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    1. Argonaut 6 yrs ago


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hmm.. idk, the odds of me getting the exact right number with that range and roll system is downright slim to none lol. but eh, for what it's worth and a chance to get an aesthetically pleasing Milotic to flex on this tournament, i cast 66.
A wild OC appears!

Sounds interesting. I'll represent my boy Suicune pls.

Carmilla Arde, Assault on Dr. Black, Rasafeh

A tactical ambush it is.

Carmilla's target is inbound and has her sights set on them, 200ft between her and her objective. It's now or never as far as the situation goes.

Hopefully, those buffoons back at the base have given her the correct info on her current target and their right coordinates are. Otherwise, This could end disastrously as far as the mission goes. For all she knows, this could be a decoy or trap set for those who attempt to endanger Dr. Black's life, seeing how important of an asset she is. Either way, Carmilla has to take a chance or rather the bait in front of her.

Escorted by two formidable bodyguards, huh? sounds like a challenge. I'll be the judge of that if they survive my initial attack

"Hiya!" The knight fiercely charges forth.

Her noble steed screeches and races underneath the blazing rays of the scorching sun. The sound of its hooves can be heard thunderously, her metal armor clink-clanks like crazy from the speed she is going as spear maiden is in hot pursuit of the jeep. Either way, at this rate, She has to find some way to bridge the gap between her and her moving prey.

As Carmilla rides towards behind her target, The tip of her spear glows faintly, letting it dangle by her side, grazing the ground below her as she moves.

Time to show where the 'Earthslayer' Noble arms got its name from.

The ground began to violently shake from the effects of the cursed spear, drawing its lines on the sand. Ores, metals, and other various minerals underneath began to tremble, heeding the call of the Knight's lance.

A living tremor soon unfolds, erecting a path of countless metal stakes from the ground below. It crawls rather rapidly, following and blocking the jeep's path, puncturing it left and right. Abruptly flipping and trashing it in the process like a tin can, blowing it out of its balance so it wouldn't escape.

An wall of spikes was set around the area in its wake. The spear maiden comes close within the distance of her cornered target. Her trusty steed comes to a screeching halt, visibly exhausted from the chase.

Carmilla pants heavily, standing tall while anxiously awaits what remains will crawl out of the toppled vehicle. She only hopes this relentless assault doesn't kill the good doctor as her only intention is to rough them up and take them for easy pickings.
Carmilla Arde, Raqqa en route to Rasafeh

"I will not disappoint" determined to get the job done with little time to waste, The spear maiden puts out her gameface on, strap in her cape and armor, recalls her cursed spear to her possession and bolted out her tent as soon as the message ended.

She struts with an imposing figure. A fierce knight on a mission, commanding left and right to her flunkies to run a brief background check on this Dr. Leslie Black and where her current coordinates are with Intel drones scattered around these parts.

She prepares her trusty steed and armaments for this solo mission in doing so. The spear maiden is a bit of an old fashioned when it comes traveling, preferring a horse over any modern vehicles, A weird and questionable choice to say the least. Either way, She thinks it's more mobile than any tanks or buggies in this terrain as far as she is concerned.

Carmilla choose the abduction mission simply out of curiosity, I mean she could butt heads with some armed people and hijack their weapon and armory, but thinks that's too messy for her taste. Negotiations aren't her strong suit, seeing how she lay waste to this small town without a second thought for defying the will of the hammers. Carmilla has her doubts most of them will be persuaded that won't end in needless bloodshed.

Option two seems the more pacifist route to say the least and got her interested the most. Determine to find the answer, Carmilla mounted her steed along with her stocks of explosives and firearms, all set for the task ahead to hunt down her prey.

"Coordinate with me if you spot anything, I'll find and bring back this so-called nuisance of a doctor who dares foil our cause" She said to her troops.

With a tug of the reigns, the Knight wielding a curse spear and her black horse gallop and sprints towards the direction of Rasafeh. The game is afoot for the knight, the doctor and her mysterious bodyguard who seems to be protecting her.

From there, Carmilla's objective is clear as day: Intercept, Retrieve the target alive<?> and Eliminate any hindrances if necessary.
Carmilla Arde

The Modern Crusade

In the godforsaken city of Raqqa

Only the hot breeze carrying residue of sand and dirt is the only audible sound you can hear.

It was silent as a crypt.

The stench of gunpowder and iron loams in the air.

Territorial disputes are common in these parts, As two factions duke it out for the battle of supremacy.

Whereas a small town located in that area was desecrated and was freshly painted in red as countless civilian bodies were impaled from where they stand. Metal spikes<?> sprouting from corpses making the once populated town an unpleasant sight to bare.

You can tell there was an inhumane execution beforehand. A one-sided massacre if you will..

In that carnage lies a maiden. A beautiful maiden that stands tall to all of the remaining survivors, along with her brothers in arms, wielding the flag of the "hammers".

She lets out a sigh before speaking. Standing firm, holding a strange spear at hand. She glares at people, skimming the area, almost tasting the fear from their sheer terrified look on their faces only to be met by her cold deadpan cast.

"Listen up! I gave them the chance to yield. Unfortunately, they are unwise and chose poorly, Know your place dogs! If this was my other brethrens, none of you will be spared. Consider yourselves lucky, Cooperate and you might just live throughout this." She snarled, leaving an ominous threat to the remaining survivors.

The spear maiden paused and snorted, looking down upon the remaining terrified people. Without another word, She left the area and return to their temporal camp, knowing that her declaration of conquest was sent and got straight in their heads. A mic drop if you will.

This piece of land belongs to the Hammers now. Ruled by fear under her command.
b-but i want my big PP daddy Ares to be canon in this RP ;_;

but eh sure, i'll tone it down on Pen's skill and backstory, downgrading her into a basic amazonian chick. Also do i have to submit a god too? i feel like the number of Gods outweighs the number of adventurers if each player creates one.

Hmmm.. i think i found my goddess. is there room for one more in the Bellona Familia? ;; @Barioth


here's the CS my dude.
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