Avatar of AngelNoire
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    1. AngelNoire 10 yrs ago


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The world of A Song of Ice and Fire is incredibly rich, and I feel like creates alot of rp possibilities. If you guys do start something up I'd love to be apart of it.
I notice Death Note is in bold. I have been looking for the right partner to do an LvLight faceoff. Not specifically L and Light, but rather another set of personages who are in similar roles. The detective and the notebook killer. Basically it would work like an FBI terrorist training attack. One of us would make a move with our plan in mind and given the reasonable resources of the modern day and try to kill the other without at first knowing the others name or face. The other would counter under similar parameters. I would say it would be best to perhaps change two vital things. New-Light should not be associated with a chief of police, and New-L should not be in the control/trust of the world police.

Age and Sex
104 years, androgynous female dominant

Medic (uniquely suited due to control over body flames as medical tools and the practical application of thermal vision)


Preferred Form
More realistic
Maybe this will help?
Shy but very insightful when she has something to say. Generally will go on about something for a long time. A natural mediator and not really the aggressive sort in any impulsive way. Loves philosophy and has a significant interest in psychology, but not really an interest in dignosing, just discussing. Highly educated but socially stunted, she becomes very easily embarassed and glows a little brighter blue when it happens. Extremely loyal, but accidentally brutally honest. She can handle herself, but very much enjoys watching other people go about daily tasks and often gets lost in thought. Easy to read, so those around her will likely be able to at least guess what she is thinking to some simplified degree simply by looking at her expressions.

Null is a very young phoenix, (only a little over a century old!!!) She lost her brother when they had a disagreement at a very young age and went their seperate ways (something that often happens to siblings in phoenix broods.) At that point (around age 17) she determined to stop living off the land as she had her whole life and opted to go to apprentice in the city, quiet and keeping to herself, she made a few friends while there, but those relationships lasted a very long time. She remained on with her master for a little over a decade and a half, greatly enjoying the experience, but eventually got itchy feet and decided to travel the world at 34. Forgetting her immortality, she travelled far and wide for decades, getting into no real trouble and helping out as much as she could everywhere she went. She saw so many things, and was very excited about her eventual return home to tell all of her friends about her travels. Upon returning home, nearly 70 years later, she found all but one of her friends sadly deceased, and cried little flame droplets as the very last alive, a human girl named Sasha, died of old age. Less than a year later, whilst contemplating giving her life to have children, she heard about the mission to Earth and found new wonder and intrigue in the idea of going to the once-dead planet.

Ring of keys from all over Erellon,
Small scalpel set,
Heat resistant bandage kit,
Phoenix Toiletry kit (eye polisher, cytoplasm moisterizer, debris tweezers, etc.),
Two battle decks of the strategy card game "Ice and Fire" (heat resistant),
A very charred looking stainless steel drink mixer that she enjoys chewing on when anxious,

Pertinent Skills
Hefty Medical training including emergency surgical,
Psychiatric training, (Although she insists she doesn't like to practice),
Can pilot most non-space craft,
Outdoor Survival skills, (untrained, but experienced)
@Aspen Wren
awwwesome! :3
It's really difficult to find realistic pictures of slime people that I can edit to look like they are glowing from the inside... heck I had to sift through alot of drawings of slime people to find one I could use :/
As for the schooling, I will edit immediately.


2nd Edit: Found an alternative picture in a uncharacteristic action pose, so just pretend she isnt gutting Roman soldiers.
Hai :3 I'm nocturnal. I really want to know if I'm accepted and stuff right away so I hope its okay that I did my species and character sheet on the fly. Let me know oki?

Species Name: Phoenix

Life Span: 1 month (Dies and is reborn in cycles, not immortal in the sense that they are impervious to death, but more that they are impervious to natural death.)

Unisex and appearance ranges: Phoenii (plural) Are completely androgynous do to their lack of reproductive systems. Due to their ability to choose their form as they grow throughout their month life cycle, some choose to be more humanoid masculine, some choose more humanoid feminine, and some choose to appear wholly monstrous in a variety of ways. Unifying features for a phoenix include slightly translucent but thick flesh made up of heavily cytoplastic cells to prevent a glowing hot blue flame in the center from burning everything they touch. They are slime like in external compostition but still must adhere to a certain shape, as the cytoplasm is very viscous and changing form takes a long time. They have flare glands at various parts of their body, allowing them to wield flaming arcs of flame to varying degrees of heat when they so choose. Doing so can expend cytoplasm as fuel after long periods of time though, and too much will shorten their life cycle. They eat burnable materials of any kind so long as it is not explosive, and glow much brighter immediately after eating. It is notable that their eyes are completely black, and only see heat. They also do not require most normal sensory functions as they are all irrelevant to the creatures biology. At the end of a life cycle they curl up and melt all of the old cytoplasm down to a pool, where it heals and reforms back into a brand new phoenix with the same memories, albeit much smaller. This process usually takes around 12 hours and expends alot of cytoplasm. They can be killed by disincorporation, extreme mutilation, or freezing temperatures. They are however, immune to illness and most typical physical damage.

Cultural Notes: Phoenixes are especially rare because their reproductive process is self-sacrificial. A phoenix may lay between two and three eggs near the end of a life cycle, at the cost of their own life. As a result of this and their more or less immortal status, very little reproduction occurs, and when it does, it is usually millennia into their lives after what the world has to offer no longer excites or interests them. Typically they keep to themselves, but are very wise and have much experience to share with those willing to listen. Powerful when full grown, but not usually quick to anger, they are a culture of understanding people.


Age and Sex
104 years, androgynous female dominant

Medic (uniquely suited due to control over body flames as medical tools and the practical application of thermal vision)


Preferred Form
More realistic
Maybe this will help?
Shy but very insightful when she has something to say. Generally will go on about something for a long time. A natural mediator and not really the aggressive sort in any impulsive way. Loves philosophy and has a significant interest in psychology, but not really an interest in dignosing, just discussing. Highly educated but socially stunted, she becomes very easily embarassed and glows a little brighter blue when it happens. Extremely loyal, but accidentally brutally honest. She can handle herself, but very much enjoys watching other people go about daily tasks and often gets lost in thought. Easy to read, so those around her will likely be able to at least guess what she is thinking to some simplified degree simply by looking at her expressions.

Null is a very young phoenix, (only a little over a century old!!!) She lost her brother when they had a disagreement at a very young age and went their seperate ways (something that often happens to siblings in phoenix broods.) At that point (around age 17) she determined to stop living off the land as she had her whole life and opted to go to apprentice in the city, quiet and keeping to herself, she made a few friends while there, but those relationships lasted a very long time. She remained on with her master for a little over a decade and a half, greatly enjoying the experience, but eventually got itchy feet and decided to travel the world at 34. Forgetting her immortality, she travelled far and wide for decades, getting into no real trouble and helping out as much as she could everywhere she went. She saw so many things, and was very excited about her eventual return home to tell all of her friends about her travels. Upon returning home, nearly 70 years later, she found all but one of her friends sadly deceased, and cried little flame droplets as the very last alive, a human girl named Sasha, died of old age. Less than a year later, whilst contemplating giving her life to have children, she heard about the mission to Earth and found new wonder and intrigue in the idea of going to the once-dead planet.

Ring of keys from all over Erellon,
Small scalpel set,
Heat resistant bandage kit,
Phoenix Toiletry kit (eye polisher, cytoplasm moisterizer, debris tweezers, etc.),
Two battle decks of the strategy card game "Ice and Fire" (heat resistant),
A very charred looking stainless steel drink mixer that she enjoys chewing on when anxious,

Pertinent Skills
Hefty Medical training including emergency surgical,
Psychiatric training, (Although she insists she doesn't like to practice),
Can pilot most non-space craft,
Outdoor Survival skills, (untrained, but experienced)
I used to be very active before the great site crash all those years ago. About two years ago I became very GM heavy, starting a multitude of fantastically fun projects that people seemed really on fire for. Then... adulthood I suppose. I got kicked out of my grandparents home and have been putting things back together since. Now suddenly I am the creative director for a game company and working on a project that I feel will end up really striking the community. But I have alot of work ahead and I need lots of inspiration. I'm not writing this for any particular reason, other than that I feel new to everything now... So hi, I'm Angel. Maybe I'll see you soon.
Seraphina... Sera for short
Alright so Navy will be co-GM'ing. If it proves to be too much between the two of us ill bring mchaggis in as well
I think we lost everyone
Sorry... yes, real life complications. I am going to need a co-GM as work is absorbing alot of my free time now
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