Avatar of BKburke
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: BKburke
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1220 (0.32 / day)
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    1. BKburke 10 yrs ago


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@PaulHaynek@Stern Algorithm

When Vivian offered to let John use what 'contraption with wheels' that they had been moving on, he was really glad he had a good poker face. "Um...thanks." He stated while glancing at it. It wasnt going to be very useful though he didn't want to hurt Vivians feelings. "I'm sure I'll find some use for it." John turned his head back toward Neil. "A cyclops?" John wasnt sure how to react. He knew they were one eyed creatures but he was certain they were massive in size and could crush a human very easily. He had never seen one before and the idea of standing next to a creature that could stomp him into the dirt wasn't comforting. Though he believes since her talents are similar though likely better than his own, he should meet her. "I'm sure I can find her."

John made sure he had all of his tools before walking off to find the forge. He picked up his bag and began looking around for the forge. It wouldn't be difficult for John to find it. He knew what to look for considering he spent most of his time in one himself. Forges were pretty big fire hazards and the construction around a forge was normally to help fight that incase there was an accident. John approached the doors to the forge which seemed to be closed. He set his bag down to have a free hand to knock but his hand froze. John was nervous. He had remembered reading something the cyclops being part of the giant family. "Am I really about to meet something that could crush me with a step? What if I say something wrong?" John was hesitant for several seconds more before he lightly knocked. He waited for a moment before gently opening the door and grabbing his bag. If the cyclops was working then he was sure she wouldn't hear him enter.

John relaxed when he entered the forge. These surroundings were familiar to him. The heat of the forge was a warm embrace to him and the smell of burning coal and metal, which was overbearing to many, was like perfume to him. John set his tools on a nearby workbench. He was looking around from the bench but was confused. The forge didn't look the size to fit a giant. John quickly began to work up a sweat. Having all of ones equipment on their person will do that. He took off his tool belt and set it on the table, along with his sword and other tool bag. He followed by taking his jacket off next. He folded it up before looking around for a place to put it as clothes don't belong on the workbench of a forge. He hadn't spotted the cyclops yet and so decided to call out. "Hello? Is anyone there? My name is John. Neil told me your work and I wanted to come pay a visit." John looked around while speaking. He somewhat admired her work which were strung about quite neatly. "If I'm bothering you or disturbing your work I can come back another time." He was unsure if he would get a response or what a cyclops really looked like.
@Stern Algorithm@PaulHaynek

The look on John's face when Sylvia and Vivian approached did not hold any kind of disgust but it was pretty easy to see John was slightly uncomfortable. He had never encountered such a monster before. In truth, they were the first he had seen up close. John watched as the moved into the building before he could even answer Sylvia's question. He turned to Neil with a confused facial expression. When Neil asked if they could continue to talk inside, John agreed and followed Neil inside.

John waited for Neil to explain things for a minute and to tell why there was a big hole at the entrance to the guild. John waited for the silence to introduce himself. He glanced at Vivian and Sylvia to see if they would speak first before turning back to Neil. "Well...my name is John Clarke. As far as skills go, I may be the man you need to fix that hole. I did construction and engineering in my home town. If you can tell Bart to just get materials, I could do it." John thought for a moment. "Actually, I don't think I brought the tools for it. I could head into the closest town and buy the tools and materials. Consider the tools payed for but I'll bart the bill on the materials. Anyway, aside from construction, I've been a blacksmith for awhile. I'm also a decent tailor so making clothes, armor, and weapons for the group wont be difficult if the need it. I'm decent with a weapon too."

John hoped his skillset was needed thiugh he wasnt exactly sure it was what they were looking for. "Oh, I also can enchant items while I make them. My clothes are enchanted against wear and tear. I can do more than that but I thought I'd give an example." That was about all John could say about his skills. He wasnt much of a fighter but he could if needed. "Actually, do you have a cart or wagon? If I go into town to get materials to fix the hole, I'll need one. It may cost extra to borrow a cart."
@PaulHaynek @Stern Algorithm

The journey was not as rough or complicated as John had initially believed it would be when he left the comfort of his home. The journey however, was rather lonely as during the travel, he found himself with no one to make conversation with and he was not a talented man when it came to that. The morning dew gave way to a beautiful reflection of light from the grass that shaped the path that John had traveled on. In the distance, he spotted what seemed to be very odd creatures that he did not recognize. He glanced to see Vivian and Sylvia. Their appearance was striking but not in a way that made John comfortable. Thiugh nothing was to disturb him quite the same way as the dragon he saw in the distance. Before he reached them, he set his equipment down and did one final check. He had done this many times through his travel but he believed it never hurt to do it again. He ensured the tools on his belt and in his kit were safely secure before proceeding toward the location which was agreed to meet upon.

As he approached the structure, he immediately identified its style. Someone with his experience could tell it was of Dwarven make. He admired it for but a moment. In truth, he would have liked to take his time studying it but had more important tasks at hand. It became evident that the boy and dragon were conversing with one another but John was not a lip reader and thus could not determine what had been said between them. He approached the boy just after the dragon woman had left. He listened to the boy talk, his poker face making it difficult to discern what his reaction would be.

"Actually, I was invited to this guild by a man who went by the name of Bart. My name is John Clarke. I was hoping to find the guild though I feel I may be lost." It took a moment for John to notice the boys facial expressions. "I apologize for my rudeness. Did that woman from before say something harmful to you? If you do not wish to talk about then I understand but I would hate to leave you sulking when I could perhaps help to better your mood."
I shall reply tomorrow, just got back from vacation.
Time To Panic

As other slime figures surrounded Masrith he found himslrf getting increasingly more nervous. His fingers tapped on his staff repeatedly as he thought of what to do next. Alright, just think this through. The creature is not like other slimes though it is similar. As far as I know, it ails to fire though this is only an assumption at best. It said the last time a scholar visited, this means she acknowledges me as a scholar. It's possible then that I could offer to teach something in exchange for my life. It doesn't know i could teleport so there isn't a need to freak out just yet. If i could convince it to let me summon one more friend or perhaps obtain the notes of this other scholar. Masriths eyes glanced to the dead human body.

I'm certain that is the scholar. Perhaps if I could summon an undead, his body could be used. If I could get a hand on his notes then I might feel more comfortable. As far as combat goes, if I could summon an elder lich, I would feel better. It secretes a poison that acts like a drug. I won't allow myself to fall prey to that. So long as I remind myself of the fate that awaits then I feel I could resist. An undead may also be able to resist since they are just bone and rotten flesh. I'm not sure how my Angels will handle this though. My armor has pretty good stats but this world is different.

Masrith looked around to ensure no slimes had moved closer to him. Well now, you didn't have to show me that you had more friends than I did but thanks for bragging. Masrith did his best to remain calm though his panicking thoughts ran rampant to degree. I would to say I wouldn't consider myself food. I have a feeling I know what happened to that scholar that taught you that ability. If you wouldn't mind though if you were to show me his notes, I'm sure I could make sense of it all. Masrith was hesitant on how to progress. His Angels were still on guard and as long as they followed orders then he would have a moment to cast a teleport spell. He would glance at his Angels for a moment to make sure they were fine. He waited nervously for the slime figure to respond.
Don't Panic

The events that transpired would only leave Masrith in complete confusion. Before Masrith could even try to speak to the creature that he had resurrected, it had committed a horrible deed. Masrith covered his ears as it panicked yet it did nothing to shield him from its psionic screeches of agony. As he watched it willingly surrender itself to death in such a horrid fashion, it gave Masrith a chill down his spine. Though his biggest concern was wasting his mana on something that wanted to kill itself. Masrith recoiled a bit when he watched as the slime began to glow. He was surrounded and he immediately glanced toward the exit he had marked. He quickly looked to ensure he was not standing on loose ground. Being in a trap would only make things worse. He looked around trying to keep his composure. He was ready to order his Angels to attack when he saw the slime take form.

The creature that approached Masrith spoke but it did nothing that would actually ease his mind of the predicament. When the woman shaped slime approached, Masrith raised his staff in a cautious manner. He was not demonstrating aggressiveness but he made sure that he was not comfortable and would fight should he need to. The creatures voice was sweet which did in fact through Masrith off but it only made his suspicions worse. What you are saying does not make what I'm seeing any less disturbing but if you truly have no intention of harming me, then what you will here me say may sound offensive but it is not meant to be hostile, just cautious. Masrith did not take his eyes off of the woman that stood before him but he did direct his voice toward his Angels. Archangel, take to the air, if any slime is to try to drop down on us, use your superior maneuverability to kill it. Principality, back to back with me, should anything move closer to me in any direction without my being notified first, eliminate it with extreme prejudice. My Angels, for now, consider myself and you two the only friendlies here, do not engage in combat unless the situation as described happens or unless I order to do so by speech or by my endangerment. Masrith gathered his thoughts, he was ready, he didn't want to fight but he was more than willing to to save his own life. He wasn't sure how his Angels would do against these slimes but he had no choice. Though with all the bodies here, he was sure necromancy would help if needed.

He full focus was no toward the slime woman though he never took his eyes off of it. Mind of Undeath. Masrith castes this spell to help protect him against mind altering magic. He didn't know what caused that beast to want death but he didn't want the same thoughts or fate. Before you say another word, I'm going to ask several questions. If you stray from answering them then we are done. First question, where am I? Second question, why did that creature dive into the slime like it was going for gold in the Olympics? Third question, when I revived that creature, the moment its senses came back, it made no hesitation in its suicide. Why is that? He immediately knew he was no longer in a situation where he wasn't inside this things. That dead man up there has rotting face that seems to be smiling. It would seem it is like an addiction. My last question, what are you?

To say Masrith was on edge was an understatement but he was already thinking if a way out. He had no intention of sharing the same fate as so many other creatures. He would turn everything in this cavern to ash if he had to. Masrith held his staff up, he was ready to attack should it be needed, he was focused and determined. His heart practically beating out of his chest, he would not let his guard down no matter what. He was unsure of how the creature would respond. This whole situation was unnerving but Masrith knew had to stay calm and plan a way to escape if needed.

Alone In The Dark?

As Masrith ventured forth in the cavern, he found himself slightly shuddering away from the blue skies that coated the walls. As they flinched away from the light, Masriths worry eased lightly. He'd hate to think of what these things would try to do if he had not carried a light with him. The slime that reached out however freaked him out slightly. Blue slimes. I'm sure we had those in YGGDRASIL somewhere...sapphire slimes maybe. I don't remember them being like this though. I never really encountered them much though. Better keep moving before these things decided the light doesn't scare them anymore. With that said, Masrith moved deeper into the cavern until he reached the large chamber.

He glanced around to get a look and to make sure his angel still followed him. He took a step forward until he heard a crunch which made his heart sink a bit. He glanced down to see the bones all across the chamber floor. Angel, on guard. The angel lifted its sword ready for combat. Masrith kneeled down to examine the bones. It's possible these were left by the slimes. It could be a dumping ground for whatever they couldn't digest. I wonder what it was. I think my character knew a resurrection spell but I'm not even sure what I'll be ressurecting. Masrith paused for a moment thinking of his options. It could be a human that got trapped by the storm like he did but ended up with worse luck. The shape and texture of the bones could possibly be from the acid of the slime. I should summon another monster before I try ressurection. I have no idea what I'll be bringing back. Summon Angel 4th tier: Principality Observation. As the chamber was larger, this Angel would have room to move. The light shined as the Angel rose from it.

With two Angels by his side, Masrith felt more comfortable. Even if they were weak compared to him, they were something that could get in the way of whatever tried to kill him. On top of that, summoning them didn't cost any noticeable depletion in mana. Not sure how resurrection will work. I'll try to focus on just bringing one creature back. Masrith took some deep breaths before committing to his words. This new world was something he would have to get use to. Ok. Here we go...7th tier spell:Ressurection! Masrith wasn't even sure if it would work but he would ready himself and his Angels just in case he happened to ressurect something hostile.
Into Darkness

Masrith had found himself dozing off. The treck down the mountain had made him exhausted. It was in his light sleep that the noises began. Masrith tossed and turned slightly and began to mumble to himself as the noises echoed louder in his head. As he jumped up from his sleep, it was dead silent. His breathing was heavy and it felt as though his heart was ready to jump out of his chest. What the hell? Masrith glanced around unnervingly. As he stated down in it the darkness that was further into the cave he felt himself screaming internally. I guess I chose on hell of a spot to rest. Masrith stood up and found himself constantly looking toward the exit of the cave and the darkness that led further down into it. He was debating on whether or not he should leave. After what had happened during his light sleep, he felt as though the cave wouldn't let him rest.

I can't just stay here and do nothing. I should give myself a pep talk. Come on me, don't die....is that really all I got to comfort myself? I guess I'm fucked then. As Masrith began to step out of the cave, he heard a loud wail that rattled his bones. His foot stopped mid step toward the exit of the cave. Do I really want to deal with that? Either a big ass monster out there or paranoia in here. He debated his options in his head, none of them were pleasant but he had to make a desicion. Summon Angel: Archangel Flame. A flash of light further illuminated the cave as an Archangel Flame rose from the light. It certainly wasn't the most powerful angel but it was the only one he could summon that would fit in the cave. I would much rather step into the abyss then deal with whatever monstrosity is out there. Atleast I can see in complete darkness, I can't see through a blizzard. Archangel Lfame, protect me as we explore deeper into this cave.

With that said, Masrith would step deeper into the darkness that surrounded every crevice of the cave. The angel he summoned would remain close to him and every twenty steps, Masrith would place a YGGDRASIL coin on the ground so he would not get lost and hope to find his way back should he ever wish to do so. So what, they're plenty of abyss' that I walked into in YGGDRASIL, this one can't be any worse. Masrith said nervously. His descent into the darkness would be slow and cautious but he would make progress.
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