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    1. BrodZ11711 10 yrs ago


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Male 15 Australian :) Loves anime and role-playing. That's about the stuff you need to know :)

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So my big post is now up, Lucas Ryder wasnt int the post because im actually so confused on where he currently is so if someone could please clear that up for me that would be great.
The Strongest Wolf Slayer: Zayn Fade| November 12th X889 - Three Years Ago

Theme: Power

The forest was silent, the wind doing a simple dance across the air, gently brushing the trees. A clearing in the forest was fresh, the wooden trunks, burnt to a crisp and the once beautiful green is filled with a putrid offsetting black. In the centre of the newfound clearing was two standing figures, standing strong and with conviction. The two figures dashed at lightning speed towards eachother, colliding and creating a void of dead air. The void exploded, sending both figures hurling through the air but a shockwave of wind into the still forest, disturbing the dead sound and knocking over the tall trees. One figure, a tall lean blond with a piercing blue steel eyes, her stance was of fatigue and persistence. "Milli, it seems the town has a right to fear you." Came the powerful voice of Zayn. Mill, the other figure opened her mouth, her voice was strained and in pain, ”Ho- How could a little boy lik- A little boy like you be so…” ”Strong? Sorry, I didn’t mean to strike you in the throat. But I guess that just means no more chit chat, so when I beat you, you’re gonna point me in the direction of your guild master.” Without a second to react Zayn shot off, leaving a cloud of dust he kicked up and was now only inches away from Milli, she quickly acted, ”Great punch of the Golden Light!” Her fist connected with Zayns fist, the golden light of Milli and the Blue lightning of Zayn quickly exploded, both figures standing still, fists still connected. They stood for a second, their eyes locked before Milli’s arm exploded in a gush of skin, blood and bone, her face of shock and immense pain. She jumped back and was preparing for Zayn’s next attack however he just stood there, his smile was enough of a strike to her. ”Milli. An S rank member of the guild “Black Serpents” and this is all the power I need to defeat you. This truly is the best 15th birthday you could give me.” He slowly walked towards her, the wind was still calm, almost scared to move in front of him, ”Yo- YOU’RE NOT HUMAN!” Milli shouted as Zayn shot next to her, his mouth next to her ear, ”No, I’m a wolf slayer, and I was born from betrayal, where is your master?”.

Zayn walked through the small town, the people looked at him with fear and curiosity. He was holding something, no, someone as he strolled through the streets. He had finally came to his destination, the crowd of people behind him, watching from a ‘safe’ distance. His smile grew, slowly until it took over his whole face, his eyes, crazed with power. He raised his left hand, ”Lightning Wolf: Piercing Strike!” A bolt of blue lightning, tiny in size shot forward, going towards the huge double doors of the half wooden half stone structure. The doors exploded and wooden splinters shot off into the crowd. Several wizards quickly came to the entrance, angered and confused. Five, five wizards in total. ”Black Serpents! My name is Zayn Fade! And here is Milli, you’re S Rank wizard!” He barked, throwing the lifeless body of Milli on the ground, before the five wizards. The shock of her body connecting with the ground sent her head rolling from her body. Suddenly an uproar of power and magic was starting. The five wizards charged Zayn, where Zayn happily greeted them with full power. A ball of fire sizzled past Zayn’s face, while a spear went past his legs. Zayn was too quick and threw punches and kicks left and right, he felt a gut around his right foot and a nose against his left hand, he kicked up, backflipping in the air and looking down at the group. ”Lightning Wolf: Destructive Howl!” Zayn’s mouth opened wide, thousands bolts of lightning emerged from his mouth, spreading out through the air at lightning speed, striking the ground and the wizards for five seconds of pure carnage. To the outside world, a howl as loud as 5 wolves was echoing through the air. Zayn landed amongst the wizards, on the edge of death where a punch would throw them over. He picked up a scruffy looking guy, his beard was singed and his body was almost motionless, he lent in, ”I’ve defeated six of your mages, you’re a guild of fifteen, where are the rest of them!?” Zayns words were short but strong, and the scruffy old man simply smiled, ”You… you don’t think, we knew about you. We knew, so we were evacuating when you came barging in. Ahaha, good luck boy, because the master is pissed!” Zayn’s face was that of anger, but like a light switch being flicked, so too did his face. His mouth turned into a smile of evil, ”Don’t you worry, soon the rest of your pathetic guild will join you.” He stood up, dropping the man and turned to the crowd, they were shocked, some were crying. Their eyes were locked into the sight. From their view, they saw a young fifteen year old boy take out the powerful black serpent Milli and some B rank mages in one day. Zayn’s arm raised and he muttered some words before lightning climbed out of his hand and shocked the bodies, one final scream coming from the bodies before they lay motionless. The same lightning strike moved to the guild building, almost two stories high came crashing down in an instant, gasps seemed to be the voice of the town. When the destruction had settled and the dust had cleared, Zayn sat atop of the now levelled building with five electric wolves the size of humans surrounding him. He gave out orders to each of the wolves and in a flash, they rushed off in different directions while Zayn got up slowly and walked through the town, the people quickly clearing a path.

The Strongest Wolf Slayer: Zayn Fade | Two Months Later

Zayn was flying through the air, his body was that of lightning, splitting the sky as he rushed to his wolves. His destination in site, an island the size of the capital kingdom, with a dense forest and a talk castle in the middle, the real Black Serpent HQ. The sky cracked as he landed on the ground, his five wolves coming out from the tree lines joining him. ”Two months to find an island this big!? He was disappointed at himself but tried to forgive himself as he strolled through the forest. He was surveying the land, this was their territory and he wasn’t about to go and get himself killed for nothing. After two hours of sneaking, night had finally started to settle in, the perfect cover for him. ”Nine wizards left, two S class, five A class and two B class, with the master being the strongest. This should be interesting.” He was at the top of the castle now, his eyes shut, waiting for his time to strike. His five wolves moved now, they knocked down the metal doors to the castle and moved swiftly through the castle, their vision being sent to Zayn, another surveying tactic. The wolves were being chased now, circled and baited into the center hall where a flash of black struck, destroying the wolves and sending a shiver down Zayn’s back. Zayn stood now, breathing carefully before doing the unthinkable, attempting to kill a master. He jumped into the air, high, before turning down and shooting fast through the sky, splitting the castle roof and landing in the center. For just a moment it seemed as though time had slowed down for Zayn, the images of what the wolves saw were sifting through in his mind, as he saw with his own eyes the nine wizards ready to be killed. He landed and turned to a women, shooting a bolt through her heart flipping behind her and using her as cover from the next attack. The ground beneath Zayn shook and suddenly, a rock erected from the ground, send Zayn in the air and open to an attack. A beam of condensed raw magic shot at Zayn, he shot lightning off to his side, moving him out of the way but his left leg, brushing past it and pain shot through his whole body. He landed and was ready for the next attack. A wizard dashed towards him, getting in close she swung her fist at him, he held up his arm and slapped the attack away, her hand hitting the ground and erupting the ground. Zayn looked up in time to see three different beams of magic heading for him, ”Lightning Wolf: Lightning Fur Coverage!” , Zayn’s body was engulfed in a lightning cloak which absorbed the beams with ease, a quick sound of shock came from the wizards mouth before Zayn went on the offensive, Lightning Wolf: Lightning Fur Molt!” His lightning cloack seemed to move like a breathing creature, going from his back into both of his hands where he spun, shooting off short pin point beams. One, two and another. Zayn had shot his beams at the wizard’s spine, four wizards in total were dead because of Zayn. He looked up and for the first time, shock was his expression. The two S class wizards hadn’t entered the fight and the master too was sitting back. They were atop a balcony watching as Zayn had his way with the rest of the mages. Only three wizards remained on the floor with Zayn and knowing that the S class mages weren’t fighting, made him angry. He stood in the middle as the three wizards leapt towards him, he pointed his finger towards one of them and fine bolt shot through his finger, connecting with one wizard’s head, ducking under an attack he shot yet another wizard through the lungs before standing and stopping the final wizard, his finger on his chest over his heart. The wizard’s face dropped and Zayn showed no emotion as the beam tore through the beating heart. He tried to hide it, but Zayn was very fatigued, he was struggling to stand and he still had the hardest part of the mission to go. He slowly turned to the balcony but before he could do anything, a fist had punched him in the face, his body dropped like a sack of potatoes. He was picked up by the neck, he was staring at the face of a man with hell in his eyes. He was blonde with short spiked hair and had a strong build, ”Black Serpent was almost taken down by a fourteen year old!?” The man asked, Zayn’s vision was slowly fading, the sides of his vision was black, He struggled talk with his neck being crushed ”N… No, Black Serpent, WAS taken down by a Fifteen year old!” He struggled and turned, the grip got loose and Zayn kicked the man in the face, releasing his grip, Zayn flipped backwards to his feet and stared at the man who was now recovered and ready to pounce. Suddenly, the master spoke, ”Jewel, permission for use of your magic, has been granted.”. Jewel’s face was now excited and he let go off his magic barrier and Zayn almost dropped under the immense power in the air. ”So… this is the power of an S rank wizard. Milli wasn’t this strong…” The very mention of Milli was the trigger that jewel needed. Jewel in a blink was in front of Zayn, thrown off by his speed Zayn couldn’t react when his fist hit him in the gut, blood crawling up Zayn’s throat. The attack was followed up by a kick the side of Zayn’s neck, spinning him through the air. Before he even landed, Jewel was in front of him, that’s when Zayn noticed it. He put his arms up to block the next kick however it seemed like he had changed positions and his foot connected with Zayn’s ribs. Zayn was quick to his feet despite the pain and he watched Jewel carefully. Yet again, in a blink of an eye Jewel was gone. Jewel as inches away when he saw Zayn’s out of place smile, it was enough to stop the attack and send Jewel back. ”Why are you smiling you little shit!?” Zayn didn’t answer straight away, or rather couldn’t. His lungs were damaged and he was trying not to show it. ”You’re not fast. You’re using teleportation magic. Now, I know how to defeat you.” Zayn ran towards Jewel, who instinctively teleported behind Zayn ready to kick. Almost as fast as he teleported, Zayn turn, grabbing the wizard’s foot, his eyes were showing signs of survival and Jewel was on edge. Zayn kicked Jewel away, it was a soft kick but enough to separate them. Zayn was focused now, he only watched Jewels eyes, and he had to see where he was teleporting. Jewel was staring at Zayn, no, he was staring past him, behind him. Zayn turned, faster than Jewel teleported, his hand full of lightning. Blood shot onto Zayn’s face, his hand inside the body of Jewel. ”Bu… But how!?” Zayn smiled, ”Funny enough, you teleported onto my hand.” Zayn had removed his hand and Jewel fell backwards, not dead but barely alive. Zayn turned, his confidence was built up, and he stared at his next opponent, the look of despair shone across the brunettes face. A slight movement happened behind Zayn and he was nearly killed with one swift move, a sword impaled his right shoulder. He swung his leg out wide and kicked the blue fade of a skeleton into oblivion, another one popped up though, and another. Zayn was surrounded by four skeletons and the S class caster was on the ground behind them, smiling with pleasure. All at once the skeletons charged and Zayn jumped on one sword, kicking one in the head while punching another in the ribs. With each hit they faded, but just as quick as fading, another replaced it. A sword went inches past his face, his sweat was cut in front of him, he followed it by ducking another attack, shooting off a quick bolt of lightning at the wizard. She easily dodged it but the skeletons flickered. Finally, Zayn had found her weakness. Zayn ignored the skeletons and shot past them, getting cutting left and right but shot out of the group, ”If you need to dodge, your summons fade!” The brunette shielded her body with her arms but Zayn’s hand split her arms apart. She fell to the ground dazed, staring up at Zayn’s hand, inches away from her face. A tear came from her eye, she had seen what happened to her fellow members, she knew what was coming for her. But Zayn didn’t fire, instead he kicked her in the head, knocking her out. Zayn staggered to the center, staring the master down. ”It may not seem like it… but I really hate killing. But… He needs your ring. And if anyone got in the way, execution.” Zayn was sluring his speech, it was hard to even stand, let alone fight a master. The master fell from the balcony, smashing into the ground below. Zayn was observing him, his big structure and lack of shirt, was enough to scream strong. His white hair, parted down the middle and golden eyes were his defining feature. His words were of man who lost everything, ”So he sent some kid? He claims to be a god but sends humans do his bidding. Very well, I acknowledge your strength young one, so I’ll fight my strongest against you.” He changed stances, he was ready for a fight and Zayn could barely stand, holding onto his right shoulder, holding the blood. The master shot forward and his hand went through Zayn’s right shoulder, a scream of pain exited Zayn’s mouth. They stood there, Zayn’s body slowly shutting down. ”You came all this way… to die by one hit from me?” As his hand exited the body, Zayn grabbed his arms, ”You… Are not strong enough to kill me… At that moment, a wolf made of lightning jumped from the shadows and bit the master on the neck. As Zayn was ready to follow up on the attack, a single feather split the air in two as it entered the master’s eye. The master fell to the ground, holding his eye in agony and screaming. Zayn was standing over the master, but instead of taking the chance to kill him, he turned away from him, ”Draco! How dare you interfere with my battle!” A cloud of black feathers emerged from the sky to form a laughing human, his purple hair and sinister smile only made Zayn angrier. ”Zayn, you did what you were hired too. Take down Black Serpent And since their only member left is the master, who by the way, is on the ground paralysed, the ring can be ours.” Draco took a step towards the master but a shot of lightning exploded at his feet, stopping him in his tracks. ”Draco, you sadistic asshole, if I ever come across you again, I will kill you. Black Serpent is dead, my mission is over.” Draco slid over to Zayn, his head was next to Zayn’s, ”Kill me? You little brat, I welcome you to try.” Zayn pushed passed Draco, limping away, before turning back to Draco grabbing the masters ring and sending a feather into his heart, killing him, ”This is the second ring I recovered for Golden Laws, can you tell me what it is im helping with?”, Draco stood up and spoke, ”Surely you’ve learnt by now, if he doesn’t want you to know, you probably don’t want to know. And before you go, you have another mission, triple the usual pay. Lucas Ryder, my brother, master’s son, has another piece of this device. He’s a formidable opponent, he can’t be found, so have fun.”, Draco exploded into a cloud of crows, flying out of the guild. Zayn continued out the hall, ”Lucas… Ryder” .

The Strongest Wolf Slayer: Zayn Fade| Grand Magic Games | Present Day

Magnolia was a rich place full of wizard’s and Zayn was tired of this assignment. It was night when Zayn had entered the city. He quickly climbed a building and surveyed all of the city, [color=D2691E]”Lucas Ryder, Two years I’ve spent just looking for you. I pray that you are still powerful.” [/color Zayn was now 17, his search had led him to Magnolia, where after asking around, Phoenix Wing was now his guild. Zayn’s look had changed over the years. He wore dark blue formal wear and with a yellow cloak covering his right arm. The roof he stood on was suddenly covered with thirty lightning wolves. His right arm shot directly to his side, and almost immediately, all the wolves leapt into the air, spreading off in every other direction, ”Find me Lucas Ryder!”. And as if on cue, a swarm of crows manifested into Draco. ”Draco. I said the next time I see you I’d kill you. But this hunt as gone on long enough and I don’t have time to squabble with you.” Zayn was still looking at the city, refusing to turn for the worm. Draco slowly walked towards Zayn, stopping next to him and also looking over the city. ”Zayn. Some rumours are going around saying Lucas no longer has the piece. But someone in his guild would, maybe an S class wizard. This is no time to go on a power trip. Father has hired you to kill Lucas and get the piece. The Golden Laws are at your disposal, Phoenix Wing is one of the most powerful guilds, we may need the assistance of other guilds to even take them down.” Draco’s voice sounded serious and the usual sadistic sound wasn’t showing. Zayn loved the lights that shown through the night sky, ”Draco, Phoenix Wing will not fall to some five man guild. If you want to come close to damaging, do what you suggest. Gather an army of dark guilds, once I get this piece for you, build the weapon. But once my objective is done, my contract with you and your guild is done. So if Phoenix Wing hire me, then I will gladly take you lot down.” Draco turned to Zayn and so, Zayn turned to face Draco, their eyes locked. The wind was slowly blowing, ”Well right now you are still working for us. And once the devise is built, you won’t wanna switch sides so quickly.” Draco slightly turned, he was about to leave when Zayn’s right arm grabbed his shoulder. ”That other mission, the one you gave me…” Draco quicky cut him off by flicking his hand away, he gave him a slight look and they both nodded in agreement. Almost in sync, Zayn was struck by lightning, disappearing into the night sky while Draco exploded into a murder of crows. The rooftop sat silent, but it held many secrets.

Golden Laws | Somewhere In Magnolia | Present Day

The building was empty, the wind didn’t dare to move, and the presence of the Devil enlisted fear into the very world around. Andrew was staring at a painting on his cracked wall, he observed it every day, his son Draco walked up behind him, ”Draco, I heard Zayn has finally tracked Lucas down.” Draco slowly nodded, ”He arrived just moments ago. He’s already tracking him down. And he used to only be able to make five lightning wolves but I saw him summon twenty, his power has grown.” Andrew turned to face Draco, ”So the power of a wolf slayer is quite unique. One of the fastest forms of magic to grow. I’ve only ever met two other wolf slayers, and some of the things they could do…” Andrew stopped talking and slowly started to walk away, to which Draco followed, ”Once we get the key from Lucas, the weapon will be completed and we will wage war on every living thing.” Draco made a noise of agreement, ”Father. We are a small guild, trying to take on one guild such as Phoenix Wing, weapon or no weapon, maybe impossible, I suggest we ally ourselves with other bandit group and dark guilds, build an army.” Draco was ready for a yelling, but was shocked when Andrew turned to face him, he looked like he was thinking, ”That might not be that bad of an idea. We need some other guilds influence, and we can use them as bait if needed. Very well, go, speak with them. Don’t return with allies.” Draco tried to hide his smile, his father loved his idea. As he usually did, Draco exploded into a murder of crows into the night sky.

So i have a post that's four pages long to make up for my absence, it brings Zayn up to present time and gives a tiny bit more light on Golden Laws, the dark guild building a mysterious weapon. Is that all good, like to post that big?
hey so i have no internet here in another state, (Using McDonalds internet) So every chance i get im adding to my post, so hopefully its a big post
Alright, so everyone, I will be going on a plane to another state which take about 2 hourse and in that time i'll be watching Fairy tail, (Im like 100 episodes behind :( ) and writing posts for all my characters, including the dark guild.
Where abouts are my characters?
Alright, can someone summerise the last like 4 moths?
So it appears my brain failed me because i was so sure i put a post saying my characters were up for control as i would be away for a few months because of issues. Im so sorry to everyone that i actually didnt post it, but im back to this website and dont plan on leaving so if it's okay with everyone, i'd like to come back.

Also, with everyone here being fans, i would love, or rather need, some people to take this survey for my year 11 exam, it'll only be about three minutes of your time and would help me help very much, its about anime...

@Expolar @hatakekuro @Lunarlors34 @Prince of Seraphs @Zarkun
@thedragonsimon Angel is waiting at the door...
Angel had left her cave, it wasn't anything new, she moved around every two weeks to a new cave. But this time was different, she now had a reason, a purpose. She really couldn't be bothered fighting this invasion, however, if she didn't help then this world could very well end. This way she goes down something shes good at. She had always intended to fight, but when the time came, it wasn't in her best interest. She had tried, all alone against the invasion, she barely got away. The beacon was bright and it pointed to a new start. In her whole life, she had only two goals, complete polar opposites. Her first goal, to kill every and all humans for blood. Her goal has changed, to save the world from even scarier beasts. She walked to the beacon.

The beacon was bright, standing over anything and everything in the world. Angel stood at the base and looked up, her eyes couldn't see the top, she wandered if it did have a top. The forest was a change from her caves in the wastelands. The shade produced by the dense trees were in Angels favor however, if a fight broke out. She jumped from tree top to tree top, circling the forest and making her way in, taking in the foreign destination. If the time called for it, she could atleast have an advantage. She ended up at the porch now, creeping towards the door, she knocked with her left hand, her hand reaching for her sword and cloak covering her from prying eyes.
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