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Alright, now since collab between Shiver and I is up, I could just have Todd go directly to Naeemah and Poppy, but then I thought I should include either Noelle or Dante, shine the light on some other characters.

@SleepingSilence@omerta Have any ideas how Todd and Sevier can bump into either Dante or Noelle before getting to Naeemah and Poppy?

Werner "Kraken" Sevier & Todd "The Red Fox" Buchanan
by @shivershiver and @beyond visions

The lift gave a jolt, sending the occupants deeper into the facility, levels unknown to many of the current test subjects. But Werner was all too familiar with the subterranean labyrinth of cells and corridors beneath his feet. Though the room was warm, he felt a shiver ran down his spine, and his right hand began to shake; he quickly jammed it into his pants pocket. Every moment spent in this facility was torture for Werner, even at the top levels, but as he reached the bottom, the past horrors felt even closer. Sevier was not a weak man, neither in mind or body, but what he had experienced here a few years ago had nearly broken him. He felt a noose around his neck, tightening ever so slowly until he could hardly breathe. His stomach jumped up to his chest as the elevator finally reached the bottom floor, the doors sliding open. Werner sucked in a deep breath from the diaphragm before stepping off into the dimly lit hallway, flanked by two armed Maximation guards.
The bottom floor of the Project HYBRID facility hadn’t seen any use in years. Not since Dr. Staffel was the chief of staff. The floors were covered in a thin layer of dust, and many of the fluorescent lights had gone out, leaving many sections of the floor almost completely dark. Wonder if they even bothered to clean up the blood from the cell walls. It was here that Werner, and the other subjects of Project HYBRID’s first generation, lived for six long months. His generation was identical in many ways to the current one, as far as the results, but the means to achieve them were drastically different. Day and night, they experimented upon, beaten, and starved to activate the underlying genetic mutations implanted in them. Dr. Staffel was a genius, but his methods were barbaric, treating his test subjects like cattle. Only fitting that the second generation, too, would be contained in the depths of the facility, living what might be the last of their days in the cold concrete walls. It took all the mental fortitude within him to put one foot in front of the other as he passed Cell 11. His own personal room.

Cell 15 was his first stop. Three more armed guards stood outside, shifting their weight from foot to foot, eyes scanning back and forth down the hall. Next to them, a table on which the belongings of the cell’s occupant sat. One item caught his eye though, a small cell phone. Werner removed the holster from his waist and placed it on the table, but also handed the cell phone to one of the guards accompanying him. “Run this up to Agent Rourke.” Frankly, he was astonished that the security teams allowed them to have access to the outside world, let alone personal belongings. Werner took a few more deep breaths and clenched his fist to stop it from shaking as he stared at the number 15 carved in the concrete above the steel door to the cell. He would need to collect his wits before dealing with this subject. Once he calmed down as much as possible, Werner nodded to the guards, and he stepped into the room.

There was no pass-code on his phone, since when Todd first spotted Troy cuffed and captured, he originally planned on giving Troy his phone in order that he could find her. Thus, without the pass-code, his phone, his source of communication with Naeemah, was free to be accessed by anyone. His phone could, and most likely would, be the one thing that leads Maximation right to her, and in such a crowded place, his room. Although, Todd could not be completely worried about his lover, no, she was no frail, fragile girl. Todd would even bet that among all of the Hybrids, Naeemah would be considered one of the dangerous ones. Those venomous fangs were a force to be reckoned with. Todd just recently got up close and personal with them when uniformed as one the facility's soldiers. Even for him, someone who is constantly trained in the arts of stealth, it has proven quite difficult to catch her off guard due to her thermal vision. Though, then again, Naeemah was not alone, she had Poppy with her after all. And with the current close-spaced environment, Poppy was put at a disadvantage, considering that she was aerial and seemed built for open-spaces. Though Todd believed that Naeemah would not abandon Poppy to save her own snake skin, no, she has been sticking with the girl for this long. Naeemah may be biologically cold-blooded because of the genetic mutations, though not emotionally.

The cell was bright and clean, with scientific literature lining the bookshelves on the walls and a small desk tucked into the corner, with a cot in the other. Surprisingly, the cell also had another door within its confines, which lead to a private bathroom. The cell almost mimicked a small studio apartment, though it was extremely lacking in space. These rooms were the only semi-pleasant memories Werner could associate with Project HYBRID; the initial rooms in which they were kept, before the experiments began. He wasn’t concerned with the contents of the room at the moment however, only the red-headed man who occupied it with him. “Ah, Mr. Buchanan, I’m so pleased to make your acquaintance!” he said with an excited smile. “You’ll have to excuse me for being so star-struck, but I followed you and your family’s career in the ring very closely. Why, I’d imagine we both probably watched your father when we were boys, though you must have had better seats,” Werner nervously prattled, rubbing his hands together awkwardly. Of course, he had never actually watched any of the Buchanans in the ring live, but as of late, he’d seen every one of Todd’s matches at least three times. ”Oh, I-I’m sorry, I haven’t even introduced myself, I feel like an idiot acting like this in such a serious time. I’m Dr. Sevier from the CDC, I’m here to help you,” he finished, extending his right hand, which was short almost two fingers.

Dr. Sevier, Todd repeated the name of this mysterious man. Right from the very moment Todd made eye contact with this doctor, he has been trying to read him. This is where Todd's skill of physiological intuition would come into play. Convinced inevitability is considered one of Todd's powers, although it was never injected into him. His sly charisma has been transformed, altered, and adapted through the instruction of physiologists and a detained con-artist. Though Todd has not detected any lying thus far, this man was either a trained liar just like Todd, or he was telling the truth. He has been treated civilized thus far, except for one thing, why confiscate his phone? "Well, it's pleasure to meet a fan, it's been a while since I said that," Todd began speaking, with his charming smirk. Sevier was here to help him, or so he claimed, but was Sevier just willing to help Todd, just Todd, not Naeemah. And what about Troy, they were caught together, but now they have been separated. "Doc, may I ask where is that fine Brazilian swimsuit model?" Todd chuckled softly. "Ha, you know Troy-- it's funny that I ask about him, though when I tried saving him, he turns around and gets himself caught anyways. Well, I guess I shouldn't be bitter that he didn't just save his own neck, since either way, I'll still be trapped here staring at you, while Agent whatever is probably tracking down my girlfriend as we speak."

“Ah, your friend Troy, he’s quite the wild one isn’t he?” Werner replied with a chuckle. “No need to worry about him, he’s just down the hall in another cell. In fact, I’ll be paying him a visit soon, though I don’t think he’ll be as cordial as you!” In Werner’s experience, it was best to tell the truth whenever possible when questioning; telling the truth generally came much more naturally, and maintaining an elaborate web of lies was difficult for even the most savvy interrogator. “I hope you don’t see yourself as being caught, Mr. Buchanan – in fact, I would consider you fortunate that you’re here now. Captain Cane, the head of security, promised me that he wouldn’t use violent means to calm things down, but… Frankly, between Cane's armed goons, Foster, and this damn Ectosavior running around, you're in the safest place this whole facility has to offer.” Werner perked up noticeably at the mention of Todd’s girlfriend, and his face’s previously jovial demeanor turned somber, a sort of reality check washing over him and reminding him of the events beyond the cell doors. Additionally, a hint of shame tinged his face as he averted his eyes from meeting Todd’s, as if embarrassed by his previous statement. “I’m sorry, Mr. Buchanan, I… I didn’t know you had a loved one here. What’s her name? I’ll try my best to get her here safely, but I might need your help. Surely she’ll want to see a friendly face after so much trauma.” Werner had found Todd's pressure point, though he'd known it even coming into the questioning, but now he felt comfortable to begin applying a little urgency.

Soon, an uneasy sense of silence overcame the atmosphere of the room. It all seemed too good to be true, and for that, Todd was skeptical. His left arm was now propped against the desk, he leaned in, "How do I know to trust you?" He pushed away from the desk, now reclining back into his seat with elbow against the arm rest and hand stroking his red beard. "How do I know that you aren't going to use me to track her down? A snake is far more dangerous than a fox. And part of me can see why violent measures would be used against us, we're mutants after all. Any sane human could see us as dangerous especially after what Dante did. So why would a you want to help me? Why would a non-mutant you want to take the risk in helping a Hybrid?"

Werner let out a heavy sigh, removing his glasses and rubbing the bridge of his nose, looking hurt at Todd's lack of trust. "Mr. Buchanan, I don't want to see any more harm come to you and anyone else in this facility. Its my job to make sure everyone makes it out of here alive, but even more than that, I believe in Project HYBRID just like you did when you volunteered. Even with Dr. Eisley's mistakes, I know that you and the others in here are destined for great things." Werner paused to take a breath. Of course, he didn't mean a word coming out of his mouth, a running motif throughout his life. Even in his own time during Project HYBRID, he felt the project was destined to fail. Creating what Eisley wanted, some kind of superhero, was nothing more than a fantasy, and a PR stunt by the government in the case of Project Ectomorph. But he kept these thoughts to himself. "Every moment we spend in here arguing is another moment one of your friends could get hurt. Trust me or not, please help me. And help your friends."

"Fine," Todd finally agreed, though mainly because what other choice did he have? Where would refusing Dr. Sevier's offer get him? Not any closer to his girlfriend and Poppy, the two people who he felt like was his responsible to protect. "But we get to Naeemah, Poppy should be with her. Once they're safe, we'll talk more."

Werner smiled. Unfortunately, Todd didn't seem too trusting of him, which was understandable. He was right not to. "Excellent Mr. Buchanan. Once we get everything in this facility calmed down, we can start working towards curing you and your friends. Hopefully, Mr. Stone will even lead the research team," Sevier commented optimistically. "Anyways, I'm sure you're ready to get out of this room. I never had much love for them either," He added before knocking on the door, which was opened by an armed guard. "Now, all you need to do is tell the others that everything is clear, and that they should report to the security headquarters as soon as possible. I already made an announcement, but they'll surely trust a friendly face much more than me," he said with a grin, gesturing for Todd to exit the room. "Oh, but if you come across Mr. Foster, you should steer clear... Though I'm sure that won't be a problem for a man with your talents."

Werner arrived at his second destination, Cell 45. This far into the facility, no happy memories lingered. Only pain and anguish were brought to mind. Wordlessly, he examined the prisoner’s belongings, which as he ordered included his clothes. Werner took off his black jacket and handed his sidearm to a nearby guard, rolling up his sleeves before entering the room. The cell room could barely be called such. The walls and floors were all rough concrete, and there was no furniture, no books, nothing. The door which had slammed shut behind him was solid steel, with a small vision port at eye level which could be closed from the outside. The only points of interest in the entire room was a small open drain in the center of the room, about five inches in diameter, and a spigot in the side of the wall with a black hose tied up next to it. A single, low light hung overhead, leaving the corners dark, but illuminating the sole, naked figure in the room. His wrists and feet were bound by silver shackles, arms held behind his back and chained to the wall, forced into a squatting position with a bloody burlap bag covering his head. Troy Stone, the Wolf. Werner decided to take a more… Direct approach of questioning with Troy, given his penchant for resistance; that, and the man didn’t have the pressure point of loved ones like Todd. No, isolation and strong-handing would be the best way to get what he needed. Werner grabbed a metal bucket from the corner of the room and filled it with water, dropping it before his prisoner with a clatter...

@Vashonn Awesome, because of my curiosity's sake, when do you think the collab will be finished? It's okay if it is too early to tell.
Alright the collab between @Xandrya and I is now up, although I left it on a cliffhanger for timing purposes. Right now we await the post between @Heretic and @Vashonn.

Cap'n Hook & Lilliana O'Hare
A collaborative post between @beyond visions and @Xandrya

"What are you going to do to her? You just can't just take her from us!" Alfie spat an order the held no authority, yet he did not care that the Overseers were rendered powerless. Watching the combatants under Theo's command pry Lily from the cell, was a sight that struck a nerve in him. So much so that once in his life he did not give ample thought to the decision of ramming his fist straight through the face one of the vanguards taking her away. "Let me deal with Mr. Kiss-up!" Theo quickly barked before the vanguard who was struck could react in similar violence. Theo stormed through the cell room and straight towards Alfie, yanking him by those slick black strains before dragging and tossing him in a vacant cell across from where the Overseers were held. Theo then slammed the door behind Alfie. "You have no idea what is coming for you! I am not the man to piss off right now, especially not while we have your precious captain and her!" Theo curled a tight grasp around Lily's arm upon the word her, while Alfie desperately began beating his palms against the cell door that served as a barrier between him and Lily. "L-Lily, I swear-- I'll find a way out of here-- then I'll find you-- and--" out of his anguish made cries of agonizing promises that could never possibly be kept.

Lily could only look at her Lieutenant with an expression that communicated help me, but she didn’t dare say those words to him, not when they were already in enough trouble.

"Stay put Lieutenant Vanderbilt, just listen to them!"

As the Vanguard had quite the grip on her arm, Lily attempted to pull away a few times, but he wouldn’t budge. Her mood then quickly shifted to one of loathing and disgust. ”Ease up, wouldn’t you? I’m cooperating and we’re obviously unarmed and outnumbered, so no need to be so rough. We are civilized people.”

Before there go be a response to the corporal, Theo spoke to his First Combatant, "Kane, you must leave immediately there is no time to waste. I should have order the search last night, instead of waiting for my second-in-command who decides to worry herself in matters that defy me. I swear if she-- Er... Nevermind my rants right now, just go! And, Cap'n..." Theo lowered his voice, speaking with a tone of sincerity that seem so rare since the wedding, "Good luck, seriously... Good luck." It was even those short-lived moments that Rylan still had hope that Theo would not be clouded by his own dark-side, that he may find some escape, even if it meant regretting his mistakes the end. "Aye, sir." Cap'n reacted with a nod before exiting Churchill with Lily.

"You know you can really learn a lot just by the echoes of this underground bunker." Just as he was about to lock Thrax's cell door, Theo stopped in his tracks, listening to the captain speak from behind the cell bars. "And from what I can guess, you take our only female Overseer, because you could never convince your own wife to sleep with you." Within a split second and with his brute strength, Theo bashed through the cell door. It was then that Theo hit his breaking-point. He tried being less domineering and more submissive, yet that only earned him the disappointment of his faction, the displeasure of his wife, and later resulted in a conflict with his second-in-command. Not for a moment was he going to allow Tiberius Thrax spew insults at him.

No blows were drawn, not when all the regret Theo felt for the past day was of an essence that choked him of all happiness, leaving him with hate. His hands constricted around Thrax's neck, lifting him from off of the ground. And in the same, to defend his life, Thrax rendered Theo the same attack by hopelessly attempting to strangle Theo in his weaker grasp. He did not even spare him a threat, Theo remained in pure silence as he watched the life leave from Thrax's eyes. The only sound heard was the harrowing cries of a young man watching his only figure father die, "NO! PLEASE-- PLEASE-- I-I'M BEGGING--." Alfie could not muster to finish his plead because his sobbing proved overwhelming as he reached his hand out through the bars, despairingly wishing that he could do anything in hell to save his captain.

Thrax's body eventually crumbled in a deathly state. Yet, the berserk king has just now released everything he bottled up, and there was not a soul to stop him as he grounded through Thrax's skull like pestle against a mortar. It felt so different, to be grinding away at the face bone of a man rather than throwing jabs at a punching bag. Theo stepped back upon this realization, stopping himself before the captain would become unrecognizable. No, he had one last use for Thrax just yet...

By his hairs, Theo dragged Thrax's body through the halls of the vanguard base, with every soldier that he passed by eyeing their king in utter shock. Some were disturbed, but most witnessed this as a wake-call that furthered his vengeance, and even justice. Justice, because in the end Theo just slain a dictatorial man only known to the colony as a tyrant who slaughtered and oppressed the people of Churchill. A man who also allowed his lieutenant to scourge the Renaissance over the shortage of crops. It appeared justice was a messy, blurred line, and Theo matched the blood-stained face of an anti-hero.

Casting Thrax's corpse in Colony Square, he still did not let a word slip from his lips, but Theo let his actions speak instead.
Once Lily, Cap'n and the rest of his accompanying combatants were quite a distance away from the colony, Cap'n turned to the Corporal, "Eh, Corporal O'Hare, be it? 'Tis now your turn t' take th' lead. Unlike Theo, I won't lavish you wit' threats nor insults jus' 'cause you wear th' colors of a hated crew. Th' world out hear be a lot different when you're outside those walls. So, I've seen monsters, 'n unless you give me a reason, then I be not goin' t' assume that you are one. Can you be trusted? Can you give me your word that you would be truly leadin' us t' th' ship 'n not t' a lie?"

"You've got my word, Mr. Kane, you as well as the rest of your men," Lily replied, nodding towards the crew that was accompanying them. She was currently at the mercy of the enemy, and she wasn't foolish enough to antagonize them, not when she was at a disadvantage. A little tip she'd learned at a rather young age. "Never start battles you're not gonna be able to win" her parents always warned her. "You and us share something in common...we both hate being outside of those walls. Preferably, we wouldn't be down here at all, but you know, what can you do.

Lily guided Kane and his group through the path that she-along with Thrax and Alfie-had walked not too long before in the opposite direction. But the difference now was that she had been stripped of her weapon, and thus felt a vulnerability unlike before. Maybe that's why she fiddled with the edge of her crimson uniform top as they walked.

"I can't except you t' jus' be defenseless?" Cap'n took Lily's fingers and wrapped them around the grip of his Ruger SR1911 9mm pistol. "You've given me your word, I be not makin' any threats, but any sane scallywag would claim it not wise t' betray this trust, not when thar are eight o' us combatants here." In total Cap'n carried four weapons with him: his pistol, his shotgun, his flintlock, and his cutlass.

"We're almost there, just a little bit longer." Lily turned a corner, the ship finally coming into view. "See? There she is in all her glory."

Cap'n smiled and laughed in glee, "Aye... I have not seen a ship since my arrest." He practically sprinted right towards the ship while reminiscing of his old space pirate days. Cap'n circled the ship excitedly, admiring every corner of it. "Not as sleek as I imagined, but who wouldn't take sturdy over sleek?" Glancing over at the ship's outer door, Cap'n recongized by the handle that it was finger-print activated. "After you, m'lady," he said while giving Lily a comically and dramatic bow.

Lily gave Kane a genuine smile, forgetting for a moment about their situation as she placed her hand on the sensor to give them all access to the ship. "She's sturdy alright, and that's why we love her. Speaking of which, I only ask that you be gentle with her."

Once the access door opened, Lily motioned for Kane and everyone else to follow her. It felt somewhat odd to have that many people on board as it was usually just her and her superiors. "The weapons locker is just right down the hall on the port side--"

Lily stopped, padding her pockets in search of something. "Ah, here we go," she said, tossing the key to one of Kane's men. "Knock yourself out."

"Keep this up, O'Hare, 'n you jus' might want t' think o' the faction you would join," Cap'n spoke encouragingly before turning towards the cockpit. Though as he made his way, the ship reverberated with the sudden sounds of gunshots. They were being watched. With his shotgun now in hand, Cap'n marched towards Lily, positioning himself in front of her and using his body as a human shield for her. The Outsiders hated Churchill because the Overseers, a regiment of guard that served the Collective, a government they believed is responsible for abandoning the home-planet. "Stay back, lass! The blood of you Hawks seems t' be th' top item on thar menu!" Against the edge of the ship's outer doorway, Cap'n fired round after round with each splash of Outsider blood staining his eye-patch.

The sudden onslaught of gunshots startled Lily, the woman suddenly taking the pistol Kane had given her off safety mode to aim it at the entrance. When Kane got in front of her, she adjusted her aim ever so slightly so that the shots wouldn't so deafening. "I'll be back!" she shouted, making a split-second decision to go for more ammo. She tapped on Kane's shoulder to advise him of her departure before quickly leaving his side, her body low to the ground as to not make herself an easy target. Lily hurried down the hall as the rest of Kane's men rushed in the opposite direction. When she reached the weapons locker, she noticed it had been opened but remained unscathed. They didn't have any time, none of them did. "Prove your worth," she whispered among the chaos of shouting voices and gunshots as she grabbed a few boxes of ammunition before hurrying back to Kane. For some reason, Lily hoped he was okay.

Now leaning on his right knee, Cap'n held a tight grip with broken finger nails pressing against his shotgun. Every muscle in his voluntary muscle in his control remained clench through the pain of a leg riddled with bullets. "Argh! Damn it! Come on bastards! You've might 'ave jus' added a peg-leg t' my pirate-getup!" It was clear, they were outnumbered, and it beginning to seem that the Outsiders did not just sent scouts, they likely had an entire camp watch over the ship, since it appeared to be out of the ordinary that an Overseer would land quite distant away from Churchill.

"Minotaur! Shite!" Cap'n cried the nickname of one of his combatants as he watched the soldier crash against the English soil. "Damn brawny lad was a rank above initiate-- corporal-- like you! He jus' wanted to prove himself!"

"Can't play the hero unless you're sure you can be one!"

Harsh words? Most definitely, but far too often, Lily had witnessed both men and women go out of their way to prove themselves, only to end up dead like the poor soul not too far from them whose death was being mourned by Kane. Lily then placed a hand on his shoulder as a sign of solidarity. "It's always the good ones to go-"

More outsiders closing in. Lily quickly took aim and shot at two of them as she pressed her back against the wall. Somewhere along their firefight, a bullet had managed to find its way to her arm and get lodged nice and deep in it. She audible cursed, her hand clutching the wound that was just below her elbow for a moment before switching hands to shoot. If they thought she was gonna go down easily, they obviously didn't know her all that well.

Upon hearing her curses, Cap'n glanced over at Lily, "Ah, damn, not you too!" Shaking his head he enforced attention back onto the painted savages that surrounded him. There had to be some way in hell they would make it out, Cap'n was determined of it before being knee deep in the bodies of his men...

@SleepingSilence Nah, you guys go with it whatever way you want. Totally open to anyone discovering things within the lab, I think that is a pretty cool idea that could add dimension to the RP.

Theo Callahan, Cassandra Voss, & Rylan Kane
Collab between @beyond visions & @Heretic

His hands were permanently stitched into the offense of two fists, shards of broken fingernails punctured pass the bandaged palm till those fingers sank into thick skin. The only flesh felt against the cloth-wrapped knuckles was his opponent's rib-cage


Sweeping from his teeth and cake against his lips, the blood of this opponent, cannoned in cough from out of the bleeding cavity that was now his mouth. He collapsed against the dirt of the fighting pit, in presence before the king that bruised and bloodied him there. Yet, that was all a facade. It was an illusion for a man becoming disillusioned. In reality, there was no glory, nor victory, nor even an opponent. For, that night in the dueling pit there was truly no enemy of his but himself. There was nothing but the self-destruction found when a hurt soul throws jabs at punching bag till his body fails and falls dehydrated.

Like Theo, Cap'n did not sleep that night. Instead he kept his one good eye in constant watch of Theo, he was his king and Spartan after all. Even after shoving him off the cliff of the Crater and causing him to rolling down the hills to the bottom, Cap'n was near close to giving up hope in Theo, but not yet. Wit' th' right queen by his side, he be sure t' live up be worthy o' his title once again. Either that or by solo rule will he retain the strength he had... once he be freed from his wife, is what Cap'n often thought while observing his miserable king.

Once Theo collapsed, Cap'n grabbed his own canteen. At first he tried nudging Theo with his foot, the king remained unresponsive. So, Cap'n uncapped his canteen, though just as he was about to let the chilling water fall in out pour against Theo's face Cass returned. Without asking about her whereabouts since it was no business of his, and he would just assume she was attending the wedding feast, Cap'n went straight to explaining what happened to Theo, "He never slept last night. He's been here, not saying a word t' anyone, beatin' his knuckles o'er this bag." Cap'n laid his hook on Theo's punching bag, leaning on it. "When upset or angry, most men indulge in rum or wenches-- well, I guess since he's married now he can't do th' second-- but does our king here get himself drunk? No, he gets dehydrated." Cap'n stuck out his hand, offering Cass his canteen, "Already tried nudging him awake. Cass, would you like to do the honors of splashing this in his face instead?" Abruptly before Cass grabbed the cateen Cap'n laid out a few last remarks, "I don't believe he's angry at the Vanguards for the blacklashed earned during the wedding ceremony. If so, he would have been yellin' and cursin' at all of us till he was blue in the face. Cass, she-- Isabel-- is destroyin' him."

Cassie grabbed the canteen from Cap'n, shaking her head as she usually did when she was disappointed. "It's only been a day!" she replied, suddenly becoming angry at the situation and not really anyone in particular. She splashed some water on Theo's face, waited, and then did it again. After a few moments, she stood up straight to stare at Cap'n. "He should have known better. I mean for goodness sake neither of them blindly went into this marriage, so why is he so torn up?"

Cassie placed a hand on Cap'n's arm, gently pulling him away from a seemingly lifeless Theo just to be out of hearing distance for the sake of it.

"Do you personally know what's going on between the two of them? Because we can't allow this man to be destroyed by his wife...not when he's our leader."

"I be not one fer gossip, but..." Cap'n released long sigh before a honest claim to a concern of his. "I was really worried about 'im. So, I sent a few initiates t' eavesdrop durin' th' reception, 'n it turns out despite th' way he honored her, Isabel was not happy about wha' he did fer her. When they were gettin' thar weddin' portrait painted, she walked out on 'im." At first, like many of the Vanguards, Cap'n believed Theo weak to bow to Isabel in pathetic submission, yet to see the man damaged now. It makes sense that the wedding was never meant to be political, at least definitely not for Theo. He wanted their wedding day to be about him and Isabel, especially after the interruption of the Overseers, he made the effort to show a more sensitive side to Isabel in the gallery, and then to ultimately humble himself before her, not caring what backlash he may face. Though even after Theo's most gallant endeavors his wife walks away from him, leaving him confused and without a clear answer. "You know th' term, 'destroyed', perhaps ain't th' best choice o' word. No, hardened be a better way t' describe 'im." Cap'n no longer believed Theo weak, no, because not even dehydration could stop from turning to his compulsive violent habits. "No, he ain't destroyed... but everythin' 'n everyone in his way will be." Cap'n grasped Cass by both shoulders in the seriousness of the moment, "Cass, we know Theo can have his pissy fits, but if that man's heart hardens-- all of his passions 'n even his dreams will be replaced by nothing but bloodlust. Likely he will never stoop to killin' innocents, but does he deserve t' be forsaken by us while developing into a soulless warmonger? I'm not giving up on 'im, but I've given up on Isabel being his wife. Cass, if you don't want this dark future fer Theo and you don't want t' challenge him since it will result in death fer one of you,
then you need t' seriously consider being queen."

The expression on Cassie's face turned into one of disbelief.

"Cap'n, that'd be doing exactly the opposite of how I intended to handle their union. As much as we all would have liked for this marriage to have been legitimate, it was nothing but a political stunt." Cassie stopped for a moment, thinking about her own newly-formed relationship with Reno, if she could call it that. But Cap'n had a good point. Love could do horrible things to people if it was used against them. "I'll talk to Isabel, see what the problem is. She wanted a more thoughtful and emotional man, didn't she? Her rejection and outright disrespect towards Theo shows she's not taking their marriage seriously, and that is something I will not tolerate. A change of heart doesn't relieve her of her responsibilities to uphold her vows, and if the Muses want this union to work, then I suggest they school her on how a wife should behave around her husband, otherwise I'm pulling rank to reverse this ill-fated marriage and get this done and over with."

Cassie crossed her arms in a defensive posture. "That's my plan for now anyway, we'll have to figure out the rest as we go along."

"Very well, Cass, I do believe-- Oh, he's wakin' up now." Cap'n stepped forward towards Theo after grabbing his canteen from Cass's hand. "If you remain dehydrated, you're going t' kill yourself." Theo did not move sluggishly, instead, even as he was dizzy, Theo seemed skittish. He moved quickly, suddenly, and without any grace as he lifted himself off of the ground. "Nothing's going to kill me...," Theo mumbled returning to his boxing pose as threw punches at the bag.

"You're not immortal, now stop it." Cassie walked forward to grab Theo's wrist and prevent him from further exhausting himself until he became unconscious again. "You may not like me for this, but later today I'm gonna go talk to Isabel. I'm going to figure out what the hell is her problem and why she's treating you like dirt."

Cassie looked at Cap'n, hoping he'd back her up if Theo disagreed with her.

As he glared, his eyes narrowed down instantly to her hand as she put a grip on his wrist. Theo did not jerk his arm away, but instead he awkwardly stared down at her hand until she let go. He did not want to be touched right now, not when locked in a mindset of defense. If anything, he just wanted to be alone. Though he knew as Spartan, he could never be alone unless he looked occupied with his own feats of strengthening his physical body, it is why he stubbornly continued to box even after Cass told him to stop."What happened to you wanting to go back on the fields with the combatants? I shouldn't be so controlling with your life, so I was going to say yes. If it is your plan to get involved in my marriage. Then you should have not even told me, you know I'm going to say no." Upon his last word in that sentence, Theo struck the bag with all the might in his brawny body. "You will just make things worse."

"Oh, you think I am going to make things worse?" she scoffed, deliberately taking a step closer to Theo although leaving enough space between the two of them as to not be in the way of his boxing. "I hate to break it to you but you've done that all on your own. This marriage doesn't just affect you, you know, and as the current highest-ranking sane member of the Vanguards, I do fully intend to interfere. And don't worry, I'm still keeping my word on going back out into the field, but first I must make sure my people are well taken care of right now because apparently their current leader isn't doing a very good job of it."

Finally, he stopped in his boxing, allowing his arms to fall by his waist. He then turned to Cass, "Want to question me as a leader? Want to question my sanity?" Theo leaned over by her ear and whispered, "Cassandra, if I really was insane, you'd be knocked the fuck out." Theo spewed his words straight into her ear, yet he hissed in such quietness that only she could hear his biting menace so clearly.

"But that wouldn't be the case if I were to challenge you," she replied with a hint of bitterness in her voice. Sometimes the man just drove her to the brink, and she had no choice but to go along for the ride like every other time. "Now I suggest you let me move forward with my plan before this gets nasty."

Cassie then motioned for Cap'n to follow her, deciding that she had had enough of Theo for the moment.

"Alright, fine go and piss off, but I'm going to need the First Combatant for important business that benefits the colony and involves the Overseers. You know, if I had the time or the care, I would ring that bell over there myself," once the Crater's bell was rang, a duel or fight would then be offically commenced. "Then it would be me challenging you, not the other way around. The only purpose for a fight like that would be to finally put you in your place!" It was extremely tempting, yet the Overseer laid more of a priority to him rather than Cass.

"Finally, some work on your behalf. It only took shouting and threats being made to force you to snap out of that pathetic, self-pity state you were just in. Cap'n, keep an eye out for him please, I need to go talk to someone and I'll meet you again soon." Cassie then left both men to deal with the Overseers. She wanted to take care of a couple of things first before she went out into the field.

"And yet she defies me, there will be consequences..." After speaking Theo took Cap'n's canteen, finally quenching his thirst. Just because he told her to piss off, did not mean that Theo gave her any permission to continue on with her plan. He just decided not to put in the effort to stop her, not after he warned her.

"'Tis better t' hear you say 'consequences' 'n not revenge." With Theo, there was a difference, and Cap'n knew that. "But th' Overseers, I do believe that be your concern, at least fer now."

"Yes, I would much rather focus my mind on something other than the horrid drama of my marriage." And with that Cap'n and Theo walked their way towards the cell rooms.

@Vashonn@Ellion How's the collab going? I'll wait for you guys before posting anything else for Theo since it will take place the morning after and will transition into the hunt for the Overseer Ship.
@CyanideSweetie Since Todd has been captured, Maximation can confiscate his phone, and give it to Agent Rourke. Rourke can then pretend to be Todd over text, or read pass text messages to know where Naeemah and Poppy. Also, the reason why Rourke has easy access to Todd's phone without cracking some sort of pass-code, is because Todd originally tried to give Troy has phone when saving him. So, it must be assumed that he took the pass-code off before.

I do believe that @DeadDrop is working on a solo post for Agent Rourke, or he could always collab with you and @13org
@SleepingSilence A flashback would be nice to humanize your character, ripping away at the image that paints him as a cold-bloodied killer. Or, the only other person that I could see Dante potentially bumping into would be Noelle. They both seem rather enraged at Maximation, for everything that they have lost.
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