Avatar of BioHazard
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Hey, I'm Biohazard! A young male "adult" -no u don't need to know my exact age ;p- Often keep myself busy with watching anime, writing stories for fanfictions and games, as well as develop gameplays. My favorite game franchise is Kingdom Hearts and some of my favorite anime are: Mirai Nikki, Danganronpa, Higurashi, Tokyo Ghoul and Death Note, but many many more. You can check some of them out here: http://myanimelist.net/animelist/DarKingdomHearts

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meant Botis ftw
A hand was laid down on the shoulder of Botis, a firm grip was on his shoulder, and he heard familiar voice. It was Dantalion! Botis looked around, but the other demon already had disappeared. He immediately realized that it was him who did this to her and got angered. He balled his fist in response, but had nothing to release his anger to.

Luckily his mistress woke up, although she seemed very tired and perhaps a little bit depressed. He didn't like it. Cherub and Surgat told her it was because of all the memories that resurfaced again and because she used quite a lot of mana. They also insisted on Botis talking to her. He rolled his eyes at the two familiars and approached his mistress.

"I'm the one who should be worried about you." Botis said frustrated. He tried to pick Ciara up, but she quickly called her staff to help her walk.

Rico is safe, don't worry about it." he looked around and noticed three witch hunters passed out on the ground. He shook his head for Ciara not killing them, but also would not speak about him killing the other two.

"I'm fine Ciara, thanks for helping me." Rico replied.

"We will get you home so you can rest. I will return to the Underworld so you'll replenish your mana quicker. Then you can summon me again." Botis suggested. He looked at Rico. "So, whatcha gonna do now hunter?" he glared at him.

"I will probably stay with Lucille for the time being... I can't risk being seen." he said, Botis nodded.

"Then you go on ahead, I'll check on you two before I head to the Underworld." he said. Rico and Lucille did as he said and went ahead to Lucille's cabin. Botis had some private time with Ciara now, with the little ones walking a little distance behind them.

"So... mistress. What is really going on now? What did that demon do to you, and why did he target you?"
Just waiting, I already posted quite a bit so
After the battle has concluded the four were waiting in the open fields. The other witch hunter already died from the poison in his blood caused by the needle of Count Botis. Lucille kicked the lifeless body.

"Seems like this one isn't go stand up either anymore." she looked down, a little bit skeptic but also with a faint smile of enjoyment.

"Botis, did you really have to kill both of them?! Ciara has a no-killing policy, and yet you did! Can't believe this... you're just a ruthless demon like all the others." he said rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.

Botis let out a huge sigh. "Hey it was either kill or be killed Rico. I came along to save you! And I'm doing that my way. Mistress may not agree with it, but this was the best way, and you got out without a scratch."

"I do must say you were a little bit brutal sir Botis." Cherub mumbled inbetween. Botis acknowledged him, but didn't want to rant to him, after all he was part of his family.

"I'm going to make sure that your contract with Ciara breaks, for sure! And if-" Rico got interrupted by Botis shushing him.

"Don't shush me!" Rico replied in anger. Botis only held up his finger, motioning him to keep quiet for a second. Botis narrowed his eyes before widening them again.

"Ketten has been forced back to the Underworld... and... Cherub do you feel that as well?" Botis asked.

"Yes, yes. Mistress is in trouble!" without saying another single word Botis and Cherub took off into the direction where Ciara was. They were going rather fast, making it hard for Rico and Lucille to keep up with them. Botis and Cherub arrived at the place where Ciara was and saw her lying on the ground like a ragdoll with Surgat looking over her.

"What happened Surgat!" Botis said angered, not specifically towards Surgat but just angered because of the situation. Rico and Lucille would catch up later. Now Botis knelt down over Ciara and waited for Surgat to tell what happened.
The giant needle-like swords or spears were still hovering behind Botis, ready to rain down on the people down on the ground. He looked Rico in his eyes. The eyes of the boy told him that he shouldn't kill the witch hunters, but he could see a spark there among it that really wanted them to die. Botis closed his eyes and a grin appeared on his face.

"Better get out the way boy." he mumbled to himself.

Botis looked up and Rico immediately dodge rolled out of the way, followed by the needles raining down on the ground. One of the witch hunters got multiple needles pierced right through his body, instantly killing him. The lifeless body fell onto the ground like a ragdoll afterwards, only being supported by the needles in his body.

The other witch hunter however was a little bit more alert and managed to dodge out of the way, only being severely damaged on his right arm by one of the needles. The man grunted and fell to the ground. The area around the wound slowly started to get a purple color and his veins grew thicker.

"Should I finish him off?" Lucille said with her whip ready.

Rico looked at Lucille rather confused "We don't have to kill him, just leave him be." he said with an undertone of anger in his voice as well.

Botis descended from the sky, and Cherub started flying next to him. "We did great didn't we." the little demon said cheerful. "Too bad someone had to die."

The count chuckled. "Don't worry the other one doesn't have long to live either." he looked at the man trying to resist the force of Lucille's foot holding him down to the ground.

"The other one got a good dose of my poison. You see my body is filled with poison. You humans have a majority of water in your body and I have deadly venom. Naturally it also is my specialty." he bragged "So I just transferred the poison into these needles. Botis made the the needles disappear, making the ragdoll fall on the ground.

"I see. How intriguing." Lucille said.

"Now we just have to wait for Ciara and Surgat to return." Rico replied.
I'm just gonna lure the boy out of the closet who acts the most gay.
I want to see Pierce attempt in vain to hit on all the guys.

Believe me, Pierce is gonna hit on eveyone. He believes there's a bit of gay in everyone.
Pierce Lavigne - Bounce-O-Rama

The gym was such a chaos at the moment... After our principal character, Monokuma, announced that we had to kill on other everyone seemed to be stressing out and fall into despair. Not me though, I was casually observing everyone with a grin on my face. Killing someone was something that only a few here were capable of doing, so it wouldn't be hard to figure out who. And being "trapped" here didn't sound as bad as possible. There were lots of cute boys attending this school.

I wouldn't mind playing doctor with Kiragi, him being a surgeon after all, a charming surgeon. Acute seemed rather cute and probably has a fast tongue. Joseph, another fine addition to the crew, and possibly also was interested in boys? My gaydar really went off with him and his messy hair. It didn't matter that I didn't know his talent yet, maybe it was something really... interesting. Xavier also looked rather cute... his shyness made him adorable.

From a distance I heard someone call someone else fat. My attention immediately went to the girl who said it, although I couldn't remember her name out of the top of my hat. But it was obvious towards who the remark was, I immediately looked to, as I could personally say, the ugliest boy here, a big black obese man with a twinkie in his hand as his current victim. He probably was better at making that twinkie disappear than me. However when he asked who called him fat the girls immediately pointed at me and fled the scene.

I chuckled when the big man would turn his attention to me. "Sorry not sorry, but I wasn't the one who called you fat. However who could blame them for doing so, because you really are darling. Nothing against your color or anything, I had black dudes before... but none of them stuffed themselves with food all the time. Even I, as an illusionist, couldn't make that belly disappear." I said probably mocking the guy, but it was better to be honest and mean than to lie to someone in their face.

Maria Oathkeeper - Dive into the Heart

Rio and I departed from the gym, leaving the others behind. I could faintly hear a female voice speaking to the others but could not quite understand what she was saying. I instead turned to Rio again who asked where we should look first. I was not fairly well known with the mechanical device that had been given to us. After all I never got the experience to hold such advanced technology.

"I can not quite figure out how this machine works." I said while holding the student ID in my hand trying, scared to press any buttons. "There should be a map on here somewhere, right? Can you please look? I will follow you. I can remember that it at my monastery the junk room had a tunnel leading to the outside. Back in the day it was used for transportation, that is why we have one. Although I am fairly certain something like the Vatican has underground tunnels as well."

As I was following Rio to the junk room, who'd probably had also taken the lead by now, I wondered something. I couldn't be the only one afraid of the situation we were in, right? But Rio looked so chill, like nothing was going on. They however were with only the two of them... was Rio going to make short work of me? "Rio? I can trust you, right... you are not having any intentions of murdering me? You just seem to calm, it gives me mixed feelings."
Schneidende Schwerter des Giftes

Piercing Sword of Venom
The mistress approached the scene first on her flying stick and immediately one of the men spotted her. He recognized her and ordered the others to help him kill her. The man seemed to be the leader of this convoy. He hoped that Ciara could manage against a man with years of experience, although maybe his age could work against him, he wouldn't know.

Ciara suddenly cast a spell that transformed Surgat into a lion-esque creature. He looked kinda badass, something he wouldn't expect from the mischievous little feline. Ciara flew off with Surgat, followed by three man, including the elder man. Botis, Lucille and Cherub were left behind with two men and Rico.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?!" Rico asked somewhat frustrated but with a spark of gladness in his eyes.

"We've come to save you honey." Lucille answered as she let the end of her whip drop to the ground.

Botis looked at Cherub. "You sure you're not needed at Ciara's, like don't you have a transformation?" he asked. Cherub only shrugged which made the count roll his eyes.

"Rico, get behind us. We will stop these demons." one of the witch hunters said.

"Make sure not to kill the human though, it might cause trouble for us." the other said.

Botis sprouted his wings once again and ascended into the air, followed by Cherub who apparently wanted to do the same. He looked down to the two witch hunters and a grin appeared on his face. "I have an idea."

He looked at Cherub "Could you be so kind to keep those two busy with Lucille so I can charge up an attack?"

"It would be my pleasure!" Cherub said and dived down to the witch hunters. he circled around them at a rather high speed to they couldn't easily hit him. He was flying around like an annoying mosquito does when you're trying to sleep. Before Botis launched his attack he wanted to sent reinforcements to his mistress, and of course only his best maiden would do.

"Mädchen von Holle, ich rufen sie."

"Mädchen von Ketten."

The coffin once again appeared from the ground and Ketten stepped out of it. She clearly immediately saw what Botis requested of her and fled into the forest, tracking down her higher mistress. Botis sighed in relief, thinking that with some help Ciara would be okay. Botis clapped his hands together to charge up for his attack.

"Schneidende Schwerter des Giftes"

Slowly giant needles began to form around him made out of pure venom. It was an attack used for a wide range, but he wanted to take out the witch hunters as soon as possible. The only problems now were that Rico had to get out of there if he didn't want to get hit... and this attack might possibly require too much mana for his to sustain long on the surface. He needed to land this attack else Ciara wouldn't be able to use any of her magic... and he wouldn't be able to fight anymore.

Ketten rushed through the forest. Though blindfolded she knew exactly where to go, her other senses were much more developed than of regular demons and she used it to advantage. She almost seemed like a bat, sending out sonic waves to see if there was a tree in front of her. She heard rumbling in the distance and eventually reached the place where Ciara and Surgat were facing off against the three witch hunters.

Ketten quickly send out one of her chains and whipped one of the hunter's knees, making him drop to the floor.

"I've come to assist you on behalf of Count Botis." she said in her monotone voice.
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