wanting to play an anthro character for a while now.
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