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    1. AngelKitten 10 yrs ago


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Nightmist nodded encouragingly as Ripplepaw pounced at her, dancing back a few steps to stay out of range of her pawswipes. “That’s right; don’t hold back. In a real battle there will be no time for hesitation. Decide upon a course of action and follow through,” she instructed. “Notice how I’m dodging your attacks. If you can stay nimble enough to do so, you can wait until you find an opening to strike.” She proceeded to do so, lashing out with both her front paws while taking her weight on her hind legs. Her claws were sheathed and the blow was light; it was meant to be a demonstration of fighting techniques, not to hurt Ripplepaw or make her feel inadequate.

Sagekit awoke alone in BoulderClan’s nursery, roused by the sudden emptiness beside him. He blinked sleepily and padded out of the den on tiny kit paws, first noticing Willowkit with Riversong and Nettlefang and approaching them. It was then that he saw Ravenfeather, clearly agitated, and became aware of the tension in the camp.

“Owlkit’s missing,” Willowkit said with wide eyes before Sagekit could ask. The worry of the adult cats was infectious.

Sagekit, on the other hand, took it more lightly. “Relax. He’s probably just having a little adventure,” he said, mostly to Willowkit.

“Well, do you want to tell Ravenfeather that?” his sister retorted. Sagekit took a look at the anxious queen and thought better of it.

Nettlefang’s gaze clouded over with concern and he nodded at Riversong. “Don’t worry; we’ll find him,” he tried to reassure his mate, nuzzling her briefly before walking over to Ravenfeather and Boulderstar. “I’m sure he’s safe,” he mewed, hoping to calm them down so they could search more effectively. “I’d like to help you look. We’ll head outside the camp and see if we can pick up his scent trail from there,” he added with a grateful nod to Leopardkit for her advice.

“They can try, but we’ll fight them off,” Amberleaf said confidently after listening to Screefoot and Harepaw speak. “We have as much right to be here as they do, and if they can’t see that, we’ll make them. However,” he was quick to add, “fighting is our last resort. If we go picking battles with every rogue we see, they’ll only cause more trouble.” The deputy flicked his tail as he navigated some loose gravel scattered across the ground underfoot. “Fear is what keeps us alive,” he pointed out to Harepaw, unruffled by the apprentice’s constant insults.

The orange tom lifted his nose to sniff the air as he walked, and he suddenly stopped and scented more carefully as he picked up something unexpected. There was a strange cat nearby, along with the smell of freshly killed prey. “Do you smell that? Loner or rogue. Remember what I said, we are not chasing this cat away unless he turns out to be hostile. Understood?” He looked at each of them in turn, his gaze lingering on Harepaw to drive the point home. Of all of them, Harepaw was the most likely to start a fight by far. Amberleaf somewhat wished that Boulderstar were here to give them direction, but he was confident that they could handle it. Tensed and alert for trouble, Amberleaf led the way in the direction of the scent.

I ain't gonna let go of Owlkit (yet). But Briar is free game if anyone's thirsty for blood. Plus, it'll be interesting if Rosey finds out what happens to her twin.

Would the BoulderClan cats recognize him since he briefly joined the Clan (and potentially not attack him, depending on individual cats' personalities)?

I'm leaving my Amberleaf post a bit open-ended since I'm not sure how their meeting would start.
@LadyRunic Welcome to the RP! :)
NIghtmist lay curled up as if asleep, the only evidence of her alertness being her still frame and controlled breathing as she waited for Ripplepaw to strike. Finally, the moment came. True to form, the young she-cat barely made a sound as she leaped at Nightmist, but the faintest scrape of paw against rock gave her away. The warrior allowed herself to be pounced upon before she wriggled out of Ripplepaw’s grasp, attempting to pin the smaller cat down with a well-placed paw.

“Very good, my young apprentice,” Nightmist purred. “You might have really caught me off guard if I hadn’t known you were there as part of the exercise.” She padded a few tail-lengths away, turning to face Ripplepaw once again across the clearing. “If you can master the element of surprise, you can sneak up on larger cats and get in a few quick blows before they are even aware of your presence.”

She lowered into a crouch, tail upright and waving back and forth. “Now come at me with some frontal paw swipes. Claws sheathed for training,” she reminded Ripplepaw. “And watch how I defend myself, should you ever be on the receiving end of such an attack.”


Amberleaf’s ears twitched in irritation at Harepaw’s comments, but he remained calm as the group padded west through the sparse forest that made up part of their territory. “We’ll stop coddling you like a kit when you stop acting like one,” he retorted sharply without a backwards glance at the apprentice. “If you constantly feel the need to belittle others in order to prove how great you are, you are not ready to be a warrior yet.” While they walked, he continued to be on the lookout even as he talked to Harepaw.

Amberleaf couldn’t help a sigh himself as he thought about the time before the Clans. It already seemed so long ago, but he knew that one wrong move from either of the Clans would plunge the valley into chaos once more. It was such a fragile peace they held in their paws, something that could so easily be shattered if they were not careful. Amberleaf had no wish to return to that life, and Harepaw seemed to share the sentiment. The deputy felt the first small glimmer of respect for the younger tom with his last comment, despite the snark with which it was delivered.

“Yes… Neither would I. Which is why we must all work together to ensure the success of the Clans. Every cat’s effort will be needed and valued,” he added mildly, briefly looking over his shoulder at the three cats behind him, a warrior and two apprentices. His Clanmates, he thought proudly. Maybe they didn’t all get along just yet, but it was a start.

Nightmist padded into the rocky clearing that would serve as their training grounds for the day. She knew they would need experience battling among the trees too, if they ever planned to fight effectively on OakClan territory, but this was as good a place as any to start.

“Good,” she mewed, turning to face her apprentice. The black she-cat sat down with her tail curled around her paws. “That is not something to be ashamed of. You did what you needed to survive, and if that meant running away sometimes, so be it. You’re here, are you not? That is far better than the foolish cat who overestimates his abilities and dies in combat because he thought fleeing was cowardly. Besides, now you will learn.”

Nightmist looked around, taking measure of her surroundings, before gazing at Ripplepaw again. The former loner herself had not been in too many battles, since most other cats traveled in small groups before the Clans, and she could not hope to fight outnumbered. Instead, she had hunted her own prey and remained hidden by keeping on the move. However, she had some battle moves that she had used in tight situations, especially against dogs and other predators, and she would do her best to pass them on to Ripplepaw. It occurred to her that she could ask some cat who had experience with larger battles to help some time.

“Your advantage is clearly your ability to remain silent and unnoticed,” Nightmist started. “Use it. You may not always have this opportunity in planned battles, but you can start with an edge over your opponent if you surprise them. I’m going to lie here and close my eyes, and you’re going to hide and attack me. Take your time—stealth requires patience. Wait for the moment my focus wavers, and strike quickly.” She proceeded to lie down as calmly as if she were going to sleep in her nest, her green eyes closing as she rested her head on her paws.


Amberleaf nodded respectfully as Boulderstar excused herself to attend to the rest of the Clan. He was somewhat disappointed that he wouldn’t have the opportunity to patrol with their leader and talk, but he hid it well. Their duty to the Clan came first, and right now her responsibilities were here in camp. It was good that she would be here with enough warriors to defend the Clan if needed. Besides, he would have time to discuss plans with her later in the day when he reported on the results of their patrol.

“You heard Boulderstar; fall in,” the deputy mewed shortly, padding toward the entrance of the camp without a glance behind him. He expected that Screefoot, Harepaw, and Pearpaw would be following along. He hoped that his and Boulderstar’s words to the apprentice tom would get through to him somehow. Some cats would always be tetchy, but as long as Harepaw provided for the Clan and they could trust him to have their backs in battle, he would make a fine warrior.

“We will be heading for the western border, checking up on the territory on the way there. Remember to keep your senses alert. We won’t be ambushed by a rogue if we can scent them coming.” He watched where he placed his paws, gliding as silently as he could manage through the forest. “We will renew the scent markers along the border and hunt on our way back. If we see any cat, be on the defensive; only attack if they start the fight. Be careful,” he added. “Rogues are less likely to respect the borders than OakClan cats, which is why this border will need more attention in the early days of the Clans, until we are established and cats who do not wish to join us simply leave us alone.”

Also I just realized a major issue with my last post regrading Pearpaw so excuse me while I fix it xD

It took me a while, but then I saw it lol.

@ViolentViolet@Pink Madness Nettlefang can join Brimpelt and Snowthorn on the hunting patrol, if you want.
Amberleaf greeted his apprentice with a nod as she approached. He noted silently how Screefoot placed herself between the two apprentices, as if shielding Pearpaw from the prickly Harepaw, but made no mention of it. He knew that Pearpaw, like many other cats, had difficulty standing up for herself when it came to the irascible tom, but if they were going to coexist in the Clan then they all had to learn to patrol together. If not to like each other, then at least tolerate one another. Some movement across the camp caught his eye and he turned his head to see Snowthorn and Brimpelt having a conversation. He could have sworn that Snowthorn had been staring him earlier—nothing in particular suggested it, just the near-constant feeling of being watched in camp. Maybe he ought to send them out hunting, get the fresh-kill pile stocked today.

“Brimpelt, Snowthorn,” he mewed, calling them over with a flick of his ears. “I’d like you to go out on a hunting patrol. Feel free to take other cats, any warrior that has no other duties currently.” Now that that was taken care of, he turned back to the group of cats near him as Screefoot suggested that they hunt on the way back.

“Good idea.” The deputy nodded to acknowledge her proposal. “I was considering the same thing.” His narrowed eyes slid over Harepaw without comment and settled on Pearpaw. “Don’t apologize,” he said firmly with some warmth in his eyes. “You’ll learn. Every cat started somewhere, including you, Harepaw,” he added, flicking the apprentice tom’s ears with his tail. He waited for Boulderstar to give them the signal to head out.

@CLIW@OtterTerror@ViolentViolet@KahleenCuthald@Pink Madness

Willowkit suffered Riversong’s grooming patiently—after all, she had just rolled out of her nest and her fur was a mess, and it was nice to feel cared for this way. “I slept well too,” she mewed. “The den is nice and warm with you and Ravenfeather in it.” It definitely made a change from how she was used to sleeping and living before she and Sagekit joined BoulderClan.

Nettlefang emerged from the warriors’ den, shaking out his pelt and stretching in the morning sunlight. He was ready to go out on patrol, but first he wanted to greet his mate and see how she was faring. He tended to worry about her, and now that she was carrying kits he was ever the hovering father-to-be as he often inquired about Riversong’s health. He saw the silver she-cat across the clearing and approached, smiling warmly as he noticed Willowkit sitting next to her.

“Good morning, Riversong,” he mewed affectionately, touching his nose to hers. “How are you feeling today? How are the kits?” he asked, some anxiety creeping into his tone as usual even though he could see that she was perfectly healthy.

Willowkit’s eyes widened as she saw the big warrior come over, somewhat cowed by his presence, but her awe quickly turned to disgust and she stuck her tongue out at Nettlefang’s loving gesture, as if she had just bitten into rotten crowfood. “Blech,” she commented. She wanted to be a warrior, but she couldn’t ever imagine having time for mushy romance, or wanting kits.
@OtterTerrorHey a quick question, how do we decide when a cat gets murdered? And regardind the boat/platform all of you are right with the twoleg thing, I honestly did not think about that but most of your cats lived in barns or used to be kittypets from what I could read so they may not be so reluctant to gather in an abandoned twoleg place anyway.

I thought so too, but I also thought that they might want to distance themselves from their old lives and affirm their Clanship by staying away from Twolegs. I think there's arguments for either option.
hanx for mentioning it though. You can bring in Nettlefang whenever you want okay?

Yup, I was planning to in my next post when I get the chance. Willowkit's going to have an interesting reaction lol.
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