Avatar of Argent
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    1. Argent 6 yrs ago


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Heraldry. the tincture or metal silver.
something silvery or white.

I'm obsessed with the color silver, but someone had already taken that username. So hi, I'm argent.

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In Sector X 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I'm interested, if y'all have room for one more.
@Archetype Zero
I like interconnected histories, so lemme ask you something.

You mentioned that the Miesenfrylk fled past the Eisen river from the south, "at the behest of vast armies and legions spawned in the hellish lands in the south."

By coincidence, my nation will be based in southern deserts around that area and has a barbaric past, plus a large orc population. So would you mind if I mentioned that the orc armies previously pushed some of the humans to flee to the north?

The ones who fled could be your Eisen, and the ones who remained could be the humans who live in my nation.
Awesome! I'll probably post my NS in a couple of days.
Any start date on the OOC?
<Snipped quote by Argent>

In the Terrain map, because I am bad at drawing, the little orange dots represent desert (since yellow is too hard to see). West Pehan is the most desert like. The northern part of that territory would be fairly similar to the Arabian desert

Sort of looking for a Middle-Eastern or Israel vibe to the environment, so that's perfect. Thanks!
I'm interested!

Quick question: where on the map do you think would be the most desert-like?
So, what would you think about a character who's main ability is enhancing the abilities of others?

Not as in copying them, but as in- if she concentrates on another character, she can temporarily 'boost' their power a bit, or help control some of the side-effects of the more dangerous powers.
I'm interested!
In the swarm of folks, I just want to remind you that I'm still here and still making a character. Don't forget me!
I'm interested!
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