Avatar of BlackDragonSol


Recent Statuses

4 mos ago
Current I log into the FFXIV Free Login Campaign and the first thing my girlfriend does to interact with me is to target me with /dote. (/)w (\)
5 mos ago
I'm stil ali~ve. Still lurking. Still writing. Girlfriend's helped me out a ton. Graduated from college. Fuck, I'm getting old.
1 yr ago
I broke free of what has shackled my heart, and what someone has taken advantage of. However, another someone has shown me the way out of that. I am breaking more and more limits and records, now..
1 yr ago
Writing has a certain peace and calming effort to it. I still write on that story I've been known to write years prior, but now I've actually had the time to focus and flesh it out, free of negativity
2 yrs ago
Rest in peace, Cartoon Network. Your acquisition by Warner Bros Entertainment is grim tidings: but even the Champ's gotta step outta the ring one day..


I but wander from place to place, no need to concern yourself over me unless you wish to get to know me.

Most Recent Posts

@Skwint @mskennedy615 @wyvern @Lady Selune

Page is now up at the above post. Once more, thanks for the interest and sorry for the delay.
Yes, I know I'm late.

@Esailia You pass.
"First post! Also, does teh description have to be written, or can it be a picture? Or could it be a picture as the base with descriptice writings about mods, extras and so on?"

I prefer a written description and a picture. Although a reference that openly explains the character can bar this. This helps us ascertain what the character looks like in our head, and if there's a physical difference from the ref to the description: We will spot it.
I may've only gotten one reply from the Interest Check, although I have been told outside of that interest check (https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/163979-mafia-sort-of-rp-adult-themes-included/ooc#post-4321782) to just make the Forum Topic.
As a fair warning, know what you're getting into with this RP (As adult themes are present): It's rather dark and gritty. As a result, it's meant for mature audiences. We may just move the RP off of the Forums because of the themes that would be included. Therefore this is only a sign-up page in retrospect, safe for things that can be posted without the little issue. Please bear this in mind if you choose to participate or not (and end up gazing upon the pages).
Also, when you do sign up, bear in mind we might just end up having to RP on the Discord/Private Convo regardless of the circumstance.

Some portions may be incomplete or subject to change!

Thank you all for your support! I am making the sign up page sometime this weekend. Kaze and I are putting on the finishing touches!
So. Aside to watching Baccano!, and keeping this sort of RP idea under wraps until the summer. I was finally pressured by numerous people (whom won't be named) to put this idea out. I'll only put down the basic plot and species in turn. The setting takes place in a sort of psuedo-modern state. Whereas automobiles, weapons, and functionality are sort of dominantly akin to the times of the Roaring Twenties and the Prohibition Era (with the richest having more modern weapons). That aside to the rules, I can't really do things about with a lack of that.

Fair warning, this RP is a bit dark and gritty.

I'm not sure if I am really good at a game, or if I'm not even trying. Half the time it's like I don't even tap into my best potential.

Tonight is the day before work, which I'm preparing to get complaints from my boss to leave something in a team of coworkers' hands in the case of something that they haven't learned to do. My coworkers in the back were still working, and I had already finished most of my plate, and they were using the exact thing that I needed to clean, and the one working on said thing decided to have 10-20 minute chat sessions with a few patrons. And I wasn't going to stick around for another half hour or forty minutes with my thumb up my ass doing nothing, since I'd be playing that coworker's game.

Other thing said coworker does is;
Call me names in his own language, thinking I won't understand him.
Self delusion of grandeur.
Vandalized one of my posters encouraging my coworkers to stay on task, the other coworkers took the poster well, but not the vandalized part.

Paying tuition for college hopefully next Monday. If it doesn't happen, then I'll try Spring. While working my normal schedule for six more months.
Everyone's failing to realize I'm an introvert, and are getting in the way of my dayoffs.

Next week my dayoffs will only really exist to be Friday.

Why you ask? Starting college, already getting dem nightmares of having a late assignment already, and the requirements there are that I need to complete 67% or more of my classes, and score above a 2.0 GPA
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