Avatar of andastra
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Andastra
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 139 (0.04 / day)
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    1. andastra 10 yrs ago


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Outlander binge... this show is so intense.
7 yrs ago
Back from my small hiatus, ill be sending out replies tommorrow.
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7 yrs ago
My grandmother has passed away I won't be on for a few days thanks for understanding
7 yrs ago
Hey RP friends, Have some family issues going on right now. Family member fell ill quite suddenly. Posts will be slow, please bare with me. Thanks :)
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7 yrs ago
*boops your nose* *boop boop*
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Are you still accepting people, I would be very interested in this :)
I have 2 spots for rps opened please pm me with a sample of your writing and the idea that interested you! Thanks :)
Hello :)

** currently seeking late night Rpers, people who can reply at least once a day **

My name is Andastra ! However, i'm sure you already are aware of that so i will get past the pleasantries. I am looking for a male role play partner , whom is seeking a long term partner. A few things you should know about me before we start this whole wonderful journey of creation. I SUCK at spelling, thank the heavens for auto correct. That being said, grammar is not my strong suit either. However, I do try my best but i will not murder you if it is not your strong suit either.

I prefer to role play romantic rp's as i'm sure most females on this site do so nothing new there.

On another note, I enjoy violence, gore, blood, sex and anything that keeps the plot going. I love to Rp well rounded stories and have situations that's keep the situations interesting. I really enjoy having a partner who is interested in developing the stories as much as I. With all this said and if you still are interested great! i should also add that everything in my Rps must have a purpose, meaning they don't fall in love at first sight, it is gradual as is the climax of the story lines.

My ideal male characters in my role-plays tend to be very strong headed males. Rough around the edges with a tough attitude. If you enjoy playing thous types of characters and agree to everything in the above paragraph then i think we may be in business.

If you are okay with that, here are some ideas I've been thinking of role playing....

1. Cybernetic female and army male

Setting is in a post apocalyptic area, the government has developed a secret weapon. That weapon is the girl, she has no name and is only known by a number. Once a human, she was experimented on and created into a cybernetic female weapon to use against the rebels.
The man is part of an organization , one created by the rebels to help bring down this government corporation who's only goal is to annihilate the rebels and control the willing. As a commander of the force he attacks one of the compounds finding the women in a large glass container. Attached with tubes and hoses , she does not appear to be an experiment just a women who was captured like he had seen so many times before.
"rescuing" her she reveals who she really is when the escape goes bad. So what happens to them next, do they down the government? go on the run? perhaps she leaves to live a simple human life.

We will work out the details later on.

2.. Vampire(or any super)/ Blind women

This story is a bit vague, i would like to have a partner who can help develop it. What i had in mind is there is a women who is blind, she is young and known to the village as being a sort of hokey fortune teller. She however, dabbles in magic and other types of things similar to a necromancer. Stuck in her boring life she is greeted by a suspicious man, who is seeking help in finding and locating a certain person. Being told about this women they partner together to track down a wanted man.

Again very loose idea can use a lot of tweaking i would love to do a magical blind women the other side can be what ever you choose was just suggesting a vampire.

Other rp themes - open to suggestions and ideas

1. Princess/bounty hunter
2. vampire hunter / vampire
3. Sword of truth fandom Rp
- Confessor/Seeker
4. Beauty and the beast
- possibly a more gory version?

If you are interested please PM me, ill watch the thread but I mostly eye my PM more.
Open for another rp
here is my deviant art with all the details Pm me here if interested

the WoW one would be interesting, sent me a pm about any plot ideas you have
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