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Tuesday, Spring 2nd
Forget-Me-Not Valley

As he and the stranger pummeled to the floor, Ryder's concern instantly flashed to the possibility of waking the Inn's residents. The two had crashed to the ground with a loud THUD, and Ryder was almost sure that someone must have heard them. He was all about excitement, but when you're trying to break into an inn without being noticed, it would be much more effective if it were done quietly.

It was only a few moments after Ryder had hit the floor that he began to hear the sound of approaching voices. Their footsteps echoed through the silent night, growing louder and louder as they seemed to approach the room. Ryder knew that he only had a few moments to act. He rose to his feet in peril, and, for the first time, met the eyes of the stranger who had knocked him into the room. In the dim moonlight that leaked in through the window into the pitch black room, Ryder was able to discern a few of the stranger's features. Most importantly, he was able to recognize the stranger's silver hair; it was the same silver hair that belonged to the thief from earlier! The thief quickly made his way back to the window to seal it shut, leaving Ryder wondering how they could possible escape this situation now. Before Ryder could ask any questions, however, the thief covered his mouth and pulled him into the closet, just as the voices in the hallway came to a stop right outside of the room. The door knob began to turn.

"I could have swore I heard a noise, TIm..." a nervous female voice announced upon entering the room. We're done for.... Ryder thought. He heard someone flick on the lights, and for a moment, there was silence. It was a brief moment, but to Ryder, it felt as though it lasted forever. He could feel his heart beating through the suspense.

"Well," began a stuffy male voice, "there's no one here, Ruby. It could have just been the wind, or one of those darn raccoons..."

Another moment passed before Ruby gave her response. Ryder assumed that she was scanning the scene for any evidence that someone had broken in. "I guess you're right," she said at last, seemingly reassured, but still not speaking without haste. "You just can't be too safe with that Phantom wandering the Valley!"

At the mention of the "Phantom," Ryder felt the silver-haired boy's breath against his neck, as though he were silently laughing. They must be talking about him, Ryder gathered. So I guess they call this dude the "Phantom..."

"Let's head back to bed, Ruby. It will be morning soon. We really should be getting some sl-" Tim's stuffy voice broke off at the sound of footsteps rapidly approaching the room.

"Tim, Ruby, come quick!" a bold female voice panted. "Muffy and Griffin have just been robbed by the Phantom! They're chasing him down near Vesta's farm right now!" Ryder could hear Tim let out a defeated sigh. He really wanted to go back to bed, Ryder laughed in his mind. The Phantom must have been laughing as well, because Ryder felt another warm breath strike the back of his neck.

Ryder imagined Ruby clapping her hands to her mouth as she said "Oh my," and in another instant, all three footsteps could be heard running out of the room. One set of the footsteps stopped to close and lock the door to the room, then turned to catch up with the other two. Ryder had been so caught up in the excitement that he hadn't even realized that the Phantom's hand was still covering his mouth. A familiar scent seemed to linger on the Phantom's hand, a scent that reminded Ryder of some sort of curry. Ryder realized that he hadn't eaten since before sundown, and couldn't stop his stomach from growling wildly. After waiting a few moments for the footstep to subside, Ryder broke free of the Phantom's grasp and emerged from the closet.
I guess I'm going to have to split this post in two, since it's getting a bit too long. I tried to cram everything into one post so we can get Spring 2nd over with already, haha.
manapool1 said
am accepted or should I leave you be?

Sorry, I didn't realize that you were still waiting for approval. I'd say you're good to go.
dndragons said
-Kind of got lost reading the posts, but knows its not the next day to create a post as everything is going on in Forget Me Not lol.

Basically, to summarize:

-Ryder broke into the Inn and became friends with Skye
-Tristan farmed for Jack a little and then met Daryl
-Candy went to work, sketched some flowers, and went to bed
-Jassy gave the Witch Princess a present
-Agitha talked to Zack about the New Year's party, then went to catch fish for the Mineral Town Inn
-Clara performed "Trashin' The Camp" at the Blue Bar
-and Sketch traveled to the Valley, just in time to see Clara's performance.

That's pretty much it. I'm gonna be finishing Spring 2nd in the next post or two.
Great posts guys! I really like the way things are going. I love your character, Arkaotic - he's a traveler just like my character. Perhaps they'll cross paths sometime in the near future.

Oh, and by the way, Emuxe, thanks for getting that song stuck in my head, haha. >_<

On a side note, yesterday I was playing Harvest Moon all day, and in the game, it was the beginning of summer and I planted onions and tomatoes. Today in real life, I was working at an actual farm, and we just planted onions and tomatoes, which I thought it was a funny coincidence, haha.
Wait it's the 12? No, it's the second! I guess I made a typo, haha. Everybody keep going with the 2nd/3rd!

@Pudding: Haha it seems like Jassy has a bit of a high school crush on her. :P This should be interesting; it made me think of a perfect way for our characters to meet!

@Emuxe: No, stick with the second! I don't know what happened with the whole 12th thing, haha. And woohoo, I can't wait to meet Clara!
Pudding said
AH~ I'm sooo incorporating the witch princess into this.. I love her xD

I was wondering who the hooded figure was, aha. I'm incorporating her into my story soon as well. :) Does she really call people her minion? Haha
Tuesday, Spring 2nd

Ryder paused for a moment and listened to hear if anyone had stirred while he climbed the building, but not a sound was to be heard, and no one was to be seen. He smiled to himself, thinking this might be a little bit too easy, and began to creep along the windows of the building, being very careful as not to expose himself to anyone inside. He was searching for a vacant room, preferably one that was away from all the others and was least likely to be booked. The figures inside the building were vague, but he could make out which rooms were occupied and which weren't. Generally, the rooms with the curtains drawn shut were occupied, and the tidier rooms with the curtains wide open were still vacant. He settled for a room right at the corner of the building, facing away from the beach and towards the bar next door. Ryder figured that most guests would prefer a room with a view, so he chose the room that had the least pleasurable view, and was cloaked in shade. Perfect, he thought to himself as he began to maneuver the window. It took him a minute to figure out the lock (and to do so quietly), but after a few moments, Ryder was sliding the window open, and was about to slide himself in.

"Stop, thief!" a husky male voice shouted. Ryder froze.

He could hear doors opening and slamming shut, mixed with the sound of three sets of footsteps pattering the cobbled path between the buildings. I'm done for now... panicked Ryder. Just as he had began working out an escape route, he noticed that a strange boy with silver hair was fleeing quickly from the bar next door. "Stop!" the voice cried again, but this time Ryder could see where it was coming from, and was relieved to discover that it wasn't directed towards him. A middle aged man with a mustache and scruffy hair had emerged from the bar and was chasing after the vagrant. Behind him was a young blonde woman in a powder-blue nightgown, trying hard to keep up her pace. The silver-haired boy carried a few items in his arms and was sprinting effortlessly away from the duo. Even through the thick darkness of the night, Ryder could see that the boy had a coy grin on his face, as though he was teasing the duo with how easily he could escape from them. They were moving fast, and from Ryder's position, it was difficult to make everything out through the night. The duo were trailing further and further behind the thief, and in the darkness of the night, must have had a difficult time seeing where he was headed. They crossed in front of the Inn, passing Ryder's blind spot. For a moment, he couldn't see what was going on, but he heard two sets of foot steps running across the bridge he had walked over minutes ago. It looked like Forget-Me-Not Valley was already turning out to be the adventure he was hoping for!

Filled with excitement, Ryder turned back to the window, wondering where the thief had run off to. He had just gotten his foot into the window, when suddenly, someone crashed directly into him from behind, causing them both to topple over into the building.
Eternal_Flame said
so, all the character who live in doug's inn is sleep in a same room right? all male in right room and the female sleep in the left, am i right?

Nope. Everyone has their own room. I imagine that the game only displays two rooms so that it's easier for the player to navigate and so that it requires less memory to be used and less graphics to be created, but since it is an inn, there are absolutely more rooms available for the purposes of the RP, and each person will have their own room (unless of course someone is rooming with someone else).
Eternal_Flame said
hmm, are we using BtN mineral town or FoMT mineral town?

For the most part, they're both the same, but we're using the FoMT one. Check the OP for specifics; there is a detailed map with each location labeled with a description, as well as descriptions of every character and where they live.
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