Avatar of Bakardi
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 26 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Bakardi 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Going on vacation for a couple days. Apologies to people I have yet to reply to! ;-;
8 yrs ago
If I hear about Pokemon Go on the news one more time...


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Asami Sato. A pretty name to go with a pretty face.

"It's really okay," she laughed slightly despite herself. She shook Asami's hand and nodded. "It's nice to meet you Asami. I'm Korra," she hesitated momentarily but decided the woman would have figured it out eventually, "You know. The Avatar."
Sorry this one is a bit shorter. Your post was really good. I really like how you write though! I'm starting to like Neo a lot more now.
Torchwick thought it best to end the discussion before the situation worsened. He straightened further, letting his cigar drop to the floor with a sigh. He crushed it beneath his shoe before sparing a glance toward the woman in front of him. "You'll have your dust by the end of the week." He muttered and left to find Neo. The girl had left in such a rush and the look on her face. He shuddered at the absolute hatred reflected in her irises. Shaking his head, he cleared away his thoughts. The White Fang still regarded him with disdain, he noticed as he made his way outside. Despite Adam informing them all that he was a new "business associate", they were still either wary of his advances or outright rude- not that being associated with any Faunus held any merit to him.

"Neo?" he called out, choosing to ignore the stares he recieved from White Fang goons in return. He perched himself atop a dust crate and tapped Melodic Cudgel against his leg in thought. He knew the enigmatic girl had to be nearby. She never strayed too far. "Forget about what she said. She insults everyone." Not Emerald and Mercury. He chose wisely not to add that, even if he was thinking it. "We have another assignment, you know the drill. We have to get moving."

Hey! Was my post good enough? I was really tired when I wrote that and I had to go and fix stuff. xD

May I get in on this?
Speak, Korra. She's speaking to you!

"Um. I'm fine. Just got knocked around a bit." Korra said, trying to reduce the redness in her cheeks. "I've been hit harder than that in the pro-bending arena." she said with a chuckle as she scratched the back of her neck.

Korra eyed the other woman curiously. Who was she? She looked like a model. She had to have seen her somewhere before.
In Hello 8 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself

I've posted a thread with all of my fandoms in the 1x1 checks section. But I'd love that. :o
Oh. Hello there. I came for the pizza, but now I'm empty inside.

Welcome to the site. c:
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