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In Paragon 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In 2067, gaming has reached new levels of awesome. VR gaming is basically the norm thanks to Interactive Immersive Interface (i³) technology, and the Nexus allows the world to be continually connected.


[ Elysium ]
The island in the sky. The absolutely enormous island. It's like they picked a state on the map, detached it from the Earth, and placed it neatly into orbit along with our other satellites. But, of course, we know that's not the case since there aren't any state-sized craters that have suddenly appeared. So, how these aliens just casually and secretly placed all of these massive things next to our planet without us noticing is just mind blowing. Their level of tech is obviously so much more advanced that it's scary. Nice way to find out there's intelligent life, right? But, back to the island. This little slice of paradise is actually designed with cities and roads, places to live, eat, and 'shop'...oh, and let me tell you about this shopping. Well, the in-game currency that our avatars earn is also the money that we have to use to buy things on this island. Yeah, nothing is free. You want a meal? Need to replace a part on your rig? How about some new threads because you've been wearing the same outfit for six months? Welp...you gotta play the game and earn it. And don't even think about trying to steal anything. A handful of people tried that in the beginning and were instantly blacked out. So, we are pretty much forced to play this game, even if it's just to afford our next meal. It's not all bad, though...at least we aren't trapped in the game with machines keeping us alive or some shit like that.

[ Reaper's Row ]
So, where do all the players that black out end up? Do we just leave them where they lie? Maybe they get ejected into space? Or maybe they simply get transferred back home? Nah. They got that covered. With a million-plot necropolis that stretches on for miles. The players aren't buried underground or anything. They're placed in some techie-looking glass coffin and put on display...like some museum of the dead.

[ Clans ]
A number of prominent clans formed during the first stage of the game. When our little surprise contest emerged, almost all of those clans disbanded. A few, however, believed that strength in numbers was important and stayed active.

These guys are pretty much the shit. Top clan in Paragon. Nothing but the best players are allowed.

Girl power, no boys allowed, all that jazz. The most badass female players in the game all gathered into one group.

Children of Merlin
A culmination of some of the best magical players Paragon has to offer. Fantasy geeks living out their dreams as witches and wizards.

Echelon 7
Less of a clan and more of a loose Co-op of indie players that share resources and information. Members come and go...but once a player leaves, they can't come back.

The Syndicate
A few of the clans were created by actual corporations who were looking to bully their way into the contest with extreme financial clout. This one stuck around after the 'big reveal' and continues to be the general assholes of the game. Many believe they have plans to win the contest and basically try to own the world. No one misses them when they black out.

[ Legendaries ]
Even though the fate of the world is hanging in the balance, it actually doesn't hinder how absolutely amazing Paragon actually is. One of the coolest things in the game are the legendary items that can be acquired. These are one-of-a-kind weapons, armor, and accessories that are literal game changers in the right hands. Pretty much the most valuable and coveted items in the game. A lot of these legendaries are based on things from popular games and movies.

Other Notes

  • We'll be among the players trapped in space; we've been playing the game for a few years
  • For commonality sake, we'll all be a part of Echelon 7 to start with
  • This is only a slightly altered version of Earth so most things that currently exist IRL will be relevant (even if it's a different version of it)
  • Feel free to ask me anything at all
Hammering out a few details and I'll have it up soon
@Sewer Rat
I'm not really strict on posting speed because I know people have lives outside of RPing...especially since school is starting for a lot of people

I was thinking of capping it at...ten? I like to have a good number for variety but I also don't want it to get overwhelming

Still too soon. :P I almost picked another city like Moscow or Budapest, but I think Tokyo has more impact for some reason.
So, I've edited the first post once again. I was saving this new development for a plot twist, but I decided it was best to have it start out this way instead.
Thanks for the interest! ^_^ First post has been edited with more info.

In 2067, gaming has reached new levels of awesome. VR gaming is basically the norm thanks to Interactive Immersive Interface (i³) technology, and the Nexus allows the world to be continually connected.

Several years ago, a mysterious MMOVRPG appeared suddenly on Axis, the world's premiere video game digital distribution platform. The game was completely free and in the description, players were promised a chance at the 'greatest prize ever given in a video game contest'. The developer and origin remained undisclosed and most people believed it to be a virus or malware. A few brave souls (or complete morons) had downloaded the game to see what the big deal was, and had found that the game was legit. But that wasn't all. It turned out that the game, known simply as Paragon, was the most expansive, customizable, and engaging video game experience of all time. The contest, however, was not an immediate experience. Players gained entry into the contest by earning a glyph which was granted as a prize for reaching level 100 in the game. This turned out to be a nearly impossible task. Whoever these developers were, they had created the most challenging game ever, and only the most elite gamers in the world would manage to complete this extremely absurd feat. There are only 1 million glyphs available to earn...which would seem like a whole lot if you didn't consider the fact that Paragon currently has 1.3 billion active players. The game's contest is set to begin 24 hours after the last glyph is collected.

With the global population cresting 10 billion in the last few years, the planet is getting a bit crowded. Pollution and poverty are at an all-time high and the Earth is becoming less pleasant to live on every day. Multiple space programs are being funded by both governments and the super-rich so we can all get the hell out...but even if that were to ever fully realize itself, we all know who would catch those first seats. There are a few rumors that claim there is a shuttle already prepped and the contest is about winning one of these precious spots...but let's be real. Whenever the Earth does bite the big one, we're all going down with her. So in the meantime, we have the glory that is Paragon to take our minds off this shithole.

While most games focus their characters and setting on a single genre, Paragon manages to encompass nearly every type of game in one massive amalgamation. Since the game is essentially a VRPG at its core, there is, of course, a class and leveling system, but the openness of the gameplay puts games like GTA and Skyrim to utter shame. Players travel to different worlds...yeah, not levels – entire worlds...to complete all kinds of tasks and challenges. Some worlds are simply for farming or recovery. Several spots are even built purely for fun and relaxation. And did I mention that players can purchase in-game real estate to build their own locales? And there's no limit to this stuff. Apparently, the servers for this game are the size of the Taj Mahal and powered by several nuclear plants because this game hasn't stopped growing and has never lagged or crashed.

As for the playerbase, it's just as diverse as the game itself. With 1.3 billion users, you're, of course, going to have those who just play the game 'for fun', which is actually most people. Then you've got your major try-hards who take the shit way too seriously like it's life or death. Then somewhere in the middle are the true elite, those who face every challenge with such determination and finesse that people are forced to mash that spectate button or camp out their notifications for that player's next Optica vid.

Okay, so remember how we mentioned life and death earlier? Well, it turns out some people had the right idea all along. Because our little 'contest' is absolutely critical on a whole other level.

After the last glyph was earned, the world went into a frenzy. It seemed like forever and a day had gone by before this mysterious contest was finally going to be revealed. The million elite players who bested the game had 24 hours to prepare before the challenge of their lives would begin. The mixture of nerves, confidence, and pure excitement throughout the world was palpable.

As the final moments counted down, the number of active players at one time absolutely crushed any previous record and players' livestreams were packed to the gills. Each player with a glyph had a timer displayed on their screen, ticking down to the reveal.


That was when the world stood still.

Those million players with glyphs? They vanished into thin air. Gone. No trace. Leaving nothing but whatever clothes they were wearing in their wake. Not only had their physical bodies disappeared, but their avatars had as well. What. The. Fuck.

A few moments later, every device on the planet with Nexus access received an eerie simulcast. The screen was totally dark and an ominous voice spoke in…an alien language. The creature's words were translated into captions at the bottom of the screen.

Hello, creatures of Earth. We hope you've been enjoying our little game. It appears that quite a few of you have participated. But, unfortunately, only the best of the best are worthy of facing the real challenge and claiming the ultimate prize. How does the title of 'Earth's Savior' sound?

(The screen changes to a view of a massive alien satellite that appears to be for some type of military use.)

This is one of several of our devastator satellites that are orbiting the Earth at this very moment. Don't worry about trying to detect or disable them because you simply don't have the means. These satellites are equipped to completely obliterate planets much larger than yours, so we should have no problem reducing your Earth to cosmic dust.

I guess you're also wondering where your precious players are, right? Oh, well, they're right here…

(The screen switches to another view of a domed island floating in Earth's orbit…and gigantic doesn't even begin to describe it. At nearly 10,000 square miles, it's about the size of Massachusetts and is visible from the ground on clear days.)

This is where the defenders of your planet will reside during our game. Don't worry, they will have everything they need to live, but unfortunately, they won't be coming home anytime soon. You can keep an eye on them through one of the endless number of cameras present on the island.

So, now comes the time for all of this to fall into place. Each of your million players is being equipped with a device that attaches directly to their nervous systems. These will sync with their individual avatar identities in a very personal way. You see, once a player's avatar is destroyed in the game, the device in their neck plunges them into a deep, dark coma from which they won't ever awaken. And we are minus one player.

Once the player count reaches zero, the Earth and everything on it will cease to exist. Plain. Simple. But if just one player is able conquer Paragon, we will spare your planet. And before anyone decides to dismiss this as some sort of hoax...I believe you called this...Tokyo?

(The screen pans to an aerial view of Tokyo, Japan. Moments later, the city is hit dead center by a shot from one of the alien devastator satellites. The world watches helplessly as the entire city is leveled in a single crushing instant.)

And that isn't even close to a fraction of what our technology is capable of. So, enjoy these last moments of your existence, creatures of Earth...because no one ever wins.

Game on.

So, yeah...we're screwed. No, we're dead. Earth is pretty much done for. And how do we get to prevent our inevitable apocalypse? A fucking video game. Oh, and it's not just hard. It's nightmarish. Grueling. Impossible. In the beginning, our numbers plummeted fast as people failed challenge after challenge, task after task, boss after boss. Eventually, we got a little smarter and a lot more cautious. I mean, the fate of the world is literally in our hands and we have to win. We have to win. Period. Or we're all dead. All. Dead.

Other Notes
  • We'll be among the players trapped in space; we've been playing the game for a few years
  • This is only a slightly altered version of Earth so most things that currently exist IRL will be relevant (even if it's a different version of it)
  • Feel free to ask me anything at all

This is a basic premise...more details to come

Looks like Bestia is filling up a bit... Pela is approved!

Love them both! They are approved!


Yeah, sorry, I forgot to mention the third character allowance in here. I've been super busy the last couple weeks. :/

– Midtown –

Police cars swerved and twisted to dodge traffic as they struggled to keep up with the two Variants traversing the rooftops. Eventually, after a few sharp directional changes, Flea was able to shake the cops off of his tail. Inverse, however, was another problem entirely. No matter how suddenly Flea would cut in another direction or how far he would leap, Inverse stuck to him like glue.

Damn, this dude is fast...I mean, I'm keeping up, but barely. Time to switch things up…

After the closing the gap a little with a few well timed maneuvers, Inverse concentrated on Flea's jump path, trying to predict his next landing spot. Gotcha. He pinpointed an area on the rooftop in front of Flea and increased the gravity. Once the short man landed, he immediately tumbled, flinging his duffel out in front of him. His entire body suddenly felt heavier, like he had just been dunked in lead.

"Aaaaah...what the hell!"

Inverse landed on the roof near the little guy.

"End of the line...wait, I already used that one…...I need some more material..."

"Let me up, asshole!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa…language, little guy."

"I'll show you little!"

"Well...I'm waiting..."

Inverse opened his posture as a challenge to the extremely aggravated Variant. Flea grumbled profusely as he struggled to lift himself off the ground. Inverse gave a sly smirk and snickered out loud.

I could watch this all night...huh…?

Inverse's banter was interrupted by the subtle hum of electric motors. As he turned toward the direction of the noise, a M.A.D surveillance drone headed straight for him and his tiny hostage.

Sigma-881 has visual on two male Variants. Green Level Agile. Alias: Flea. Red Level Distortionist. Gravity Manipulation. Alias: Inverse. Proceeding with detainment.

He already knew it was his cue to go. When the drone came within range, a pair of launchers protruded from underneath its body, each equipped with a round of shock darts. Without hesitation, the darts fired toward the pair. Inverse was able to use his powers to dodge the projectile altogether while Flea, of course, wasn't as fortunate. He took a direct hit and was instantly subjected to a few thousand volts of electricity. Inverse released his hold on Flea and made for the duffel bag, scooping it up before sprinting at top speed toward the edge of the roof as the drone tried in vain to hit him with another dart.

One Variant, Flea, has been detained. Sigma-881 in pursuit of Inverse.

Inverse continued to traverse the high ground. As the buildings got taller, he ran along the sides of them, maintaining his distance from the M.A.D. drone. He spotted an open window ahead of him and saw an opportunity to lose his pursuer. He dropped into a baseball slide and 'fell' into the open window, launching himself into what appeared to be a bedroom. He was immediately met with a startled scream from a woman standing in front of a large mirror in nothing but a towel, seemingly about to get dressed. As he stood, she clutched the towel to her body.

"Oh! Sorry!...wait, why would you be doing that with window op-?"

The drone appeared in the window and fired another dart, which lodged in the wall as Inverse evaded it and bolted from the room. He made his way out of the apartment and into the hallway. Gotta go up. He found the entrance to the emergency stairwell and discovered he was several stories from the top floor.

Lost immediate visual, switching to thermal optics...Variant has entered emergency stairwell, likely heading for the roof. Proceeding to roof for intercept.

Inverse hopped over the railing into the open space and 'fell' upward toward the ceiling. He grabbed the railing at the top floor and flung himself over, landing directly in front of the roof exit.

Yeah, that drone is probably right outside…but I got something for him...

He manifested a small black orb that hovered over his palm. As he burst through the door, he threw the orb out in front of him while tumbling to dodge yet another dart. Both the drone and the dart, along with some loose debris, were forcibly pulled toward the orb that was now hovering in the air.

Losing control of movement. Variant's escape is imminent.

"Well, it's been fun," Inverse mocked as he shot the drone a bird and launched himself into the air, leaving the drone pinned in midair.


– Midtown –

Incinera met a group of firefighters in the stairwell as she moved the group of young scientists to safety. The rescue team seemed to pause when they noticed she had been walking through the flames in barely any clothing and emerged completely unscathed.

"Help them! Get 'em out of here!"

The firefighters snapped back into action and lead the scientists downstairs. One of the rescuers offered Incinera an oxygen tank, which she was actually quite grateful for. The fire seemed to be getting under control as others pitched in to help, including a...werewolf? When the remaining occupants were shuttled out of the lab, Incinera decided not to stay for any longer than she needed to and made her way to the roof. There was a giant metal contraption that was cascading water onto the building.

The hell did this thing come from?

She walked over to the edge of the roof and peered down at the chaotic scene below. More rescue vehicles and workers than she could count swarmed the streets and she noted to herself that some of the more professional-looking types were most likely with N.O.V.A. She really hated dealing with the agency in general and definitely didn't feel bothered to at the moment. She backed away from the edge and sat down, leaning against one of the legs of the metal-water-thingy. She removed her mask and coughed a few times while she brushed debris and ashes from her hair.

This had to be Underground…they're always doing the stupid shit…but why burn down a chem lab? What would the Underground gain from something like that? Seems extreme even for them...there's gotta be more to it...


– Midtown –

"Yoooo, Rocky Road! I know you're in this mission, where you at? It's Scavenger, I can give you guys a pickup!"

Graffite nodded as he received the call. "We're heading towards Tech Alley. The cops are gaining on us, so move your ass!"

"Who the hell is this guy?" Ruby said when she noticed Dante looking like he was preparing to engage them.

"Who cares? Wreck him!"

Dante pulled a pair of shades from his pocket and donned them as a countermeasure against being identified. He conjured up a blue knife and hurled it in the direction of the pair of Variants, then immediately followed it with two red knives. The action was so quick that Ruby and Graffite had no time to react. The blue knife precisely cut the strap of the duffel Graffite carried causing it to fall to the ground, and the red knives exploded at each of the Variants' feet, sending them flying in different directions. Graffite slammed into the wall of a nearby building while Ruby tumbled and rolled in the street. As the pair struggled to get to their feet, the police screeched to a stop behind them and drew their pistols.

"NHPD! Remain on the ground and place your hands behind your head!"

"Fuck that," Graffite huffed as he got to his feet.

"Hey! Get down or we will open fire!"

Of course...shoot first, ask questions later…

Graffite broke into a run directly toward the officers.


As the police fired at the Variant, he simply shrugged off every bullet and continued his sprint unfazed. When he reached the first officer, he knocked the pistol from his hand and knocked him unconscious with a fist to the jaw. He then continued to make his way through the ranks, disposing of each officer in kind. Meanwhile, Ruby got to her feet and spat a bit of blood onto the ground.

"Alright, you little shit, you wanna play?!" Ruby shouted in Dante's direction. She then conjured a large blade made of crystalized blood in each hand and dashed toward Dante.

Here we go…

Dante created two more blue knives as Ruby took a swing towards his upper body. He ducked under the blade and deflected her second attempt with the other blade with a knife. The battle continued in a wild flurry of motion.
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