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    1. BlueBravado 10 yrs ago


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I understand that I am very late on the matter but I would really like to fill any spot that enables me to join the party and kill things.
Don't die on me! *beats on lifeless forum's chest*
*administers bad CPR*
*crashes through wall*

"Dust, dirt, and death is all this land has to offer." Marorin grumbled as he trod up a path leading to a wall sizable enough to leave an army waiting for new orders. He recalled his teachings of the old wars that took place this far north from old men back in his home. Back in the abundance of nobility. Back where he wished to be. His father's will had brought him all the way to Patet in caravan and carriage. Now it was time for him to travel west by foot.

He was a man with a slow, comfortable pace though he had no pack to carry. A man was he with a proudly upright walk and stoic face, showing no concern that he was the only one so foreign in the lot of whom he was approaching or that the land behind him was sick and dying. His face was tan and his hair twice as dark, yet his eyes were an almost-too-pale blue. They were like sunlight reflecting off small waves of fresh lake water and they were set on two others awaiting travel. The travelers seemed more prepared for the red plague than himself. He spoke before them politely with introduction before inquisition.

"Good day to you both, I am Marorin of the Wilfire clan of Virens." He took a small bow to see the seated women eye to eye, then gave the same courtesy to the man at his flank, "Has there been any word on passage, or how soon it may be?" It was an effort to keep his face softened and hide his impatience, but it was important for him to be another country over by now. His eyes flashed between the mans avian accompaniment and the woman's staff and he felt like he wasn't the only one who may stand out.
I am awake and ready!
"I hope you understand your father's intentions for you."

"Are you going to stop me from playing this?" Korie said, flipping the case the read "GUN GALE ONLINE" over and over in her hands, Absent-minded to the ramblings of her step-mother.

"No. No. We know that you love these sort of...things. But just because you do doesn't mean it should be everything you do. Take me, for example. While your father is away, i...-"

On and on she rambled as they reached home and parked their Cadillac inside of the in-house garage. Korie had shut the door to her room before the automated garage door reached the ground. She was lying supine before her stepmother could tell her when dinner would be. Her eyes were fixed on the machine that made her new world.
The colorful spectrum started to meld together Her senses were lost and found. the only thing left of her was pure excitement.
She forgot about her old "self" and the world "she" lived in as soon as she entered the information.
Her name was little different though.

Next she was falling - no wait - she was getting up. She stood and stared across a bleak and war-torn scene. "Awesome!" She exclaimed, only wielding a smile at the moment. That dangerous face vanished at the moment <<Tutorial Start>> appeared across her field of vision. "Ugh, alright. Bring it on. Bring it all on!"
"I will make sure to! keep an eye out for me!" Toccoa said with a cadence that claimed she wouldn't be there for business anyway. Why seem so impersonal? She eyed the parcel in his arms as he worked his away around her. Nothing she was very interested in.

Good thing there's not too much demand for pastries from this bakery. Cakes, cookies, cupcakes, danishes, donuts, eclairs, and frosted anything...- Toccoa was easily lost in thought in her short wait for Nero. Her closed smile remained while, her eyes, ears, and tail all perked up with awareness. "Likewise, and it's no trouble. This is all I have today." She said as she slipped the first of a tall stack out of her bundle of manila folders. "Usual business. If you like i'll be making rounds to turn it in when it's due as well. Maybe i should be apologizing." She made a single-syllable hum of a laugh. After a check of where she was off to next, she started for the door. "Take care Nero. Oh, and thank you Alex!"

Toccoa moved along the road, still dreaming of sweets and such. When one of them caught her eye, and ears. A human man walked by on a pace set on his own. He sang a humorous tune about his free time instead of work. She couldn't help but laugh! Her outburst made her aware of her rudely held attention to the stranger and her tail straightened while her ears fell against her head again, embarrassed. Off to some other place now!
Toccoa purred with the last sip of her tea, her closed-lips smile let her enjoy all the remnants of the huge amount of cream and sugar she used. She had been up to watch the sunrise over the rooftops on a small deck of her second floor apartment. Now it's off to help my town like I alway do! Maybe i always will... She thought throwing off the robe she wore after her bath and on her favorite shirt. A baggy white number with tight black cinches around her neck, shoulders, wrists, and waist. It did not get in the way of her work and compliments her straight-legged black pants that tapered off about mid calf where her black leather-soled walking boots started. She went out and embraced the sunshine and ruckus.

As she got to the post office where she worked, a feeling of anxiousness struck her. It was that day where she had to go to all the businesses and hand them their financial reports to fill out. She hated this time of the year! She wouldn't get the occasional thanks or compliment and wouldn't be able to even have a good conversation with any she would contact. Her ears turned to the back of her head with reconsideration with how good her day might be.

Then there was Lady Ryuko, the sweet postal clerk that gave her the day's load. After a compliment on Toccoa's habits of being early and conversation on how her son is about her age - which she politely avoided - she handed her a string-tied bundle of large paper envelopes and a smaller version with a colorful blend of letters. After putting the latter stack of letters in her small bag and hugging the former to her chest, she glided out into the main market street. First up, the bakery. At least I can smell some great creations there and dream about that until lunch.

She opened the door and started calling out.
"Delivery from Town ha-"
Her voice faded in front of the younger and older boy who both did not own this shop. She walked a little farther in and lost her apersonal tone.
"Good morning Alex! I'm looking for Nero." She made a small, amiable, smile. "And morning to you too, sir."
Name: Toccoa Mana

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Species: Neko


Romantic Preference: explore

Personality: Toccoa is a seemingly introverted sort, generally being quiet after courteous. She takes little time to display herself or look "ladylike" giving her comfortable clothes and easily-kept short hair the label of "tomboy". These things generally hide her affectionate attention to detail and her ability to enjoy herself easily. At her best, she is a gung-ho warrior princess that is as quick to kiss as to kill. At her worst, She is a reclusive shut-in who will take out her angst on the sorry soul who points it out.

Bio: Toccoa grew up an only child with a simple home to entertain her. She loved to run around town and explore, quickly getting a job as courier which she has maintained since she was 13. As she grew, so did her range of land to walk. After seeing some terrible crimes deep into the forest on one occassion, and narrowly escaping such an act, she avoids the area and has told no one what or why.

Job: courier for the town hall

Family/Friends/Relationships: Toccoa is finally out from her parents, Riku and Mara, who live in a quant little home near the edge of town. She visits them when her job brings her there. The few others she has been talking to work with her.

Other: Metallic objects that shine or make noise are incredibly distracting, Sweets are almost worth being violent for. 4

Extra abilities: Clairvoyant Exchange - Those bonded to Toccoa can exchange any or all of their five senses. This is her choice of which and when to give someone her perception, but if her partner wills it, she can feel such request and obey.
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