Avatar of Bravest
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    1. Bravest 9 yrs ago


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As Ivan headed out, the others started to follow him. Beyond the doors of the fort lie a wide area, free for anyone to roam about. Just a few minute walk away, the entrance to the abandoned mines await. Ivan started to move towards the direction of the mines, glancing back every once in a while to check if the others were still following him. After all, this was a quest no one can do alone. The sun was staring down on them, and there were no clouds to protect them from its hot embrace. The scorching heat was another thing to mind. Though the distance was quite short, it seemed longer due to the intense warmth that the bright star gave upon them. Ivan was sweating, his armor was enough to keep him warm for cold days, but not cold for times like this. He murmured a curse to the sun's heat as he finally reached the entrance to the mines. The entrance, unlike any other, had a shade due to the huge figure of Silverbeard carved just above the entrance. Silverbeard was just like the average dwarf, with his long locks and thick beard, short yet dauntless stature, but still, the figure looked like a carving dedicated to a noble. Beneath the huge carving was a wide open hole, full of rusty minecart tracks and abandoned mining gear such as pick axes and gem detectors. Ivan took a small rest. He sat on the ground covered by the shade as he took out one of bottle of ales, and started to drink it. As he sat there, he observed whatever was in the entrance of the mines. Abandoned materials, some old unrefined gems lying around, some unused carts and rust tracks. It seemed to be abandoned for a long time. The lighting system was still functioning, despite it not being used for quite a while now as he heard. "Hmm, how odd.", he said. "How could the lighting work properly, when this has been abandoned? Surely it requires a lot of maintenance and such for it to continually work." He pondered about whatever it is that was keeping the mines lit up, and what could it be contributing to that beast above. Just as he thought about the beast, another roar was heard. This time, it was louder but quick, as if it was hurt by something or someone. Ivan stood up, and glanced at the top, trying to get at least a peek on whatever was waiting for them up there. Sadly, he saw nothing but a bunch of crumbling rocks.
Sorry for the absence guys. I'll post later.
That is quite saddening. Your effort is appreciated.
I thought that might be the case, no worries. Best of luck in your adventure let me know if you have an opening in the future.
I would love for this to be episodic, then after we handle the Monster of Ember Peaks room may open up for more members on another quest.
It will be don't worry :)
Hi, are you still accepting new characters? I've just returned to the guild after a long hiatus due to work and studies but now I find myself with a little time and just feel like jumping straight in to an RP, yours caught my eye and I'd like to join it. I've a few ideas for a character but I will likely read through the current characters before I decide on anything.
Thanks for the interest but were out of slots as of now.
"A rune for detecting presences, huh.", Ivan said as he stared at the man's runic mark on his forehead. "Though I believe your rune magic would suffice, it would be my pleasure to be of use.", Ivan replied to Alurat. The skies were turning from bright blue into a radiant yellow, the adventurers have spent much time configuring and feasting. A loud roar coming from the mountain was heard throughout the fort. "I believe our creature has grown impatient and is asking to be slain.", Ivan said to his allies. "We should be able to leave now, as long as you all are ready.", he said as he left the tables, and started to head through the doors.
As Ivan drank the ale he held, the rune magician came to him, asking a question. "Alurat Tihr, wasn't it?", Ivan said to the man as he stopped his chugging. "I am Ivan Rischter." He then, shut back his helm, and closed the bottle he was drinking. "I'm going to keep this for the journey.", he thought to himself. "You sure are dedicated to your magics, even engraving them to your very skin.", he said to Alurat.
The advisors of the noble wrote down Berthellemy's name as he said it. "Very well. Since there are seven of you, I assume that all of you are complete." He signaled the soldier near the door, who then nodded at him. "Before you leave on this quest, you should feast." Servants then, came in. They quicly assembled tables of food and beverages before the adventurers. "I shall take my leave.", the noble said, "Good luck, brave adventurers." The servants then left the fort, then the noble and his advisors. The gold that was counted by the treasurers were brought with them in bags. The carriage had left. The adventurers were left alone, with tables filled with food ranging from the classic roasted meat to fine, high-tier meals. Ivan immediately took the nearest ale he could reach, slightly removed his helm to reveal his mouth, and started to the chug down what he held as he grabbed two more bottles and strapped them to his waist. Drinking alcohol was not his habit but he has been used to them due to the so many victory celebrations he has been to. One could see his enjoyment as he slowly drank the ale to fully experience its rich taste.
@Bravest, I don't think @tatszico is going to be posting anytime soon. I sent him a PM three days ago which he hasn't responded too, and waiting for him any longer might get this RP stuck so I vote we move on and see if he catches up. If our character's go ahead of him, Fort Goldface isn't going anywhere so the noble can tell him how to catch up with us.
Agreed. I will be posting some time later.
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