Avatar of Amelian Draco
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 473 (0.14 / day)
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    1. Amelian Draco 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current New book, new adventure, new way to procrastinate
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8 yrs ago
Just made scrambled eggs for the first time, am real adult now?
8 yrs ago
do you know the muffinman?
8 yrs ago
My god I hate mornings
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8 yrs ago
just finsished three CS, thank you kid cudi


Hello darkness my old friend

Most Recent Posts

"Wings...interesting," adjusting his mask, David mumbled with a slight tone of envy, sure that only Liam could hear him. He had loved to fly before he found his powers, thinking back he did hate dealing with airports. He then realized that the figure was a shapeshifter, a power he hadn't seen in some time. The woman unnerved him, but he ignored the feeling. He also noticed he felt a little bit tense, and it didn't help that others seemed to appear behind him.

David turned back expecting to see weapons pointed at him and Liam, but didn't find any. Sighing and shifting his body wait, he put his hands in the pockets of his trenchcoat. This many people was making him nervous. A handful of strategies popped into his head about how to get out of this situation, most them seemed to oddly include ether of them taking a hit. The sound of the lift lowering to them broke his from his train of thought. He noticed that Liam shifting too, an unneeded fight might brake out if they looked like they where ready for one. Pulling his right hand out of it's pocket to gesture, "I'm Blackflag, and this is Liam. Nice to meet everyone." He kept his tone steady, trying to seem calm behind his mask.
@Tuxedo Foxloose cannon or just bad morals woooooo spooooky
David had stood up when the man next to him began firing. He held lit his lighter just encase he could get a shot, but the he was to far away to be sure. Now he looks this man, Laim, in the eye as he held out a hand. He took his hand, taking hold of it with a strong grasp. "Blackflag the Pryofaker, or now that those names don't matter, David." Letting go, David walked over to grab his hatchet, "to many of people like these idiots now adays." He pulled the hatchet out of the man's back and put it away, then looked Laim over. Strong build, scruff face, he seems to be the type of people that can survive one his own. He could be heading my way though. Removing his mask and reviling his own features, "now don't go telling everyone my secret identity," his tone heavy with sarcasm. Hopefully he hadn't done anything wrong that involved Laim. Back then good or evil seemed to be almost a coin flip for him.

Before the outbreak David probably would have let things take there own course, but by now he was tired of seeing this type of event. Pointing to the painted arrows on the ground, "if you're fallowing these we could travel together. Strength in numbers or something like that, and I'm sure that guy will have 'friends' around here somewhere. Even if David thought he could handle himself, everyone made mistakes. There was also the chance that this whole community thing was a trap for easy pray, and he didn't want to get caught in an ambush.

@The Kraken
@The Krakengah I hate those, I'll have a response up after work
@The KrakenIt's cool, I'll probably be at work. I'll respond when I get home
guess who just cooked scrambled eggs for the first time
so what's everyone up to
Got my post up, looking forward to this guys

The Hopefull sat the orbit of Courusant. The ship belong to Alxle Dee, senator of one of the planet's moons. Inside a handful of senators relaxed in a lounge. Where as they would normally be bickering over politics, as of the moment the lounge was silent. Just moments ago the chancellor had sent a message, cancelling the meeting they where meant to join. Alxle sat facing the group, he had worked with these fellow senators for many years. Normally the short flight to Courusant would be filled with laughter and a small amount of drinking, but now the room was tense. Eventually he sighed and spoke to the group, "I'm shore everything is fine, maybe the chancellor's heath is simply getting to him." He didn't believe his own words, but the others seemed to relax a little. The chancellor would have continued the meeting even if he was supposed to be on his deathbed. "For now let us return to my estate, there we can enjoy the rest of the night." He stood and left for the cockpit.

Once is the cockpit he told the pilot to return home. He could have used the coms to tell the man, but Alxle wanted to send a message requesting a meeting with the chancellor. The chancellor had been there for Alxle when he was at his worst, it felt right to at lest check in on him. Sitting in a chair next to the communication computer, He began to record a the short message.

Dear chancellor, I would like to request a meeting tomorrow to discus current events, Alxle Dee

After sending the message he sat back in his chair, his hands together with his chin sitting on his thumbs. Something else might be going on, and if it was, he wanted to know what it is.


Bejo sat in a mandalorian dropship with a small squad of recruits. The republic had hired them to clear out a group of pirates that had set up on an old mining station in an asteroid. Bejo had figured this would be a good chance for them to get a bit of live combat training in. The coms came on for a moment, the pilot stating that they where only a few moments away from the asteroid. Deciding now was a good time for a little pep-talk with the recruits. He stood before them, "This will be your first taste of battle, your first chance for glory. Even though these are just mire pirates, within every fight there is a chance for glory. Be smart, be strong, and GLORY FOR MANDALOR!" As he finished his words the ship landed in the hanger of the mined and the doors opened.

Jumping forward, Bejo opened fire at the pirates. They had set up some form of sloppy defensive position to try and hold them off. Two other drop ships joined them, each one had a veteran while the rest where recruits. Bejo traded fire with the pirates, while slowly moving from cover to cover. Pulling out his termo detenator, he tossed it over to the pirates. A moment later it went off, destroying a good portion of their line. He then pulled out his vibrosword, and gave the command to charge as he rushed the now disorientated pirates. Some pulled back farther into the station, while others stood and fought.

He vaulted over a cargo box, and brought he blade down on the pirate on the other side of it. One pulled a short sword and charged his left, while another came from his right side. Bejo kicked the one on his left in the chest, then ducked and rolled out of way of the other one. Turing he slashed at the man's leg. As the man fell to a knee, Bejo punched him the face. Other mandalorians had now joined him, and most of the defenders are ether dead or farther into the station. Waiting a moment to give out orders. One squad would wait in the hanger to make sure now of the defenders got around them, while the rest would continue onward.
grr, somethings come up I'll have the post up tomorrow
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