Avatar of Bushman501
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    1. Bushman501 7 yrs ago


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Rebecca was grateful that she was safe...for now. However the screaming and yelling that was going on was starting to wear on her. The pressure on the young woman was huge: she didn't know what to do. However, she felt...guided, as if something was keeping her safe from the danger that was posed by the stone soldiers. Seeing Bill near the gate, she couldn't possibly harm her best friend. However, she had an idea: they were easily distracted by human sounds and each other. Perhaps she could create a scenario that Bill had to investigate?

However, that was pointless if she didn't check out what was in the trees first. Perhaps she should listen to the guiding hand and continue that way? Maybe there could be another way out or at least something useful? Only one way to find out. Rebecca thought as she retreated deeper into the trees and brush, staying out of sight as best as she could and, perhaps even to her own pleasant surprise, praying that this was the right decision.

Dear Reyna,

I hope you are doing ok. In the last letter you wrote to me, you mentioned you were about to head to the front. I'm so worried for you, but you have so much faith that you will be fine. Still, even for someone as strong as you going off to war must be scary even if you will receive honor and glory if what those advertisements say is true. I know you want to create your own path, but please stay safe. We don't want to lose you.

Scott and Finley have been up to no good as usual. Yesterday, I had to convince Finely's mother to not make him clean out the chicken coop. As for the events that brought this on, you really don't want to know. You know what they say, Rey: Boys will be boys. Your mother and father told me to write in that they say hello so here it is. I'll write to you again soon, I promise.

Your friend,

The letter made Reyna smile even as she read it. After making it through the extremely uncomfortable training, she was dumped into the almost equally uncomfortable field. She didn't know which was worse but Reyna figured she will find out soon. Cracking a smile as she lifted her head and watched the others converse around her get into groups, Reyna couldn't help but wonder what they were all talking about. Her curiosity and her shyness, however, conflicted heavily with each other. By the time Reyna decided that it couldn't hurt to join a conversation they got the order from Middleton to move. She grabbed her equipment, including the carbine and sapper equipment that all sappers were issued.

And move they did, to the trenches where countless men and women were waiting for orders or simply trying to survive the boredom. What made matters worse was the trench looked and probably was even filthier than the place they came. Foreigners and Edinburgh citizens alike caught Reyna's attention as she followed her unit, each one having a different face and different lives. She wondered what would happen to each of them as she passed by, writing off for now that they could die in the battlefield: that was too depressing. Look at the bright side, Reyna. You'll be able to fiddle with a few things when this is all over. Try something new. All of these people combined with the unsanitary conditions was starting to get to her already. Reyna finally started to do what she did when she was nervous: she started fiddling with her rifle to make sure it was in working order, then started fiddling with her entrenching tool with shaky hands, going through the issued sapper's equipment one piece at a time to ensure it was all in optimal condition. Hopefully...just hopefully she will not have to be one of those in a charge with a mass of people.
Rebecca made for the window as soon as the last person was out, getting out of the window and stumbling onto the ground from the second floor. The impact made Rebecca disoriented for a few moments as she looked around, making sure everyone got out safely. However what came next was nothing that Rebecca expected: Aoi suddenly had armor plates and a spear. Where did she even get that thing?!

This only served to confuse the poor student as she was once again brought to reality by Noboru's words. However, something didn't sit right with her this time. Were they only just going to run? Was she only going to rely on Noboru and the others just to run away? As Rebecca thought of these questions she realized that Aoi was in real danger. Quickly, she dug through her backpack as she ran over, took out a book, then threw it at the terra cotta woman as a voice spoke to her. I knew you would make the right decision.

What was that voice just now?
Rebecca listened to the discussion as she flipped open her phone, the message being very clear. Confused for a few moments, all that registered in her mind was that Bill, her friend who really liked cowboy themes, was shot. "What? Bill's been sho-" was all that Rebecca managed to get out before all hell broke lose. The door being busted open by Kuremi's grandfather and Maggie almost getting shot was too much for Rebecca to process.

At first, Rebecca froze with fear: she didn't know what to do. The approaching soldiers followed by Noboru's shout for them all to find an exit shook her back to reality. Quickly picking up her bag and adjusting the glasses that shifted a little, Rebecca quickly realized the second part of Bill's message and the screams coming the hall meant that there was much more danger than just these soldiers. It also didn't take much analyzing to realize that there being more than one stone person meant there were many more. Therefore, Rebecca concluded that Noboru had the right idea: the window would be the best way to escape.

Quickly moving toward the window, Rebecca desperately looked for the lock on the window to undo it. Panic set it as she couldn't find the lock for a few moments before Rebecca finally found it shortly. Pushing it out and not caring that they were on the second floor or what was below the window, Rebecca called out "I got the window!" Rebecca waited until she saw everyone moving before attempting to jump out the window, not wanting to leave her friends and fellow council members behind.
Color me interested. If you're still looking for people I would like to join.
Hmm. These records show that a play, which Noboru suggested, would in fact be a good idea if the trend continues. Rebecca had already analyzed at least some of the documents that she gathered before coming to the room. The records would have to be analyzed further, but Rebecca did not exactly have time for an in-depth analysis at this time. She did not have any ideas at this moment as it took her a while to figure something out but Rebecca decided to do what she did best: listen and compare the suggestions to the past.

After listening to what everyone else had to say, Rebecca quickly looked at the records. It appeared that Aoi's suggestion did not seem to be such a bad one: sport events did seem very popular according to the records, though flag football itself was not an idea that was previously explored before. "That's not a bad idea Aoi. Seems like sports games like that were very popular in the past though I don't know exactly about flag football. Never been done before." Rebecca smiled slightly as she reported this finding, adjusting her glasses and scanning the room. "As for a play, I agree. It is a good idea if we can come up with something unique." After speaking, Rebecca felt a vibration from her phone. Taking the smartphone out of her pocket, Rebecca saw a message from her friend, Bill Cumberland, and read what it was.
Wow, today was exhausting and it's not even over yet! After a long night yesterday and being thoroughly exhausted during gym, Rebecca was tired. Tired enough to the point where all she wanted to do was go home. Unfortunately for her, she had to help plan a festival today and in such short notice too. Thankfully she already did some digging on what happened in the past festivals, such as what worked and what did not, one of the perks of being the record-keeper of the student council being that she had access to old records.

At least I will be able to afford a new book today. Rebecca thought as she opened the door to one of the classrooms. Though she heard others speaking about herself as she passed by Rebecca did not pay much of a mind to it. After all, Rebecca was a girl with few friends and not necessarily outgoing.

Finally reaching the student council room Rebecca opened the door and saw who else was inside while holding her bag. Seemed the president, Kuremi, was here as well as Aoi, Maggie, and Noboru. In other words she was the last to arrive. Seems like I am late after all and I am last. Great, I love being both of those. Rebecca thought to herself with sarcasm. However one should not forget their manners even while being late. Rebecca adjusted her glasses and smiled as she calmly spoke "Hello! Sorry I am late, but I lost track of the time." As she spoke Rebecca put down her bag, took her seat, then pulled out the files she gathered about the previous festivals. At least she came prepared, otherwise this day would just get more stressful.
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