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Just an update peeps!

I'm still at my con, and chances are won't be home til midnight. I'm still gonna try and post tonight but it'll be much later than usual. McDonalds and a nap in a car should help keep me going lol

Sorry for the delay!
Maybe it's the setting? I mean Gurren Lagann is pretty much post apocolyptic, while Kill la Kill is... generic school.

Not really generic when you realise it's closer to 1984's police state, but still. School.

Also technically magical girl anime. lololololololol
Yeah, they left whichever studio made Gurren Lagann (I'm not super knowledgable on my animes tho) and made their own - Studio Trigger. Kill la Kill is their first anime as that studio. There are a LOT of similarities between the two lmao, and quite a few callbacks too haha

And Nonon is amazing hahahaha I love her
I haven't watched the whole thing, but I've been watching clips of Kill la Kill like nobody's business. It is probably the next biggest bunch of bamf rediculousity next to Gurren Lagann. Which... ain't to suprising considering the creators and all. And is full of so many referances to things it's insane.

"People die when they're killed by blood loss!"

"...That goes without saying"

Cuttersbury - Streets
Syed looked to Jett with a wary smile - although he brought the arm Trixie held a little closer to himself defensively. It was definately for Jett's benefit that he didn't voice his thoughts aloud, as it would have upset and angered the mage. And probably the rest of the team too, for that matter. They were pretty much like a family, after all.

"Hey, hey, lay off the soda and come back to regular speed," he chuckled, taking note of how hyperactive this man seemed to be. "And it was just a regular tattoo parlour... in a town..." he shifted and avoided eye contact, then decided to steer the conversation away from Moira punch-down territory. "I was kind of drunk at the time, so I don't really remember it too well. I know it hurt like hell after though!" He raised a finger up into the air and started wagging it sternly. "However, it's important to remember that tattoos are perminent, and you should never get one on a whim. Okay?" He glanced at Marcus, but decided against mentioning his hidden body art.

He smiled. "You seem excited. You ever been on a group mission before?" He looked back towards Tobi, smiling at the sight of him talking with the others. He was sure he'd get a chance to catch up with his friend later.

Meanwhile Moira sighed. Ah. More walking. Wouldn't it be lovely if she could get someone to carry her, some shirtless warrior with rippling muscles riding on a black steed... oh. She had lost her train of thought.

She shrugged, noting how Estelle was now keeping close to both her and Marcus. She didn't say a word, nor make any movement towards Estelle. Instead she just exhaled through her nose, her expression somewhat poker-faced. And really, that was as reassuring as Moira got without actually shouting expletives. "Wait, she's hefty?! Nah, she needs to eat more if anythin' she ain't fat," she butt in, totally missing the point.

"Ey!" she called out towards the other man. Ah, he was a similar build to Syed, all tall and lanky. Except he looked like he had actually seen a couple of decent meals lately. "Soooo, 'Cutie' eh? Full of yourself or somethin'?" She smirked and winked in an attempt to be less scary, but Moira being Moira it had the opposite affect and looked mildly terrifying instead. "Don't blame yer, I reckon you need a new prescription for yer specs anyway. Ey, Ree, what you think?" she called over to Aria in turn.
I'm on this steep learning curve when it comes to GMing lmao. Thanks for the pokes and prods Pach. So anyway! Reckon we'll have a couple of rounds of interaction give or take depending on what everyone does before we timeskip. Sound good? Good. Gives everyone a chance to chill out and find out a little bit more about one another :D

Rex, don't force yourself to post if you're not up for it. I'm really sorry about Riley, I know he's been sick for a while and you've been fighting so long for him. Make the most of the time you've got left with him, ok? One way or the other he's one hell of a well-loved doggie.

[EDIT]Aaaaaaand post is up! It's a bit on the big side lmao woop sorry guys.
This chapter's alternate name is CALLBACK CITY 1999

Or alternatively BUTTS

Cuttersbury Guild
Varren?! "Ah, yeah. We've met up with Varren before, right at the start," Syed said, his smile becoming considerably more forced. Last time, he was very quick to learn that Varren were in fact earth elemental creatures. As such, his electricity was largely ineffective against their rocky scales. Even with his increase in power, he was unsure if he could get past that aspect of them.

"Yo! Question for ya: where's this place we're going that we're gonna love?"

Tobi's jolly grin became wider. "Have you ever heard of Drych Lake Spa?" Moira and Syed - neither the sort to know of such things - both shook their heads. "It's a luxury spa, around two hours walk away. Really fancy. They've got the works. But since it's secluded, the Varren have settled right on the only route in and out and cut them off. They're getting pretty desperate at this point, or so Eli says."

"A... fancy spa?" Moira spluttered. "A... desperate fancy spa?!" The cogs in her mind had obviously started turning. "How fancy?"

"Well, I'd never have dreamed of being able to afford to visit," Tobi admitted somewhat excitedly, exchanging looks with Nani. "It's not the sort of place people like us tend to get to even see. I'm not sure what it's really like."

Stars began to flash in Moira's eyes. She didn't like posh places. She didn't like Hawthorne Manor or Alquam School or any of that. She liked Los Paraisos, but hell who didn't like Los Paraisos. But a spa... she had never been to one, but a spa would definately have stuff which actually interested her in it, right?! "Ey!" she exclaimed. "Do you reckon they'd let us in after?!"

"Don't take the mickey," Syed shoved his hands in his pockets. "They're in trouble and have asked for help, you shouldn't take advantage of that. Not to mention it sounds like they're willing to pay a lot..."

"Hell yeah it gets better and better!" Moira slapped her hand on the table, causing Tobi's gunblade to rattle across it somewhat. "Sounds like our kinda gig, don't ya think?!" She turned to the others.
Aaaaand now I'm calling lmao. Done!


Is it me or... are all these superhero flicks starting to get a bit tiring? Idk. Avengers was good. Xmen has kinda gone to shit and Days of Future Past was awful (bar Quicksilver). Sure, Guardians of the Galaxy was amazing, but it felt like a breath of fresh air. Eh. Idk I can't get excite for this film.

That Shia LaBuff vid tho. Lmfao I gotta show that my bestie.
I tried to listen to that. I really did.

I couldn't :(
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