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''There's a lot of people like that'' Jin mimicked, following it up by sticking his tongue towards that smug ''grown up'', if he was trying to bait Jin into hitting him with his hammer, preferable straight on the head then it was certainly working.

''Coming at you?'' Yet another devilish smirk appeared on the boy's face ''Hehehe sure, here I come!''

A thought had just occurred to Jin. He remembered a time from his childhood where he and the other village children engaged in these ''mudraces'' where they slided through streams of mud towards the finish. As an earthbender Jim imagined he could pull off something quite like that.

Before the boy charged with his hammer he seemed to bow to Jun, getting on his knees and letting his hands touch the ground. The path before Jin suddenly turned very muddy as if it had heavily rained on just that area.

''Coming!'' With his hammer raised Jin charged, letting himself slide over the mud to get a greater speed then someone would expect from a boy wielding a hammer.
''It was nothing out of the ordinary my lady'' Genji said in an attempt to come off as stoic but the lighting that had left her fingers clearly left the girl exhilarated.

''Hold'' Was the only word that came out of the mouth of a man wearing red robes. He walked past the siblings wasting no further looks or words to either of them ''Go'' the man said to the two birds that rested on his shoulders.

''Y-your going to scout the entrances for us aren't you Falco?'' Ran gulped, not quite knowing whether he should commend the idea or scold the man for addressing his sister, the leader of this operation with a mere ''hold''. A scolding certainly had to wait until those Falcons had entered the passages for they violently attacked anyone addressing their master in a way not to their liking.

As Suyin had already stated pirates were not the honorable sorts so the Falcons didn't take long to spot their next prey. A couple of pirates had hidden in the passages, no doubt to grab one of the squadmates from behind to use as hostages.

Ran nervously closed his eyes, only not holding his hands before his ears because it was undignified to do so. They all could clearly hear the sounds that, at best were those of men suddenly separated from they eyes by means of talons and beaks.

''Go'' Falco said, this time to his human companions.
I edited the final member in the squads introduction. A Falconeer named....Falco :D
''Oh, you wanna see what I can do?'' The smile on Jin's face became even bigger now the prospect of showing off came up ''Hehehe...if you insist''

With a stamp on the ground a good number of arrows made from earth rose from the ground which disappeared in Jin's arrow quiver 'And a one! hit! and a two! hit! and a three!'' Arrow after arrow narrowly missed Yun's ears again and impaled themselves in the tree behind him.

''And a twelve'' Jin swirled his arrow around before placing it on his bow ''Hit! But what if a nasty gets up close? well then I'l crush them using these!'' The remaining arrows were turned into a small hammer for Jin to use in close combat ''Time to ROCK!'' And it turned to be a ranged weapon as well. Jin could make rocks emerge from the ground by stamping on it just as any earth bender but if he shot them forward with hist fist he generally ended up breaking his fingers. This was where the hammer came in which Jin used to smash the rocks away at great speed.
''This doesn't look like it will trouble us to much'' Ran noted ''Genji, if you would be so kind to aid me we can eliminate at least four of them in one swoop'' There was one particular combo that could extend Genji's deadly strike from one to multiple persons.

''The usual it is then sir? Yes that can be done, allow me a few moments to compose myself'' Genji's single eye closed as the girl shut the rest of the world out. Ignoring the battle going on besides them and suppressing any emotion. When her single eye opened again it was filled with utter coldness ''Now then...'' Genji's fingers moved across the air in a manner similar to Jia zang's favorite technique.

The great amount of snow on the island worked in the favor of the pirates who employed a number of water benders....but also to the fire nation who had Ran among their ranks. swirling his arms around the snow turned into water and covered four pirates in a small dome of water.

''Goodbye'' Genji said with an uncanny calmness. Lightning left his finger and entered the dome, shocking everyone inside rather then the one person her bolt could hit without when firing on a person. When the lightning had left her fingers warmth entered her eye again.
Right. the officers name is Genji. The other may be a falconry type of guy since the fire nation uses them a lot.
''You got me into the rebel army!?'' Jin's eyes widened in glee ''Really! Oh thanks mister thats....uh...I mean, we'l see what my big sis thinks of that''' Jin had his reservations about joining....that changed little about Jim REALLY wanting to join up with the rebels and chase out the ''bad guys''. The only two problems were that it would not only place him in danger but his sister as well.

''But first things first'' The boy proudly showed his bow ''I think someone owes me some combat training before we head out to do rebel things! So what did you have in mind for me? Lethal, forbidden marshal arts techniques that can bash the skulls of opponents with a single move?''

Jin sure was enthusiastic to be trained...so much it was probably annoying.
When Ran came down from the balcony his sister had already gathered Sen, Lee and Genji for her elite strike team. The final member arrived shortly after. It was a man covered in dark red robes and an equally dark hood which left the only thing of him to be recognized his silver goatee and hawk like eyes. On his shoulders rested two falcons. The robed man was more of an mercenary or an assassin rather then a soldier in the army. He wished to keep his identity hidden so he rarely let others hear his voice, preferring to have his birds screech to show he understood his orders, his appearance and even his name were unknown as well. For this job at least he replied to the name of Falco.

''Ah, I see that everyone is present'' Ran bowed to each of the four upon his arrival 'Please see to it that my sister and me are properly protected on this mission' The glory of slaying the captain could either go to all five of them or just to his sister as far as he was concerned.

The Jia sheep was a pure juggernaut, easily reaching the beach despite the massive amount of canonfire being shot at it. When the ship landed the infantry stormed out, supported by bender fire. The chaotic battlefield on the beach was enough to make sure no one noticed the small team going for the passages.
Mahz said Plus, there was something exciting about the prospect of being held hostage and having to escape. Solo. It was like one of the fantasy tales her carers had taught her as a child

Oh, so Suyin is in those kind of things :D
''Very well but we shall hold no responsibility for his fate'' And with that the men dismissed Jun and continued to whisper to each other.

''Mister, hey mister Chu!'' As soon as the sun had risen the next morning Ran could be found pestering the bartender ''Did that man upstairs drink a lot? He did? Great! in that case I'l just take this bucket of water!'' Ran was to fast to even hear whether Yun really would be suffering from a hangover but he didn't care. The jerks....wet awakening was meant more as payback for making Ran his mule anyway.

''Hey mister! Time to wake uuuuuuup!'' The young archer sang happily as he poured the bucked of water over Jun's bed.
''O-of course sister'' Ran made a bow of courtesy in the hope it would hide his nerves. Ran never liked to be the one giving the orders, it felt wrong or to be more accurate, he suspected the soldiers would consider it wrong to take orders from a stranger. As the thinker of the due Ran would much rather instruct his sister on the strategy and have her announce it to the troops.

Despite his reservations Ran made his way to the command balcony ''Right then.....'' First he started taking deep breath's and going over the plan again in his head, then translate it to the orders he needed to give his soldiers.
''M-men of the Jia family! The battle is upon us!'' The young commander yelled down from the balcony ''Bender squadron 45, 53, 66 and 90! assemble yourself below deck! board our smaller vessels and sail out to the enemy ships! the majority of them are made of wood so this shan't be hard!'' The soldiers obeyed, they always obeyed Ran's orders and yet it always as a slight surprise ''Bender squadron 5, 19, 28 and 100! mount the canon's on the ship and fire on both Roku island and the enemy ships! Infantry divisions! prepare yourself to fight your way forward once our ship has reached the beach! The boar riders shall be kept in reserve until the right time!''

Once each group had their orders the soldiers all walked to their positions with treat efficiency. Barely five minutes after Ran's speech the ships canon's unleashed enormous fireballs and smaller boat's left the ship to clash with the enemy.

The officer Suyin had in mind looked as if she was about 19 years old and carried a lighter version of the standard fire nation armor, with one noticeable exception being the lighting bolt on her helmet. Her dark blue hair was tied in a long ponytail. The girls face would have been pretty if not for the large scar running from the right side of her chin all the way up to her hair, an eyepatch was placed over her eye.
''Lady Suyin!'' The girl saluted ''I see you have need of me, another rush to the commander I take it?''
''Small groups don't become big by accepting burdens'' The man said ''We aren't talking about sending you away but you will need to provide a demonstration before we can accept you as a full member'' He patted himself on the armor ''Let me show you the way to the nearest fire nation base tomorrow, you will get one day to prepare and then we shall see what you make of it''

''So join Magrus at dawn'' The man in the white coat said, apparently that being the name of trident beard ''....after you are done speaking with that boy at least'' the journey through the woods had not gone unnoticed.
Ran shook his head ''Sister, I know you desire to prove yourself and...eh have fun but please consider this'' he said, trying to reign her in somewhat ''Should the two of us be captured then the enemy will have acquired valuable hostages, the whole mission would fail if we did'' Part of Ran's reasoning was logical but he also wanted to protect his sister from the dangers of going into pirate territory with only him by his side ''I am more then willing to accept your plan to raid the base through those passages but I insist a battalion or at least a squad accompanies us''
''His pulse isn't any quicker then normal'' The man in the white coat said ''For now we shall presume he speaks the truth''

''If your uncle really was a rebel it won't be to hard for us to find out whether you speak the truth'' The man with the trident beard said ''As you can see I have quite a lot of contact with the fire nation, but for now I'm with my mate, I'l believe ya....for now''

The man poured Jun a drink ''Now on to the important question, how exactly is a boy like you going to make himself useful, you got a sword I see....and? Any bending to reinforce our merry little band? Contacts with the outside world? Experience? you name it kid and we can use it''
Ran's smile became less nervous ''Yes, the best job sister, please allow me to show you a map of the surrounding area'' His words however were no less stiff then before but he did take Suyin's hand as a gesture of affection.

The map Ran placed before them showed the edges of the western earth kingdom and the various island before its coast ''Our ship is currently at the stream of Kiya, merely twenty minutes removed from this place'' His finger went towards the biggest island on the map ''The island of Roku, named after avatar Roku of course. Despite its name the island is not a volcanic one, it is quite snowy I'm afraid'' Both siblings knew that if the enemy had water benders in their service then the snow would be a big obstacle.

''The pirate base on the island is an old fire nation fortress, quite filled with traps if my old maps are to believed...I...please stay near me, alright''

Outside they could see the pirate ships leaving the island of Roku and heading towards their prize.
I just posted something involving the two.
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