Avatar of c3p-0h
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    1. c3p-0h 10 yrs ago
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Current therapy sounds like a good investment
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everyone shut up im playing kingdom hearts 3
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back on my bullshit!
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hmm i should get back into this rp thing...
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i like to rp. that's really all there is to say.

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Age: 17

Hey everyone! I've got a massive hankering for a Pokemon RP and was wondering if anyone would like to join me? ^.^ I'm pretty flexible with whatever sort of plot people want.

Some General Expectations

-No set word count you have to meet. I get that sometimes a long post is required and sometimes a short post is required. I'd like at the very least a paragraph, hopefully more for most posts. Just write what you want and think is necessary to add to the scene, and make sure I have enough to respond to. I can write massive walls of text when the mood hits so be able to read all those too.
-I do not expect this RP to be your first priority. Life happens! I'm pretty patient if you need a couple days to post and I hope you're patient with me too ^.^ Just let me know if something comes up. Overall I want this to just be a low stress, fun adventure.
-I would prefer to play as humans instead of Pokemon
-My first character would be female though I plan on taking on more characters as the RP goes on
-Romance is fine! FxM FxF or FxQ are all ok though I'm not really one for smut
-Violence gore and swearing are also ok, but shouldn't take away from the plot
-Be willing to push the plot in whichever way you like. This is a partnership, so we both need to work together to move the story.
-I'm not going to heckle you about grammar and spelling, but please just make sure to proofread your post before you submit it. I don't mind typos or weird grammar issues (lord knows I do them all the time =P) but if it's every other word then it can be distracting, y'know?
-I would prefer to RP in a thread, but I’m cool with pms or emails.
-Be ok with your character not being perfect. They're gonna have flaws and fail sometimes and not be liked by everyone.

I think that's everything for my guidelines. As for plot I'm pretty flexible. The only thing is that I'd prefer not to do a standard gym circuit and I'd rather not limit what Pokemon are available by region. Other than that, the sky's the limit!

Some possible ideas:
-Our characters are trying to deal with some evil gang, either are fighting them or were captured by them or even are part of the gang
-One or both characters are gym leaders or members of the Elite 4 and it can either start off being about one character challenging them or dealing with running a town or the region
-Something more slice of life with the characters in school
-Our characters are trapped in a cave or an island
-There's some super special prophesy involving legendaries that our characters are wrapped up in

We could do something involving any of those plot lines, all of them, or something totally unrelated! And obviously I expect the RP and plot to shift over time so it's not like whatever we pick is going to be the only thing we do.

Anyway, feel free to comment here or shoot me a PM if you're interested! Thanks for taking the time to read all this and I hope to have a fun RP with you ^.^
Ooh sounds cool. Interested!
(((idk who needs to hear this, but the discord link is at the very top of the ooc's first post)))
@Yankee kazu ended up being less no-nonsense and more green as a project's lead editor, so the role is still open! i like both of your ideas lol, and either one has potential for a relationship with kazu -- either the editor is maybe like a mentor (happily or not) to her or the mangaka makes the series she edits? these are just quick thoughts that i had, obviously don't feel obligated to do any of this lol. looking forward to seeing the character!
Woo! I’m considering being a mangaka but since I imagine that job will be in high demand I might go with a no-nonsense editor who is there to tell you to your face that “hey this plot point is bad.”
been lurking for a little, officially throwing my interest in the ring!
In Lantern 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
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