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Nation Sheet - Dark Empire

•Nation Name: Caska

•Government: Kingdom

•Leader: Melor Lythea (The Dark Lord)

•Capital City: Andor City (City of Dread)

•Races: Human and Orc

•Currency: Gold, Silver, and Copper (also barter systems on the outskirts of the country)

•Population: A medium population of Human and a low population of Orc. About 70 000 all together.

•Economy (1/10 scale): 4

•Military (1/10 scale): 7

Heavy Orc Infantry
Human Horse Archer
Elite Spearmen Soldier
Light Orc Swordsmen
Small Navy

•National Commodities:
Silver mine
Iron mine's

•View on Foreigners: Very negative

•Backstory: Caska came to prominence before the dragons had been killed off during the first half of the second era. The dragons were the first kings of Caska. The last dragon's led an army against the gods and anyone who worshiped the forge near the end of the second era. Their last true king was killed for using dragon fire instead of the forge fire to create. In the third era the dragon lord's main vassal family the Lythea held the title of king and warden of Caska. Only two generations they held the seat. They coexist with orcish hordes whom they hold council. Two orcish chieftains and three human noble families sit along side there leader the old Melor the Dark Lord.
I myself, as stated, am a newbie. I just want to create stories and enjoy the time. I already have a bit of posted and I try to look at it everyday but you dont have to post every day.
Interest check

.:Markon opened a new plane of existence and shapes a world. He invited Gods from the great void to join him. Many gods came. Then he invited mortals to live in this world. The mortals started anew and began to forget the worlds they had come from. Soon this planet was all they knew, but chaos emerged from the thousands and soon millions of different gods creating and destroying. In this chaos Markon decided to bring on order and cast out all the gods except a small pantheon. The first era ended and the second one began. Even then the gods walking among mortals meddled too much. The gods fought with each other. Once again they reshaped the world with a war of gods. Worse, the gods fought with mortals leading to genocide of many races. When they stopped they saw what had happened and it was agreed that the gods would only walk with the mortals in an avatar putting check on there great powers. Still they were gods non-the-less. The third era was then born!:.


A lot of my old intro to the forum was rewritten and copy pasted and/or changed so Im sorry if you had to reread all of this!! Also Im on a cell phone and its really hard to do fancy things.

When I was new to the site I had no clue about interest checks. I was at the time new to the site and I felt like a newbie (still do), but I ended up creating Of the Gods. I am still very interested in pushing It forward. I would love to have at least one more player join, but filling three more spots would be great! Im ever improving and changing the mechanics as I go along so bare with me since this is my first time hosting.

Now Of the Gods!

So this is sandbox. You will beable to create anything you want, with reason, but I may not approve if it hurts the role play or is just too silly. Although if you're the comedy relief or something interesting (like sheogorath from the elder scrolls series) I may approve. So you can create your own race. Shape the landscape. I do want to keep the mortals in a medieval state with a bit of magic. So you can even create your own magic. The possibilities are endless.

We will be in the third era of the world so gods do not walk among mortals any longer. So you have to use an avatar to interact with them. The avatar can die and that god will be shut out of the physical world. Worry not though, because players are allowed to control factions, nations, and heroes as well. The gods can shape the world behind a curtain (so to speak) after that.

Please ask questions!

The rp is in the Nations Rp forum. Its under Of the Gods
@Klomster I was wondering before we got further into this if I should try and get more people and/or if we dont get more people if we should create the others 3 ourselves. I do want more people but I dont want to be rude and try to promote my rp (cause Ive tried before and rpers got mad) , but I will throw it up on interest checks. BUT before any of that Ive gotta finish my faction/nation sheets and stuff so we time.
lmao, I guess I couldve went ivory or said the shirt was some color that no mortal could process so it appeares white but the great god doesn't dabble in mortal low self esteem
I was gonna ask if we get a bit deeper into this if you could make a map(not now but when we flesh out a bit more) of the world for us. I might have a few requests for the map but in the future
God Markon

•Name: Markon

•Appearance/Avatar: To the gods he looks human with one angel wing and one demon wing. His hair is blue and he has grey dead eyes. He his canine teeth are sharp and noticeable when he smiles. He wears a long black over coat with a white t-shirt under and grey pants with black boots. He's not tall about 5'11. And is constantly floating. This is his avatar but his avatar can change appearance anytime he wills it

•Gender: Male

•Affiliation to the world: To everything he seems to just sit back and watch the world but most the other gods suspect that he is actually setting motion many events


He conjured the world and helped create the heavens.

He created his domain.

He created his hound Kathume, which was made of thunder and lightning, to guard Ha's gate to heaven (but the dog usually leaves to sleep in Markons lake)

•Religion: Only few worship Markon because he's only understood as the shepherd who created this realm. Only religious zealots and extremists worship him with ties in most religion.

•Domain: He created his domain which nothing can enter except whom he wills, his dog (the great hound named Kathume), and himself. Markons lake as it is known is a black lake with dots in it like the stars in which beings float over instead of walk. No matter what direction they go they find themselves in front of a waterfall of purple and black that makes the most soothing sound. In front of it is a sapphire throne which he can sit and watch the world with a bed beside it for his hound.

•Personality: He seems care free but underneath are a millions complexities and thoughts

•Powers: His god form is a master of time and space. He has all kinds of magic. He can will things into existence. He can call upon the elements. Has the power of life and death. His avatar and god form can shape shift, change size, fly, heal, teleport, levitate objects, manipulation of elements, and all kinds of magic and many more...

•Flaws: In his god form he can be pushed out into the void and forever locked out of this world by 2 or more of the other gods. His avatar seems all powerful but is actually the weakest of the other gods and can be killed by an army of powerful mortals even without any relics.

•Godly Items: Markons Sword(basically lightning) Elemental Gems(made for mortals to use), Helmet of Dream(so mortals can communicate with him without speech) and Markons eye(a gem used to see anywhere at anytime).
All made for mortals and all hidden across the planet.

•Backstory/Biography/Lore: Markon was once a mortal but cursed into immortality not being able to die ever. He eventually turned the curse into a charm by going to countless places and times moving backwards and forwards resetting everything. Time stopped being a factor; matter stopped being a factor also. He ascended into god hood when he reached infinity and eternity. Then he became a god of creation when he arrived in this universe (a higher tier of god then he was before).

Nobody in this realm knows his real name is Biron Tenreo a.k.a. Bluthunda (lol me!) or his true background. They only know he was the first one here. He created the lands of this planet and literally tricked most ancestors of each race of mortals to come to this planet to be ruled and protected by him and the other gods who reside here.

He is a bit of a trickster god in the fact that he accidentally started the first war on the planet but also ended by tricking the races into peace.

In the first era many many differenr gods, goddesses, and demi-gods roamed the planet but had a habit of
destroying or creating or bickering and soon instead of having any order it was only chaos. Thus Markon kicked all others out and left only five main gods and a select number of demi-gods.

The second era Markon did little letting the other gods and the mortals shape the era. He descended into mystery. Most mortals forgot about him only the older races really remembering a time when he walked with them. Little did they know he was shaping the world in secret by dreams and changing his form to set things in motion that nobody could fathom.
My bio is in the character place
Looks pretty good. Ill try and get my character's sheet done at some point. If you want to start rping please do!

Affiliation meaning who worships you or if you have a family that is directly under you or a nation/race/faction ect. Or even what you wrote

Also I made it canon that you are the god that went too far in the second age
I have a Of the Gods rp started in the nation Rp... If you wanted to take a look. And possibly starting the third in private but I can see if we can bring it out
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