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    1. C W St J Nobbs 10 yrs ago


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SO! Starting tomorrow, I will be disappearing into the woods for an as of yet undetermined amount of time. Could be for three days, could be for three months. Probably leaning a bit more towards the "three days" side of the spectrum, but I'm just letting you all know the possibilities. If I am gone longer than three or four days, I am totally okay with getting kicked out of the RP.
My LoL binge is nearing an end. I'll be on here in a bit.
Vlad began to drift away from the sparring room, still needing to get something to eat and get some sleep too. It had been a long flight, but he was so worried about how WAR PIG was being handled that he was a nervous wreck, and 16 hours of being on the verge of a nervous breakdown was pretty tiring.

“I'll be back to get my money later,” he called to Molly. He liked the looks of the new recruit. He may not be as fast the women, but he knew how to aim which was half of the sparring sessions.

He hadn't been to the Shatterdome since he was being recruited himself, and he had mostly forgotten where everything was. Nine years of running nearly constant missions had forced somethings out of his head, and it looked like the hallways of the Shatterdome had been an unfortunate casualty. He wasn't even sure if there would still be food in the cafeteria at this time, but it was worth a shot. Now he just needed to find where it was.

He kept winding down the cement corridors, passing the labs, living quarters and officers quarters before he had a distinct feeling of deja vu. He passed the labs again, and decided to stand where he was until someone walked by that he could ask directions of. It seemed like a pretty busy place and he didn't anticipate having to wait for too, too long.
I am returned, but only for as long as it takes LoL to finish updating. I'll try to get at least a post in which moves Vlad away from the main action, so no one needs to wait for me.
I posted, but will be sporadic for most of the day!
“I need to get some food,” Vlad announced to no one in particular and began to walk out of the Jaeger bay, pulling aside a tech next to the door.

“Now, WAR PIG has 137 dents larger than 6 inches across, 85 dings less than 6 inches, 539 scratches, 19 chinks in the armor, and 4 holes. I count them every three days, and I swear to God if anything happens to him while he is here, I will know and you will not be able to eat solid foods for six months. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, sir.” the tech said, his voice shaking. He had heard of pilots with Jaeger Handshake Impression Disorder, and he was warned that Vladimir was one of the handful of pilots who suffered from it, but he wasn't prepared for how intense it actually was. He assumed it was mostly a joke, that most pilots couldn't possibly be as attached to their Jaeger as the stories made it seem. He was mistaken. He really believed that Vladimir counted the marks on his Jaeger every three days and that he would actually break someone's jaw if they fucked it up.

“You coming?” he called out to Molly, playing off the incident with the casual nature of someone who had just walked to the store to buy the newspaper.
Peanut butter M&Ms are outstanding, and anyone who says otherwise is deranged.
So, I may have forgot that I need to wake up at 6 AM to help my mom get to work. Let me tell you, it is super fun to have a parent with a busted, surgically repaired ankle. I must away! But I'll still be poking around on my phone for a bit more if I don't fall asleep instantly, which I may. Just a heads up in case I disappear.
“He's very sensitive,” he said, still cooing to the Jaeger for a few seconds longer before turning around and hugging his friend.

“Damn, you got way taller. I remember when you were going through recruitment. Now you have your own Jaeger and everything. I...I heard what happened to Leo when I landed. I'm sorry,” and he squeezed her a bit tighter.

He certainly didn't understand how it would feel to lose a co pilot, but he did understand losing friends. This Ranger thing was second nature to him now, and he lost plenty of fellow pilots, but Iris was young. Losing friends never got any easier, but coming back from it did. He had crying in the shower down to a science. It was a skill that he was sorry to know, and he felt even worse knowing how good his friend would eventually become at it. It was necessary.
I'll probably be here for a spell.

Also, here is a link that may work better than the last one did. It worked for me at least.

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