Avatar of Asuterisuku
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Asuterisuku
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 59 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Asuterisuku 10 yrs ago


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Name: Alexander "Sandy" Bridge
Gender: Male
Species: Gryphon
Age: 38
Appearance: Standing a mere meter (3.3') tall at the shoulder, Sandy's lithe frame is clearly built more for outright speed than any kind of endurance.But then that comes with the territory when you appear to be built from parts of a Peregrine Falcon and a Cheetah.The contrast between his golden eyes and his darker grey rear plumage causes the eyes to seem to shine out of the darkness, while the whiter chest feathers - intended to camouflage the falcon in flight - serve no such purpose as they give way to the black-ringed golden fur of the cheetah hind end.

While he sometimes still wears his lab coat - trimmed at the bottom, and with patches removed for the wings to fit through - he has difficulty finding apparel to fit, though he seems to care far less than he used to - a psychological change to go along with the physiological ones, perhaps? He also keeps a rain coat modified in a similar fashion for those days when the weather is too miserable to fly.

Bio: There isn't much to be said about Sandy's life prior to what is commonly referred to as the aversion of the Apocalypse. He was always a good student, though he kept mostly to himself - though a good all around student, he excelled particularly in fields relating to Biology. He wanted to know what made things tick, from a genetic level, to a cellular one to an organic one. Learning all he could about all manner of creatures became his passion, over the years, one that drove him to continue his studies, even after achieving his PhD. at the age of twenty seven from the University of West Metropolis, who eventually granted him tenure as a Professor for his knowledge, which allowed him to retain unlimited access to their laboratory facilities.

Sandy was never one to believe in any kind of doomsday scenario. He knew that life would always find a way to survive, even in seemingly impossible scenarios, and this would be no different; if humanity were wiped off the face of the Earth, it would simply be to pave the way for something new. As such, he was in the labs continuing his research on the genetic diversity between certain insect subspecies at the time of the Pulse. There was a horrendous, albeit brief cacophony that stirred him from him findings, accompanied by a bright flash visible still through the shuttered window; the lab equipment, the lights, everything else shut down moments later. At first, Sandy thought it would be a normal power outage, but the minutes passed without the building's generators kicking in. The lab's automatic doors had been sealed from the outside. Until someone came along, he was trapped. Hours passed into the night as he grew more and more weary, his findings already recorded via pen and paper rather than the computer that usually served the task, and still no one came. Eventually, his fatigue overcame him, but not before he noticed a fine white haze. He had thought, at the time, that it was simply sleep deprivation getting to him.

If only he had known then.

Powers: His light frame is swifter than most, though only for brief periods at a time, and he is fully capable of flight; perhaps more so than others of his kind due to his comparatively light frame, as well as canny use of what little control of the Air he has. He theorizes that with the right materials that he would be able to use this to generate a fair amount of Static Electricity, though he has refrained from experimenting with this, as the exercise drains him terribly.

Weaknesses: As mentioned, excessive use of 'magic,' (though as a scientist, he is loathe to call it that) leaves him sluggish and weary, leaving him vulnerable to attacks it would normally be child's play for him to dodge. His small frame and light bone structure are highly susceptible to physical strikes, and his feathers don't do much to pad a blow.

Other: Having worn glasses for most of his human life, Sandy thoroughly appreciates the keen new eyes that the change has granted him. The talons, on the other hand, he could do without; while sharp and imposing, they lack some of the fine motor capabilities that his hands require for a large portion of his work.
fawcettp said
if its only an hour or so after the destruction he would still be in the lab when it affected the world... would a clean-room lab keep the mist out until it was opened?also he was/will be a founding member not the leader

Incidentally, I asked this question already.
I'm too tired to rewrite the whole damn thing right now, so I'm going to go to bed now, then post it when I get it done in the morning.

And for the record, I'm Canadian. I'm more likely to use metric, but if I HAVE to include a measurement, I tend to use both, for everyone's sake.
Now that I've seen the opening IC posts, I realize that we're dealing with hours/days, as opposed to the months/years that I was originally going to work with... And I actually think this benefits the character. I'll have my CS up shortly.

One more thing: I am quite amused by the visual representation of Twitch Plays Pokemon's "Anarchy" mode in Noire's signature.

... And Notepad just crashed with my unsaved, completed CS in it. T.T
Even three meters (9.9') would be pushing it for a human construction, but for a living rock what does in or out even really matter?
Alrighty then. *knuckles cracked* And that's why I had a backup idea (more a variation on the same character) in store. Next question! What effect does the original genetic stock have on the transformation? Do specific traits connect to specific species? Would members of the same family become the same sort of creature? And if so, would hybrid types be possible due to certain genetic combinations (this has less to do with the specific character, and more to do with world building)?
The concept of the setting somewhat interests me, but I'm finding it a little difficult to find a plot... However I think I'm going to bite anyway. I do have a question though, which could affect what I ultimately decide to do with my character. What is the likelyhood, and under what circumstances (such as an airtight laboratory/bunker), would it be possible for a character to remain human?
Damn the lack of sarcasm tags on the internet in general. XD
Erk. I'll get on it.

This moved a lot slower on the old site, so I could go away for a weekend or so without missing too much. Not so much here. =P

Now the way I see it, poor Alexander's seen more than he needs to to not really be surprised - frightened is one thing, but not surprised - by stuff like the wyvern hovering over his head... But the fact that he announced who he was, and that he's seemingly friendly this time after their last... "meeting," is probably going to break his brain a little. =P
Sandy squinted and held his hand up to shield his eyes - which felt as though they hadn't been opened for a long, long time - from the all too bright light. "At least there is light," he muttered to himself as he fumbled for his glasses. They were nowhere to be found, at least by pawing his hands around. Most of what he could see was a grey blob. He knew he wasn't home. His apartment was more colourful than this by a long shot. "Does that mean I'm still in the Guild?" He tried to remember what had happened to him. There had been an argument... This wolf had come out of the forest and was claiming to be the god of this world... His head hurt. He couldn't really concentrate. But it was no use. He couldn't remember any other details other than this: Muse, the man who had brought him there had called the thing that was speaking through the wolf 'Ex.' "Ex." He muttered the name aloud, wondering if there was a story behind it.

With one more desperate grope, Sandy's hand grabbed something solid. A table. On it were his glasses. He donned them and took a moment for his eyes to adjust, as the world came into sharp focus around him. As he got a better view of his surroundings, he realized something. He'd woken up in a cell.


The memory of what had happened the previous day came sharply to focus, as though it had been a dream turned very real. Including what Muse had said about reality being... malleable. That in order to change something, one had to believe what he wanted to change was already changed, to commit that belief to heart and mind. A daunting task for a skeptic like Sandy. Not one he could manage at a moment's notice like this. And yet, when he tried the door, it wasn't locked. Strange, he said to himself. Even stranger though, was the fact that when he opened it, it opened not to a building or any interior space. Instead, it had opened onto water, about three meters above the surface. Not too high to jump if it was deep enough, but enough to be intimidating.

But if he did jump, there was no boat, no place to make landfall in sight. He'd be in the water for a while... At least long enough to swim to the next setting. He wasn't sure how long that would take. But he had no choice, and he knew it. With only a moment's more hesitation, he dove. With nowhere else to go, he started swimming, determined not to change his course until something changed.
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