Avatar of ArkhamInmate333
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  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 67 (0.02 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. ArkhamInmate333 5 yrs ago
    2. █████████████████ 10 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current Always remember, your focus determines your reality.
5 yrs ago
It's quiet...too quiet!
5 yrs ago
Hello Gotham! Joker's back in town! HAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!


Name: Arkham
Aliases: Inmate, Max, Tex, or Master of Dungeons
Age: 30
Ethnicity: Terran
Ancestry: Human
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: Unitarian Universalist/Jedi
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time
Gender: Male
Major in College: History
Degrees: BA in History w/ Minor in Communications
Occupation(s): 7th Grade Science Teacher, Freelance Writer
Greatest Inspirations: J.R.R. Tolkien, J.K. Rowling, George Lucas, Stan Lee, Geoff Johns, Andrzej Sapkowski, Maria V. Snyder, The Russo Brothers
Years of Writing Experience: Going on 18
RP Level: Advanced
Biggest RP Pet Peeve: Poor writing without a desire to improve
RP Strengths: World Building, Game Mastering, Peer Editing
Preferred Genres: High Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Modern Fantasy, Romance
Fandoms: Star Wars, Star Trek, Game of Thrones, Disney, Dungeons & Dragons, Back to the Future, The Witcher, Lord of the Rings, Jurassic Park, Pokémon, Harry Potter, Marvel (MCU & Comics), DC Comics, Supernatural, Assassin's Creed

Current Roleplays:

Archived Roleplays
Star Wars: Knights of Fate
Star Wars: Light and Shadow

I first came to this realm and joined the Guild's ranks over a decade ago, long before the Dark Times that came after the Great Migration of 2014. Seven years ago I left to travel in the Mundane Realm. During my travels, I studied, grew, and honed my skills. I now return to this realm, armed and ready for the challenges that lie ahead!

In the Mundane Realm, I am a teacher, living on a horse farm in the Valley of the Shenandoah River. I am also a scribe of no small skill. I also serve as the Master of Dungeons for several groups of brave adventurers in the Forgotten Realms of Faerûn.

Most Recent Posts

"Well that's gotta be a first for me," Thaerex admitted.

"Eh, people shoot at me all the time," Theva snickered, waving the comment off absently.

"Well from what I hear about the Hutt Cartel, I don't imagine we'll be able to talk our way out of this," Thaerex guessed. He took a moment to catch his breath.

Theva's helmet hissed as the respirator disengaged. Pulling it off, she finally revealed her face to her companion. Thaerex had to silently admit to himself that she was much prettier than he'd expected. Her deep red eyes seemed to glow slightly in the shadows of their hiding place and stood out in stark contrast against her pale blue skin.

"If we want to get off this moon," Thaerex continued, "we're going to have to be smart about it. Which means first we've got to get you out of that armor."

The Chiss gave him an impish grin.

"Usually I insist men buy me dinner first before I let them see me naked," she retorted. Thaerex blushed slightly as he realized what he'd just said, but before he could rephrase himself she rolled her eyes and exclaimed, "I'm joking! Sheesh! Go figure I'd get stuck with the one Inquisitor who hasn't got a sense of humor."

Again, Thaerex didn't bother to correct her when she misidentified him. He stuck his head out of their hiding place to check and see if the coast was clear.

"By the way," he added, "my name is Thaerex."

The Chiss smiled and stuck out her hand politely.

"Thevalarahn, but Theva is just fine."

Thaerex turned around and took her proffered hand, shaking it firmly. "Pleased to make your acquaintance, Theva."

After a moment he cleared his throat and, again, blushed a little.

"Are you...uh...wearing something under your armor or are we going to have to seek something elsewhere?"

Well this mission was certainly turning out to be more exciting than expected! He followed behind the Chiss as they sprinted out of the spice refinery. A volley of blaster bolts chased them out into the street and the sound of all those feet carrying all those weapons followed. The Sith seemed to be calling on the Force to allow her to put as much distance as possible between her and their pursuers, Thaerex did the same.

After several abrupt turns, Thaerex followed her into a crevasse, created between stacks of large supply crates. There they crouched down in the shadows and waited as their pursuers caught up to them. For a moment they could hear the voices of the Exchange thugs just outside their hiding place.

"Which way did they go?!"

"Did you see them?!"

"We better find them!"

"I think they went this way!"

It was several minutes before the sounds of their footfalls faded off into the distance. It was only a moment after that that the Sith got to her feet and offered a hand to help Thaerex up.

"They're gone, I think," she said. Tharex took the proffered hand and allowed her to help pull him to his feet.

"But," she continued, "better not to stick around and find out." Thaerex silently nodded and went to follow her out of their refuge.

He was looking down the street, in the direction the thugs had gone, when he heard the clicking of safeties being disengaged and the whine of blaster coils warming up. He grimaced as he heard the Chiss snarling something in her native tongue, then he turned to see her staring down the barrel of a carbine being held by a Rodian in armor emblazoned with the emblem of the Hutt Cartel Security Force. The Sith glanced back over her shoulder at Thaerex.

"Suggestions?" she said in a low voice he hoped only he could hear. Without saying anything, he reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder. Gently he pulled her back and stepped in front of her, placing himself between her and the security force agents.

"Is there a problem?" Thaerex asked.

"This is a restricted area," the Rodian replied. "You're trespassing."

"My apologies, friend," said Thaerex. "My associate and I were running from some nasty-looking thugs who'd threatened to rob us which forced us to hide here." He raised his hands as if to show he was unarmed and at their mercy. But as he did so, he made a peculiar gesture with his right hand as he raised it.

"We'll get out of your way, there's no need for trouble," assured Thaerex.

"You'll get of our way, there's no nee-," the Rodian was cut-off as his holo-emitter chirped on his utility belt. Thaerex cursed silently as the Rodian reached down to answer it.

"Believe me," the Sith added quickly, "the last thing we want is trouble."

As the Rodian unclipped the holo-emitter from his belt, Thaerex noticed one of the containers nearby bore the intergalactic symbol for pressurized and flammable contents.

When activated, the security agent's holo-emitter displayed the image of a Twi'lek male.

"The Great Javvaxxa the Hutt," the image began, "wishes all Hutt Security Agents to be on the lookout for a female Sith warrior." For a moment, the Twi'lek's image was replaced by an image of Thaerex's companion in her distinctive armor. "She is suspected to be in the company of another Sith. If you encounter them, they are armed and extremely dangerous. Shoot to kill."

Thaerex wasted no time, he stepped back and clenched his fist, using the Force to rupture the pressurized container beside the security agents. Noxious looking gas began to hiss forth, engulfing the agents. Thaerex turned to his companion.

"I suggest we run," he said, before sprinting off down the street. Behind them he heard the Rodian shout, "No wait!" before the sound of a blaster being discharged was followed by an explosion.
Buckle your seatbelts, it's going to get BUMPY!
Thaerex raised a quizzical eyebrow. Her reaction was entirely not what he had expected. However as she continued, he realized quickly what had likely happened, and suppressed the scowl that usually followed someone mistaking him for a Sith. In this case, her mistaking his identity would probably work in his favor, which meant, for the time being, he had a role to play.

"Ladies first?" he asked, lowering his saber and stepping aside. "Though it does seem you've had plenty of 'fun' already."

Kael hissed as the bitter Jawa Juice burned an icy trail down his throat. Fortunately this was the non-alcoholic variant of the beverage, which wouldn't compromise his ability to control his cybernetic arm. Truth be told, he had been amazed to find it available in this hive of scum and villainy. Savareen was one of those backwater systems that inevitably became a haven for those who don't wish to be found. And as of two years ago, Kael begrudgingly found himself counted among them.

He scowled at the surrounding patrons of the cantina, thugs, smugglers, bounty hunters, and worse. But the crowd did lack the presence of one element, there wasn't a damned clone in sight. Their armor may have been upgraded, and they might be called "stormtroopers" now, but they'd proved in the end that they were little better than the clankers they'd been engineered to fight against. They were tools of the Sith now, Emperor Palpatine and the traitor, Anakin Skywalker, now calling himself Darth Vader.

Kael was about to take another swig of his Jawa Juice when he froze. He sensed something...a presence...the sort of presence he'd come to feel less and less in the past two years. He slowly set down his glass and searched the room with his eyes, at the same time reaching out through the Force. His gaze passed over the Sabacc game that had just devolved into a fistfight, the Zygerrian slave-dealers ordering another round for their prospective clients, and a table of Duros huddled around a datapad. Finally, he spotted a lavender-skinned Twi'lek woman sitting at the bar, drinking a glass of what he guessed to be phattro. A hooded, brown cloak might not necessarily raise eyebrows out on the edges of the galaxy, but when coupled with what Kael could sense about this woman, there could be no mistake.

From his table in a dark corner of the cantina, he watched as she looked around the room. When she suddenly stopped and turned back to face the bar, he followed where her eyes had been and saw an armored Trandoshan carrying a heavy blaster looking in her direction. Kael recognized the brute, he was a bounty hunter named Gornn.

As Gornn started away from the Duros, towards the bar, Kael abandoned his cup of Jawa Juice and made his way to intercept.

"And just what do you think you're up to Gornn?" Kael asked, stopping directly in the path of the Trandoshan bounty hunter.

"Outta my way cyborg!" Gornn hissed. "That Jedi is mine!"

"Fat chance blaster-brain," said Kael, ignoring the angry snarl that followed his insult.

"You think just because you've killed a few Jedi and collected a few lightsabers that every Jedi bounty belongs to you?!" Gornn demanded.

"And here I thought you were as dumb as you looked," Kael confirmed, soliciting another angry snarl from Gornn before he stepped back and raised his blaster.

"She's mine Xaron!" Gorrn proclaimed. "So step aside before I-"

Gornn's threat was cut short by the SNAP-HISS of the sapphire lightsaber Kael ignited. Without a moment's hesitation, the glowing blue blade flashed through the air, carving a diagonal path from the Trandoshan's hip to his shoulder. Gornn's blaster clattered to the floor in two pieces, followed by Gornn...also in two pieces.

Kael extinguished his master's old lightsaber and hooked it back onto his belt, before turning to the Twi'lek and grabbing her by one of her lekku. He knew that grabbing a Twi'lek by the lekku was excruciatingly painful, and he hoped the woman would forgive him once he had a chance to explain himself, but for now there was no time. If he didn't "claim his prize" some of the other patrons might begin to think they could do better than Gornn.

"Let's go, Jedi." Kael ordered.
I will endeavor to have a post up sometime tomorrow evening!
I'm looking forward to it! :)
Thaerex heard the sickening CRACK from inside the room and felt the disturbance in the Force that told him the Sith had killed again. He could hear the angry humming of her crimson saber. Behind him he could hear the sounds of approaching footsteps, too many for the Sith to take on alone, and he needed her alive. As he stepped over yet another corpse sporting scorched saber wounds, he ignited his violet blade and stepped over the threshold.

There, standing amidst the carnage, was the Sith. She stood with her lightsaber ready, though he very much doubted that she'd expected him to be the first one through the door.

"Hello there." Rex extended a greeting, careful to watch for any sudden movements on the Sith's part.
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