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    1. BeCreative 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current I am new so I have no idea what I am doing. XD Please be patient with my newess.
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Grant padded through the forest quietly. Soon he caught the scent of a prey animal. It was defiantly another deer. The older boy looked back at Amelia and shook his head, trying to tell her not to speak. He crouched down and slowly came upon the the grazing deer. It was a buck, a big one at that. If they managed to bring it down, it would feed the whole camp for days.
"Maybe if you stopped talking so loud then we could find something," Grant flicked his ears to show her that he meant what he had said, "The deer might be gone, but their is bound to be other animals of prey out and about." Like that rabbit that had ran off. He had caught the scent of it and was following the trail, though he highly doubted he would find it again, "We can work together. I'll find dinner, you kill dinner."
"Maybe if you stopped talking so loud then we could find something," Grant flicked his ears to show her that he meant what he had said, "The deer might be gone, but their is bound to be other animals of prey out and about." Like that rabbit that had ran off. He had caught the scent of it and was following the trail, though he highly doubted he would find it again, "We can work together. I'll find dinner, you kill dinner."
Grant conituned to sharpen the stick in his hand as Amelia adressed him. He look up at her with a grin on his face, "I'm getting a head start on dinner." Once he was done starpening the stick, he put his dagger away and set the stick aside. He then shifted and padded away, "Now I have to find dinner."
Grant sighed and shook his head, "Fine. I'm tired of arguing with you Amelia." He scowled at her crossbow, "If you think you can fend a Brom off with that, then go ahead." He walked over to a tree and sat down with his back facing against the wood. He took out his dagger and sharpened a stick.
Grant scowled at her tone and the mean words that her coming out of her mouth. It was quite rude of her to say those things, "It doesn't matter why I didn't catch it Amelia. And you don't have to like me, but I won't go back to camp and defy Sasha's orders by leaving you by yourself. A Brom could attack while you are hunting."
With a roll of his eyes, Grant followed her. At the very least he could make sure she was safe while she insisted on hunting by herself. He walked after her, keeping an eye out any movement. Off to the side, the was a rustle in the bushes and a rabbit darted past him. He watched it go past with a small smirk on his face, "Amelia, I you need to keep a better eye out for prey. You missed a rabbit."
Grant exited the bushes with a scowl on his face. Apparently he had scared a potential meal off and Amelia was not to happy about it. He made his presence known and approached her, "My apologies. I didn't mean to make your target run off." He gave her a dry smile, one that screamed that he didn't care (though he really did). "Sasha sent me to find you. We are suppose to be hunting but it seems you already are."
"I will," Grant said as he walked out of camp to find Amelia. His shoes crunched the grass and he kept his eyes and ears open for any sigh of human life, whether is be Amelia or a rogue Brom. He was tempted to call out for the younger girl but he didn't want to draw attention to himself.
Grant chuckled with her. He didn't know Amelia very well but he did know that she had a mind of her own, "I will Sasha. Rest up ok?" He didn't feel like he was smothering her but instead looking out for her. He only wanted what was best for his leader, "I'll be back soon."
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