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-Phoebe Intervention-

Phoebe tried to keep a very far distance away from Charles. She didn't even care about his presence until her gaze caught his, and she perceived pure hate in the back of his eyes. He did not look like a happy camper. Phoebe angled herself out to the side, and sat up in the bleachers, and saw her acquaintance Kincaid over on the other end. Phoebe sat down by herself on a row. Though she wanted to be down in the thick of the drama with the other students, it was probably wise to stay out of reach from the hateful kid. Didn't know I'd strike that many wrong cords with him. Phoebe thought as she turned her head down, and she fiddled around with the sparkling rings on her fingers as to hopefully break away the tension between Charles and herself. Specifically, she made sure to rub over her refined obsidian jewel on her index finger. It was an heirloom from her grand mother, who was very modest, kind, and loving. Much unlike Phoebe.

When Phoebe looked up, she was glad to see Charles caught up in a conversation, and she relaxed a little bit. Though there wasn't much room to relax on the uncomfortable, cold bleachers. The sudden announcement surprised Phoebe, and she jumped in her seat a little. It was the same voice from earlier, and... someone else? Phoebe couldn't make out much from the announcement, but definitely took offense to being called a 'bastard'. "How dare they..." She grumbled to herself as the announcement droned on. Then she was able to pick out from the quiet whispers something about 'introducing themselves', and Phoebe saw this as a good time to pipe up.

"Hey, everyone! Buckle up for a moment!" Phoebe yelled, cupping her hands around her mouth so she was louder. "I think we should introduce ourselves, since I don't think we've formally done that yet." She shrugged, and stepped up a level on the bleachers. "You probably know who I am, considering, but I guess I can forgive anyone who's forgotten." Phoebe cleared her throat, and stood firmly. "I'm Phoebe Intervention!" She said loudly, but with a serene elegance. "Famous child actor, you've probably seen my work in 'Pretty Little Advocates', and, 'Broad Abroad'." Phoebe smiled to everyone, but quickly glanced over Charles. That was her spotlight moment, even if it was under lame florescent lights. Even with the lights as they were, Phoebe's delicate, refined features ardently shined with zeal. Almost like a polish on a new car.
Phoebe is going for her purse. She's on the hunt. Probably won't find it though.

But seriously, rope climbing is the bomb. Why didn't I make Phoebe SHSL Rope climber.... Rope Climbing > Motives/Despair/Explosions
Pudding said
Pretty much everybody but two people are awake now.But some of them have already left. Some people aren't going at all.

Whaaaaaa.... Why wouldn't everyone want to go to the gym? The gym has ropes, and hoops, and.........Motives
truedevilslicer said
Kincaid, Phoebe, Briggs, and Charles are all out of the room.I think that's all of them, too, as the rest are inside.

Are we waiting for everyone else to get out before going into the gym?
Gut punches, shade throwing, and bad flirts. That sums up some of it.
Phoebe glared at Charles after recieving her reply from Kincaid. She was going to say something else, but of course the perverted fool had to chime in. The thought of slapping him came to mind, but before she could do anything, Kincaid puched him right in the gut. Phoebe was definitely surprised, first of all, that looked like it hurt. Second, how did that come from that refined girl. Her frame certainly couldn't carry that strength.

As Kancid walked away, Phoebe schemed. Though it wasn't scheming to her, but simply planning ahead. Phoebe would definitely have to befriend that girl, she had everything Phoebe wanted in a friend, which she sorely lacked. The girl was educated, smart, and full of spunk. Nothing could push that girl down, she was a barrier. Phoebe could always use something to hide behind.

"Might want to buckle up around her." Phobe gave a sarcastic smile to the beaten boy, and then she walked after the girl, but kept her distance.
I can see Phoebe just standing there complimenting Kincaid, and then suddenly the person next to her just gets pummelled.
Phoebe stepped out of the cramped, noisy room, and out into the desolate halls. The architecture was finely crafted, and it gave Phoebe some hope that maybe this school wouldn't be as dull as it seemed earlier. Her head turned slightly as she heard Cleo say something else, and she accidentally bumped into Kincaid. "Hey-" Phoebe started, but then stopped when she saw the fine woman. Oh my, she looks fabulous... she thought as she stared at the woman. The fair girl's outfit was a beautiful black, and the lucious roses on her gown almost made Phoebe envious. Phoebe of course was going to chew the woman out for being in her way, but she quickly recollected herself after seeing she herself was a woman of stature.

"My, don't you look nice. I apologize if I got anything on your dress." Phoebe said with a smile as she inspected the dress with her eyes. "Did you make it yourself?" Phoebe questioned as she put her hands on her hip. Her smile was child like, and her eyes curious.
But let us not forget about BaraKuma! If that's a thing.
-Phoebe Intervention-

Phoebe stood up straight as the announcement came on. The voice wasn't really what she expected, it honestly sounded like a child was on the microphone. How badly attended was this school if they're letting children run around managing the mics? Phoebe put aside her gripes with the school's current flaws, she didn't even want to think about how ridiculous it was the windows were barred up with metal. It didn't make much sense to her.

"Oh please, I shouldn't have to introduce myself. In fact, someone should be doing it for me." She scoffed in reply to Samuel as she made her way to the door. She glanced at him leaning against the wall. He didn't seem like much of a hot shot, non of these guys really seemed like much of anything. In the mixture of voices, however, she picked up someone speaking with a very thick British accent. It was familiar to her, and she scanned the room to try and figure out who it was. Unfortunately to no avail. Phoebe wasn't really interested in anyone else, except for that Cleo girl. Phoebe, though would never admit it, sort of liked Cleo's style. Not to mention her fierce attitude. It brought a faint smile to her face, and she winked to her on the way out of the doors.
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