Avatar of Arisphadrel
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  • Posts: 64 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Arisphadrel 9 yrs ago


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The lifelong struggle of an opening post.
If anyone asks, no Chipsqueaks were harmed in the making of the Librarium.
The otherwise peaceful morning was but to an abrupt half - by audio-based standards -- as a large explosion rang through from the Western side of the town. Multi-colored smoke pooled out from the roof of the Freezerburn Librarium as Kotoe emerged from the doors coughing up a storm. From the confines of her shop, several books flew around her, using the front and back covers like wings as a few Chipsqueaks ran out for freedom from the inner workings of what was possibly the most dangerous store in the village itself.

"...Urgh...Goddamn furballs..."

Her clothes a mess, some strange slime-like substance dripping off from her Songs, Kotoe adjusted her hat as best she could as she slammed the door closed behind her and began trekking through the village to head to the bath house. Her attempt at mixing a few potions had been unfortunately disrupted by some pets of hers, and now the little demons were on the loose after basically blowing her up. Uncouth and diligent in making her unhappy as always, she just...gave up for the duration of the morning. So it was to be a rare sight to see her trudging out of her shop, slowly opening the front door of the Cuttlefish Bathhouse once her walk led her there and bringing her smoking and potion-dirtied body to the front counter to request and pay for a bath tag.

"...If anyone asks, the explosion from the Librarium involved Chipsqueaks. ...How much does an hour cost again? I forgot."

...Which was normal, given her ways of forgetting just about anything that didn't involve magic. She had a bag of coins with her at least...She just hoped that she remembered to bring enough, what with it being early and her...usually not visiting the bathhouse in favor of her own shop's accomodations.
"Ah. The temperature's right. The weather's decent. It's a wonderful day, compared to late. On days like this..."

As Eika spoke, the little UFO carrying her PuPu doll was quick to begin floating right behind Jake as he procured himself a poorly-trained tour guide to lead him in. There. She had a form of sight. Now...with these soldiers that were speaking of overwhelming her...? Haaaaa....

"P E O P L E L I K E Y O U S H O U L D B E R O T T I N G I N H E L L ."

To a voice not her own, spoke something from within the abyss. Laughter rang out as Eika watched hundreds of limbs and body parts spring up from her spot within the mass of the quickly-surrounding Galbaldian soldiers, her head tilted back to take in a breath of fresh air as guards raised arms to fire. Without a need to focus, her orbs moved to deflect bullets as they came from the first few shots before beginning to swirl around her. With wind consuming the fires inside, a continues casting of Aero spells dislodged bullets from their trajectory to hit at random areas around -- even downing a few of the soldiers in the process thanks to the unfortunate luck they had. And then came the grand summoning of the Guardian Force that many within the Balamb Garden feared or failed to comprehend. Leaning to the left, the visage of a white, bared body bonded with a ball of flesh, the sphere of many came forth. Thousands of eyes opened at once, darting wildly to find targets on which to pierce the souls of with their beholding gaze, whilst the female at the very base of it slowly lifted her head and let out a scream that could shake minds to still completely. The beat itself had arrived: Visionary. And her presence was something to be known across the entirety of the prison with how pent up both she and Eika had been. The overflowing dread seeping from both GF and summoner was something that was only accentuated by the resounding consequence to those still out to shoot at her.

The first guard to shoot at her was perhaps the luckiest, stopping to turn around and bark at his underlings, only to find...


The gaze of Visionary was nothing to desire, showing that the lower grunts who had dared to meet one of the many eyes gazing out had frozen their very souls and taken the softness of their flesh as an aftereffect. Petrified, Eika began a terribly morbid dance of a sort, her hands moving out in a methodical manner as she took to a careless twirl with her orbs. To the poor individuals in the path of those orbs...well..The shattering of their bodies was more than something brutal.

It was a monstrous way to kill someone.

Fully aware, watching themselves crumble apart, even to the point that the few bullets that were managing to hit her were scapes or things nowhere near deep enough to get her to stop. Sure, one was lodged into her shoulder that she'd not bothered to notice. A few had hit her legs. In particular, one had gone straight through her right hand! But even with it, she was the single-handed distraction for a reason.

"W-What the hell is this thing...?!"

Eyes ever vigilant, Eika closed her own to see through that of her Guardian Force as she kept to moving. As Visionary, who remained stationary in the spot that she had been summoned up until this point, slowly began to float behind her and turn her head to see the many that were beginning to back up and call for support.


A shame to those who weren't aware of her, for she made her entrance as loud as she possibly could. If there was going to be a prison break, nothing short of lighting the sky on fire would do in making a fuss of it. And that call of the electrical magic junctioned inside of her orbs led to her holding her hand out and moving the four orbs that had converged in the shape of a cross like an aiming system. A bit to the left, up an inch...Perfect.~ The lightning poured forth from all four orbs the moment they were in place, hitting past the door of the prison and crashing into the first wall that it could get to for a building-shaking explosion.

"Come and get me! I'm just one girl, guys!~"

...Maybe she was having a little too much fun with this.
Brb blowing up the front door for you guys. Again.
You're not Sanson! Put that guillotine blade away!
You actually reminded me that that was a thing. But why the hell not. I WANNA BE THE SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE.
To Begin...

The day that she had seen it had been a while ago, hadn't it? The true visage of a nightmare -- her own end. Visionary never showed her something false -- she only showed her potential ends, deaths that would happen on the current path. And it was up to Eika to stray from the path to change it -- but her own end...This one was far too vivid. Far too fragile... The shock had rendered her in a psychological state unfit to return to the field until now. Her mind, on the machines that they hooked her up to, showed her brain activity to be so painfully off the chart that she had to be sedated out of fear of harming herself. Only now, with the applied duress of the Dean himself, had she been tested to see if she was once more combat-ready. And oh look, oh boy.

She was.

And that's what net her the waiting game that she had in the parked car in particular. On her head was a pair of new headphones, it seemed. A singular conformity to technology, as she tapped at several files with something of an awkward look. She was looking for music, she seemed. Not the greatest with that stuff...But it was to be expected. So to see Jake Song of all people arrive made her raise an eyebrow as her mind regressed back to the time that she had last seen him-
"Oh. You didn't die. Good afternoon. Beyond your alleged capabilities, shall we be going?"
With that notion, the meet-up completed, she got out of the car, the quartet of orbs she knew like a part of her own body meeting up to allow two of them to hit the ground immediately. It was just a moment to reach down and pick up the small moving PuPu Doll that she had made -- ah, and he even had his own little UFO to play around in now. Notioning Nom-Nom to go in, the little toy did so and immediately piloted his toy UFO up and into the pack on her back before she closed her eyes and took a deep breath as the calmness from listening to something...soothing washed in. Music had become a pacifier for her head, but it was unfortunate to have to set the earpiece in for the time being. Just to listen in as she watched them all begin to walk to the set meters to the prison.

Placing one shoe on an orb that had swiveled down to foot level, lightning crackled inside of it before enveloping her leg -- with the action repeated to the other shortly after -- to let her begin "skating" across empty air on the two spheres while the other two trailed behind her.
"Munashii, shouldn't you-"
Another tap. Another song on. Her headphones adjusted to encase the earpiece in while she moved in.
"...Alright. Show me everything, Visionary."
To one who was unaware of her history at the Garden, it seemed like a death wish for Eika to be moving in behind Jake and slowly to the side. And from there on, it was...all too simple. Eyes opened up within her orbs, each one staring rapidly as rings surrounded them to gesture to what element was currently occupying -- Fire, Lightning, Time, and Gravity it seemed. She never was one for listening to people make those overly complicated plans when she already had everything she needed to do the part of her job that mattered the most. And in that case, she was going to casually stroll up to start it anyways.~

Here it started.

And just as Jake dropped the first guard, the one that had been awaiting at the door would come to find the Haste-enhanced girl standing in front of him with a particularly bored look on her face.
"...So you do have him..."
A smile quirked on her lips as she was quick to slam her hand against his face as he readied his gun with complete disregard for her words, effectively stunning her as the veins traversing through her arm glew with an angry crimson for the coming moment. Her head was seeing it -- the things Visionary showed her inside. The one that she knew more than anyone else, cared for on a level above others, the one that she had a particular fondness towards despite any and all rules...Hah. They had him. They made it too easy to trigger her.
"Consider yourself the lucky one."

And there was her part of the plan, as instructed by the Dean himself. The vicious, fiery explosion that came from the palm of her hand utterly melted the Guard's upper body before dropping what remained of his burnt lower half, moving past his body and right against the entrance doors of the prison to melt through them. As it turned out, high-tech powers didn't mean much from the outside when it came to knocking on the door.

And Eika was here to bang the fucking door down.

"You should get moving in with the SeeD support while they're gathering up their forces. I don't think anyone will be particularly happy with the uproar I'm about to cause, Jake. After all. I'm the distraction to let you get in easier. So..."
Her words implied what she excelled at. Disastrous fits -- and with the Calm Time in sync with her heartbeat rapidly rising from rush of images that Visionary flashed through her head, it wasn't hard to get "psyched" enough to get to calling Her out. Quietly hopping off of two of her orbs, the quartet as a whole began to revolve around her frame as she held up a single hand and held the palm against her left eye.

And then it'd be felt.

The nightmarish pressure that brought even the coldest man to a shiver. The harsh whispers that began to ring from her position as black mist under her feet slowly allowed clawed hands and gnashing jaws to drag themselves out, and struggle to bring whatever the limbs were connected to as well. The summoning of this GF in particular, as much an anomaly as it was, came with the barks and calls of Galbaldian dogs lining up to meet the monster at the front door.

"I suggest you get going now."
Hm. Alright. Kotoe will like anything that can sparkle naturally. Or magically. And is sweet. Or cheesy.
Living in stranger circumstances means never having to have a sugar crash.~
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