Avatar of bittersweetsymphonia
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    1. bittersweetsymphonia 10 yrs ago


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Call me Spencer not my real name. I'm 17 years old, from the Philippines, pansexual, a Journalism student, and a generally badass person, if I do say so myself. I roleplay in any genre, as long as it's a plot that I'm interested in and can grasp easily. I mostly play females, but can sometimes play males. If you wanna 1x1, I really wanna do some fxf plots. :>

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Would it be possible to play as a whole team?
As in, you play all three of them? I suppose that's fine since we need 16 teams here.
Working on a character for my Water bender who shall be on her own team. I am thinking of a team name atm, thought that would sort of depend on what my team mates would like as well. EDIT Thinking Catgator for cannon avatar beasts. For non-cannon ones I kind of like the Idea of 'Earth Hounds'. We have Fire Ferrets, arctic hen, and Sky Bison after all.
Earth Hounds sounds badass!
Question: I'm planning to make my character as someone who came to Andria, but was originally from an eastern country. Is that possible? I was thinking one of her parents could originally be from Andria who travelled around the world and met their other half in said eastern country.
This rp looks amazing. I'd like to reserve a character slot... Still not sure if I'll make someone for blue or yellow magic though. :> I'll try to whip up a cs when I can. Edit: I will be making a yellow magic character because Gilgamesh.
16-25 is probably the age range here... Unless you're playing a veteran. THE RAVEN EAGLES ARE COMPLETE! WE NEED OTHER TEAMS TOO!
Name: Felicity "Liss" Mason Age: 22 Equipment:
  • A hunting knife.
  • Standard issue sniper rifle.
Profession: Soldier? (idk what to call it but she sometimes helps with security and doing rounds around the city) Personality: Liss is confident and exuberant, someone who is often described by other people as childish because of her little antics. She is someone who's always prepared to offer a helping hand, especially around the city where she feels that people need to do more. She's not particularly book-smart, but Liss knows how to handle people. She can determine their emotions and feelings with just a simple look, and knows the perfect words to say to influence someone's emotions. Liss' innocence sometimes turns into naivety, to the point that she can't determined which is good for her and which isn't. She's also honest to the point of being tactless, often hurting people's feelings without knowing it. She's also quite possessive, especially when it comes to her relationships with people. She gets jealous real easily, and hates how clingy she becomes during times like that. Bio: Before the infection, Liss never really cared about politics and whatnot. She simply enjoyed her life as a student in Minnesota, studying computer engineering and doing her duty as a member of a Greek athletic organization. She was failing, but despite it, she still attempted to put up a positive attitude. Her roommate then had been an activist rallying against the government, but Liss never really paid attention to what her reason had been. She often heard words like 'revelation' and 'vampires', which she just put down as metaphors, because really? Vampires? Liss had been in the middle of an exam when the infection happened, and she couldn't believe what she was seeing. She had been scared out of her wits, and had come close to being a zombie happy meal when she met Diana, the most beautiful girl she'd ever seen. She watched as Diana ripped the zombies apart with her bare hands, and Liss was in awe. She quickly learned that Diana was a vampire when Diana changed in front of her from being a goddess into a monster. But, Liss found that she wasn't afraid. She offered her blood and asked for Diana to take her in. She didn't know why she did, but Diana made Liss her familiar and led her to Los Angeles, where they found a sanctuary. Ever since then, Diana has trained Liss into protecting herself from the zombies. Liss' natural strength and agility had helped for when she was learning to use meelee weapons. Learning to fire a gun, on the other hand, had been something that Liss never grasped. Liss contributes to the city by helping out with the guards when they do rounds, but usually she just acts as Diana's familiar.
Name: Kimiko Tetsume Age: 19 Sex: Female Team: Raven Eagles Role: Firebender Appearance:
Kimiko has light blonde hair and hazel eyes. She's a bit muscular, but short for her age. A pair of goggles can always be seen atop her head. Personality: Kimiko is feisty and confident. She's someone who knows what she wants, and will do everything that she can to get it. Her charm and wit can usually get things to flow her way, but if they fail, Kimiko can still rely on life-long friends she's made. They always have her back, just like she has theirs. She's undeniably loyal, even to the point of overlooking people's faults and defending them even if they're in the wrong. Kimiko is also a tad forgetful and flippant. Details never stay for too long in Kimiko's mind, which is why she always keeps a notebook with her where she'll write down important things. Kimiko's vigor also causes her to speak too fast for people to fully understand what she's saying, and she never stays still for too long, which can irritate the people around her. If you choose to harm any of the people Kimiko cares about, you must be prepared to face her wrath as she can be extremely ruthless and violent. Kimiko is a huge fan of birds and really wants to ride a flying bison one day. When fighting, she prioritizes agility over strength. She hates losing and can be pretty childish about it. She also hates bitter things. Background: Kimiko was born to an average couple living in Ba Sing Se. Her father was a firebender working as a blacksmith in the city and her mother mostly stayed at home. When Kimiko was born, her family decided to move to Republic City thinking that they'd find better opportunities there. Her father got a job as an engineer for Future Industries and her mother set up a small clothes' shop in the ground floor of their new home. The Tetsume family isn't rich, but they hardly suffer from financial problems. Kimiko discovered that she was a firebender when she was five years old, around the time that her mother became pregnant with her younger brother. She began to train with her father, who happily showed her his moves whenever he got a break from work. Kimiko grew up training around the city, watching the other firebenders in the Pro-Bending Tournaments and attempting to mimic their styles. Since she was young, she always loved the game. When Kimiko reached the age of sixteen, she asked her parents to allow her to enter and they did, but the team she joined was weak and didn't last long in the tournament. She continued to hone her skills and created a new team with Yang and [insert waterbender's name here]. She named their team the Raven Eagles, after her favourite species of bird. She has a pet Raven Eagle named Anana.
Then okay, you can take that role :> Excited to have you on board!
I'll take the spot as the water bender if you would like. :)
Are you talking about the waterbender for the Raven Eagles?
I finished with Liss. :>
The Raven Eagles
The Raven Eagles have been competing for two consecutive years now. Their trademark is that every member of the team wears goggles and Anana, Kimiko's raven eagle, flies around them when they're being introduced. #####
Name: Kimiko Tetsume Age: 19 Sex: Female Team: Raven Eagles Role: Firebender Appearance:
Personality: Kimiko is feisty and confident. She's someone who knows what she wants, and will do everything that she can to get it. Her charm and wit can usually get things to flow her way, but if they fail, Kimiko can still rely on life-long friends she's made. They always have her back, just like she has theirs. She's undeniably loyal, even to the point of overlooking people's faults and defending them even if they're in the wrong. Kimiko is also a tad forgetful and flippant. Details never stay for too long in Kimiko's mind, which is why she always keeps a notebook with her where she'll write down important things. Kimiko's vigor also causes her to speak too fast for people to fully understand what she's saying, and she never stays still for too long, which can irritate the people around her. If you choose to harm any of the people Kimiko cares about, you must be prepared to face her wrath as she can be extremely ruthless and violent. Kimiko is a huge fan of birds and really wants to ride a flying bison one day. When fighting, she prioritizes agility over strength. She hates losing and can be pretty childish about it. She also hates bitter things. Background: Kimiko was born to an average couple living in Ba Sing Se. Her father was a firebender working as a blacksmith in the city and her mother mostly stayed at home. When Kimiko was born, her family decided to move to Republic City thinking that they'd find better opportunities there. Her father got a job as an engineer for Future Industries and her mother set up a small clothes' shop in the ground floor of their new home. The Tetsume family isn't rich, but they hardly suffer from financial problems. Kimiko discovered that she was a firebender when she was five years old, around the time that her mother became pregnant with her younger brother. She began to train with her father, who happily showed her his moves whenever he got a break from work. Kimiko grew up training around the city, watching the other firebenders in the Pro-Bending Tournaments and attempting to mimic their styles. Since she was young, she always loved the game. When Kimiko reached the age of sixteen, she asked her parents to allow her to enter and they did, but the team she joined was weak and didn't last long in the tournament. She continued to hone her skills and created a new team with Kai and Xeno. She named their team the Raven Eagles, after her favourite species of bird. She has a pet Raven Eagle named Anana. ##### Name: Inoue Kai Age: 17 Sex: Male Team: Raven Eagles Role: Earthbender Appearance:
Personality: Charming, free-spirited, energetic, naive, reckless, too trusting (will expand on this later) Background: Born to two police officers in the Metalbending Police Force, Kai always wanted to follow in their paths. He was the youngest of four boys, and the only one born with bendiing abilities. His oldest brother resented him, and often bullied him as he grew up. This never stopped Kai from doing what he wants, though, and his other brothers always stood by his side. Despite all his training and willpower, Kai never learned how to metalbend which didn't qualify him for the police force. His parents comforted him, telling him that he was still young and that he would one day get the hang of it, but Kai knew then that being like his parents wasn't for him. Instead, he asked his older brothers for advice on what to do next and was told to try pro-bending. Kai loved it immediately. Kimiko was a good friend of his even before he was introduced to pro-bending. Joining her team had been an obvious decision. ##### Name: Xeno Age: 18 Sex: Non-binary Team: Raven Eagles Role: Waterbender Appearance:
Personality: Xeno has a slightly dark aura around them. They're mysterious and aloof, which often garners the attention of others who gravitate towards them as they're curious about Xeno. Xeno is the epitome of an introvert. They're not that easy to approach, as Xeno doesn't like socializing with strangers until Kimiko or Kai say it's okay. Only Xeno's closest friends know the side of Xeno that is optimistic and happy. They are a lover of tall places and the freedom it gives. Xeno is also very strategic, opting to not do anything until necessary. As such, the Raven Eagles often rely on Xeno for pre-game tactics. Background: Not much is known about Xeno's background as they don't really open up to people that much. What they've told Kimiko and Kai so far is that they're from a currently still uncharted land where bending was extremely rare and those who had that ability were worshipped by the natives. Xeno was regarded as a god there, and their family lived in prosperity. Xeno soon grew tired of their life in the island and left without another look back. The guilt of suddenly leaving still haunts them to this day but Xeno pushes the memories back. They came to Republic City after almost a year of travelling and learning about the world. Xeno sought to just be a nomad and wander around, but after discovering pro-bending, they decided to stay. It took a while, but Xeno opened up to Kimiko (after months of prodding) and joined the Raven Eagles. The game is a reminder of their time in the island where their bending was worshipped, but at least in Republic City, Xeno felt excitement.
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