Avatar of Blue Demon
  • Last Seen: 8 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Blue Demon
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 3329 (0.88 / day)
  • VMs: 13
  • Username history
    1. Blue Demon 10 yrs ago
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Blue Demon || Female || Older || Ace

I go by Blue, Demon or BD. Or even Hey You if it's clear enough that you're talking to me. XD I prefer Blue or Blue Demon. And no, I didn't choose "Blue" because I'm sad. It's my favorite color. (And now you know.)

Advanced || UTC -08:00

Also, I just discovered DMC and now I'm Dante trash.

Most Recent Posts

I'm working on my next post. I just have a question. Would the Sailor Scouts in Japan had any run in with the BPRD? Or whatever the Japanese equivalent is?
Usagi deserves downtime. By which I mean she isn't just going to jump into fights in cities she doesn't even know where they are. (Even if one is only a 4hr bus ride) lol.

So sorry I didn't have something up this weekend like I said. I binged watched Voltron instead. /shifty eyed look

Harvard, Massachusetts

The holdout was quiet as a dark figure slowly made their way through empty rooms. Every now and again a sentry would appear only to be swiftly and silently taken down. They were a shadow upon the wall. They were truth and justice.

The closer they got to the heart of the lair the more goons started to appear. They would have to take a different approach if they wanted to take out the boss with the element of surprise. Initiating a no holds melee was not the way to go.

They holstered their weapon and with a quick physical feat, climbed and wall and settled safely in the ceiling. They took a few moments to check the surroundings and to quickly disable a small motion detector. They waited a long minute to make sure no one would come investigating. Then they headed off following their HUD to their destination.

It was far slower crawling and taking care of sensors than it had been on the ground. But it was also more prudent. It's a good thing they didn't have to sneeze though.

There was a soft chime from the HUD letting them know they were there. They stopped and listened for sound then cracked open the ceiling. There was no one in the room below. They waited a few minutes to see if that would change. It didn't.

Did the boss know they were coming? Mind made up they dropped down into the room with their weapon drawn. All at once everything was cast into a red glow and alarms all throughout the base started going off.

Usagi bit the tip of her tounge as she jerked the controller wildly.

"No. No. No! No!" She cried as the boss decended upon her character. She watched in dismay as the HP bar started dropping fast. She flung her body to the left as if somehow she could help the animated pixels avoid the killing blow.

With a huff of displeasure Usagi tossed the controller on Mamo-chan's couch. Despite this being only a few hours after she had arrived, he still had classes. Which left her all alone in a strange country. Usagi huffed again and picked the controller back up.

"You're going down." Usagi told the boss as she hit the retry button. If she focused on the video game she didn't have to think about being in America. Nor did she have to think about how tired she was. The seventeen hour difference was killing her. But if she wanted to spend time with Mamo-chan she needed to stay awake. She couldn't sleep while he was awake. She couldn't.

Usagi forced down a sniffle and tried to push those thoughts from her mind. It had only been two years since he left for America. And he had written and called and even visited twice. Still, it wasn't enough. But she was here now. She had graduated and was here.

"Take that!" Usagi shot the evil boss in the face. "And that!"

She giggled with glee as the HP bar for the boss began to drop instead. Mamo-chan might play different video games then she did, but he did have good taste. As expected of her fiance.
I just got told today I'm back to working 50+ hours a week. I'll make time on weekends, but I'm no longer sure I can make time on weekdays. If that's an issue please let me know.
Usagi Tsukino

Powers and Abilities
  • Transformation
    With the Brooch for the Moon Kingdom Usagi can transform into a warrior named Sailor Moon. When Usagi is Sailor Moon she is able to use a Moon rod called "Eternal Tiare".
    Usagi can also transform with the aid of a pen. It can change her into anyone she can imagine. She also gains general knowledge while transformed. Such as if she changed into a librarian she'd have general librarian knowledge. This knowledge only lasts as long as she is transformed. When she changes back she only has her own knowledge.
  • Eternal Tiare
    This is a Rod from the Moon Kingdom. It allows Sailor Moon to use the energy of the Silver Crystal to either destroy or Heal.
  • Teleportation
    As Sailor Moon Usagi with the aid of Sailor Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus can teleport. Even with their combined power they can only teleport Earthside. They require outside assistance, usually in form of energy, to make it off planet (e.g. to the Moon). Even with the other four scouts they cannot go further.
  • Silver Crystal
    Is a powerful Moon artifact. It's a vast energy source. It is sometimes perceived as the most powerful. It's limits however have not been determined as far as Usagi knows.

Origin and Backstory
Usagi is a reincarnation of an alien named Princess Serenity. Princess Serenity was heir to a technologically advanced alien race that lived on the Moon. The origins of the Moon Kingdom, as they called themselves, had been lost to time. All that is remembered is that they came to Earth's solar system with the Silver Crystal. They cultivated the Moon and turned it into a paradise. From the Moon they watched over Earth protecting it as it advanced. But peace would not last and Earth attacked the Moon. Using dark powers the Moon Kingdom was destroyed.

Serenity's mother, the Queen, used the last of her strength to take the last of her daughter's life force and send to to Earth where one day it would be reincarnated into a girl named Usagi. Usagi Tsukino was born to a wealthy family. She had no memories of her past life until a curious talking cat came into her life. Said talking cat, Luna, convinced the young girl to fight as Sailor Moon. Over the next few years Usagi found friends in the rest of the Sailor Scouts and love with Mamoru also known as Tuxedo Mask.

Over the next few years Usagi would fight the forces of evil. Both from Earth and not. Most of the attacks would try Usagi far past what she thought was capable; Pushing her to rely more upon herself and the powers of the Silver Crystal. These experiences as Sailor Moon would help shape her from a young, immature crybaby into a mature, steadfast leader. This year Usagi is determined to take a well deserved break by visiting her fiance in the US.

Supporting Characters
  • Ikuko Tsukino (Mother)
  • Kenji Tsukino (Father)
  • Shingo Tsukino (Younger Brother)
  • Mamoru Chiba (Fiance)
  • Usagi Serenity (Future Daughter)
  • Ami Mizuno (Sailor Mercury)
  • Rei Hino (Sailor Mars)
  • Makoto Kino (Sailor Jupiter)
  • Minako Aino (Sailor Venus)
  • Setsuna Meioh (Sailor Pluto)
  • Haruka Tenoh (Sailor Uranus)
  • Michiru Kaioh (Sailor Neptune)
  • Hotaru Tomoe (Sailor Saturn)
  • Luna (Usagi's talking cat)
  • Artemis (Mina's talking cat)

Sample Post
Usagi Tsukino

Powers and Abilities
  • Transformation
    With the Brooch for the Moon Kingdom Usagi can transform into a warrior named Sailor Moon. When Usagi is Sailor Moon she is able to use a Moon rod called "Eternal Tiare".
    Usagi can also transform with the aid of a pen. It can change her into anyone she can imagine. She also gains general knowledge while transformed. Such as if she changed into a librarian she'd have general librarian knowledge. This knowledge only lasts as long as she is transformed. When she changes back she only has her own knowledge.
  • Eternal Tiare
    This is a Rod from the Moon Kingdom. It allows Sailor Moon to use the energy of the Silver Crystal to either destroy or Heal.
  • Teleportation
    As Sailor Moon Usagi with the aid of Sailor Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus can teleport. Even with their combined power they can only teleport Earthside. They require outside assistance, usually in form of energy, to make it off planet (e.g. to the Moon). Even with the other four scouts they cannot go further.
  • Silver Crystal
    Is a powerful Moon artifact. It's a vast energy source. It is sometimes perceived as the most powerful. It's limits however have not been determined as far as Usagi knows.

Origin and Backstory
Usagi is a reincarnation of an alien named Princess Serenity. Princess Serenity was heir to a technologically advanced alien race that lived on the Moon. The origins of the Moon Kingdom, as they called themselves, had been lost to time. All that is remembered is that they came to Earth's solar system with the Silver Crystal. They cultivated the Moon and turned it into a paradise. From the Moon they watched over Earth protecting it as it advanced. But peace would not last and Earth attacked the Moon. Using dark powers the Moon Kingdom was destroyed.

Serenity's mother, the Queen, used the last of her strength to take the last of her daughter's life force and send to to Earth where one day it would be reincarnated into a girl named Usagi. Usagi Tsukino was born to a wealthy family. She had no memories of her past life until a curious talking cat came into her life. Said talking cat, Luna, convinced the young girl to fight as Sailor Moon. Over the next few years Usagi found friends in the rest of the Sailor Scouts and love with Mamoru also known as Tuxedo Mask.

Over the next few years Usagi would fight the forces of evil. Both from Earth and not. Most of the attacks would try Usagi far past what she thought was capable; Pushing her to rely more upon herself and the powers of the Silver Crystal. These experiences as Sailor Moon would help shape her from a young, immature crybaby into a mature, steadfast leader. This year Usagi is determined to take a well deserved break by visiting her fiance in the US.

Supporting Characters
  • Ikuko Tsukino (Mother)
  • Kenji Tsukino (Father)
  • Shingo Tsukino (Younger Brother)
  • Mamoru Chiba (Fiance)
  • Usagi Serenity (Future Daughter)
  • Ami Mizuno (Sailor Mercury)
  • Rei Hino (Sailor Mars)
  • Makoto Kino (Sailor Jupiter)
  • Minako Aino (Sailor Venus)
  • Setsuna Meioh (Sailor Pluto)
  • Haruka Tenoh (Sailor Uranus)
  • Michiru Kaioh (Sailor Neptune)
  • Hotaru Tomoe (Sailor Saturn)
  • Luna (Usagi's talking cat)
  • Artemis (Mina's talking cat)

Sample Post
I know you guys usually don't accept Manga characters (save for Sailor Moon)

I wish I've been accepted. Sadly it's a case of I just haven't been outright rejected. :D I'm sure when the IC goes up I'll finally know.
I need help guys. I had to buy a new ps4 (my old one died. It was tragic, tears were shed). So I picked up the current bundle which was Spider-Man. Now, I don't care for Spider-Man and I haven't done any looking into the game. Is it worth it to play or to just sell it unused to someone?
Good news everyone! I'm as long winded as ever.

Bad news everyone. I'm as long winded as ever.

In other news, I'm 100% willing to work with anyone (and everyone) on how the Moon Kingdom fits in with space-y things. And anything else you might need to work with me upon.
@HenryJonesJrQuestion. How much divergence are you allowing? I'm kind of eyeing one character in particular but they are waaaaaaay too OP. I was thinking about trimming down their power level, but that means I have to balance out a lot of things, which means divergences.
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