Avatar of Argus GoeHeer
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 77 (0.03 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Argus GoeHeer 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Here is a riddle: I say Grr, scatch, snarl. I'm middle aged, and Inappropiate. What am I?
7 yrs ago
Valentines day makes me physically ill, no joke, so I feel crappy...
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7 yrs ago
IT'S FRIDAY THE 13TH!!!! I know what I'm watching tonight..... |)
7 yrs ago
*Sigh* .....People hate each other, argue with each other, and the little bit of love I see is between family members, but there is still hate there too. :(
7 yrs ago
New years is coming, in the US it is a mine field of hate. This will be entertaining from my view...but still wrong.
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I go by Argus in almost any roleplay, makes it easier to remember. I'm a nice fellow at times and I welcome a challange or a polite discussion. I normally play a character that watches the conflicts and stories. I'm very good at adapting something old to new so I don't waste something. I don't say much about my personal life, except I have a few real genetic mutations(mostly internal) and conditions, making some things difficult and others easier. I do curse, but only for either fun or rage. I am willing to take another look at things if I have to. I normally am online in the afternoons when I'm not on vacation or break from work.

Most Recent Posts

"Well, you'll get used to him, he is alot more calm when he knows someone alot more." Adyeers remembers Emma is in the car. "Ms.Emma, you've been awful quiet, which, is not exactly how you normally are." He razes his scaly eyebrow.
"Not that I know o... Damn-it Aquila!"
"oh, I said fly alright." He examines Evan. "Well, if you want the more dangerous rout, fine. I can't die by mortal means anyhow." Adyeers grins smugly.
"Well, since where we are going I can't teleport to without pissing something off, we're driving and running an flying are way there". Adyeers sighs,"I had hoped not to go back here, but if my students are being attacked, then I need answers." When the get outside they see an odd tiger looking woman in military boots and pants with a sleeveless shirt and an odd gun connected to her left arm standing in front of a mobionunion insurgent. "Everyone say hi to Be'zi, and don't accept any deals with her or you will be expelled. She is a mercenary slash D.C.O.D agent slash military general. and also a very mean and stubborn person." He gives Be"zi a nod and she opens the doors and gets in the drivers seat.
"All you must do is ask" and Adyeers snaps his fingers. a flash a blue and green light envelope the three, then poof. They are at Evans dorm.
"can't make a promise I can't keep, and each operative has their own test, mines the hardest". He grins even more.
Hope you have a good time!
"The D.C.O.D has a system in place." Adyeers says very oddly. "Should a operative of high rank bring an academy cadet along for a operation, that cadet, should they prove themselves, given a straight A passing for the first of the 3 semesters". Adyeers, still in monster form, has a smug grin, which looks creepy as all hell.
Why yes, as long as it is a character that has something to loose, even if it is his own life
"Then Emma, come with us. I'll have Be'Zi drive you."
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