Avatar of Bria The Human
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    1. Bria The Human 7 yrs ago


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Hi! My name is Bri ^^ I've recently gotten back into roleplaying after a bit of a long hiatus. I'm married with a one year old so I'm definitely a busy person, but I'll try to make sure to post daily at least. I'd really like to get into some small group Roleplays, possibly 1x1's depending on the topic. Some role play's that I'd love to explore are:

Slice of life/drama
Hunger Games
Pokemon (older or newer generations)
Arena/Battle((Although I've never done one with this site's format so if anyone would like to help me that'd be great xD))
DND ((Only ever done in person groups, but I would love to get into play by post DND))

That's all I can think of off the top of my head, haha. I'm more of a casual role-player than anything. I like to have at least a paragraph per post, but the more the merrier. If you're interested in roleplaying or have any concepts you'd like to discuss feel free to DM me!

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@Abolish nICE Does Fantasy/Sci-Fi work for you as well?

Where all do we want to see this come to life? Are we looking to make a thread here on the guild, or do we want to move outside this site? I've found google docs easy for collaborative writing, but I'm down to try anything that works well for the group.

Also, we should establish if anyone has any hard limits for what they're willing to write about. I personally am not a huge fan of graphic torture scenes or gore, but as long as there's a sufficient warning or clear indications of a start point and end point, I can just skip over anything I'm uncomfortable with.

I personally don't do any kind of smut content, but aside from that I'm open to whatever.
<Snipped quote by Bria The Human>

As far as I know, no. There's quite a few people that have more than one campaign. I just prefer having a general one because I would rather keep all rolls I make in one spot.

Gotcha, well I think I've got all the info I need :) Thanks for the help!
I think I'm starting to forget how to read lol I read it but for some reason my brain did not process it

This had me weak for no reason XD Why is this me as a person
Mia Ellis






Born to a father who never wanted her and a mother who didn’t care enough to stay, Mia didn’t spend very long living with the father who she lovingly refers to as; “Sperm Donor”. He had a strong hand and a weak mind, knuckles and a bottle of whiskey his only means of expressing himself.
She was first put into the system when she was seven years old, after the neighbors had finally gotten the nerve to call someone about the screaming, but she jumped houses so often that it didn’t really matter to her where she was staying.
A kleptomaniac, Mia paid no mind to who something belonged to; if she wanted it, she would have it. When she was about fourteen she started hustling drugs, only using the cash to re-up and saving the rest. She had a goal for herself. She wanted to be able to live on her own and fully support herself by the time she was eighteen.
Sixteen rolled around and she had quit the game, dropping out of school to work a full time job as a waitress. She continued working like this until she was able to legally emancipate herself from the system at seventeen.
Renting a small, one-room apartment, working a full time job, living life how she wanted-- everything was finally looking up for Mia.
But then; she disappeared.

((definitely an oldie lol))

Mariana Ingram (Mari)




Mari LOVES video games. Specifically dating sims. She spends most of her time locked up in her room binging different RPG love stories and finding the princes of her dreams. She doesn't leave her apartment nearly as often as she should, or at least that's what she's been told by her family... Honestly though, who needs real friends when virtual ones are so much better? Plus it's not like she NEVER leaves. She has quite a few different spots she loves to eat at. Mari is an absolute foodie. She'll try anything once, doesn't matter what it is. Her family still has no idea how she manages to eat as much as she does and only weigh 145 pounds. Honestly it's a mystery. You're probably wondering how she can manage to afford this lifestyle without working. Well it helps when your super rich grandmother dies and leaves you a VERY healthy amount of money behind (rest in peace). Her family doesn't approve of the way that she uses this money, but it makes Mari happy. She's a pretty good person, she treats others nicely when she sees them and she sticks to herself for the most part. Most people don't understand her lifestyle, but she doesn't really have a problem with that. The way she sees it if they're not willing to try to understand then they're probably not worth making friends with.

<Snipped quote by Bria The Human>

Nope, it unfortunately doesn't work like that. Everyone would have to make their individual campaigns and roll in those for results.

Darn. That does make it a bit more complicated for sure. You won't get in trouble for spam for making multiple dice campaigns would you?
So who’s not at the shrine?

I believe Venus and Martha are the only two not at the shrine currently. @rumikoohara
@Bria The Human Front page, top right. Should say dice. Make a campaign (name it whatever you want, I have a general campaign for all rolls I make), type what you want to roll in the box designated for rolling (you can also write down what the roll is for if you want), and then hit the roll button. It's still rather basic, though, so don't be expecting things like degree of successes or whatever some systems have. Only does number of dice-d-dice sides + or - mods. So if I do 1d20-7, it'll do a 1d20-7 for me and give me whatever number it rolls.

Thank you for the reply! After making a dice rolling campaign, if I decide to start a Role-play that is dice based, I should be able to just post a link to it and then the other people in my RP would also be able to make dice rolls in the same campaign right?
Definitely interested! :)
Hey all! Wasn't exactly sure where to go for questions about this. I've ran into the issue of needing an online dice roller for RP's multiple times now, but I have no idea how to use this site's dice system. How does it work? How do you access it? I'm lost. I'd really like to incorporate it, but don't know how to do so.
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