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As mentioned in my post it would be a soft/hard system. This way people can have something to use, and others have freedom to make things up. I was just throwing out concepts as to how those system may have worked or been established. It wasn't meant as a way to step on toes. Just trying to help fill in the gaps as someone who has DM/GMed before; I know that it can be hard balancing many aspects of an RP or TTRPG. Especially when a game session lasts for an entire 24 hours. Having someone help fill in some of the blanks does help. While not always wanted. That is why it was a suggestion. A very big one or several. However, still just a suggestion.
Don't apologies for questions! I'm happy you're interested enough to ask them! I haven't considered too deeply the limitations of magic. I was hoping we could just sort of do what feels right story-wise. But I am following DnD 5e ideas so to speak for the actual magic. I could, alternatively use rules like Fire Emblem where literally all the character needs is the spell book and possibly some components or maybe the spell book has limited uses? I just wouldn't be sure how that would work realistically? Hmm...

I'd be interested to hear your take on how magic should be handled! I just don't want to get bogged down in all the nitty gritty details that we miss the "cool/fun" factor of our story.

To keep the Cool/fun factor in the game I suggest a soft and hard magic system. What I mean by this is having a soft system for creative purposes, while having a hard system as the system of "spells known" and shared to those who show aptitude in magic. Most spells can be added to a list of forgotten spells as some are very powerful. I'm looking at you, silvery barbs. If possible, we could pull some elements from BG3 making some spells rituals that last all day. This way it can be like a ritual for some to cast a few protective spells. I mean it could be something suggested by the teachers for 1st year students. As it looks like there are gunslingers and runecrafters, it made me think of "casters" from Outlawstar. Ancient and/or forgotten spells placed in scroll like bullets. These are then loaded into the caster and used. Some work, some don't, and some have backlash on the person using them.

Making it so that players have to open and read grimoires in order to learn hard magic spells or spell theories. These are one time use consumables and imbue the reader with the knowledge required to cast specific types of spells or learn the basics of another school of magic. These limitations allow control over what could be considered overpowered spells, which allows the GM less room to worry. If you aren't worried, then this isn't required. It could also be a reward or choice for 1st year mages. This doesn't mean that players or NPCs can't learn magic by study. Study takes longer and helps the user to gain actual experience with the magic they are using. Muscle memory is a thing. Having Magic streamed into your mind is different than living and learning the experience yourself.

To the topic of how I think it should work; doesn't mean it will be the way. Would be having spheres of mana. While these spheres of mana are usually unspecified, a user can specify them as one of the schools of magic. This would be something that most of the players have already done. Mainly they would be trained by their family's techniques, have magical potions, tutors and the like while growing up. Usually, the wealthier one is the higher the base sphere value. This does create some unfair points, but privilege and wealth are usually shown as unfair to those without as much. This could create the atmosphere that some players have to do more to catch up. That some have innate talent while others have to work hard. It helps create drama between students and allows growth as well. However, I digress from my point.

Spheres of mana, mana is converted into a type of magic or teaching, and then the caster can cast spells specific to that school of magic. Conjuration = I make things appear from somewhere/nowhere? Evocation = I make things go boom! Transmutation = I make things into other things. Necromancy = I unalive people and make them my people. Divination = I see all but can do nothing about it?! Abjuration = I make us safe and can marry people! I mean marry them to one another not to myself! Enchantment = People just love me! You do as well... Schrödinger's School of Illusion = I make others believe something either exists or doesn't. Summoning = I call forth an army of creatures to tank damage for me! Mind you these are all loosely related and do not cover the actual power behind each one. I hope I hit all the points.

It is hard to make a hard/soft system. The difficulty arises from the definition of each school. Some spells could technically belong to 2 or more. Depends on how the user is using the spells. As for spell components, I recommend against them. Mainly it is because that is based on the perceived value of an object. While casting a spell that costs 1000GP worth of Diamond dust and the spell goes through. At the time if the Value of the object went down in the world, then the spell should have failed. However, it was the belief in the value that made it work. In another realm the spell fails thus making the user need to carry more than what is usually required just in case the value fluctuates. This goes into another conversation about locations and the different types of animals located in each. A chicken feather from one area could help the user cast levitation but from another area it could make them cast fly. If everyone is alright with going into magical theory and detail when they cast spells, I don't see this being an issue. However, I recommend that if you are going to use a single substance. In Critical Role's book, they have a substance harvested from the remains of a calcified Titan? Maybe that was something my brother added to the game. I can't recall 100% I think it was in the City of Whitestone.

Options. I hope this helped. I know it is a bit much. Thank you for your time.
This looks interesting. Do you all have world building down? What are the limitations of magic? I did see it mentioned that it was spells and such like from 5th edition. Someone had also mentioned that the gods could be powerful mages. Sounds like Mage: The Awakening or Ascension. We did try doing some custom stuff to our game like adding the zodiac as gods chosen. If the gods are a thing are consolation other god like entities? Is this a specific pantheon or mixed?

Sorry for all the questions. I will probably read along with this one. If you would like help creating teachers and other students/families please let me know.
Updated character profile. I hope that everything makes sense. If something is missing @Poleski79 we did talk over what the character knows and can do. So, hopefully I can just add anything I missed.

I will update other pictures later.
This is really old.

I think it was better before they changed it but what can you do.
I am interested. You may want to create different characters from the other rp. The only reason being is if the other one is revived. @Wayward but this is just a suggestion for those who are from the other one. Those who actually rped in it. New rp and all of that.

Currently I'm in the process of being homeless and having a place? Life happened and here we are. I'm homeless as in I don't have anywhere to put my roots. In a hotel. So no need to worry. I am hoping to be in a new place within a week or two.

Character concept
I would like to have either a white Evo type. White that can become more powerful either over time, with use, or by absorption.

Purple because power.

Character comes from a mutas only type family. Imagine if Hitler were a mutas. That is his father. However, he is able to somehow hide the fact. It's probably into politics. Threw his son under the bus to keep his standing. Probably actually threw him under a bus. The man is unhinged.

Depending on power scale I'm allowed, the story as to why changes. If he started with white power then his father views him as a nonmuta. If the power is purple then it has more to do with his political position and possibly a way to toughen up his son.

Anyway it's just a rough concept. I will probably come up with a list of family, friends, political connections, and so on. That is if I have time to make the character and if it is accepted.

Thanks for the invite @Poleski79.
How has everyone been? I hope that we can get this going again. Soon™
I hope that it is because everyone is still getting over the holidays. Don't lose hope. @Damo021

Sometimes life happens. It was interesting and from what the others are saying they may make something similar. Personally I have seen a few with similar concepts. It just depends on who wants to GM and if they appoint a COGM so that something like this doesn't happen again.

There are a few issues with this. If players prefer one over the other or power rp happens. Like someone who excels in everything. Mind you one of my old OCs had powers like that but they were made in a time of old. I have since tweaked that character and he is still op but only if he is allowed to gain power.

Another character I made at a GMs request to be the BBEG. It was to force warring factions to join forced or die. That and it had been going for about a year and he wanted to spice it up. That character was interesting. Anyways I digress. I hope everyone here can get this going again or reboot it but start at the next arc.
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