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Current got a giant honey pot in animal crossing & honestly i have peaked in life
4 yrs ago
@Renny no hate but ging is kinda trash lmao
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4 yrs ago
no its bc dark jace isnt a member of rpg
4 yrs ago
@Bee what about one big jace's family
4 yrs ago
my friend describing my chars like "pink and girl group/solo female artist kpop aesthetics, either a bad bitch or borderline unbearably bubbly and sweet" .............i've been called out


lame sappy tree-hugger piece of trash who spends too much time on Pinterest and/or clicking thru haute couture collections oops

HMU @ urstyle.com/user/ayzrules or on pinterest @ayzrules pinterest.com/ayzrules

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Ying-mei tried to follow the instructions she'd been given as closely as possible, resisting the urge to release her parachute as soon as she felt the wind whipping at her face. Breathe, Ying-mei, breathe, she thought to herself. It's okay. It's going to be okay. There's nothing to be afraid of. Ying-mei let herself fall until about the time that she thought she was supposed to release the parachute, and she let gravity do the rest.

Ying-mei landed rather clumsily, and she checked to make sure that she was unharmed. Well...no broken bones or sprains. Perhaps a bit of bruising and scratches and scrapes, but nothing serious or worth making a fuss about. Ying-mei hoped that the others had landed safely as well.

Ying-mei's ears picked up the sound of somebody approaching. For one panicked moment, she thought that it was the Germans. However, Ying-mei soon realized that it was Jean. She mentally let out a sigh of relief.

"Nurse Liu, I presume you enjoyed the flight?" he asked. Ying-mei opened her mouth to respond, but she was interrupted by a loud cough. Ying-mei turned, startled, to find a peeved Maria bearing down on them. She told them to only use French from there on out. Ying-mei nodded and packed up the chutes as she instructed, hastily stuffing it all into the pack. She also checked her gear while she was at it, making sure that everything was in order.

"I enjoyed it as much as one can enjoy jumping out of a plane," she whispered discreetly to Jean in choppy, heavily accented French.

A few moments later, Izkry announced his presence, his sister by his side, as usual. Ying-mei tried to locate the others, to no avail. "I don't see anyone," she told the others, squinting in the darkness.
@shylarah what can i say we gotta keep the Mongols from stealing our jobs
@Lady Selune just wanted to let you know that I'm still here :D
For what must have been the fiftieth time in the last five minutes or so, Clarrik found himself staring at Serenei, dumbfounded. "Never...heard...of it?" he repeated slowly. "What? Everyone's heard of Sister Star and Brother Desert." Indeed, the first thing that children learned was how Almerinte was created when Father Earth laid down mud and mountain and Mother Nature breathed life into the world. And then there was Sister Sea and Brother Sky, and Father Sun and Mother Moon...

How could Serenei have forgotten that?

Clarrik's train of thought was cut short by Serenei holding up a hand and asking him to "cut the shit". She asked if she'd lost her mind. Clarrik was fairly certain that she most definitely had. Sweet, gentle Serenei was never this angry about anything.

"What about you, huh? You and your fucking gods or goddesses or whatever. Do even know anything about mainline science and reality? Miracles don't happen! Just freak coincidences and people being at the wrong place at the right time," Serenei declared. Clarrik shook his head, unable to believe what he was hearing.

"Snow above, how can you say such a thing? Have you not seen what the priests and priestesses can do? Your own brother is the High Priest, for the love of everything cold! Blizzards and snowstorms that can destroy entire cities that only occur whenever some foolish lord or lady tries to build a mine in the Inner Wytesias aren't just accidents, Serenei!" Clarrik was clearly growing agitated at Serenei's continued refusal to acknowledge that Ophelia and Ver'lya and Lativia and Scarletta and all the rest of their gods and goddesses were very, very real. And she kept insisting that her name was Samantha Ashley, and that she didn't know who anybody was.

Clarrik took a deep breath. "Ryne is your son," he explained in the most patient voice that he could muster. "He is three years old. In fact, I shall summon him to our chambers right now." Clarrik strode to the door and opened it just a crack, motioning to the bewildered handmaiden who was standing in the corridor.

"Would you please fetch Ryne for me?" he asked in a hushed voice.

Serenei's handmaid nodded hurriedly. "At once, Your Grace," she replied, before scurrying off. Clarrik sighed and drew back into the bedchamber, turning to face Serenei, who was saying that she wanted to get back to her 'team'. She then asked for 'proper clothing', declaring that her nightgown made from ivory Meraliti silk was "tacky", a term that Clarrik was unfamiliar with.

He gestured toward the wardrobe made of sturdy oak and decorated with intricate carvings. "I, uh, believe that you had a gown in mind for today in there?" he said awkwardly, opening the wardrobe to reveal a gown of pale blue lambswool and pristine white fox fur. Elaborate silver embroidery decorated the long, full skirt. Freshwater pearls had been sewn into the fabric, and the bodice was slashed with delicate Cyrainese lace.

The handmaid returned with Ryne in tow. He had eyes like the sky on a rare clear day, and his brown hair was on the lighter side. "Mother!" he exclaimed happily when he caught sight of Serenei, eagerly running to Serenei with arms outstretched.


Serenei let out a started squeak as the man who she'd mistaken for a fellow Itervian very rudely lifted her up off of the mattress she was sleeping on and set her on the ground. She realized that the bed she'd found herself lying on was actually suspended above a second bed, which she presumed belonged to Graves. They began taking her to the infirmary. Serenei was not entirely sure what that was supposed to mean. And why was she supposed to be going on a 'mission'?

"I would appreciate it if you would kindly stop taking me to this infirmary of yours," Serenei said in a prim voice. "Yes, I am absolutely certain that I did not hit my head last night, and I have a welcoming banquet to see to!" She couldn't help but notice the strange attire of the other people in the hallways. Most of them were men, and they were giving her peculiar looks. Some of them were even so insolent as to leer at her, as if she were not a married woman, and a member of the royal family at that!

They passed a window-at least, Serenei thought it was a window-and she strained to catch a glance of the outside, but all she could make out was...dark blue. She frowned. Why was it glowing?

Serenei had no time to ponder the window. The two men reached a section of wall that was actually a door (Serenei was not entirely certain-everything so strange) that revealed a tiny room. All three of them squeezed into the room. Serenei was horrified. Snow above, how improper, being in such a small space with two men who I do not know!

The wall slid aside again in an unnervingly smooth manner. They continued on their way, passing what appeared to be men made of metal. Serenei stared at them, her eyes wide. It was like they were wearing very clunky and awkward armor. They paused in front of another section of wall, with Graves tapping something hanging on the wall, and the wall slid aside yet again, revealing a room with walls so blindingly white that they reminded Serenei of fresh snow.

One of the men accompanying Serenei called for someone named "Stanford", and out came a man made out black metal. Serenei screamed at the sight of him, shieding away. She was shaking violently. "What...what is that?" she demanded, panting. Her heart was racing. "How...how can it speak? For the love of everything cold, where am I?!"
The man named Ethan Graves began answering her questions, but he could have been speaking a whole new language because Serenei did not understand a word that he said. For the love of everything cold, what does he mean by 'Interloper' and 'frigate' and 'RIFT tunnel'? Where is Sybaris? What are Vaskrans? What is a 'Novus Naval Orbital Installation'? Why would we need repairs?

Serenei shook her head slowly. "I...I apologize, but I am afraid that I do not know what you speak of," she answered tentatively. "I do not know what 'frigate' and 'Vaskran' and 'RIFT tunnel' mean." Graves asked what Itervia was, and Serenei's mouth almost dropped open in shock. He does not know of Itervia? Why, that's like-that's like someone not knowing of Father Sun and Mother Moon! Graves grabbed her shoulders and began to shake her, and Serenei cried out in alarm, unaccustomed to being touched by someone so unfamiliar. Graves pleaded for her to 'stop acting crazy', which only made Serenei more confused. I am being perfectly rational! It is this Graves character that is acting crazy! she thought indignantly.

A new voice appeared out of no where. "Hey, what's going on here?" asked a man standing in the threshold of the chamber. Serenei hadn't even noticed the doors opening. Speaking of doors...where were the doors? Serenei frowned. They had disappeared into thin air!

Serenei caught her breath and looked at the newcomer. He was dressed very, very strangely. And so was Graves. Serenei's gaze flitted down to her body and she noticed that she was attired in the same peculiar manner. "Why am I dressed like this?" She noticed the second man's features for the first time. He had pale skin (it wasn't as pale as hers, but still rather pale) and ocean-blue eyes and chocolate-brown hair. Another Itervian! thought Serenei excitedly.

"Hey, what's going on?" he asked, not unkindly.

Serenei let out a breath of relief. "Oh, thank the honorable Ophelia, please tell me that you know why we have been taken away from Itervia," Serenei pleaded. "I am afraid that everyone will be terribly cross with me if I do not get back soon. Princess Phillipa and Prince Frederick are due to arrive at Illyri any minute now!" Serenei's voice was growing increasingly agitated, and she bit her lip. Calm. I'm supposed to stay calm.

Serenei had never been very good at staying calm.


Clarrik and was becoming very, very worried as Serenei declared that she had neither a husband nor a "boyfriend" (whatever that was supposed to mean). And then...and then Serenei went on to declare that gods did not exist. Clarrik felt the blood run out of his face, and he flinched involuntarily. Serenei didn't seem to notice his reaction as she continued to talk nonsense, saying that her name was 'Private Samantha Ashley' before rattling off a bunch of words and phrases that meant nothing to Clarrik. Something about what she was saying struck a wrong chord with Clarrik. In his distracted and distraught state, he caught the words 'General Combat Infantry Battalion', which indicated that Serenei was saying that she was part of the military...but that was all wrong. And then she said that kings and queens were 'out of service', which made everything all the more concerning.

Replying to Reyanna, Serenei ordered her to 'just fucking stop', to which Reyanna responded with a frightened step backwards. Reyanna glanced at Clarrik, who was staring at Serenei, wide-eyed and as pale as a sheet (which, granted, was not much paler than he normally was, given the fact that he was an Itervian). "I don't know what's happening, I don't know what's going on, and I don't know who I am anymore. Just...just tell me what planet this is, what star system this is, and the location of the nearest spaceport. Seriously," said Serenei.

There was a tense moment of silence. Reyanna hesitantly spoke up. "Your...Your Grace? I am not entirely certain what you are talking about, but...but we are in Almerinte. In Itervia. You are speaking of stars...perhaps you mean Sister Star, and the legend of how she shattered herself to pieces? We do not have, er, spaceports in Illyri, but I can arrange for you to be at Queensport for the arrival of the Alumnallens if you wish, Your Grace."

Clarrik shook his head slowly. "Lady Reyanna, I think that something is very wrong," he interjected before Serenei could begin shouting again. "Before you came in, she denounced the goddesses. Something along the lines of the goddesses not existing."

Reyanna's eyes grew as wide and round as saucers. Like Clarrik, the blood rushed out of her face all at once. "Y-your Grace," she stammered, frantically looking around to see if anybody was within earshot. Fortunately, the handmaiden who Reyanna had rushed past had left the room, though Reyanna lowered her voice nonetheless. "If the High Priest hears you say that, he will have you punished severely, family or no. Snow above, if word ever reaches the honorable Ophelia herself..."

Clarrik stood up. "She said that her name was Private Samantha Ashley earlier as well," Clarrik told Reyanna. "It has a rather Alumnallen ring to it, if I say so myself." Clarrik and Reyanna stood in stumped silence.

Reyanna was the first to compose herself. She took a deep breath, plastering a smile onto her face. "Well, Your Grace, it is quite evident that you are not feeling well. I recommend that you get some rest and perhaps see a healer-priest. Prince Clarrik, forgive me, but I shall be on my way to oversee the preparations for the arrival of the Alumnallens. Would you be so kind as to notify me if Princess Serenei, ah, overcomes whatever has been ailing her?"

Clarrik inclined his head. "Of course, Lady Reyanna." And with that, Reyanna Weystermont fled from the chamber.

Clarrik rubbed his eyes. "Look, Serenei-" Clarrik paused and drew in a breath-"or Private Samantha Ashley, or whatever you wish to be called, please do not ever say what you said about gods and goddesses again." His eyes darted fearfully to the window, which was partially obscured by fine damask curtains. The sky was a bright pale blue, and rays of golden sunshine streamed in through the curtains. It was an unusually clear day, but Clarrik knew that the sky could turn dark and that the rays of golden sunshine could be replaced by a vicious blizzard in the matter of minutes if Ophelia was angered. "Have you lost your mind? If-no, when-the priests and priestesses hear about this, there shall be consequences. I'm sure you remember the story of how the honorable goddess Ophelia put your family into power," he continued. "And she can take your family out of power just as easily. Please, I beg of you, Serenei, for Ryne's sake, tell me how I can help you. Tell me what is wrong. Tell me why you are acting so strangely." Clarrik turned to face her, fear and concern in his ocean-blue eyes.


So here is my character. I hope it's okay that I sort of made some stuff about China :D
@shylarah oh fuck sorry I wasn't paying attention as I wrote that

i probably said twins because i'm grappling with an idea for twins for another rp myself, lol

but yeah i fixed it!!
Ying-mei had not noticed how dark it was outside until it was time for the air-drop. She'd spent most of the flight shivering and trying to calm her nerves, as the cabin was rather cold. She supposed that those with actual combat experience were used to this by now, so Ying-mei gritted her teeth and bore it in silence. Ying-mei hated the cold. She wasn't very fond of heat and humidity, either. Summers in Shanghai had been the worst, what with the mosquitoes everywhere and air so damp that it felt like walking through velvet every time one stepped out on the street.

One of the co-pilots informed them that it was time for the air-drop. He opened the door, and Ying-mei resisted the urge to cover her ears. Outside was nothing but pure darkness, though the sound of the wind rushing past them was deafening. She was not entirely sure where they were, but she desperately hoped that they were indeed jumping out of the plane in the right location.

First, Maria went. Ying-mei watched her step out of the plane without a single second of hesitation. Next came the siblings-cheerful, talkative Izkry and quiet, sullen Belasy. Even when he was jumping out of a plane, Izkry remained extraordinarily enthusiastic. Ying-mei wished that she was as excited as he was, and as certain as he was that they would see each other on the ground. If they survived the air-drop, that is. Jean was fourth, easily and fluidly stepping out from the door of the cabin and into the empty air, quickly disappearing from sight.

I suppose that the sooner I get this over with, the better, thought Ying-mei. She decided that she really, really, really didn't want to go last, so she stood up after Jean had disappeared from view and walked quickly over to the jump doors before she could change her mind. After that, all she had to do was step outside. Which she did so, not allowing herself to hesitate and potentially end up landing far, far away from the rest of the group.

Perhaps this won't be so bad after all, Ying-mei thought as she jumped.

As soon as she was out of the plane, Ying-mei realized that it was indeed as bad as she'd thought it would be. All she could do now was hope and pray that she could carry out the instructions on how to deploy the parachute and land safely on the ground with the others who went before her.
The unfamiliar man asked if she was having nightmares, and said something about a 'barber drone'. "A barber drone? What is that? Where am I? Is this some secret place in Alumnall that nobody knows about?" Alumnallen technology was known throughout all of Almerinte to be the most advanced, of course, but what Serenei had seen of the gears and cogs and steam-powered contraptions in the realm of red leaves was nothing compared to...this.

The man gently laid a hand on her, and Serenei flinched away from his touch. She glanced down at her bandaged chest again. Why was that there? Why did her body feel wrong? Serenei held her palms up in front of her face; they were darker and more calloused than she remembered.

The man began speaking again. He was...Ethan Graves? "What kind of name is 'Graves'?" Serenei asked, puzzled. "I-I mean no offense, of course, but the only realm that would have a family named 'Graves' would be Alumnall, and, well, pardon my saying so, but you most definitely do not look very Alumnallen." Serenei paused to collect her thoughts as her terrified mind scrambled for an explanation. She took a deep breath, sour old Ravella's words coming back to her. An Itervian lady does not let her emotions rule her judgement. An Itervian lady is polite at all times. She does not burst into fiery fits of passion, but remains stoic and still, like a glacier.

Serenei bit her lip. Ophelia, give me strength, she thought. "I apologize for my outburst, but I do not understand why we would be sharing a bedchamber, considering that I am a woman wed. I do not know what being 'on the Interloper' means, and no, I would not like to visit the infirmary until you tell me why I am here, if you please," Serenei said in the coldest, calmest voice that she could manage. "I will have you know that I am Princess Serenei Farwynd of Itervia, and I would very much like to be taken back to Illyri."

There. That sounded rather glacial, did it not? Snow above, how does Marleyna do this all the time?


Clarrik was genuinely worried. What was wrong with Serenei? Why was she acting so strangely? "I am Clarrik. I am...I am your husband, Serenei. We have a child. Ryne. Do you remember Ryne? You are in our bedchamber, in the palace. We are in Itervia. A delegation from Alumnall is due to arrive at noon today, to discuss a feasible way to end Itervian-Alumnallen tensions that have existed since Mother Nature and Father Earth put our four goddesses in this world," Clarrik said in the calmest voice that he could manage. "Serenei...you are Serenei. You are Princess Serenei Farwynd, the Lady of the Keep and the daughter of Queen Alaysha and King Lanner Farwynd. Crown-Princess Marleyna Farwynd is your older sister. The honorable High Priest Bryce Farwynd and the honorable Lord Lorgan Icewylle are your brothers." Clarrik paused to gauge her reaction. He nervously ran a hand through his crop of chocolate-brown hair.

The door burst open. A flustered handmaiden stood at the threshold of the bedchamber, while Lady Reyanna Weystermont walked briskly inside, dropping a hasty curtsy in front of Serenei before speaking. She did not seem to notice Sernei's unusually aggressive stance. "Your Grace," she began hurriedly, rifling through the stack of parchment in her arms. "Pardon me for the intrusion, but I was told that you were awake and this is a matter of utmost importance. We have received word that there are eight rubies inlaid in Princess Phillipa's tiara, not nine, and we must make the proper arrangements for that..." Lady Reyanna paused and shoved a piece of parchment at Serenei, shaking her head. "I cannot believe these men. Oh, do not misunderstand me, Your Grace, but I had hoped that Captain Derrik would have at least had the sense to note the rubies," continued Reyanna with a sigh. Reyanna hesitated, seemingly noticing Serenei's anger for the first time. "Your Grace? Is everything alright?"

Serenei knew something was wrong before she even opened her eyes.

It was too warm. Much too warm. Itervia, as a general rule, was, well...cold. Which was expected from a realm covered in ice and snow.

But right now, it was warm.

Serenei shifted slightly. How peculiar, she thought. And that was when she noticed that the air tasted wrong, too. It didn't taste like...anything. And that was the problem. In the mornings, Itervia tasted like cold dew and fragrant pinewood. There was something wrong with the bed as well. It was a good deal less comfortable than the one she shared with Clarrik.

Speaking of Clarrik...suddenly, Serenei could tell that it was light in her chamber, where it had been dark before. She didn't move, puzzled by this new development. Her ears picked up the sound of something-or someone moving around beneath her. What in the name of ice and snow...

"Hey Ash, you awake?" questioned a male voice that was most definitely not Clarrik. Serenei froze, not daring to breathe. Where was she? Where was Clarrik? Snow above, what about Ryne? If anybody had laid a finger on Ryne, Serenei would tear them to pieces. The owner of the voice shoved her lightly. He was calling her...Ash. Ash? That sounds like an Alumnallen name. How could anybody ever mistake me for an Alumnallen?

Serenei took a deep breath and forced herself to open her eyes. The ceiling was startling close to her face. It was a cold white that was slightly tinged with grey, like day-old snow. "What...?" Serenei rubbed her eyes blearily. Something felt off. She touched her head, then the back of her neck.

"My hair!" she shrieked, sitting up abruptly and banging her head on the low ceiling. Serenei winced and frantically patted at her back and shoulders. "My hair! What have you done with my hair?" she wailed. Serenei's hair was her pride and joy, and to think that somebody had cut it off...she finally turned to meet the eyes of the other person in the room for the first time.

Serenei frowned. His eyes...they were wrong. They were grey. They weren't Itervian blue, or Alumnallen brown, or Cyrainese green, or even Meraliti gold. They were grey. Serenei had seen blue-grey and green-grey eyes before, of course, but this...this was wrong. Everything was all wrong. Serenei stared at him, panting. "W-who are you?" she stammered. Was it just her overactive imagination, or was her voice off as well? "Where's Clarrik? Where's Ryne? Where am I?" Serenei's gaze flitted across the cabin, taking in every detail of her strange surroundings. She did not recognize many of the items. She glanced down, and noticed that her chest was bandaged. Her skin was darker.

"What happened?" she whispered in terror, her fearful eyes locking onto the unfamiliar man's face.


Prince Clarrik Farwynd, the former Lord Clarrik Hanner of the Valley of Ice and the husband of Princess Serenei Farwynd, the Lady of the Keep, blinked the sleep from his eyes as his wife shouted angrily. Something about telling her where "where the fuck I am, who the fuck you are, and what the fuck happened to me, RIGHT FUCKING NOW!"

Wait. What?

Clarrik gazed at her in shock. Serenei was very rarely angry, and even when she was, well, she never said something as crude and vulgar as "fuck". Then there was the matter of her dainty hands curled into fists, and the fury in her normally carefree blue eyes. Clarrik took a moment to process what was happening in front of him before responding.

"Serenei? Serenei, are you...are you alright?" he asked tentatively. "What is wrong? What's the matter?"

A knock sounded at the door, and then it opened to reveal one of Serenei's handmaidens. "Your Grace? You asked to be awoken-" the young girl stopped dead in the middle of her sentence as she took in the scene in front of her, eyes widening. "Oh...I apologize...I heard shouting..." the girl stuttered, quickly backing out of the room.

Clarrik slowly moved across to the other side of the bed, cautiously approaching his wife. "Serenei?"
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