Avatar of BlackPanther
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 6851 (2.18 / day)
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    1. BlackPanther 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current mid term on the 19 so slight delay in all my everything
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7 yrs ago
I have learned I'm allergic to deer. Still had a fun time though
7 yrs ago
Today I have aged another year. Yay aging lol
7 yrs ago
I passed biochemistry. Hell yes no more chemistry to deal with woo! Now to go calm my nerves before i vibrate through the floor
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7 yrs ago
I have my biochem final on Monday and am still not feeling well. My apologies for the delays.



On hiatus from here until further notice

Most Recent Posts

*dies from poke*

Understood *salute*
i will be working on my part of the post collab hybrid and it should be done tonight
i apologize for the delays
Castan Heulyn

Location: The wild world 'treehouse'
(I don't know i am not super military here i just study animals...uh...10-4?)

Castan was distracted...then again when was she not distracted when she was out in the wild, her blazing red hair standing out amongst the greens as her large eyes seemed focused in on a herd of Millis. She had a small smile as she watched them, but was soon bumped out of it by the curious nose of the Gliocas she had fed earlier. Given its duller ear feathers this one was a female...and oh god she was late. Quickly running a hand through her hair as she stuffed her notepad and pencil away she patted the Gliocas before sprinting.

As Castan ran she felt a silence in the wild. The creatures she had been studying suddenly started running and the Gliocas she had fed earlier let out a chirp like noise before nudging her. She huffed. "Im running as fast as i can if you have complaints then carry me then your furry butt!" It snorted at her and to her large surprise did just that. So her arrival to the tree house was with large shocked eyes on top of a Gliocas as a herd of Millis ran past. It was more dramatic then she intended to say the least. As soon as she was close enough she made her way in hoping the caravan that had held the things that she was not carrying put it all in a room for her like she had asked before she went to investigate the herd.

Once off the large furry beast of a creature she pet it and gave it a snack and made her way in. She soon found the rest of the group and looked the least military. Her outfit was less armor and more tight fitting hiking...which she had a reason for in her bag, but she looked more civilian then team member. "Hi...i am so sorry for my tardiness! My name is Castan and I'm a Monster biologist at your service" She did her best salute and then held out her hand. Clearly she was not military trained either.

tattoo count: 2 wolves

Before Damon fully got in and waited for the metal box to move he had answered Charlie. Yeah get here quick He then proceeded to get in and keep his bow and arrow ready. He would not be caught unprepared.

Damon made his way downstairs and held up his bow with his drawn arrow not sure what he was getting into. He inhaled and gestured with his head resulting in the wolf with him to trot forward ears pricked and head going back and forth. He had no idea what to expect and if something popped out suddenly he would rather his tattoo got killed then himself. It was a harsh sentiment but as long as he lived they would not fully die...he winced as his side with the panther reminded him that he suffered pain with each death.

Meanwhile the wolf left with Ayita and cassandra began pacing after missing its lunge. Snarling teeth were expose as it paced with its eyes shifting between avalanche and toad clearly while this was a creature of ink it was fully capable of its own thoughts.


condition: still a bit medicated

Othello rolled his eyes with the shifting ground. What a showy individual Avalanche was. Why show so much power when one could just...not do that? However there was a chance those..creeps that lit him on fire were down there so to the down stairs he would go. With a straightening of his jacket he picked up his pace to make to to them a hint of a smile developing on his face.

While walking he huffed and teleported to the nearest way downstairs and straightened his jacket again. " Why walk when you can just...teleport?" The hint of a smile remained and he continued his way toward avalanche and toad with no idea what he would be walking into and seemingly not giving a damn about it. He always had a trick up his sleeves after all.

Tattoo count: 2 wolves

Damon found himself thrown off balance when Ayita pushed him back, but quickly recovered. "Okay, but be careful. Actually.." From his chest two of the three wolves spilled and formed. "Have someone to help" One of the wolves moved and as Ayita lunged the wolf lunged for Avalanche, its jaws snapping as it let out a fierce snarl.

The other wolf moved with Damon to the elevator that he quickly got into. "Hopefully this will work" His hand went to the top of the wolf's head and patted it before he notched an arrow and pushed the button in the elevator to start going down. If he had to fight he would...he just hoped now that he could help intercept the virus.


condition: somewhat medicated

Othello slowly blinked awake and growled at the scent of singed fur and wounds. He slowly moved his head and looked at how he was bound and snorted. Did they not realize they were dealing with a magician? Part of his act was escape! With a scoff he looked forward and teleported forward enough to get him out of the bondage. He shook at his fur and shifted to human before lightly nudging sabertooth with his foot. With a sigh he bent down and proceeded to take off Sabertooth's bindings before looking at the body of Oshea.

"Well they must have left in a hurry. How inconvenient" He looked back at sabertooth. "He will wake eventually for now I need to get those animal abusers" With a flare he turned and made his way to finding the group. His main target being the one with fire.

I have an exam today

But hopefully later tonight I can get a post up for you
7 days it is

i have a busy week ahead of me so worst case is a phone post >.>

Who all do I need to like my character for him to be moved over?

(added suit image)
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