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    1. Calabon2437 8 yrs ago


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Age is but a number, its the mind that makes the man, or woman. I'm older the i seem, younger then my years, specialize in gaming, yet often seem to have no tactics. I've played many rpg's my whole life and love a new idea. Being sick and twisted is a strength, allowing for one to not live with a closed mind. If I could have my way we would have the religion of gamers. Not as a way to worship the games but to let the world know that you can find every religion in the gaming society. If you can have this many diverse backgrounds in something as popular as gaming, why cant the rest of the world live like that. Hell if you have a need to go to war, well bring out your fps. Want to handle a grudge, areana it is.

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Oh by the way its Nate not Nick.
Seeing everyone split up and head into and around the bank Nate steps to the side and bends light. Taking a moment to become two, nate and nate quickly discus a quick plan. "I'll head right as we enter, you go left. Step lightly and stay cloaked till we encounter someone." Nate prime says to his dupe.
Nodding to himself as he quickly dresses, Nate and Nate head in the front door, bending light to be cloaked. As they turn left and right and take another step each direction their combine weight of over one thousand pounds makes the floor creak then scream then with a crash and the great sound of wood, metal and tile being torn apart, the flood collapses, doping the invisible duo into the basement. Stunned the two lay in a pile of rubble, wondering where they can get an Armani suit like the one the man who turns and heads up a stair case down the hall form where they lay.
"Kinda hot down here isn't it?" Nate asks.
Nate laughed, "If i didn't know better id say you two were a couple." Focusing on the shiftier, "How many different creatures can you become? Can you assume only animals, or can you shift into inanimate objects as well? If you become something armored does your skin harden also? Do you realize how amazing all that is? Does your mind and instincts shift as well as your form, or do you keep your own self?"
Slipping into a seat, Nate studies the faces of each of his classmates, noting the different variety of excitement, from the calm but tense readiness to strait out fear. Being the result of mom and dad's upbringing, Nate's emotions were detached, his analytical process kicking in. A shift next to him called his attention to the spare duffel bag being opened and a spare set of clothing was set inside. There was a rush of pure energy, followed by the extra memories of his other self as they merged. It was always better to travel as one when in a hurry. The plane shifted as the extra weight disappeared. Time for a short nap as Nate's two selves fully integrated.
"Time to rock." Nate murmured as his head slumped back and he was quickly snoring, part of his mind analyzing the group he was running with.
Grabbing one of the suits, Jake quickly dresses, then looks for a duffel bag and starts to put a second one inside. No need to have his dup naked for the engagement. "Anyone have a clue what we face?" Jake calls out.
Jake runs after Shawn yelling, "Hey teach, anyway to get me out of math while your at it?"
Feeling the door to the pit start to shift as his weight causes the hinges to bend, Jake quickly scrambles up out of the shaft. Seeing Shawn quickly freed, Jake moves between Shawn and the worst of the drones, shifting the light in the area to make it hard for the drones to scan them. Jake also puts up a barrier around them. Should stop lasers, reflecting any shots back at their owners.
"You ok man?" Jake asks Shawn.
Seeing Heidi grab Shawn's cuffs, Nate moves near by, expending his field. This should cover them all from energy. He feels the floor start to give as a trap door opens under him. "Hurry lass, my shield should help a wee bit. As for me I'm just gonna hang around."
So saying Nate rides the door as it swings open, exposing a twenty foot drop, ending in a pool of foul smelling liquid, oddly reminding Nate of fuel. "Could be a hot situation." Nate mumbles.

Nate's mind snaps to the constant training and talks his father held. "Stay together, but don't bunch up, cover each others backs." Nate says loud enough to be heard as he vaults into the air, to land in a crouch five feet to the left bending the light around him and several other students in a ten foot area. Glancing around at the drones, Nate causes the bubble to shift, causing them to be hidden. Anyone who looks from that side will just see a blank spot, all heat and body sign hidden.
Nate sets himself in a low stance, balancing on the balls of his feet, a grin settling across his face, his blood pumping. He just hopes his team mates don't end up under him on his next jump.
So do we get to see a cat fight? This is getting good. Only wish one Nate of the other had been in the area to see this, he would have loved to study this interaction. Too see a shifter become what she shifts too, not just physically, but mentally, he would love it.
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