Avatar of Aurus
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Aurus
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 47 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Aurus 10 yrs ago


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I have plans to expand the bio, but it's 3AM and i'm worried about missing the deadline. Here's my little application i guess.

Full Name
Karu Sulan




October 4th

Astrological Sign



Fae Dragon, Mage

-Fae dragons have a venomous bite that attempts to paralyzes muscles


Short Biography
While fae dragons tend to keep far away from civilization and only show themselves when up to mischief, Karu was a rather odd case. His egg was discovered and cared for by elves, and as a result he not only picked up the common and elven language. He is very friendly unlike many of his draconic brothersand sisters as a result
Fae dragons have inherited the pride sterotypically found among dragons and Karu is no different. However he is also very friendly and fun loving, if not a little mischievous. As a youngling, he is also a very curious and overly trusting soul. He also occasionally does not no when to shut his mouth.

None currently

Magic = Life. Fae are by nature magic beings, while their magical pools often replenish after a short time, completely exhausting their pool of magic will kill them.

Fear of heavy tech - Karu is particularly vulnerable to human technology, and after a rather unfortunate exposure to it highly technical devices he does not understand can cause him to have a panic attack.

Strange Attributes/Abilities/Traits
Magic Sense - Fae dragons are very sensitive to magical energies, particularly abnormal ones.
Magic Body - Heavy resistance to magical effects. Able to channel multiple spells

He enjoys rubs in any area a pet would (Back of head, belly) but he hate’s to admit he does.
Karu awoke in the elven home he had grown up in, though he was most certainly not an elf. He was a fae dragon in fact. Unhatched, he had been found in the forest and taken care of until he came into the world, growing up among the other youths. The result was a rather friendly dragon. Most fae dragons were shy and would hide from other beings, playing the occasional prank from a safe distance, but Karu was much more social and even understood both elvish and common, and could even read and write! It wasn't much of a surprise that he'd be invited to the academy, it was probably more surprising that he had accepted, and would probably be the first of his kind to go to it, as most preferred to just live among the trees.

Now, the towering gryphon had been quite a scare when it arrived, but he turned out to be friendly enough and Karu certainly did not want to have to fly there on his own. His colorful butterfly wings were more for show as he had to use magic to fly. Having nothing really to his name, he traveled with only a few notebooks and writing utensils gifted to him by his caretaker and his favorite warm blanket. He didn't pay much attention to the scenery, he was capable of flight himself after all so he'd seen enough mountains and trees by now, though the rift was a little more interesting when they reached it.

When he finally arrived at the academy he was a little reluctant to dismount. Strange looking technology was everywhere, and he wasn't exactly confident it was safe to be around based on his past experiences. He may have gotten shot by an earth world gun once and never really gotten over it. It took him a good 5 minutes and an annoyed shake from the gryphon before he finally got down and was left alone with his luggage. His eyes darted around a little frantically from all the earth students and more importantly what they had brought with them, while his own light packing simply floating next to him, feathery antennae glowing slightly as he channeled magic through them with barely a thought.

He moved over to a wall for a bit to try and calm himself down, having his back to a wall helped with his nervousness, but what did not help was the rather loud announcement scaring the living daylights out of him, the small dragon jumping in surprise and twirling toward the source. That was certainly not something he was used to!

He took a couple deep breaths to calm his racing heart, reminding himself that this was an academy, most likely no one was out to get him here. No one here probably even knew who he was! Or what he was for that matter. He knew there was going to be a lot of scary earth trinkets here when he accepted, but surely they were not meant to be used on him! He just had to be careful not to agitate people... and not get stepped on.

Karu cautiously made his way toward the assembly hall, or at least followed the people that looked like they knew where they were going and weren't visibly covered in or wielding earth technology. He probably stuck out like a sore thumb, which was probably a good thing since he'd be lest likely to be stepped on or accidentally bopped with luggage.
Was I accepted? I never got a concrete answer about that.
I have plans to expand the bio, but it's 3AM and i'm worried about missing the deadline. Here's my little application i guess.

Full Name
Karu Sulan




October 4th

Astrological Sign



Fae Dragon, Mage

-Fae dragons have a venomous bite that attempts to paralyzes muscles


Short Biography
While fae dragons tend to keep far away from civilization and only show themselves when up to mischief, Karu was a rather odd case. His egg was discovered and cared for by elves, and as a result he not only picked up the common and elven language. He is very friendly unlike many of his draconic brothersand sisters as a result
Fae dragons have inherited the pride sterotypically found among dragons and Karu is no different. However he is also very friendly and fun loving, if not a little mischievous. As a youngling, he is also a very curious and overly trusting soul. He also occasionally does not no when to shut his mouth.

None currently

Magic = Life. Fae are by nature magic beings, while their magical pools often replenish after a short time, completely exhausting their pool of magic will kill them.

Fear of heavy tech - Karu is particularly vulnerable to human technology, and after a rather unfortunate exposure to it highly technical devices he does not understand can cause him to have a panic attack.

Strange Attributes/Abilities/Traits
Magic Sense - Fae dragons are very sensitive to magical energies, particularly abnormal ones.
Magic Body - Heavy resistance to magical effects. Able to channel multiple spells

He enjoys rubs in any area a pet would (Back of head, belly) but he hate’s to admit he does.
Hm, I have a fae dragon character in mind if that's okay, will write up a proper CS later.
I remember when casual actually had casual length posts. If I could keep up with 1-2 pages every other post I'd play in the advanced section. Maybe my interests just happen to attract all the wordy people...
Sorry I have to back out of this rp.
Yeah, I'll go sneak off to heckle the other human like I intended too after tea, got em mixed up cause I only saw one character sheet for a human. xD
Varius frowned a little bit at the human's response, keeping a rather close eye on the aggressive crystal dragon. In case he needed to defend himself or the child. His ears did perk a little at the offer of tea, one of the things humans were rather good at was preparing food after all.“Fruit tea then. And where is this Siabel? I hope she is aware that there are many dragons here that are extremely aggressive toward humans, or clumsy enough to accidentally step or sit on one. That is one or the reason's humans are not allowed here, the others being-” he started lecturing a little, fortunately for everyone else he was rather interrupted by the young two headed dragon's shrieking.

His glare become much more wary however as she interacted with the child though. He was a tad aware of the sneaky and underhanded tactics humans in books were said to use, poison being a recurring theme in some of them! Then again, there really wasn't any motive so it was probably fine. More importantly it was stopping the one head from shrieking.

“Well then...” he huffed a bit as the situation seemed to calm itself down. “I am Varius, pleasure to meet you. I do hope you aren't from the southern human territories, and that you manage to survive through the festival of course. I rather approve of humans that have a spine around dragons.” he said with a chuckle.

He'd give a little nod to Lucatiel as she spoke to him. “Oh don't worry about me, I just came to see what all the fuss was in here. Well I suppose now I'm here for tea actually.” he'd add with a little chuckle, flicking his tail a little in approval as he turned his attention back to the human.
Whelp, finally got off my lazy butt and wrote a post, figured I could just be one of the dragons attracted to the commotion a certain human just caused.
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