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    1. AyElEmAy 5 yrs ago


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We all know the stories, time and time again a villain's plan is foiled by the hero’s selflessness or love. What if underneath all of this the villains were up to something else? It all started with Queen Grimhilde amongst all of her books in the dark arts. One held a spell..... a powerful one. One that couldn’t be completed with just one magic user alone. After her death someone stumbled upon it and so it all began this mess that our dear town finds itself in. The spell was simple moving everyone “ To a world like our own, Similar but where sins aren’t atone.” It was years in the making behind the scenes of the villain’s scheming they were also furthering along the work on the spell. All they needed was to go to a wishing well and chant a phrase. Adding an item or magic to the old witches' brew. By no means think this was their priority, they did not want to relocate to this unknown world. Arrogance also ran deep with them and they couldn't accept pathetic fools would ruin their plans. It was just a small precaution, insurance if you would. As time passed rumors spread quickly. As a result people who weren’t even magic users helped with the progress providing rare items in exchange for an inclusion in the spell should it succeed. Let’s also be clear these people didn’t get along. Sure some had common interest but the only thing that united these people were the mutual enemies they had. It still isn’t clear how many types of magic were involved in this. Nor who was the last person to partake in this hex and set it’s final steps into motions. In the end it doesn’t matter much now does it?

The spell itself was undetectable though it wasn’t this huge apocalyptic curse that spread through the land yanking people out of their world. Nor were there huge storms of black clouds and lightning that tore the fabrics of space and time. So no one could really prepare for any of this. No the day ran its course tired beauty kisses her husband good night and drifted to sleep. Poof. Just like a reset button. Everything they knew was gone and they weren’t even aware of it. False memories of lives that they hadn’t lived. They found themselves waking up in this world with no recollections of who they were. Some continue to do so, six were either blessed or cursed depending on how you see it. The spell was supposed to grant the seven most powerful magic users the ability of memory in this new world should it be followed correctly. Seven antlers of the White Stag. That was all. The man who had possession of such items was a great hunter, according to some but a brute to all. Too entangled in his own self to realize he only dropped in six. That threw that sector of the spell off. Now instead of granting it to the most powerful dark magic users it selected the six people at random. The seventh person with no antler should not be affected. However the seventh being that was picked had a deep connection with imagination and magic. This has granted them with a sense that something is lurking under the surface of this town but no recollections. The mistake also threw the time period in which the memories would come back off as well. Increasing it from 5 minutes after the spell was complete to five years.

So now here we find ourselves five years after the spell was completed. But who’s counting? Everyone had been living their lives as they “normally” would. Starting off their days like what they believe has been everyday of their lives. Any memories from a time prior than five years ago are false memories result of the spell. The six will just recently regained their old memories, triggered by the upcoming meteor shower . Those poor souls that will remember unfortunately won't be able to locate their loved ones right away. You see the spell is dark magic but there always must be a small hope or protection, ie. true love’s kiss. In this spell it was anonymity protection from the wrath of the six. Unfortunately that didn’t change despite the glitch. Appearances and names have become fuzzy in the memories of those who can recall. The memories are vivid it’s just that any face that isn’t their reflection or name that isn't their own is hard to see clearly. That’s not to say it’s impossible to recognized someone, traits and quirks seem to transcend the change. If the person pays close attention they might catch the hesitance to touch an apple or the habit of whistling while sweeping. Now whether they are trying to help or hurt them when they remember is another tale. Will our heroes find their loved ones? How? Will they find out why they remember? Not only do these people have to deal with their past memories they also must deal with the role they've developed in this town. Adjusting to the technology won't be a walk around the park either. A true nightmare will become of these upcoming weeks. With their shock finally calming down they can finally focus on the important things. Slowly the six will bumped into each other and discovered they remember in one way or another. Following this they should have a meeting to clear the air on who everyone is and what’s their next steps. Everyone must be cautious about who they say they are. After all there is no way to prove everyone is speaking the truth. There are wolves amongst the sheep. The heroes are unaware of what happened and why they are here. The villains are comfortable that only their own would remember not knowing that the spell had a malfunction. Will everyone be able to figure out how to undo this spell? Do they even want to go back considering all the commodities they can have here? Which side will sabotage the other? Who will slip up and make it clear what is happening? Will they get the other's to believe them?

The six characters who remember are as follows 1. To Be Announced 2. To Be Announced 3. To Be Announced 4. To Be Announced 5. To Be Announced 6. To Be Announced. The seventh person is To Be Announced note he does not remember but he does have a theory. Note that if you take one of these characters with the exception of The Seventh Person sometime during this month they have realized who they were. As of this moment however no one should know exactly who anyone else is though they can have suspicions.
Roleplay Ideas
I have never been great at being a morning person. Most mornings I hit the snooze button at least once or twice.
Great! I already started working on my idea for a daughter of poison ivy and a daughter of harley quinn
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Paragon Academy
This sounds awesome!
love to dye my hair random colors
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