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    1. ByeliVolk 10 yrs ago


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Tim waited for Dean to turn around and head back to his current homely abode. Gathering his belongings from the ground and gingerly putting them onto his back he started forward. Dean, from what Tim could tell, looked out of it either tired or just plain worn out by everything that was going on around him. Tim had seen those days also, more times than he would like to admit, maybe a friendly conversation or at least small talk might help the kid out hell it would help him out too. Turning his head around to motion to come with Volk saw Emma for the first time in any close detail. For the first time in months maybe even a year it startled Volk to see her face. Her face triggered a long forgotten memory of the mist and the apocalypse that had followed suite. The breath taking blue eyes coupled with the curly rays of the sun blonde hair, for a moment it reminded of Sarina his girlfriend that died to a pack of mutated wolves on that fateful first night when everything had changed. Memories triggered of him hesitating as a pack of those ugly beasts pouncing on them and him panicking trying to save his life or his loved one. The only time in his life that he froze and because of that he lost her along with his heart, from that moment he had made a pack to never lose sight of the target, goal, or situation so no one else may die because of him.

Realizing that tears were filling his eyes he quickly turned around headed forward wiping the tears from his face and with his other motioning forward to follow. "Fucking idiot" thought Tim "crying in front of someone you just met, buck up you idiot and keep a smile on, gotta keep morale up or your going to wallow in your own misery before you even make it to your destination." Taking in a deep breath and marching forward he followed into Dean's abode and tried to kill the memories in his head and his heart, for if they didn't exist he never would hurt so bad again. Without noticing he began singing quietly in a deep voice in almost reminiscent way of Johnny Cash he sang: "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away."
Shadowcatcher said
@ByeliVolkis your picture a ninja turtle? cuz that looks a hell of alot like Raphael.....

due to having to resize it it does look like one. actually a power armor concept for a future game my buds and i were running at one point.
To be honest that d20 modern guy I made was not intended to be game breaking but god damn if he did not wind up that way.
Thundercat said
No it's fine haha I was messing around. But uh it did kind of bother me, not that you jumped in but the timing. I honestly wouldn't mind at all but it would've looked better if you had waited a while in my opinion. But I already put a post up so I guess it's whatever. That's awesome! I'm in a digital photography class so I feel your pain haha.EDIT:Volk, if you wanna keep your post up instead of waiting til later to introduce yourself you should probably wait for Penguin to post her response to the given situation.

put up a post but I will wait on penguins one. Mine more or less is just a non-aggressive monolouge. So what ever she says will be in real time. Also the timing is not one of Volk's strong suits he usually makes up his mind on the fly. I based him off myself a bit and off one of my favorite characters I have ever built in D20 modern.
"Whoah Whoah there bud calm down for bit." Tim said in a calm manner. The factor when Dean pulled the trigger and did not fire only meant one of two things safety was on or it was out of ammo. Either way luck of his ancestors was on his side today. "Listen jumpy I am going to lay down all my stuff in front of you and you can pat me down make sure I am safe and not hiding anything, after that lets help the girl back to a safe location and have a friendly conversation." calmly explained Tim. As Tim takes the straps off his alice pack and his belt holding his sword in a slow calm manner he begins again. "As I stated I mean no harm, nor do I know either one of you. I saw you two from the convenience store out behind me. I was going to raid the place but then I saw you and the girl. Figured I try to be friendly and say hi without you shooting me or running away. I am really hungry and all I have left is a Hershey chocolate bar in my bag from my last MRE. Plus i have been on the road for months being chased by monsters and raiders. Figure if you guys were friendly maybe make a group with ya both. And for how long have I been there long enough for you two to exchange names and figure out you are not a bad person." Tim went on a lengthy explanation.
That looks extremely time consuming but cool none the less.
Ducky said
WOULD ANYBODY CARE TO SEE MY PHOTO PROJECT? I FINALLY FINISHED AFTER ALL THE BLOOD, SWEAT, AND TEARS. Just kidding, but it was a seriously painful process and I am now crying of happiness that I'm done.

Sure i would love too
Sorry Thunder it is how I refer to anybody younger than me or the way they give off presence. had a look through your description. sorry if it did offend you though. Also I hope you are okay with me jumping in like this
cool. I actually like this version of Roleplaying. Character story driven with multiple people is fun to see how everyone reacts.
So who runs the monsters and or bandits...or is it character story driven
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